
Sep 20, 2003
I am about to run the random.org draft lottery. Will update with the results soon.

Off the top of my head and ranked by most time it takes to do, there are still things that need somebody taking point on year to year.

1. Inputting the rosters onto Yahoo. I've always done this as an "offline draft" and then put the players on the teams as though they were drafted one by one. I've always believed this to be faster than using Yahoo's keeper capabilities then going back and making the needed changes.

2. Protection lists, especially checking farm eligibility of players safely hidden on a farm team come protection list time.

3. Annual draft lottery and preparing the draft board

3. Change waiver priority on Yahoo to match.


Sep 20, 2003
2019 Draft Lottery Results


If we still had 20 teams somebody would have moved up from #10 to #1. But we don't, so that first number is thrown out.

TheKhaos (London) has won the lottery, moving up to the top draft spot from #7. The second winning number went to Quebec, currently interim managed by myself, which keeps Quebec in the #2 position. The third and final lottery pick went to the team with the most virtual lottery balls in the machine, BigRandal (New Orleans), who slides from the top slot down to pick #3.

The first round draft order is as follows:

1 TheKhaos
2 Quebec (dq)
3 BigRandal
4 M2D
5 LivingLegend
6 BabyKingBob
7 denkaas
8 Kevin_Nash_nWo
9 Doom
10 tmg
11 HuskerTornado
12 phantompenguin
13 vornoff
14 twisted_time
15 UncleBen
16 phantompenguin (from ewuoy)

The full draft board is updated on the spreadsheet. As always I suggest you double check that you have all the picks you think you should before the draft begins.
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No Longer a Noob
May 16, 2001
Thanks for all of the Hard work you've done, DQ. I know it can be difficult to keep things on task for so many years, especially when real life and important things get in the way. but you've done an exceptional job.

Whether or not we relocate, I'm still in. I only use IGN for the leagues.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
okay its been a long time since ive logged in.. lots of personal stuff this year.

I mean you did just get married and had a kid so it is understandable.


DQ, thank you for all the hard work you have done. While I still believe you should take over Spartan's team full time, it will be sad to see you go.

As for Champs I think I'm just gonna merge it into one giant league because we had a hard time filling out Tier 2. I'll post sign-ups late August.

As for IGNHL going forward, while I dont want to abandon the hockey board here, I think discord will be a good alternative. We could do a server and then have it still be here as a back-up of sorts (for the Draft and Transactions). I've for the most part abandoned Facebook (outside of messenger) but use discord constantly. With 16 of us we wouldnt have to shut off notifications and it would be small enough so we dont get bombarded with notifications.


Oct 28, 2000
I pretty much agree. The biggest issue is that IGN Hockey is pretty much dead. We had almost no discussion going on during the playoffs this year. I'll always run the team, as long as the league exists, but part of me wouldn't be too sad if the league was called to a close either.

If I need to start doing some of the work to help out on the commish side, I can do that as well. TMG (or anyone else) you know you can get a hold of me on facebook messenger when needed.

I dunno where we can go to help get the community back online....it'll feel odd having strangers around after all this time. Discord could help us stay in touch better, but it won't be useful in replacing people if more choose to leave. It seems like the best choice for right now though.
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Nov 24, 2005
ya discord probably makes the most sense. We did set up that subreddit which could also work but again, no new blood. at this point it seems like we just run this league until theres no one left.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 20, 2009
Los Angeles
I guess I have to finally learn what Discord is now. Can't say I don't agree with transitioning elsewhere, though...these boards have been dying a slow death for a long time now. These are my last fantasy leagues and I'm game for keeping this/them going as long as yinz are.

I'm aiming to start a traveling with disabilities blog soon that'll involve me, erm, traveling so my availability should be spotty at times...but I'll probably be around more than I have the past few years anyway.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 9, 2001
I'm in as always. It's exciting, for the first time since the original draft, I'll finally have a first round pick!

...I actually don't know if that's true, but it seems like it could be!
Jun 27, 2002
The new app is pretty cool, everyone should sign up!

Also, I’ll mention it here for those who haven’t.. if you’re interested in a starting goalie, I have Ben Bishop, Brayden Holtby, and Philip Grubauer, so PM me here or talk to me on the app. Cheers


No Longer a Noob
Nov 30, 2000
Hey all, are you guys in need of some body to adopt a team? I participate in a few hockey pools a year, and have had experience with a keeper league in the past.


Aug 31, 2001
Hey [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/thekhaos.4121907/']@TheKhaos[/URL] ! Come join us on the discord ( https://discord.gg/D8bQeMW )! Roster deadline was technically Sunday but we're kinda jamming the door open to make sure teams don't get wrecked.

Hey [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/afterburn11.126102/']@afterburn11[/URL] ! Come join us on the discord ( https://discord.gg/D8bQeMW )! At the very least, [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/dquigley.76/']@dquigley[/URL] is planning to hand off his foster team to a permanent owner. Crosby, Bergeron, Landeskog, Stone, Dahlin... it has some solid pieces.

Hey [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/baby_king_bob.961508/']@Baby_King_Bob[/URL] ! Come join us on the discord ( https://discord.gg/D8bQeMW )! [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/doom67.83678/']@Doom67[/URL] said you were gonna sign up later that night - Monday. Please do! You can just use a web browser discord (discordapp.com) if your phone is being a pain on install.

Deleted member 4121907

Original poster
alright I'm going to submit my roster list after work today and I joined in on the discord this morning

sorry I've just been slammed at work this week


Aug 31, 2001
The thread really has been replaced by the discord. We have talked more on the discord in the past two weeks than on the board in the past year.


Aug 31, 2001
The thread really has been replaced by the discord. We have talked more on the discord in the past two weeks than on the board in the past year.