
Dec 4, 2008
First off, I have to say that I haven't finished the single player campaign yet (one last mission to go).
But seriously, what the hell is going on? If someone dies am I supposed to empathize? Who are these people, aside from their names? Why invade Helghan? Who's Visari and why is he such a threat? Why is the ISA considered the "good guys"?
The plot seems scattershot, and just seems to serve as a backdrop for "go here and kill this" missions typical of FPSs.
Perhaps it could be said that, being a soldier in the chaos of war, you never know the full story. But maybe one also needs to have played the other two games in this franchise to get the whole story (is there one?)
Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful game with wicked multiplayer. But as an aside, though I haven't finished the campaign yet I have 3 ranks to go in MP.
Regardless, it's a great game and a must own, but not, IMHO, for any sense of a plot.

Then again, I'm sure someone out there is scoffing and thinking to themselves "why play an FPS for the plot?"
Jan 14, 2006
I just got my PS3 and this was the first game I rented. Concerning the single player missions, I am completely disappointed by this game. To touch on a few issues: The weapons are unimaginative for a sci-fi game in addition to the enemy design. As a developer, how lazy do you have to be to make the enemy an alien race that looks exactly like us, but they speak with English accents? Ooh the English are soo evil. Perhaps they explained this aspect of the story on the previously released games? Even still, no imagination on the developer's part even though they are in a country that has legal mind-expanding substances. Maybe Dutch geeks are dullards? The weapon inaccuracy is also terrible. I can see my cross-hairs are aligned in the correct spot to squeeze off a few rounds and nothing will hit. Sometimes I have to empty an entire clip to kill the enemy even though his head is clearly visible from behind cover. Lastly, the vehicle controls absolutely blow. If you can't make the controls fun, why even put it in your game?

Yeah, the game looks pretty and has high production values, but in a billion dollar industry the consumer has plenty of choices. Why choose this piece of crap? I think IGN had their head up their asses on this review.


Sep 15, 2009

Sci-fi doesnt mean lasers

The fact that the enemies are like us is not a bad thing... sci-fi doesnt mean little green men

Realism = recoil

I doubt the vehicle controls actually suck, I suspect your problem is its not ridiculously easy to drive those vehicles.

Perhaps being imaginative is what resulted in the things you are complaining about. I mean... how imaginative would it be to go with the usual scifi gameplay and scenarios you so desire?


Feb 22, 2009
This game was amazing. i dont know where u morons get the idea that this game sucks. Plus if u thought the helghast are an alien race they arent u morons they where from earth who migrated to a new planet. Also some1 said the guns belong in the sci fi genre and are really inacurate... are u retarded? most of these guns where taken out of our world, and plus u probably suck at aiming or ur taking a gun that isnt intended for long range combat. and the controls take like 15 minutes to get used too.
Stop being such NAGGING Bi***** and enjoy this amazing game.
May 28, 2008
So apparently everyone gets these little loading freezes for a second or two right? well why do i sometimes get them for up to 30 seconds?


Oct 21, 2009
Reviews were too high compared to the first one

but nothing can out do this, A must watch!



Aug 28, 2009

Dude... Were you stoned? Of course is not near as easy as games i would buy for children....Halo. Halo is rather easy as far as a kill goes. Killzone is a fairly difficult shooter to just jump in to and go haulin balls into a room and start shooting. Killzone 2 is a classic in my opinion.


Prime Member
Mar 12, 2008
Definition of voice on the Web: the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract; "a singer takes good care of his voice"; "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"


Aug 9, 2009
yh i know what u mean i paid £40 to play crappy laggy gears and then as soon as i got kz2, mgs4, resistance 2 and uncharted 2 i sold that lag box
Dec 5, 2008
Didn't think too highly of the first Killzone, the action was always there, but the voiceovers were terrible and repetitive. I find that taking down foot soliders all day map after map is also boring, no boss battles or any fantasy element, certainly not scary like a Fear type of game. Team element is lame, the computer players get in the way, ruin the single player experience, they aren't needed. I'm probably going to skip it, I always try the first game, if it doesn't appeal to me, I don't play sequels. Looks better than the first game by far though.


Prime Member
Aug 7, 2008
I own this game and although the story and characters are sort of boring and forgettable, the gameplay is absolutely fantastic. It's the only game that comes close to Halo and Gears on xbox. You can't go wrong by picking this one up.
Jul 12, 2009
Better than cod mw2 16 vs 16 players online and the graphics dont take a hit in online multiplayer unlike mw2 and gears of war 2. 16 vs 16 is way more tense than 6 vs 6
Aug 2, 2004
I happen to agree with the fans here. I got a PS3 just for this game and I was totally blown away by the graphics, sound and gameplay. it looks insane! It sounds wonderful, and plays smoothly even when at least 20 or so chars are on the screen at once. Gears of War may be good but it drops from 60FPS, down to 20 in most places when you have more then 12 guys in view at a time.

