
Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
wassabigamer said:
I really don't know of I should get this game. I liked Killzone 2 but Im not sure if I LOVED it. I'll probably end up renting killzone 3.

Always the best thing to do if you're unsure about a game.
Mar 6, 2011
@somedirtyangel23 dude, shut up. makes you just as bad.
anywho, after some recent releases i'm finding the ps3 to be pretty attractive. i just can't use the controller, it's so small. small price to pay though.


Mar 15, 2011
I agree with you, I wasted my time and also my first post. I was just so disappointed with the game... I just played the MP for around 5-6 hours from Tue-Fri of the release week... by Saturday morning I went back to play BFBC2 and put KZ3 into the oblivion right next to black ops...[face_peace]


Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
karma44 said:
I agree with you, I wasted my time and also my first post. I was just so disappointed with the game... I just played the MP for around 5-6 hours from Tue-Fri of the release week... by Saturday morning I went back to play BFBC2 and put KZ3 into the oblivion right next to black ops...[face_peace]

If you put it away that quick, then you haven't even got the newest patch that fixes a lot of stuff. Either way, this game has more to offer than most. You may not like it, but to say it's a waste of money is pretty much crazy.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2004
Having finally played through the entire campaign and dabbled in the multiplayer... i cant believe this got anything less then a NINE(9)!

Granted, its not perfect, but this is a vast improvement over the already amazing Killzone2 for many reasons.

They've took almost everything that was bad about Killzone2 and fixed it.... the controls are now a lot tighter, the story feels a lot more refined, the enemy waves are a lot more sensible and not just endless waves as they were in Killzone2.

The only real let-down is the lip-syncing in the cut-scenes which is just laughable and bad, and some minor story-hicups which just dont make sense.

But otherwise this is a near perfect game and the issues are not major enough to have it less then a 9.


Jul 24, 2005
after playing this game for a while now it deserves less of a score...believe it or not but the campaign is what saves this game for the true fans of the series.....Im disappointed by the MP, its really bad and they need to make TONS of changes to it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Are you serious? Killzone 2 had crap multiplayer! It was an unbalanced frag fest and the controls were shocking(I could use them KZ3 just works so much better). The only thing I HATE so far about KZ3 multiplayer is proximity mines GOD they are cheap.

But yeah KZ3 has a mostly better campaign than KZ2 and the online is far better(no more crappy controls, no more spawn grenade spam fests, no more crappy heavy class etc. Plus Operations is awesome!). An 8.5 is a pretty goos score for it. 8.5 or 9 seems appropriate to me.


Nov 27, 2010
im doing a reaserch about how many girls and boys that are playing video games, so if anyone could give me some information about that it would be very helpful


Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
mr_asom said:
im doing a reaserch about how many girls and boys that are playing video games, so if anyone could give me some information about that it would be very helpful

Best thing to do is make different post in different forums getting tag info and stuff. Just got to hope people are honest to you.


Mar 15, 2011
anybody else hate the disguise perk. i get so friggen thrown off aiming my crosshairs at teammates to see if it will turn red. in my opinion this perk changes the way you play KZ3 for the worst...
Mar 19, 2011
its sad to see IGN reviews putting way too much time on presentation and single player in this (and other) reviews.
Only a small portion of this review even looked at all the new changes improvements made to multiplayer, jetpacks, mechs, spawn system, grafics etc. This game is by far killzone 2 superior in every single part or the mutiplayer, yes there are bugs in the online part, but have been patched and the game is much more stable now.
Mar 19, 2011
this game was actually a 9 for me, not perfect, but hell lot more epic then alot of games. considering i hated killzone 2 for the unresponsive controls and gray dull enviroments, this game improves so much. from the amazing yet somewhat steriotypical yet greatly performed villians, to set pieces that makes call of duty jealous and the graphics..which are soo far the best i seen on a console since uncharted 2. and the multiplayer was greatly improved, tho smaller player count, you wont notice.but for me it was the singleplayer that made the game [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 22, 2010
Then shoot any team member you suspect is an enemy,that's what I do,it's a little understandable as well,and it doesn't even hurt them.
Sep 19, 2009
8.5 is a relatively low score for the best game I've played this year. Campaign or online this game is sick. I'm liking it way more then Call of Duty 15: Black ops. This is a 9.5 I have the best opinion on shooters. But seriusly this game has come so far since the original game, that recieved a 7.5. Killzone 3 is much higher than one point from the original come on!
Jun 24, 2009
As good as Killzone3 was it lost a lot of points due to the constant Dial clipping. Maybe it was just my PS3, but it was a constant. Sentences were getting cut short all the time. Not that I care about the Dial, it's just distracting and kind of a shame. Bottom line is that if you wanna run around and kill aliens that styled themselves after the Nazis then Killzone 1, 2 or 3 is a good time.


