
Sep 25, 2008
"Please find me a person who is a fan of Megadeth, Blink-182, Coldplay, and Peter Frampton"

Raises hand...

Though I'm not a huge fan of Coldplay, and the Frampton track is the only one of the four I am particularly excited for.
Oct 6, 2008
"Please find me a person who is a fan of Megadeth, Blink-182, Coldplay, and Peter Frampton"

Switch out Megadeth for System of a Down and you will get my hand in the air. Lots of people have wide ranges of musical tastes. Having the game too broad is better than having it too narrow any day. You will at least be somewhat forcing people to expand their horrizons and hear more genres of music, which if you ask me is a great thing. There is too much great music out there to just limit yourself to just metal or punk for example.
Oct 26, 2005
So basically, Activision seems to have finally completely ripped off rock band instead of just partially, and that warrants it 0.1 less than rock band 2 got an entire year ago.

I'm sure the game is good fun, since I still find rock band 2 a blast. That said a useless sounding party mode isn't going to get me forking out more dough. What the heck makes it more intuitive to do all that stuff in the middle of a song? The fail people still need to figure out how to select difficulty etc, only now everyone else is busy playing instead of helping.

Its got some good songs, but so does the rockband store. Now if only my wii didn't have the harddrive capacity of a mac from the 80s. fml


Prime Member
Mar 12, 2008
ironjp said:
Idon't about anything this game has as long as its better than World Tour, then trust me, it hasn't fail yet!!!
You need to either type in what ever language you are most adapted to or get someone who knows how to type and read to teach you.


Sep 1, 2009
So ripping gameplay elements from Rock Band 2 makes this almost a 9.0? Many of the songs in this have and will be released as DLC for Rock Band, so you don't need to get songs that you don't want to spend $60 for. And adding in Kurt Cobain and Johnny Cash? Way to disrepect the dead by cashing in on their image...


Jul 29, 2008
Video review says: "And noone will be forced to play bass"

Theres nothing wrong with bass. The problem is with the shit bands that don't know how to write a good bass riff...

I don't know how this game could possibly get a "GREAT" review. It's a music game with crap music (Im a megadeth fan, not coldplay or blink etc).

Strange enough, anyone catch that poll on the xbox360 page? "Will you buy GH5?" Currently 79% say NOPE. 13% say MAYBE, and 8% say YES........
And people whinge that the AU guys give low scores, surely this is evidence for the US reviewers scoring far too high


Sep 30, 2005
I'm sure that I am not the first genius to post this witticism, but, uh...

"Please find me a person who is a fan of Megadeth, Blink-182, Coldplay, and Peter Frampton".

Hi, what's up? My name is Ryan, I play IRL guitar in a band, and I have very broad tastes in music. I also played classical guitar in my high school's orchestra, jazz in my university combo, and death metal in a band that I ended up getting kicked out of for not looking very metal.


I didn't think this through.
Jul 25, 2005
GH5 is the best GH game since GH2. It's still no Rock Band but a step in the right direction.


Sep 1, 2009
F#@kin' horrible game! I'm certain Activision paid some money for that 8.9, because this is the worst game of the series.
Jun 4, 2008
Rvbsmcaboose said:
It’s just going to suck they only have like three good bands that are going to be in the Johnny Cash Gorillaz and Queen the rest are just going to suck the highlight of guitar hero was reached in the third game now they are making the games with songs no one likes and people are going to keep on buying the games and getting pissed at what a waste of money the game was in all honesty they should have done a Guitar hero Dragon force instead of making a guitar hero 5 that would have kept people busy for like two years to try and play all the songs on expert heck rockband is starting to take guitar heros place. Guitar hero will soon be a horrible nightmare of the past the band sets will collect dust as more people start to play rockband and no i am not a rockband fan i Have only played it once and I liked it better than all the time i have played guitar hero 4 and guitar hero 3 the songs i have seen on guitar hero 5 have basically taken the games title and shot it in the head. As the song tentative by System of a Down goe s "We're going down in a spiral to the ground no one no one is going to save us now". Us being the creators of guitar hero

There is so much wrong with everything you posted. Not everyone thinks the set list is poor. I for one think it's easily one of the better set lists. And my god, I can't stand one Dragonforce song let alone an entire game based on a terrible terrible band. I don't play GH or RB for the challenge of beating all the songs on expert, its so lame... It's a huge waste of time. Maybe activision has realized the real point of GH, which is to have fun. If your sitting all alone in your house playing Guitar Hero on expert and stroking your E-peen at the high score, you're not doing it right.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ummmm, wtf?? How is it this game gets a better score than last year when this isnt enough improvement to even deserve name Guitar Hero "5"?

