
Mar 29, 2002
The Hip Hop Board annoys you? It's about as close to the Indie Rock Board as it gets when it comes to people actually talking about good music. 'Course, it's gonna be balanced out by a good amount of trolls, just like this board, but it's still for the most part one of three boards I still frequent on IGN. Y'all turning into a bunch of siqnesses.

That said, this is is my most anticipated album of the year, and cannot wait to listen to it. Hell, I'm actually going to BUY it.
It annoys me in the fact that there are a bunch of younger posters who completely disagree with everything you say unless it conforms to their ideals. I enjoy posting there and reading the more informed posters' response, but at times it reminds me of high school.


No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
Why does my name come up in every thread?

My name is also in the phone book and on property records. This isn't secret information.

Also hip hop is for kids.


No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
kinda believe the hip hop reviewers for Pitchfork are much less critical, because it seems every high profile rap release gets a 9.0+, where most high end indie rock releases average around 7's and 8's. The fact that Grizzly Bear got a 9.0 is pretty unsual.

I downloaded the album and will listen to it out of curiosity. I actually like some of Channel Orange, I just get bored of this music almost immediately. But Im a middle aged white guy, so I have that going against me. I've passed the "I listen to shit I can't possibly relate to" stage of my life in my late 20s.

but yeah I saw Eazy's E's Black Eyed Peas open for Tribe about a million years ago. and my first rap tape ever was Eazy-Duz It, followed by Nasty as the Wanna Be in 5th grade....


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2011
New Jersey
kinda believe the hip hop reviewers for Pitchfork are much less critical, because it seems every high profile rap release gets a 9.0+, where most high end indie rock releases average around 7's and 8's. The fact that Grizzly Bear got a 9.0 is pretty unsual.

I downloaded the album and will listen to it out of curiosity. I actually like some of Channel Orange, I just get bored of this music almost immediately. But Im a middle aged white guy, so I have that going against me. I've passed the "I listen to **** I can't possibly relate to" stage of my life in my late 20s.

but yeah I saw Eazy's E's Black Eyed Peas open for Tribe about a million years ago. and my first rap tape ever was Eazy-Duz It, followed by Nasty as the Wanna Be in 5th grade....

It's because hip hop's the most popular type of music these days, at least in regards to social relevance. Also because this genre produces the biggest "stars", and the media can focus it's narrative around the artistic individual.

Like, who's interested in the individual members of Grizzly Bear and about their personal lives and such? Sure some, but not many. Meanwhile there's a hell of a lot of people obsessed with the personalities and characteristics of hip hop celebrities like Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamar. There's just another level of personal intrigue for a lot of people.

It sorta comes back to that rockist attitude of the 60s and 70s, where the individual is almost just as important as the work they're producing. Parallels between Jim Morrison and Kanye West and etc.


No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
Listened to this for about 15 mins and then put the new Andrew Bird EP on. Stuff like this shouldn't even be prompted on this board. If you want to talk about hip hop releases make it something underground or alternative like Death Grips or MF Doom. This run of the mill pop music has no place here. I'm looking at you DOM.

There is a reason the hip hop board is overly juvenile. It fits this music perfectly.

Apr 21, 2010
So in two years time the flagship releases of the year have gone from This Is Happening, Halcyon Digest, and The Suburbs to Chanel Orange and MAAD City? What a joke.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2012
That's dumb...dumb, dumb, dumb.

Saying hip hop is for kids is the like saying indie rock is for white people.

^also, yea they're flagship in their respective spheres. you're acting like grizzly bear and other indie acts weren't huge releases. if you don't enjoy hip-hop/r&b that's your problem.

EDIT: ^for siq: have you heard a similar rap album or west coast album to this recently? A lot of hip-hop aficionados claim that this album took a few spins for it them to enjoy it. I was the same way. I don't stop listening to death grips after one listen...i would expect the same treatment for this album...shouldn't matter whether the hbb likes it or whether it goes #1.
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No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
My point is that there is no reason this album should be discussed on the "indie rock" board. I don't really care if you all like it or not.

I listen to pretty much everything, at least once, but I know myself enough to know what I'll actually listen to again. Like i said earlier, I've past the "indentity crisis" that most teens and young adults go through. At this point of my life I'm pretty set in my ways. I'm remain curious and interested in all types of music, and still become pleasantly surprised, but in general I know what I am, and who I am. Like Popeye before me.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2012
indie--isn't really a concrete term. everyone has their own "warped" view on what it is.

rock--it isn't like you guys don't discuss electronic/dub/weirdo vampire music

I fail to see why we can't have a discussion on a hip hop album that's being listened to by hip hop heads and ppl that allocate most of their time to indie/alt. it isn't like we have luda and miguel discussion threads every year. acting like kendrick is lady gaga, bruh.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
It's because it's not a substantial record, and is rather shallow. We might as well be talking about Lady Gaga. This is really kids stuff, i agree. If Madvillainy 2 comes out, fine, we'll make a thread. But talking about these cheap, immature albums should be saved for the hip hop boards or something.


