
Aug 12, 2009
too many frggin guitar hero's stop milking the franchise & peole stop playing guitar hero & play real guitar it's so much better than playing these crap games that goes for the drums 2.
Sep 5, 2009
i have gh5 and its really good..i have nothing against RB..but to the fanboys who bash GH b/c it has a lot of titles just know that Gh has been around far longer than Rb so its easy to see why that is..also for the people that say the reason that there are alot of "Hero" titles coming out is b/c there milking people for there money..just think about when RB2 came out (2008) and it will be 2010 in a few months..think about how many DLC tracks you have payed for..just add it all up..about the cost RB3 couldve costed if Harmonix would stop milking YOU for money with pointless DLC that add no new gameplay to your game....and to the people that say f**k this game im going to get Beatles..(not to the beatles fans if you are then its most likely your dream game) but if your just a RB fanboy who have no idea about the just wow you would pass up a game with 85+ songs new features better graphics,for a game with with 45 songs and nothing else to offer..well like i


Dec 10, 2008
Looks good.. I do only like a few songs on the setlist but whatever.. they will come out with better songs as DLC. It just sucks waiting for them!!


May 20, 2009
Wow Hero Kick, you're 100% retarded. Technically yes, "Guitar Hero" as a name has been around longer than Rock Band has. But the people who make rock band now (harmonix) made the first 3 GH games (1,2 and 80's).

Haromix isn't milking anyone for their money. They offer DLC, which you don't have to buy. With the GH series I have to buy a disk, which usually only half the song I might want. So overall, it's a smarter choice and a better deal in the long run. DLC adds to the replayablity of the game.
Who cares about graphics really? Do you buy a MUSIC GAME to watch the back ground? GH now is awful. I rented 5 and tbh, i thought it was way better than WT, but WT sucked so bad it'd be hard to be worse than that.

maybe you should do some research that RB Beatles has two FULL ALBUMS you can download after its release. I'm buying that game, but I also love the beatles. Let me note that I used to be a hardcore GH fan, jumped on at 3, after RB game out. But with Aerosmith and WT, and how bad they sucked and were lazily put together, I switched to RB and never looked back. Do some looking herokid w/e before you say stuff. It'll make you look like less of a moron than you probably already are.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2009
Yeah me and my friends also agree that they shouldn't have went for the more broad setlist. They should of stuck with the more traditional GH setlist formula (with good songs), and saved more of the pop stuff for Band Hero.
Feb 17, 2009
"maybe you should do some research that RB Beatles has two FULL ALBUMS you can download after its release."

Three full albums, actually. Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, and Rubber Soul.

Rock Band has a great business model. Instead of paying $60 for a new game disc with 85 songs that can be hit or miss, I could download 30 songs or more from the Music Store and know I'm going to love every single one, AND I can integrate them with all the music I've gotten before.

Some people prefer the new features that come with new games, and I can see that, but I don't really need to invest as often as Activision is cranking out their games. Most people aren't going to buy Metallica, Smash Hits, Van Halen AND GH5, and Activision ends up spreading themselves thin trying to make all these games. Harmonix makes far fewer games every year, and each one ends up being more polished and more fun, in my opinion, and I'm more likely to pick up more of their offerings.
Dec 28, 2008
I have one simple question.
How can any of you possibly claim that IGN gets paid by companies to boost scores WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING THE GAME YOURSELF? Oh, and posters talking about Rockband: Beatles being better than GH5, it very well could be, but again, YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED THAT GAME EITHER.

My personal rant.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 28, 2002
CHighwind7 said:
Haromix isn't milking anyone for their money....RB Beatles has two FULL ALBUMS you can download after its release.

No milking at all there. Two full albums available soon after release that you have to pay extra for, instead of including it a game that instead only offers 45 songs on-disc.

On the topic at hand though, I'm thoroughly impressed with GH5. I love the Party mode feature, and the ease of use of the interface. I love the fact that you can save set lists. I love the challenges for bonus stars in career mode.

In terms of the setlist, when reading it, I was a little disappointed that there weren't more songs that I liked, but playing the game with random songs coming up, I never wanted to skip a song. Regardless of me knowing the songs or being a fan of the band, the songs were all really fun to play. I'm actually quite happy with the setlist.
Dec 28, 2008
znz212 said:
CHighwind7 said:
Haromix isn't milking anyone for their money....RB Beatles has two FULL ALBUMS you can download after its release.

No milking at all there. Two full albums available soon after release that you have to pay extra for, instead of including it a game that instead only offers 45 songs on-disc.

On the topic at hand though, I'm thoroughly impressed with GH5. I love the Party mode feature, and the ease of use of the interface. I love the fact that you can save set lists. I love the challenges for bonus stars in career mode.

In terms of the setlist, when reading it, I was a little disappointed that there weren't more songs that I liked, but playing the game with random songs coming up, I never wanted to skip a song. Regardless of me knowing the songs or being a fan of the band, the songs were all really fun to play. I'm actually quite happy with the setlist.

I wholeheartedly agree. Going into the game I was excited for about ten of the tracks, but after playing through the game there are only about 5-7 I solidly don't like.
Apr 15, 2009
I got both Beatles RB and GH5 at BestBuy since they are having buy one get one half off on PS3 games (any $60-below). Not bad for getting GH5 for $30
Jun 1, 2009
Have played both... own Beatles RB, it is a million times better than GH5.

The avatars in GH5 look like crap compared to the artists they 'digitized'.