Just play some of the on rails parts, or the Jucinto attack missions in Gears of War 2 to see what I mean 60FPS in doors, down to 20, and in some bad cases 15. (Where the cars explode when the Reaver lands near by.)

Mean while this game stays above in the 30s for almost the whole time even when there are like 20 guys runing around. Unlike Gears of War 2 the developers kept the background actions in the background, and did not bring them into the for ground for atmosphere like Epic did. While Epics crowed system was sweet, it was vary unrealistic........ IE 2/4 shots and a locust whole body just blows into blood?

I mean I loved Gears of War1/2, and Halo, but this game just takes the cake for me. Great graphics, great sound, and fun gameplay, as well as wonderful bad guys who can honestly kick your butt if your not carful even on easy mode!
Aug 8, 2009
I agree with phasewalker. This game doesnt really start anything new. Its like he said the sci fi COD. Its still a great game but halo and gears are the really deal.


Dec 16, 2009

What are you even talking about? The multiplayer of Killzone 2 is top notch. The only game that I prefer multi from Sony is Resistance 2. And what's this nonesense about the controls not making sense? Everything seemed fine to me and no different from any other FPS title.

Though Halo and Gears are great shooters, lets not forget about the pioneers of the genre, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Doom, Turok 2 etc. Games like Halo and Gears learned from these titles bro.

Gears stands up to Killzone 2 as they are both equals in my opinion but Halo doesn't. Though Halo is a fun game, shooting purple and pink bullets into enemies with high pitched voices can get a little lame. Killzone 2 makes you sweat and is definitley one of the best FPS games I've played.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 16, 2007
grannygranham123 said:
I agree with phasewalker. This game doesnt really start anything new. Its like he said the sci fi COD. Its still a great game but halo and gears are the really deal.

Halo? Oh lord. What does Halo do new?


May 21, 2005
I finally picked this game up with the Holiday price drop, and I am mighty impressed. Sure, it's a Scifi COD, but it's a damn good Scifi COD.


Jul 15, 2008
@ joeyc138

Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Doom, Turok 2 were not revolutionary games at all. The PC had way better FPS shooters way before them. They were only revolutionary on consoles, especially Goldeneye because it was really the first FPS to actually work on consoles.


Sep 2, 2009

Sure, the pc had games like that first, but we ARE in the console section of the site, where PD, Doom, Turok 2 and Goldeneye WERE revolutionary.

PC games like Quake are kewl, but im sure Halo/Gears got alot more inspiration from FPS on consoles.


Nov 6, 2009
So... I don't have internet and was wondering if I'm basically screwed when it comes to unlocking multiplayer classes and abilities for skirmish mode. That seems pretty sad to me if you can't practice with any other classes aside from default, not to mention the limited amount of weapon choices...


Prime Member
Oct 13, 2005
I went ahead and picked up a PS3 this year for Christmas, and this was the first title I picked up. Does it feel like COD a bit, yeah, I guess. What I absolutely hate about this game, however, is only partial it's fault. The control scheme sucks. I hate games that have multi-speed aiming, or aiming that starts slow and speeds up. Just give me precision. I'll work it out from there. Second, the triggers on the Sixaxis effing suck! If they were going to try and mimic Xbox's trigger designs, at least they could've shaped them similar to... oh I dunno... triggers? Argh! I just know from now on to stick with my 360 when it comes to shooters. Other than that, the game is decent. Doesn't live up to the E3 trailer by any stretch, but I never expected it to. :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
This game is awesome, buy it and play it online for a while before you give up on it, once you're used to it you will get immersed and understand how the strategic teamwork works and how to approach things.
The campaign is awesome and the online is epic and one of a kind!
Nov 14, 2005
Wow, it's cool that people are still talkin about this game lol. I enjoyed it thoroughly but I agree on some levels with unpaidartist. I'm a huge PS3 gamer but the triggers kinda suck, there are some 3rd party ones you can buy to make them suck less but it sucks that they suck outta the box.

The thing about the multispeed aiming I also hate. Give me a universal speed and I'll figure it all out. Multiple speeds just make me wanna punch puppies, ESPECIALLY online when I'm a centimeter from hitting someone in the head cause the aim sped up at a bad time.

I also don't like the dead zone for aiming. Which in this case is not the dead zone of the joystick but the fact that you can move your crosshair around within your current perspective in a box without turning the character. I hate it because often, you'll see someone on the edge of the screen, then you'll have to overshoot them so they'll be in the center of the screen and THEN you can actually aim to hit them. I prefer the more traditional approach where everything I look at is in the center of my perspective. I see that they tried to make it more like real life but in a movie kinda way. If you shoot at people from the hip you can move the gun around without turning that direction. But realistically, no one does that cause it's inaccurate as hell.


