
Jan 28, 2011
Man I hope the gun attachment with move makes this game all the more buying. Pretty please be an amazing experience


Mar 2, 2011

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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Shut the hell up dude. PS3's and 360's are weak but CONVENIENT, cheap and effective PC's. Plus they have WAY more games. You can't play all the great PS3 exclusives on PC.

Killzone 3 has a great campaign, the gunplay is really satisfying. Online seems pretty fun too so far.
Jun 4, 2009
Okay, I've got a question. IGN.com is being stupid with reviews. Tey talk about how amazing this game looks and how it is the best looking game out there, however they only give it a 9.5, it is the best, they said so... Also, Dead Space 2, they talk about how it is the new Gold Standard for Survival horror games, however only 9. I have played a ton of games like Resident Evil 5 which also got a 9, and thought Dead Space 2 was way better, is is surprising for me to say that also since Resident Evil is one of my favorite game series. Also Call of Duty Black Ops 8.5? Modern Warfare 2 9.5? Black Ops was easily as good as Modern Warfare in gameplay, and had a better story. I'm not saying these games deserve 10s, but Dead Space 2 as well as Killzone 3 should have gotten at least 9.3 scores. And if they say a game has teh best of something, doesn't it deserve a 10 then in that category?


Mar 1, 2011
WHY ISNT NATKO IN THIS GAME? the guy wt the shotgun from Killzone 2. I beat killzone 3 and played through the 2nd one again and all i got to say is that killzone 2 is way better. theres more variety in soldiers and alot more ATACs. i think i shot like 2 ATACs in Killzone 3 most were those drone things. You use the sniper rifle 10x more in killzone 2 also it seemed that way wt alot of the weapons. There was also alot more of those huge guys wt machine guns and what happend to the grenade launcher from killzone2 i liked that gun.
I dont know why but Killzone 2 just seems better looking, its character models look better and the graphics look smoother. Im not the only one to notice this.


Jan 27, 2009
Good game, 8.5 its fair for me, the really downgrade for some of my friends was its sales,they said that this one was de halo killer, and only 500k in one week seems very low for me, but i repeat, its a good game


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 30, 2005
controls could be tighter and the cover system used was a joke (holding down left 2, what the hell, then zooming in and out) nightmare control system.

The developers said they had listened and improved this by feedback over Killzone 2. They talked shit.

Storyline could have been better, maybe gaining more emotional control over the characters rather than "fuck and shit" every 2 minutes.

It's trying to be Gears of War 2 and failing, the only part this game succeeds is the poor allied AI you have. If they were any more stupid i'd swear it was gears of war 2.

Graphics pretty, motion control feels like sea sickness after a while. Gameplay average.

Needed extra work, and developers who actually "got it" rather than try and copy .. while failing miserably.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
KZ3 controls better than KZ2 controls.
KZ3 is MUCH better than KZ2 overall.
KZ3 storyline more interesting than KZ2.
KZ IS a bit like Gears of War in a bad way I'll give you that.
Gameplay is NOT average, the shooting mechanics are very satisfying and superior to ANY other shooter in a few ways. (COD, RFoM and Halo have great controls in there own right too)
KZ3 did NOT fail. It just wasn't ALL it could have been. Still one of the best shooters on PS3 atm alongside Black Ops and BF:BC2. I think Resistance 3 and Battlefield 3 will be better though.


Mar 5, 2011
@wholedeplorable dont know what game you played but the cover system in KZ3 is highly improved. You dont have to hold down L2, just tap it once.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I agree that some things have been upgraded, but my big question is why did SONY only make KZ3 run in 720p. I thought SONY was suppost to be on top of all the new technology. And i think its awesome that they gave it split screen campiegn, but why not split screen on or off line multiplayer. To me KZ3 is not finnished because of these stupid mistakes by SONY and the dull story, come on. And one more thing, yes there is so much action, thats good right? Wrong. With all the action, you almost become numb, nothing was an OMG moment. Sorry SONY you were a little disapointing.