Mar 29, 2002
I really don't see why we can't discuss various genres here. If we're all of a sudden going to start following the boards' rules, shouldn't we stop posting links to download leaks? I enjoy discussing hip hop with the heads here because we generally have civil discussions and respect each others' opinions.

Siq, we know you hate hip hop, but can't you let us "kids" discuss it in a civil manner without getting your panties in a knot?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2012

^^you decided it was immature within the first 15 hours of it being leaked. If anything this release is impressive. The language holds true to his mindset at his age (he narrates the album as a 17 year old). LANGUAGE...something a lot of writers have trouble grasping. The tone and vibes aren't consistent on the album but they match the characters and scenes almost perfectly; holy shit, displays a good grasp of pacing and setting. This won't be apparent on your first listen. It wasn't on mine. MF DoOm is 41...of course he's gonna have a broader spectrum of topics and language. he's 16-17 years older than kendrick.

*also, siq and anyone else who cares about the music not being "indie." The album samples Beach House among other indie acts. INDIE IS IN THE MUSIC...>WE MUST DISCUSS. cmon
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I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
I don't like a lot of the people on the hip hop board, I generally like everyone here so I prefer talking about music on this board. If there weren't people on here that liked hip hop, I wouldn't try to talk about it but plenty do, so Mitt Romney don't pay no tax.

The record is growing on me, I just feel like I was taking offense to the amount of hype.
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Jan 13, 2002
This is considerably more appealing towards the mainstream than his previous releases. Not surprising, since this IS his debut, but so far I'm digging Section.80 a lot more.

I'll spin this consistently for a while though, as it IS Kendrick.

Also, I'm 27. If you guys can discuss how much of a masterpiece The Suburbs is because you were a butthurt white kid that had to move from upper middle class neighborhood to another upper middle neighborhood, we can talk about rap and hip-hop here.


No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
Lol...yeah you can discuss all you like. I wasn't going to even respond to this until I saw people posting my personal address and racial profile. It's like you want me to belittle you or something. I already said I don't really care, I'm just making a point. This stuff ain't indie by any sense of the word. Melo is spot on (for once).


No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
Lazzee, your too old for thus stuff and you know it. Ha ha dad rock.


Jan 13, 2002
Lazzee, your too old for thus stuff and you know it. Ha ha dad rock.
Oh no I agree; I just got to a track that straight up sounds like Kanye and my spirits sank a bit. I'm very tempted to switch over to Brother Ali's newest album, which I haven't heard yet either.
Apr 21, 2010
^also, yea they're flagship in their respective spheres. you're acting like grizzly bear and other indie acts weren't huge releases. if you don't enjoy hip-hop/r&b that's your problem.

That means nothing. Thats like saying that since Carrie Underwood has the best country album this year, thats its on the same level as The Suburbs. Also, I do like rap/r&b quite a bit, I just think that as a genre its very rare that it produces music that is deep and essential beyond the knee-jerk 'beats/weed/pu s sy' enjoyment that most people get out of it.

I dont mind us talking about rap here either, its just that I LIKE TO THINK that on these boards most of us (maybe only some?) are aware of good music's ability to stand the test of time and we are all on the lookout for that next band or album where we can say 'these guys get it' and we know that we can expect something special from them in the future. Something that we will remember and still enjoy and discuss 20yrs from now, and I can tell you right now a song like 'Bitch Dont Kill My Vibe' is not going to be one those songs.

And I think thats why you'll see some backlash about discussing music like this around here.
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Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
I'm gonna be bumpin the one about his dick being as big as the eiffel tower in twenty years no doubt. gonna listen to zan with that lean and then that one and reminisce on some of the most important tracks of the 10s.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Seriously, re listened to this today and it's honestly a bad fucking album. I get the love for MBDTF, and I even can kinda see why people like Frank Ocean but this is such bullshit. Rap fans are so easy.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2012
You're missing the point. Go ahead and point out random bars...but what's the problem with the story itself? Structurally or content wise?

Is it completely unrealistic to expect such a reference from a 17 year old doing a freestyle? If anything the language is consistent. If you look at his previous album, section .80, the themes and sound found there are much more grand and mature (being born in the ronald regan era, meta-rap, jazzed out-space vibes, etc.). On this record you have songs dealing with peer pressure, gang violence, sex, etc....because that was his story at 17.