Mar 7, 2011
I have loved this game and it has brought me joy in a FPS game that I had lost years ago.
The constant spew of halo and modern army games with little improvement left me tired of the genre.
It is a shame that these games made me miss out on Killzone 2 a few years ago as I would have found the series I have been looking for ages ago.
I love how it makes you feel like you are in control of an actual person rather than a camera that gives off a really cheap feel that I experience in other shooters.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Pretty cool shooter.
9.0 for presentation, 9.5 for graphics, 9.0 for sound, 8.5 for gameplay, and 8.5 for replay value.
That's just my opinion I would say it is in the top 5 FPS's of this generation. Resistance FoM, Halo 3 and COD4 were AWESOME in 2007, Halo ODST was mostly recycled but still pretty cool, Killzone 2 was mostly pretty good and MW2 was good and bad in 2009, Black Ops, Halo Reach and BF:BC2 were great in 2010. Now Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 are pretty great in 2011.

Top 5 shooters CURRENTLY(not CERTAIN of exact order):
1)Black Ops(partly due to sheer number of modes like split screen/zombies etc.)
2)BF:BC2(amazing online)
3)Halo reach(great campaign, and pretty cool other modes lots of them too)
4&5)Crysis 2(great graphics/creative campaign, and potentially cool and unique online) and Killzone 3(great weighty and varied campaign, very satisfying. Quite fun and unique feeling online) not sure which order yet
Mar 24, 2011
Killzone 3 was a great game, from the design to the action given. The only let down of the game was the story wasnt as great, though in my opinion, its story was a bit [ just a teeny tiny bit ] better than of Killzone 2. The Soundtrack was bit of a downer, but overall Killzone 3 is a must have game and also due to its Multi Player Feature
Feb 28, 2011
There isn't much story to tell in any FPS games. Soldiers just don't have much character to them, except when they are fighting for their lives. The day a FPS game gets a high rating for the story is the day I say what kind of a sissy emo do you get to play as in that game?
Jan 30, 2011
I didn't like KZ3. The story/characters were BORING! Game-play was great, and the multiplayer was meh. It freezes from time to time, which is known problem. The action is still solid though.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 26, 2009

The original HALO had a great story, and the main character barely said anything.


Sep 30, 2009
what a load of biased tripe. since when is storyline critical to an FPS game? also, the story in KZ3 isnt bad at all. its certainly alot better than any of the halo or COD games in terms of storyline and characters.

while on the topic of halo, you guys gave halo reach a 9.5. what is wrong with you? halo reach's campaign was HORRIBLE.
- there was no gameplay innovation
- it was slow moving and boring as hell
- there was no cinematic presentation
- the level design was repetitive and uninspired
- the scale of action was severely lacking compared to halo 2 or 3
- the AI is terrible
- there is no climax or pay-off at the end of the game
- the archaic gunplay mixed with the overly generous health system, poor AI, and uninspired situations creates a warzone devoid of any semblance of realism, impact, or intensity
- the musical score goes through phases that really take you out of the experience with its cliche, mediocre rock segments
- the whole invasion concept was not presented in an epic way, but instead with possibly the most awkward pacing I have ever seen in an FPS game
- the characters in halo reach had zero personality. at least the characters in KZ3 are trying. all the characters in reach did was spout technical babble and stilted exposition. of course, this isnt why the campain sucked ass, but it shows how you guys ignore these supposed "problems" in games you are biased towards

KZ3 didnt have any of the above problems and you sit there and act like its story (which is actually above genre standards) soured the experience and makes it worse than halo reach. bullshit. im calling bullshit, IGN. KZ3 is superior to halo reach in every single way. face it. you are hopelessly biased towards the 360 and its games. you are disgrace.


Oct 10, 2010
Just started playing through a couple days ago and generally agree with Anthony but I'm surprised he nor anyone else has mentioned the wretched checkpointing in this game. Not once have I died and been brought back to where I expected, usually to annoying sections back from what I failed on. And when I finish playing and quit I often reload no where near where I left off. Just now I reloaded to 15 minutes before I had previously quit which was two cutscenes prior, those were not adequate check points?


Gaming and Family Life
May 16, 2004
Thrice604 said:
Just started playing through a couple days ago and generally agree with Anthony but I'm surprised he nor anyone else has mentioned the wretched checkpointing in this game. Not once have I died and been brought back to where I expected, usually to annoying sections back from what I failed on. And when I finish playing and quit I often reload no where near where I left off. Just now I reloaded to 15 minutes before I had previously quit which was two cutscenes prior, those were not adequate check points?

