
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2001
I have to admit, I'm one of those underwhelmed by the tracklist. It is GUITAR Hero, so I would have the expectation of guitar-heavy bands that I'd want to play the air guitar to. Most of the bands in this game don't do it for me. But then, I also don't really care for the whole virtual music franchise (better to spend your time learning to play real guitar), so my opinion is worthless.


Oct 2, 2007
What?!?! ANOTHER one already? Ok, an anology here. Have you ever touched a hot stove? Did you do it again after that?

If you answered yes/no to the above questions, then why would you buy another Guitar Hero game? The company that MADE the games you loved so much (IE, created Guitar Hero) now make the ultra-fan friendly Rock Band, which doens't beat your wallet up with uncompatible sequels. Move on, there's obviously nothing to see here.


Feb 3, 2009
I can't help but laugh at all the GH haters.Does calling people **** for like a rythem based game make you feel better,or is it that you can't play the game so you do the only thing that you can,shit talk.People enjoy these games because not everyone can play a guitar and its not so much about fake playing a guitar as it is enjoying somemusic you might not have been exposed to.Grow up..
Sep 23, 2007
@tnub... seriously? coming from the person with a luigi avatar i honestly cant take anything you have to say seriously. im sorry you suck at this game AND playing instruments but... whos fault is that?


Super Star
May 25, 2007
Are we still forced to use the fake instruments to play the game? GH 3 is the only one I've bought because I refuse to use fake plastic "instruments" to play a game. No offense to anyone else, I'm just not into that. I am completely satisfied with my real guitar if I want to make strumming motions. So, can I use the 360 controller to play? I'm guessing not. It's really unfortunate, that's like forcing the customers to purchase a fake steering wheel to play Forza or Gran Turismo.


Prime Member
Aug 6, 2005
Just seems like there's something fundamentally wrong with putting Cobain and Cash in there. With Beatles Rock band, at least it's a tribute to the artists, and not some crass gimmick.


Aug 25, 2005
who still buys this junk?

Posted by: EmissarySiskoDS9 on September 02, 2009 13:13 PDT

Who knows. I hate this saying but it's all I could come up with...UGH

Oh and smy just for you Junk.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 25, 2004
Am I the only one reading the review and thinking..

....hang on a minute, all these inovative and wonderful changes to the Guitar Hero game have ALREADY been done by Rock Band 2?

I just cant help but feel they have just looked at RB2 and seen how much better the functionality and options were and copied it.


Mar 26, 2008
why 8.9 what makes it not a 9.0 lol u gave it three 9's a 8.5 and a 8 why not just say its a 9.0 game ... and i know you dont average it but sometimes its just annoying to see something .1 away from a whole number ... ROUND UP!
Mar 16, 2006
@ freekedoutfish

what I think they do is the not only look at RB2 the game but they go to the RB Forum, check this forum and see what they should have done... Now, I'm not defending GH, believe me, I'm hating on them as much as a lot of people on here. I'm sure if a lot of people wrote, "I wish there was a song that just completely made the system crash", they'd probably do it.
The thing about GH is that they don't believe in DLC. They feel they wont make much money off of it... which, if you've seen the wiki of GHWT DLC tracks, you'll notice they'll release anywhere from 1-3 tracks a week. And maybe 10-15 out of all those are worth downloading...
In conclusion, even though GH has made some improvements, they are far from ever being as good as there rival game....


Original poster
"For 280 Microsoft points (US $3.50)" i dont understand,i see ign say stuff like this for other downloadable things as well but i have yet to find any place where i can buy specifically 280 microsoft points for $3.50. there's no card for it at wal-mart or gamestop and its not an option to buy from the marketplace. it's making me angrier the more i see it...


Aug 7, 2005
"It's hardly even a career anymore. There's no more money to earn or tour to take part in and there isn't any story to speak of. Instead, you'll simply work your way through a few lists of songs, unlocking new gigs and other goodies along the way. There are no separate careers for each instrument or difficulty."

[sarcarm] Wow, that's really some improvement!! Who knows maybe in Guitar Hero 6 they will make it even more "accessible" by completely removing difficulty settings, career mode and scores all together!! [/sarcasm]

So they removed lots of stuff from the previous GH games, and now you apparently can't even play separate career modes for each instrument anymore on top of not being able to play a separate career in other difficulty settings, making GH5 even worse than GH:Metallica where at least you could play separate careers for the different instruments.