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2004
I finally had enough time to play through the game. Considering the FPS shooters I've played recently (COD: BO (PS3), Halo: Reach (X360)) I would have to give this a pretty solid 9. The graphics and gameplay are great. Sure, the story could have been better, but every other aspect of the game is top notch.
JayBuckeye - I would say so. You have a long list of great games to choose from, so it depends on what genre you enjoy the most.
Jan 18, 2011

Although I do agree with powerfulone about this game not being a console seller. I think you should buy the bundle. It is a great deal and the game is great. All the PS3 exclusives are better than the 360 exclusives (Widely agreed upon). You don't have to pay for online. You can use the money you would use for online with XboxLive to buy a new video game. You would have a blu-ray player (if you don't already have one) And tons of other perks that come along with owning a PS3 instead of a 360. 360's can be fun for the casual gamer. But if you want REAL gaming, buy a PS3.
Feb 28, 2011
Presentation 70... weak story... why can't some people overrate this game even a little. I mean halo and cod got overrated to a point it's unbelievable. Game ratings should be more stable than this. Opinions are opinions, but a fact is a FACT.
Aug 19, 2008
I enjoyed the Single Player, beat the game, awesome SP mode. THEN, I PLAYED IT IN 3D. First of all, I was not counting on 3D being a factor for gaming when I purchased my new TV. But, I'm a father of 4, and have been gaming since I was 5 years old, so naturally, I gave it a shot in 3D.

The single player mode is all I have tried with 3D, and I want to complete the game over again!! This is the most fun I've had since I can remember while gaming. Playing in 3D really ties you in like never before, and I know what you are thinking.... I'm not going to buy a new 3DTV just to play this game. I am not trying to sell you a new TV, I'm just stating that for me..... I hope more FPS games come out with 3D and I hope you all get a chance to experience it!

Awesome game. Not the best of all time, but solid!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Fish6132456123 is absolutely right. People should buy a PS3 not JUST for this game. But just because the PS3 has SO many great exclusives and reasons for ownership. KZ3 IS still a pretty damn good shooter too. One of the best on PS3 alongside Black Ops and BF:BC2. Resistance 3 and Battlefield 3 will be the best though I believe. (Unless you count third person like Uncharted because uncharted 2 was awesome both campaign and online)


Dec 23, 2009
The score for this game is not that bad but when compared to other shooters that were big hits it is alittle low. I have played this game alot since release and in my oppinion this game is one of the best shooters I have ever played single player and mp. The mp has so many different types of abilities for each class, and that adds alot of strategy to the game play. You can just run around and shoot ppl if you want but you will def die quickly. I understand that this score is not bad but when ppl see the score and compare it to other games that have a better score because they were scored by a different reviewer they may not buy this game and miss out on a great game. If you have a PS3 and you like shooters there is no question about buying this game you should buy it now. But give yourself time to get use to the controls and the mutilplayer because it is different from COD, you will find it difficult at first but id you give it time you will put your other shooters down and play this game till your fingers hurt. Number 1 thing with games is how fun are they. This game is very very fun plus it has awesome graphics.


Feb 8, 2010
I love how this game gets it's story torn apart in the review and really damages the games score but a game like modern warfare two can literally have the worst/ shortest single player campaigns i've ever played and still be praised buy this site. I've played both and i personally think killzone 3 has a much stronger and more interesting story


Oct 3, 2010
I bought the PS3 solely for the exclusives; cross-platform games I will still buy for the 360. That being said, I bought the Killzone 3 PS3 package the other day, and so far I am not disappointed in this game, which is easily the best pack-in game for a console that I've ever played (yes, I'm looking at you, PS2 with friggin' Toy Story 3!) The story line is weak in the single player, but not as weak as COD MW2's was. KZ3 is definitely the COD-killer though! I don't know, I just love the slower paced battles in this game, where every map feels like a grind as opposed to a run-and-gun. Plus the environments here look so much better than anything that MW2 or Black Ops had.

I also like the bot maps in KZ3. Yes, Black Ops had them too, but KZ3's bot map missions are better and more dynamic. Plus the cover system is better in this game than in MW2, in that you can pop in and out of cover a lot better than in MW2.

BC2 still owns over both KZ3 and MW2 in multiplayer though!
Sep 1, 2009
The fact that the reviewer can't even give a full sentence about the 3D, or give any decent analysis about the Move controls is seriously slack journalism.

Have you guys even played it on a 3D TV? I actually doubt it, as if you had, you'd realise how significant this game just is.

I hate 3D in movies, but found in Killzone 3, it made me feel like I really was there in the action, much more so than any other game I've ever played.

It was the first time I've felt like I saw a glimpse of the future of gaming in years.

