
No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Mike, so how bout you stop lurking and liking every msg here and actually drop in and say hi? lol.
Jesse, how's the gaming life man? I haven't turned on my ps4 in forever...


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
So many awesome names in this thread recently!

my name is Awesome ? [face_mischief]
Mike, so how bout you stop lurking and liking every msg here and actually drop in and say hi? lol.
Jesse, how's the gaming life man? I haven't turned on my ps4 in forever...

what are you up to these days Wise ?
I liked the boards the way they were back in the day. Our own board, with nothing being posted except this thread[face_beatup]

Noops when was the last time you flew that Dodo ?
It was surprising to see this thread in my Alerts.

ceiling cat ?


Aug 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
So many awesome names in this thread recently!

my name is Awesome ? [face_mischief]
Mike, so how bout you stop lurking and liking every msg here and actually drop in and say hi? lol.
Jesse, how's the gaming life man? I haven't turned on my ps4 in forever...

what are you up to these days Wise ?
I liked the boards the way they were back in the day. Our own board, with nothing being posted except this thread[face_beatup]

Noops when was the last time you flew that Dodo ?
It was surprising to see this thread in my Alerts.

ceiling cat ?

i flew it at LEAST a decade ago. i have GTA3 on my iPhone7+ but, there is a level on staunton island that seems almost impossible. you got to throw a grenade inside a window and it's well, it's near impossible with the controls lol


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
So many awesome names in this thread recently!

my name is Awesome ? [face_mischief]
Mike, so how bout you stop lurking and liking every msg here and actually drop in and say hi? lol.
Jesse, how's the gaming life man? I haven't turned on my ps4 in forever...

what are you up to these days Wise ?
I liked the boards the way they were back in the day. Our own board, with nothing being posted except this thread[face_beatup]

Noops when was the last time you flew that Dodo ?
It was surprising to see this thread in my Alerts.

ceiling cat ?

i flew it at LEAST a decade ago. i have GTA3 on my iPhone7+ but, there is a level on staunton island that seems almost impossible. you got to throw a grenade inside a window and it's well, it's near impossible with the controls lol

yea i recall that level - maybe try get past it with gamepad ?

tried flying it on the Phone ?


Aug 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
my name is Awesome ? [face_mischief]
what are you up to these days Wise ?
Noops when was the last time you flew that Dodo ?
ceiling cat ?

i flew it at LEAST a decade ago. i have GTA3 on my iPhone7+ but, there is a level on staunton island that seems almost impossible. you got to throw a grenade inside a window and it's well, it's near impossible with the controls lol

yea i recall that level - maybe try get past it with gamepad ?

tried flying it on the Phone ?

Can't get to the last island on the phone for the above reason so... no


Calvin and Moddes
Oct 1, 2000
Wisely, thanks for asking! Just recently finished the Vanilla storyline for Witcher 3, and am about to embark on the first of the two expansions. Plus playing the new Zelda when my wife isn't (which is rare since she loves it and we don't have much time to play).


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2009
Thanks man, if I recall correctly, you are a policeman right?

Jesse still wondering if we'll ever play anything together lol. You have U4?


Aug 2, 2007
My cat... passed away today.
Little over 10 years old.

Fucking sucks.

Ps: sorry for not responding to your facebook message rink a dink. You messaged me litterally as i was repacking my pc for storage.

Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Replaying GTAIV...
-I was very amused by Lazlow in the game. He's in Integrity Radio, trying to make a comeback by doing live from the streets of Liberty City.

The Lazlow storyline is a neat one: In the old GTAs he's a star. In GTAIV he's a washed up star trying to make a comeback. And in GTAV he is what all washed up stars end up as, a reality show host! It's both funny, and very realistic.

Yeah. I really love how all these little stories link the GTA games together.


Aug 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
Replaying GTAIV...
-I was very amused by Lazlow in the game. He's in Integrity Radio, trying to make a comeback by doing live from the streets of Liberty City.

The Lazlow storyline is a neat one: In the old GTAs he's a star. In GTAIV he's a washed up star trying to make a comeback. And in GTAV he is what all washed up stars end up as, a reality show host! It's both funny, and very realistic.

Yeah. I really love how all these little stories link the GTA games together.

i need to play gtav still :'(


Calvin and Moddes
Oct 1, 2000
Got a care package from Rockstar in the mail over the weekend - nine shirts and a duffel as a way of saying thanks for being a longtime supporter. Feels good!


No Longer a Noob
May 3, 2011
The community in GTA itself is a big joke :^O
Send people an invite to join your MC/CEO, they won't accept because they need money. So what do they do? Blow up, or atleast make an attempt to, your stuff.
Not even to mention those who use mods/hacks to get kills. I still wonder why rockstar allows people to use glitches, mods/hacks to kill people and ruin the online gameplay, but when there's a glitch/easy way to make money they patch it or remove it.


Jul 25, 2001
Replaying GTAIV...
-I was very amused by Lazlow in the game. He's in Integrity Radio, trying to make a comeback by doing live from the streets of Liberty City.

The Lazlow storyline is a neat one: In the old GTAs he's a star. In GTAIV he's a washed up star trying to make a comeback. And in GTAV he is what all washed up stars end up as, a reality show host! It's both funny, and very realistic.

Yeah. I really love how all these little stories link the GTA games together.

i need to play gtav still :'(

They have a dodo sea plane, but it actually has wings. [face_tongue] We could chop them off just for you... ;)


Aug 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
Replaying GTAIV...
-I was very amused by Lazlow in the game. He's in Integrity Radio, trying to make a comeback by doing live from the streets of Liberty City.

The Lazlow storyline is a neat one: In the old GTAs he's a star. In GTAIV he's a washed up star trying to make a comeback. And in GTAV he is what all washed up stars end up as, a reality show host! It's both funny, and very realistic.

Yeah. I really love how all these little stories link the GTA games together.

i need to play gtav still :'(

They have a dodo sea plane, but it actually has wings. [face_tongue] We could chop them off just for you... ;)

;) i wonder if it still says "noops" somewhere in the game.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
So how come the dating service in GTAV was not for real?
-you could join the internet dating in the game, but if you did, nothing happened.

I enjoyed the dating side games in GTAIV and SA, so would've liked to have some sort of dating thing going on in GTAV too...


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
HAve you been to the Psychicshoutout.com in the game?
-that website lets your character to have a chat with the psychic. It's very funny.

Also, on the Life Invader home pages you can check out the personal sites of all the characters (major and minor) in the game. Read their messages to each other and so on. Funny stuff.


Calvin and Moddes
Oct 1, 2000
Got a care package from Rockstar in the mail over the weekend - nine shirts and a duffel as a way of saying thanks for being a longtime supporter. Feels good!
I bought GTA V for PS3, 360 and PC; I've also bought SA, VC, 3, IV and I don't get jack.

Well, it had more to do with being an editor on a fan site and going to their events, etc.