
Just Don't Piss Me Off
Dec 11, 2002
Cygnus X-1
Who is left that Mods here?
Can someone delete my double post plzzz

It's the last days of 2018 and people are singing "Bohemian Rhapsody"
...and this page will have lasted over a year


Jan 24, 2019
INVICTUS RP | GTA V Role Play via Five M |
INVICTUS RP is a fully established role play community for GTA V PC via Five M.

Led by a highly experienced team for managing successful role play servers, INVICTUS RP will build on the experience, knowledge and opportunities in Grand Theft Auto V to create the most immersive, in-depth role play experience you will ever find.
The possibilities with INVICTUS RP are endless, and this will be demonstrated by our active community and staff team.

We are currently looking for individuals to role play:
Public Safety

Here at INVICTUS RP we strive to give our members the best gaming experience possible. Joining our community will not only include you into a group of friendly like-minded individuals, it will give you an enjoyable gaming experience. We listen thoroughly to our community members and take their opinions seriously, that's why you can be sure to see the mod getting better and better!

INVICTUS RP has many plans ahead and we encourage you guys to contact us:

We hope to see you soon!


No Longer a Noob
Mar 11, 2004
Central Wisconsin
I think we need a GTA update, or a new game, to get everyone roaming around again. Granted, life for most everyone has taken off, especially for those who were still kids back in the day that are now out on their own and in the adult world. Kind of sucks not being around like I used to be, but I'd bore myself to death since no one is really around like the good old days. lol
You mean like Fallout 76?

I remember thinking GTA online would be a panacea for GTA players to meet, hang out and game
I underguesstimated lol

I was meaning more towards all the old people coming back around here more, more than new people showing up in games. lol. Us old regs aren't here anywhere near like what we used to be. All grown up/older/old as the hills now. Little time for game board land. lol

Funny to mention that, I have not touched a GTA game since San Andreas.
Played gta 4 just a few minutes then stopped.

You just slack at gaming is all. [face_mischief]

That, and GTA 4 was just a horribly physiced game with a good storyline. The handling of vehicles........ #-o lol
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Noticed that PS4 port of GTAV has the collectables in different places than the 360 version. I wonder what else is different.

I managed to collect the engine parts and whatnots in 360 version of GTAV. Guess I have to find a new map to help me with the PS4 version...

Oh, and playlists of radio stations are different too on PS4.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Playing with Zach and Brian the other night (albeit not on GTA but rather RDR2, lol) reminded me of this place. What a sad state these boards are in now...
Good to see a few people still around, those who remember me that is :)


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
I will say this, despite the fact that the boards are dying/dead, I'm glad I met a few people here who I still play with on occasion or who happen to be on my friends list on PSN, even if we don't talk anymore [face_tongue]
Particularly [URL='']@Sephiroth166[/URL] and [URL='']@DaViD_MiLLs[/URL] on RDR2. Good to know you two still stick together thru different games.
If you two see this and would like to tell me what platform you use nowadays to keep up with when you guys can play online together or whatnot, that would be great.


Shut up about the damn bills!
Jan 1, 2005
I will say this, despite the fact that the boards are dying/dead, I'm glad I met a few people here who I still play with on occasion or who happen to be on my friends list on PSN, even if we don't talk anymore [face_tongue]
Particularly [URL=''][URL='']@Sephiroth166[/URL][/URL] and [URL=''][URL='']@DaViD_MiLLs[/URL][/URL] on RDR2. Good to know you two still stick together thru different games.
If you two see this and would like to tell me what platform you use nowadays to keep up with when you guys can play online together or whatnot, that would be great.
What platform? It's this square thing you can talk on. I don't remember the name.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
I will say this, despite the fact that the boards are dying/dead, I'm glad I met a few people here who I still play with on occasion or who happen to be on my friends list on PSN, even if we don't talk anymore [face_tongue]
Particularly [URL=''][URL='']@Sephiroth166[/URL][/URL] and [URL=''][URL='']@DaViD_MiLLs[/URL][/URL] on RDR2. Good to know you two still stick together thru different games.
If you two see this and would like to tell me what platform you use nowadays to keep up with when you guys can play online together or whatnot, that would be great.
What platform? It's this square thing you can talk on. I don't remember the name.
so you aren't using one of the more mainstream ones like Discord, LINE, or whatsapp?
or even just using PSN to message each other? idk.


Shut up about the damn bills!
Jan 1, 2005
I will say this, despite the fact that the boards are dying/dead, I'm glad I met a few people here who I still play with on occasion or who happen to be on my friends list on PSN, even if we don't talk anymore [face_tongue]
Particularly [URL=''][URL='']@Sephiroth166[/URL][/URL] and [URL=''][URL='']@DaViD_MiLLs[/URL][/URL] on RDR2. Good to know you two still stick together thru different games.
If you two see this and would like to tell me what platform you use nowadays to keep up with when you guys can play online together or whatnot, that would be great.
What platform? It's this square thing you can talk on. I don't remember the name.
so you aren't using one of the more mainstream ones like Discord, LINE, or whatsapp?
or even just using PSN to message each other? idk.
No, we text each other like normal people.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Bummer. Don't think I want to be giving my number out atm, so nevermind. I'll just look for you on Sat nights which is your typical time, if I'm home.


Jan 10, 2005
Wow been a while since I posted on the GTA board. Going back to the first page and seeing it was 7 fucking years ago is crazy. And that's just when the CT was moved. I remember posting here in 04-05. The community back then was really something special and I had great times playing and talking shit with all the 'regs' lol. You believe that zach? 15 fucking years we've been playing on saturday nights.

It's good to be playin with ya again wise, even if all we do now is play poker haha.
Apr 29, 2001
Columbus, OH
"The community back then was really something special and I had great times playing and talking shit with all the 'regs' lol. You believe that zach? 15 fucking years we've been playing on saturday nights. "

The years fly by when you aren't paying attention eh? Anyone ever find that Mibatsu Monstrosity? [face_tongue]


Jan 10, 2005
When do you guys play now? My PC has been acting weird for a few months now, so I couldn't do that, but I still have my PS4 If you guys still get on on Saturdays

Yep, Saturday nights 9:00 PM CT. We got about 6 of us now, when everyone shows up [face_whistling]


Aug 11, 2020
NEW DLC is here and have you people seen the new solomon collectable missions it pays you 100000 and a bonus if you collect all of them you get a bonus i will tell you three

1: there is one next to the bin outside solomon's office

2: there is one in the restroom in the diamond casino

3: there is one in the managers office in vanilla unicorn

there you go everyone