Im sure its not a bad game but rock band has proven the vets over at harmonix know what theyre doing...

But thats just my 10 cents...


Mar 12, 2004
At least they followed Rock Band's footsteps in allowing songs to be added from previous games. This will help greatly. But why not from the ones when only guitars were used?! Those games had the best songs! I still go back and play those for the awesome songs they had, and who wouldn't want to rock out "sweet child of mine" in band mode, and probably at least a hundred others from the first through third games? I know I can't be the first to want this!!


Nov 3, 2000
All I can say is YAWN. I was bored of toy plastic instrument games a few years ago. Now can we have some real games please, maybe some good RPGs?
May 20, 2006
Johnny Cash & Kurt Cobain, I really thought Activision/Neversoft had some respect to the deceased musicians that make them so much money.
Aug 1, 2000
I kind of preferred the games when they were guitars only. Don't flame me! I cannot sing, so that doesn't interest me and the drumming is fun but it really annoys my neighbors, plus I can only do it for so long before I'm sweating like a mofo.
Jun 4, 2008
ZacTheImpailer said:
I agree with kotatsu, we need some more good rpgs, I'm sick of band games.

I enjoy a good RPG as much as the next guy, but why the hell are you posting that question here? Besides, there are plenty of good RPG's out. Fallout 3? Where have you been?


Apr 2, 2008
The GH series is bullshit anymore. I went out and rented this and thankfully saved myself from blowing $50. Stevie Wonder - Superstition? Really - explain to me how a SAXAPHONE SOLO is related to a guitar? The tracklist is shit as well. Oh there ARE good bands on there but the most mediocre tracks were picked! They FINALLY added the ability to have a co-op mode for dual guitars which is great but for everything thing else they once again shit the bed.

Never even going to bother looking at a GH preview let alone play another one of these shitty games.



Prime Member
Mar 1, 2005
It's called Guitar Hero 5. it's the fifth in a series of guitar music games. What did you expect Halo hero 3!?

Guitar Duty Modern Warfare? Who complains about a game thats now in it's fifth iteration when you know exactly what you're getting?

Its the same as the previous with some welcomed improvements.

Stop Complaining!
Nov 14, 2005
I think the funk guitar and bassline are how Superstition relates to guitar. They're clearly trying to catch up with Rock Band by offering variety and focusing on bandplay rather than difficulty, the difference is that HMX has MTV at its disposal and they're better at making these games.

Activision was given a winning formula which they immediately changed and began to pound into a fine dust. They were given the GH license at the height of its popularity, instead of running with that formula and improving on it, they crapped all over it. If they honestly focused for a year on making a single game, it'd be better than the crap they're spewing. Instead, they make 40 shit spinoff games in between the true sequel which then is released in a lackluster state and they make you want to drown puppies in disgust. Well done Activision, I think the GH name is dying as planned, mission accomplished.


Apr 2, 2008
It's no excuse - that crap doesn't belong. The songs on this game are terrible.

@ crawdad1; the one thing about the GH franchise is the lack of consistency in quality. It's dropped since GH2 where you look at franchises like COD or Halo the games are either greater or equal to the previous release.

Maybe you just like shit games. Seems like a fair answer if you're banging your head to another fucking Beck song in a GH games. (Seriously... Beck is a **** in a tube top that only hipsters listen to because rolling stone likes him)


Prime Member
Mar 9, 2001
DobStyle - Actually a saxaphone solo has a lot to do with real guitar playing. A lot of jazz guitarists study the phrasing used by well known sax players like Charlie Parker because it translates well to the guitar. Now how well that translates to a video game I have no idea.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 31, 2001
"A lot of jazz guitarists study the phrasing used by well known sax players like Charlie Parker because it translates well to the guitar."

Very very true.


Apr 2, 2008
Your music theory explanation is all fine and good but that is nowhere near the vein of the point. These games have no basis on any music theory whatsoever so while I see your point you still fail.

This is a game about guitars, not the brass section of your local suck ass high school band at a pep rally.