Nov 24, 2003
Kurt Cobain rapping with Flava Flav's voice? This is what happens when a drug addict has licensing rights to a rock icon's name. Activision should also be ashamed of themselves for their lack of class.
Sep 16, 2008
I love these games but GH5 is beyond poor. Crap songs, crap drum notation and considering the bands some piss poor track choices. Sweating Bullets? Really?
I'll trade this one in for Singstar Motown next week if the guitar doesn't grab me.
Poor show so far though.


Almost Not a Noob
May 20, 2003
Could someone give me their Smash Hits code they are not using for Xbox 360? It's on the back of your manual and it would help me out in Guitar Hero 5. Just email me at:

evanbiddulph @

Thank you so much!
Jan 25, 2009

What's wrong with Sweating Bullets. Its a great track and one of the relatively few good songs in the game.


Oct 26, 2008
This is sad... Kurt Cobain is rolling in his grave right now... I'm not a huge fan of his... but whoever allowed this to happen is going to hell


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 4, 2004
So I bought Guitar Hero 5. The sound was recorded so low that I had to turn my usually expensive sound system up from a -30db to a -5db just to hear it at the same level! Surprised this review didn't mention it. My friends have had the same problem. Especially the ones that only have tv speakers and not obnoxiously expensive hardware as I do. So I took it back and used the money for more downloadable songs on Rock Band 2.
Aug 19, 2009
I don't hate guitar hero as a game, but I really hate what it does to some people. As soon as they play it, if people think that it'le make them good at real guitar, or that playing it on expert is something to brag a lot about, I get pissed off. I've been playing guitar (and working my ass off to get good to) for about ten years now, and then people brag about being so amazing at pressing buttons for mostly anoying songs (not all of them, just mostly). Sure, I guess it's fun, but it won't make you better than you would be at guitar. No, you're not talented for playing a song on expert. And finaly, maybe you shouldn't decide what an artist's best song is because its GH.
Nov 26, 2004
I have two major problem with Guitar Hero 5. The first is a complaint that started with World Tour but is even more pronounced in this game, which is the inclusion of many non-guitar driven songs that are more broadly recognizable and marketable but don't provide good gameplay. This problem also is somewhat responsible for my other criticism which is that the game is way too easy. All the people who had fun five starring and full comboing the very difficult songs from Guitar Hero II and III are left with a set list in which many songs can easily be 5-starred on their first run through on expert. After providing such difficulty in the earlier installments, its disappointing to be given no challenge in this game.
Apr 27, 2009
Ok, first of all... Kurt Cobain was left handed! He would NEVER have anything to do with some of the gay bands out there now like blink 182 much less cover any of their music! Not to mention the fact that he valued actualy playing his music! NOT PRETENDING!!! Anyone who would rather pick up a piece of plastic, and push randomly colored buttons over a real instrument... Get a life! True Nirvana fans must have my back on this. Its a slap in our face! your pissed off servant, -GT: Azullion-
Nov 16, 2009
bzerk420, stop talking, i feel dumber by just reading what you have to say. I have been play guitar, bass, and drums for about 9 years. I have been playing guitar hero for 3. I know plenty of people who play guitar hero, and real instruments, and people who play, and dont play real instruments, nobody is pretending to play an instrument, its a video game. Secondly, the picture of Kurt Cobain above, is a picture of a left handed guitarist. His right hand is on the fret board, therefore a left handed guitarist. Before you go making a fool of yourself on the internet, make sure you know what you are talking about. And finally, i would like to say that guitar hero actually helped my guitar playing a lot. It helped me separate movement between my pinky finger, and my ring finger, and it increased fret fingers speed. So shut up, and get a life.
Aug 29, 2008
who gives a rip about what the stars want. they signed up to be in the fricking game and we play the game. end of story. if youre going to complain about stars not being treated right, go to wonderwall or tmz and find someone who gives a shit.


Nov 29, 2009
I hired out Guitar Hero 5 looking at the song setlist thinking it would be an amazing game. Even if this game helps beginners what about those of us who have been playing for years and have to put up with the changes? The entire point of career was to earn money to get great outfits and instrument improvements now the only point is to do the bonus challeneges for free items. The new system playing as a band where you can save your team mate makes it impossible to lose, all you need are some band mates who know what they are doing and you cannot fail. The speed of the game annoys me aswell i feel like im playing on medium on expert songs in a band it ruins the fun. Making it to easy ruins the point of being able to play expert... Glad they finally got brands for the guitars, bass and drums know though that is the only improvement i see. The star power bar is annoying now aswell you have to look away from the notes to see if you have star power or not and then if you do and you activate it big stars cover the highway for a couple of seconds and put off your ability to hit and see notes. Guitar hero 1 was better than this recent addition. Metallica was amazing the jump from guitar hero world tour was brilliant the songs, characters and gameplay improved and this was my expectation for guitar hero 5 but this was far below my expectation i rate this game 2 stars.


Jul 21, 2009
This game is awesome. It's by far the best music game since GH2. And trooplet, i'm glad they took out the money system because now yo don't have to play 500 song to earn enough money for one guitar or character.


Nov 7, 2009
This is game is awesome dont get me wrong but there one big problem in this game IT NEEDS MORE METAL MUSIC they need some Slayer, Metallica, Korn, Pantera, Slipknot, ect.. dude this game would be awesome if there was also some Led Zeppelin. i understand that there different taste of music for people but try to understand Metal is the way to go
also if they put Yngwie Malmsteen, Stevie Vai, and some more Jimi and Stevie Ray Vaughn.


Apr 16, 2014
chos3n_one23, you might believe that the setlist is mediocre but good music depends on everyone's taste. Thus I think GH5 deserves a 8.9...that is still imo. and the reviewers opinion too