What makes this record unique is its restraint. It's essentially telling the same story of Boyz N The Hood, but it lacks the heavy scenes...the tears, the violence, the screams, detailed sex, etc. It's much more delicate and subtle in approach.
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Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
I'm not missing the point, you're just missing the fact that the point is trite and lazy. Rap fans don't listen to real music so when they hear something that has some sort of loose narrative they blow their loads and mistake it for something with real substance. This album is offensively transparent, every idea is recycled. It's almost embarrassing. None of the issues on the album are tackled with any sort of grace or subtly, or for that matter in an interesting way. He's a rapper so just because he brings up peer pressure the record is suddenly the deepest thing made all year. If he were a real musician and made a song about peer pressure nobody would take him seriously. I have a clear image of this album. It's a very small child standing in his dads suit, which in actuality is a cheap knock off, thinking he looks like a big boy, walking out to a room full of people who are just proud of him for being able to put on the suit.

btw, comparing a rap album to Boyz N the Hood is lazy, stop it.
Apr 21, 2010
Yeah I give him props for a solid concept and his beats are fairly clever. I don't think its complete crap, but I feel like Ive heard it a million times already and I guarantee next year there'll be some new kid (or five) whose 'so talented' with 'the new sound' and 'crazy beats' that will more or less be just like this. Whats sad to me is that a lot of fans and critics are happy with that.


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Oh and that comparison to Boyz N the Hood is exactly why people are upset that this fucking thing is being discussed here. If you want to throw around these really surface level, overused ideas don't do it here. I said this on the hip hop boards but the reason rap fans are such fucks is because they, without fail, will compared everything back onto its own genre. This rap album has a concept about growing up in Compton or something so lets talk about Dr. Dre, Boyz N the Hood, The Game, NWA, Snoop. The rap albums that break the mold, and should be discussed in a place with forward thinking music fans draw from different areas. The Money Store is an Indie Rock Board album because it makes you want to slam your head against the wall like the first time you heard Black Flag. Good Kid Maad City isn't an Indie Rock Board album because it "makes you wanna bump dis hard shit in the whip" like the first time you heard The Game's Documentary.
Apr 21, 2010
Rap fans don't listen to real music so when they hear something that has some sort of loose narrative they blow their loads and mistake it for something with real substance.

Very true. I think rap has a lot of potential as a genre, but its sad to me to see it go unrealized year after year.

I have a clear image of this album. It's a very small child standing in his dads suit, which in actuality is a cheap knock off, thinking he looks like a big boy, walking out to a room full of people who are just proud of him for being able to put on the suit.

Wow, one of the best things I've seen written on these boards.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 25, 2009
Dude the only rules that have ever been on here is to bash things like Mumford & Sons and to not repeatedly bash something you don't like that other people do. Unless it's Mumford & Sons

Hip hop will always be discussed. They don't have to feel bad for enjoying it and you don't have to be miserable for it either


Lynch is God
Feb 19, 2006
Dude the only rules that have ever been on here is to bash things like Mumford & Sons and to not repeatedly bash something you don't like that other people do. Unless it's Mumford & Sons

Hip hop will always be discussed. They don't have to feel bad for enjoying it and you don't have to be miserable for it either
Yeah, fair enough. It's cool that people are enjoying an album but I think we are here to discuss music, and I'm just arguing my point. You're right though, it's not a big deal.

e: I'm not miserable I like Climax by Usher.
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I like Macs.
Sep 18, 2007
e: I'm not miserable I like Climax by Usher.
That was cute.

That Eiffel Tower line bugged me too until I got the notion of it being a 17 year old trying to boast. I generally like this record and it's definitely grown on me. It probably won't be one of my favorite releases from the year or anything. I liked Drake's record more last year than I do this (as of now), and for whatever reason I compare the two in my head.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 15, 2012
imma review gkmc . probably not though

love sosa still the best song of october:
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No Indie For Old Men
Sep 24, 2001
Melo is crushing it in this thread. I finally can sit back and let someone else do the work. I'm proud of ya son!


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2011
New Jersey
"Substance" is in the eye of the beholder I suppose...

Like if you were all to list off your favorite albums with "substance", I (or anyone) could systemically disclaim the arguments with bullshit shortsighted reasoning. It's never hard to discredit something, especially if it doesn't gel with your tastes. Doesn't mean it's not good though.

The reason I'm putting this out there is cause this is a very solid release no matter how you put it. It definitely holds up to any of the music posted on this board and I'm not sure how anyone could legitimately argue otherwise. Sure you may not enjoy it, you may even hate it, but that's gonna change the fact that it's well thought out and focused LP that will rank among the best of this year.

Edit: Basically what I'm saying is that this album isn't inferior to or on lower tier than the indie rock music discussed here. That's just an outrageous assertion.
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