Haven't had that problem. Mine saves after every cut scene.
Dec 24, 2010
dude i have xbox 360 and ps3 and let me just say that your comment is the moast childish comment ive heard for a while"also let me say to you that your verry wrong"Stupid bot:}


Mar 18, 2011
The score is about right. It is an awsome game but not perfect. Patches have set alot of issues straight too. I still don't care for the points flashing in my face though, it is saddening to see a game go split personality trying to retain its own identity at the same time as it tries to be cod. Not because cod is so great, but because the sales figures cod can brag with. So it becomes "Look, they are shallow and hectic, let's be that way too! That must be the answer." And on came the colorful and unexplained shifting environments and killstreak scores to boost player selfesteem. Still it's a great game.
Nov 12, 2009
i wasnt a big fan of killzone 2 so im not sure if i want this game or not. i thought the controls were too loose in killzone 2 and it looks like they are in killzone 3 from watching the video. im really just looking for a change up from the openness of BF:BC2 on 360.
Mar 16, 2011
It's surprising to see Killzone 3 get this kind of score. Though, in a fairness, it does seem accurate. While Killzone 3 is a great game by all means, it lacks in the story. It was a fun play through, and parts of it were amazing, but not overall eye popping. As much as I am not for Call of Duty, I do love the campaigns they shell out, and I did like the Black Ops campaign, as it was exciting and compelling. If you liked Black Ops story, then this one will not be as satisfying. Just let me put it to you this way, your a Killzone fan, and now, you are very upset with Guerilla games. Sounds about right, haha.
Dec 14, 2009
Gotta say this game is outstanding! I personally enjoyed the campaign, honestly i thought the story was pretty interesting sure its short but its also sweet!

Really where this game is shines the brightest is multiplayer! its the only game where i primarily play any mode but deathmatch. this is thanks to a brilliant mode (warzone).

For me this is a perfect game to throw in when COD is starting to get to me, my only complaint is infiltrator can be to damn annoying!!!!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I Have a xbox 360 and recently got a ps3 and I beat killzone 2, thought it was fun and i really want to get this one now.


Oct 3, 2009
This deserves about a 7 to be honest, because of the multiplayer becoming very nooby like CoD, full of cloakers, armor and snipers...

Campaign rocks though.


Mar 8, 2010
I'm a big fan of the original Killzone, Killzone 2, and the PSP Killzone Liberation. I just finished playing Killzone 3 and to be sincere...aside from the graphics this game is very disappointing. There is no AI whatsoever, the campaign can be completed in 5 hours tops...and the final level is very disappointing. I couldn't stand all the vehicle levels specially since the controls sucked and most of the time all you do is just shoot. I think IGN did a favor to the game by scoring it an 8.5 I would have scored it a 7 as much. And the 7 is based on the multiplayer....otherwise I would had scored it a 6 on campaign alone.


Apr 25, 2011
I will agree that the story itself sucks. But what do you mean it needed to be "more about survival"? Did you want to build huts and hunt for food on helghan rather than blow some freaking brains out? And sure I gave up with paying attention to the story, but the gameplay isn't bad. What I did was play half of the campaign, take a break from it with multiplayer, then finish it. It did not seem like a bad experience for me. online is epic because the cod kids are too noobish to handle a real shooter, it's easy to distinguish them from then enemy team.


Apr 28, 2011
I'm a big COD fan, and KILLZONE3 surpasses them all.

I disagree with review, I liked the story and the characters, the pacing was the best, as is the weapon control and graphics.

Instant classic.


Apr 28, 2011
Just got the game last week, beat the single player but had not had a chance to play online. Learning the ropes in botzone. Had my doubts at first but best fps I have ever played.


Apr 11, 2010
I bought this game a week ago and I'm really likeing it so far,the graphics are site to behold,one of the best looking games on the PS3.The bot mode is fun and helps you get used to mutiplayer.Looking forward to trying mutiplayer online whenever PSN is back up and running.The campaign is alot of fun with plenty of variety. I hesitated to buy this game because I wasn't a fan of Killzone2,but I'm glad I bought Killzone3 because it's much better than the last game and alot of fun to play.


May 7, 2009
well... after my xbox 360 got error 74 or some, I almost instantly bought a ps3, and someone told me that killzone2 would be a blast, therefore, being a fps addict, i bought it...

and well... let´s not talk about graphics here, since they´re top notch, and the history is good enough, altough, i never played kz1 (I would love if it got remasterized for ps3)...

anyway, my kz3 copy arrived this saturday and i played all day long since my wife was out (hehehe) and got to the mawlr on veteran, the game is not easy, but the rico healing ability is a god sent...

i found the game amazing, well balanced, i mean, there´s plenty of action on it, a few vehicle instances and it can be tactical some times...

it´s simply good. i still have kz2 by the way... and
still love it.

sometimes the voice acting isnt very "tuned" with the action but, even hollywood is no perfection.

and there was a little "glitch" in the history were we start driving a snow car, or some like that, im not sure if i wasnt paying much attention but, where did that snow car came from, since our buddies were on the intruders?? hehehehehe