I really don't see any new features in GH5 that would make it a better game. If you don't care about the party play stuff everything else looks to be worse than it was before = Bargain bin purchase MAYBE, with a giftcard and a coupon free after rebate...
Mar 19, 2009
lol im almost positive that ign just wanted to get a kick out of people with a 8.9. like come on now man. still pretty funny though.
Sep 2, 2009
I am so over these games, who cares really? guitar hero 5 or 25? Rock band, all the solo band games They release something every week anyways they are so tired. I am so glad I play real guitar and not some plastic imitation so I never understood the desire to pretend to be playing music when you could actually learn to play the real thing.


Jan 27, 2009
LMAO @RenReni

I can imagine a kid walking up to the counter of gamestop/walmart/etc and asking "can I get 280 microsoft points please?" *hands the clerk $3.50*


Jul 31, 2008
This game may have just restored my faith in the guitar hero franchise, but I'm still not getting it. I'd rather get modern warfare, halo odst, and left 4 dead 2 for around the same price it would cost to get the whole instrument set.


Aug 10, 2009
i am soooooooooo getting this game. I had world tour that was boss aswell but all the characters in the game all had the same face which look abit crap. the graphics on gh5 look amazing!


Mar 25, 2007
I got this the day it came out along with Red Faction Guerilla because of best buy's "Buy one, get one half off" sale, and I had very low expectations. However, after playing it for two days straight I can safely say that this game ROCKS


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 7, 2004
"Please find me a person who is a fan of Megadeth, Blink-182, Coldplay, and Peter Frampton"

I'm one of those people..


Apr 2, 2008
Guitar Hero 5 is bullshit because the songs suck copious amounts of yeti dick.

There are good bands on there but their tracks are the most mediocre offerings. And the following bands don't belong at ALL:

No doubt, Blink 182, Vampire Weekend, Duran Duran, Beck (he's an asshole), Sonic Youth, 3 doors down, Besatie Boys, and more but I'm tired of typing.

It's a game about music and most of the tracks smell of shit. DON'T buy anymore GH hames. Take some guitar lessons, go to a concert, laugh at a fucking wall instead.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Weak setlist but the party mode seems like a step in the right direction. However it's a no-buy for me.
May 17, 2006
Being able to see Avatars in games like Guitar Hero and Dirt 2 rally racing are really cool little features that add up to something special because of how unique, innovate, and just plain FUN it is!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 28, 2009
I truly feel sorry for anyone that is going to buy this game, do your self a favour and go and buy Rock Band 2, trust me. I read the review and nothing absolutely nothing made me want to buy it.....


Nov 25, 2006
The amount of Rock Band fanaticism is ridiculous... Get Rock Band if you don't mind falling asleep while playing 90% of the songs or if you constantly play with a lot of people because Rock Band is no fun by itself... Guitar Hero has always been better when it comes to awesome single player or even head to head multiplayer and level of challenge, GH is your best bet


No Longer a Noob
Dec 14, 2003
Raider8784 said:
The amount of Rock Band fanaticism is ridiculous... Get Rock Band if you don't mind falling asleep while playing 90% of the songs or if you constantly play with a lot of people because Rock Band is no fun by itself... Guitar Hero has always been better when it comes to awesome single player or even head to head multiplayer and level of challenge, GH is your best bet

Rock Band is superior only with the drums, IMO. A very good portion of their DLC and on-disc is either found on a version of GH that I own or just not my style of song. I hate how their HOPO system works for RB (I'd rather have a glowing gem than a just-barely smaller rectangle, personally). Yes, Harmonix fixed a lot of stuff for RB2 and its starting to grow on me, but I'd much rather play any GH.

Commence the hatred!
Apr 8, 2009
man they are milking this franchise but still metallica was awesome so i will probably end up at least hiring it just to see if these improvements make it worth buying
Oct 30, 2007
I can't tell if this is worse than Madden or not.

One comes out once a year while the other has multiple titles in the same year. Unbelievable! But at least with this genre of games there is another game(choice) you can choose from that's not milking the franchise beyond belief.


Prime Member
Apr 7, 2004
I think the number of complaints about "another GH game" is ridiculous. Here is a company offering you a bigger choice of songs to play, several times a year. People should stop bitching about having more to choose from.
I could only imagine how many complaints there would be if they weren't releasing more GH games.

Having said that, I do agree that more DLC would be great and am quite disappointed that I will STILL have to swap discs in and out to play all the songs in my collection.


Jun 14, 2009
I am Just gonna wait a year Like I did with GHWT, I just bought it yesterday with Two guitars for like $20 dollars off a Walmart Clearance rack, brand new at that lol, Thumbs up to wally world.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2009
I played that peter frampton song last night, and let's just say I prob won't play that song again (at least on drums!). That song is frikkin 13 minutes long, and there's a drum beat that you have to do for like 7 minutes!