Feb 8, 2010
this game is a 10 in graphics not a 9.5. overall the game was really great but graphics aside i still like the original killzone the best. i just think the story was much stronger. and i can't wait to play killzone 3 hopefully it wont take another 5 years


Almost Not a Noob
May 15, 2002
Great game, I just got it when it went down in price, I bet a lot of new people will be playing this game online over the next few months, once they finish the single player campaign...
Jan 3, 2010
i think this is one of the best games ever made and it deserve more than 9.2 it should be at least 9.7 and i think that ign is fukin crap sometimes by written them shitty reviews and uploading them 50 seconds shit quality vedios!xbox is crap ps3 braaaaaaaaap


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 2, 2005
I enjoyed the game, but its major flaw is in the loose fps aiming. It almost ruined it for me. With fps like call of duty and halo controlling as well as they do, there is no excuse for loose fps controls. Fail on Guerilla games...


Feb 8, 2010
No... fail on you Neospawn81. Call of duty is ruining fps controls for everyone else. Killzone is supposed to have a realistic feel when you shoot the gun. The gun recoils like it really would not like in call of duty where the gun barely moves when you shoot. It makes the game too easy and then everyone comes crying when they can't adjust to the killzone shooting which takes more skill.


Apr 12, 2010
Just Got This Games for 29 dollars new at eb games.
Looking for a new game to play over my summer break and this is it


Apr 26, 2009
Wow I can't believe the graphics didn't get a 10! I don't remember the issues being enough at all to take away from the ridiculous near photo-realism.
May 27, 2010
I love this game, one of my PS3 favourite. The aiming is really unique; it's not glitchy and unresponsive like many people claim it to be, it's just realistic and more complex than games like Call of Duty. I don't like Call of Duty because there's no feeling from the game, it's just addicitive for the xp points, that's all, the gameplay itself is really lame compared to KZ2's.
Jun 21, 2010
i got this game and the single player in fantastic, it far outdoes CoDs story lines. and if your having trouble aiming, you've obviously never shot at a moving target. try aiming where the target is going to be NOT where its at, fire a 3 - 4 round burst and their head will cross the bullet flight path and BOOM enemy neutralized. the multiplayer gets an A- its great for the first few ranks but once you unlock sabotour, thats about the time everyone just rushes spawns and sets up perimeters and uses rockets/turrets/air bots. most maps also are a D because theirs only 2 or so exits from the intial spawn and usually both tend to be bottle necked and easily camped. the char designs for both factions get a A+ but i personnally prefer the ISA because of the, IMO, strategic advantage. its harder to headshot isa then helghast cause the have 1 blue light on thier top right chest so aiming above the light isnt always a hit. as opposed to 2-3 glowing red lights on your face, its pretty easy to put a xhair over a red dot.


Jun 8, 2010
this was a fairly good game, but I didnt fancy the motion sway, I mean it might have been ok if you could put it down to a lower level of swaying but meh, what are you gonna do.Didnt fancy the Multiplayer much either, and some of the trophies are ridikulous.


Mar 6, 2010
i haven't played this game yet, but i never saw a game so loved and hated by gamers

there really seems to be nothing in between, one guy says it's the best shooter ever, the next guy says it's one of the worst games he ever played


Apr 23, 2010
This game is amazing! I got a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to stop playing it! If you have a ps3, you owe it to yourself to get this game.


The Untouchable Ghost
Oct 21, 2002
fcbarcelonas_badboy said:
i think this is one of the best games ever made and it deserve more than 9.2 it should be at least 9.7 and i think that ign is fukin crap sometimes by written them shitty reviews and uploading them 50 seconds shit quality vedios!xbox is crap ps3 braaaaaaaaap
what the big difference between 9.2 and 9.7, the game is still a 9. to me when they rate a game a 9, they our pretty much calling it a must have title. i'm glad they got rid of the 100 point scale now, but people will just start crying that game A got a 9.0, while game B got a 9.5; there is just no pleasing some people

on a side note, i hate that GG changed the controls for KZ3 to be more "run and gun" [face_frustrated] i hate MW2


Jul 15, 2005
I played the demo of this game today and actually found it to be fun. In fact, it kind of makes me want to go and finish the first Killzone on PS2 that I started a long time ago but never finished.

I wouldn't spend more than $20 on this title, however. Futuristic FPS games just rub me the wrong way for some reason. Once it comes down in price, I wouldn't mind having it. But as far as multiplayer goes, there's really nothing better than MW or MW2...

I do love the music, though. Half the fun of playing the demo was listening to the awesome music and taking in all the wonderful audio effects of a dynamic battlefield.
Oct 23, 2010
Sorry to say but the game is really stupid and gay... at some points you gotta kill this giant dude with a tazer gun by yourself and because your analog is so f*** slow you can't kill him. it's almost impossible.... i am a really good gamer and i just find this part of the game just made me change my opinion about the whole game!