You guys really need better reviewers, who like the sound of their voice less and actually offer something constructive. You're losing me fast.
Mar 5, 2010
I have to say that using the move sharp shooter is the only way to play this game. It takes a little while to get used to it and get it dailed in but once you do it's fun as hell


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
I just got this game a couple of night ago and I have to say its an improvement over KZ2. The campaign is pretty generic(at least as far as I am in the story) and the voice acting is very hit or miss but the action in the campaign is awesome. In every mission I actually feel like I'm in a war zone with all the great sound effects and the very detailed enviroments. I feel like COD and other FPS could take some notes on the things that KZ3 does very well. TBH the cover system makes KZ3 almost feels like a mix between Gears and COD/Halo. As for the mp I have to say that is another improvement over KZ2. The class system is great and is fun to mess around with different classes, plus upgrading each class is very cool. One of KZ2 biggest problems was the controls and that seems to be fixed although I do miss being able to map the control how I want. The only bad things about this game thus far are the long loading for mp matches, some bad voice acting and a fairly lame story. All in all I would say if you're an FPS fan(not just a COD/Halo fan) and have an open mind this should be a purchase.
Jul 13, 2010
I have finished the game and have played online, and think this game have done amazing job. In giving the player the expriene of first person shooter and the graphic on the game look amazing too.


Sep 12, 2009
ign the same shit placing a 7 on presentation just to drop the rating with a lame excuse. This proves again that ign is an xbox fanboy the story is great especially in co op the heroes are like real soldiers that try to survive alltogether not rambo shooting down hordes of enemies with infinite ammo.
One of the best and the most realistic shooter out ther definetely a 9+ if it had splitscreen botzone like cod it would be a sure 10.


Jan 22, 2011
I played the single player demo (Icy Incursion) . I have got to admit , the campaign is a bit predictable , it seems like Rico's voice actor has changed or that he has or no longer has a sore throat , the skinny guy should be Orlock whereas the fat guy should be Stahl(they fit each other's name better) , to sum it all , more of style , less on gameplay (jetpacks were forcefully added) , however , it was stll enjoyable .


Sep 27, 2006
RPGFAN1993. Yep I agree. This is an amazing game and IGN's review does not seem fair.

The story is more mature than most and it's well told and there are some cool cutscenes. The graphics are amazing! If this game doesn't get a 10 for graphics what does? Seriously, anyone who has actually played this game on a HD screen would have to agree.


Sep 27, 2006
Oh yeah gamerindia what are you talking about. How is the campaign predictable? There is so much variety you constantly swap from action to stealth to mechs to vehicles to jet packs etc.

And the Jet packs are awesome, they control well and are really fun.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
I agree you have no idea! I disagree with EVERY point you made lol. Killzone 3 is a pretty fun shooter. The campaign is very varied and satisfying. I love the weighty feeling shooting mechanics.


Mar 15, 2011
Well, I feel that the score is a bit low for one reason, KZ3 multiplayer is simply amazing. I actually think this is the best multiplayer experience on any platform to date and I have played quite a few shooters. KZ3 really makes you feel like the tactical decisions you make carry a lot of weight, it is certainly not a run and gun game. The class system is great too, I just love how all classes have a seemingly IMBA ability which is great fun to use, but since everyone has that superman gene it all adds up to a very balanced gameplay overall.


Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
karma44 said:
This game is a waste of money... even worst than black ops.

If it's a waste of money, then why bother wasting your time to post here for the first time. That seems like a waste of time. [face_silly]


Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
XDigitalXSniperX said:
Great hype! Killzone 3 is a great game. Struggled, but finished the campaign. Traded it in the minute I finished. Didn't want to get my ass handed to me online.




Mar 14, 2011
This game = awesomeness! The singleplayer was okay, but the multiplayer was awesome! One Thing I really liked about thisw game was the melee attacks, I couldn't resist doing them when I have the chance. Also, on my first match, of ever playing killzone (this was my first killzone), I got top of leaderboards, It's easy to own online, Love this game, I give it a 9.0
Feb 20, 2011
I really don't know of I should get this game. I liked Killzone 2 but Im not sure if I LOVED it. I'll probably end up renting killzone 3.
Feb 20, 2011
I really don't know of I should get this game. I liked Killzone 2 but Im not sure if I LOVED it. I'll probably end up renting killzone 3.