I feel like Activision shit on my chest and didn't have the decency to make me waffles afterwards.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 15, 2001
I'll buy this game - when it's $9.99. And judging from the rest of the GH series in my area, that's only going to be a couple of months from now.
Jun 5, 2005
Didnt read the review, but just wanted to know. If I currently own World Tour, will I be able to use that guitar? Or will I need a new one for this game?


Jul 20, 2009
so far all guitars work on all guitar games, i.e all GH and all RB. I can't imagine them changing now.


Jun 9, 2009
TO: Bloodstormxl
you can still use your World Tour guitar, as well as rock band guitars (and drums).

So yeah, I picked up the game yesterday, and to be honest it's a good game. The graphics are much better than World Tours... The characters actually look realistic. I love the new additions to the gameplay. The band momentsare sick, the highway looks a lot cooler and the challenges are pretty tight and make the gameplay value much higher.

NOW, here's my take on the actual music...
I LIKED the set list for GH5... it had some songs that we're ok, a few "OMG I CANT WAIT TO PLAY THIS SH*T!!!", and a bunch of "ehhh" songs. My only true beef is that, yeah you can transfer songs from World Tour, but HOW THE HELL DO YOU LEAVE OUT "WHAT IVE DONE", "BYOB", "CRAZY TRAIN", "FREAK ON A LEASH", "REBEL YELL"?! I mean it's a step up, but Activision is taking baby steps...

But I do like the game... I'd give it a 8.5-9 rating...
It looks cool and is much more fun to play BUT even with those little SUPER COOL additions, GH still doesn't match up to the monster I like to call Rock Band


Apr 5, 2008
Ah, the hilarity of irony. Kurt Cobain - one of the most overrated artists of our time, blows his brains out in a misguided drug fuelled episode to avoid become what he hated most only to have his rose-tinted memory pissed on by Activision and Neversoft. Priceless. I'll definitely buy this now only to see the fucker squirm.


Sep 1, 2009
Everybody hates on this game.This game is a big upgrade from WT and the develpoers really did a good job with this game and it is a really good game.


Sep 19, 2008
And now to see what makes Van Halen a great game (Minus the l33t songs and epic guitar/drum action...). Because Metallica had it's extreme devotion and background details etc. to make it great and this has it's accesibility factor.


Jan 1, 2003
I wasn't going to buy this game, but I noticed above that the avatar above is holding the EXACT same schecter stargazer that I have home in my living room. Sort of blew my mind, I never really hear anything about it around.


Jan 4, 2004
"...forced to play bass..."?!?! Listen here, Erik Brudvig, REAL MEN play bass. Wait, though... real people play REAL instruments ...not TOYS!


No Longer a Noob
Dec 14, 2003
DannyRoman said:
NOW, here's my take on the actual music...
I LIKED the set list for GH5... it had some songs that we're ok, a few "OMG I CANT WAIT TO PLAY THIS SH*T!!!", and a bunch of "ehhh" songs. My only true beef is that, yeah you can transfer songs from World Tour, but HOW THE HELL DO YOU LEAVE OUT "WHAT IVE DONE", "BYOB", "CRAZY TRAIN", "FREAK ON A LEASH", "REBEL YELL"?! I mean it's a step up, but Activision is taking baby steps...

The rest of the disc will be completely licensed for GH5 in due time. Patience.
May 19, 2009
this game deserves a 5.5 it looks like crap, the music studio sucks, its not a big update like everyone says, the setlist is lame aside from a few songs, and kurt cobains being embarassed, even in death.

fuck you activision , fuck you neversoft

Oct 3, 2005
So you like dull unchallenging music games with indistinct highways and the worst peripherals in history? Hmm, kay.

And yeah, fuck that Courtney Cox! Kurt will be rolling in his grave over this. At least I still have my t-shirt with a print of his suicide note on it. Thats not embarrassing for him at all.
Jun 10, 2009
"Please find me a person who is a fan of Megadeth, Blink-182, Coldplay, and Peter Frampton"

ummm, I listen all of them frequently, specially Colplay since I'm pretty big fan, how is this odd Erik Brudvig?


Dec 16, 2007
I don't know what to say, when you say dull uncahllenging you mean you can't do it oh and what the hell does Courtney Cox have to do with Kurt Cobain, unless you mean his ex wife(who was Courtney Love you IDIOT) and as much as I loved Nirvana he won't be embarrassed because hes dead so why not be concerned with your own life or something else important like world peace or terrorism instead of the thoughts of a dead musician.