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Oct 24, 2010
That Costume looks awful. It looks absolutly fake. They can't be for real. It looks as if the spray painted that mask on his face. Fail epic one at that.


Feb 17, 2008
First of all, this movie will be WORSE than Fantastic Four and most likely worse than the Green Hornet as well. This "trailer" only helps to solidify that fact. Ryan Reynolds...seriously? The movie already loses credibility right there.
Jul 8, 2004
I love how shows like Entertainment Tonight always hype up super-hero movies by throwing in lines like "One of the most beloved super heroes of all time." Really, the Green Lantern as one of the most beloved heroes of all time? Characters like these are known by comic fans but the general public could care less about them.


Feb 17, 2008
After watching a poor quality, 30 second trailer where I couldn't even see half of what was going on, I can say without any hesitation, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this movie will be the worst movie in the history of all movies.

I don't need to see a legit trailer to make my judgements... oh not at all. This movie will be horrible. That's a fact. I'd bet my mother's life on that.


Feb 13, 2010
Can we stop fucking around here Ryan and just hurry up and make that god damn DEAD POOL MOVIE! Fuck the green lantern.


Prime Member
Aug 16, 2007
Lol are you guys taking this serious its on ET. Its aimed for paparazzi loving women that talks about glee and Kim kardashian. See how they mention Blake Lively first and Gossip girl while showing Reynolds stripping and probably the only comedic parts of the movie. Get real people if they showed 30 seconds of Iron Man on ET you say the same exact thing.
Nov 16, 2006
yeah I agree with you Batman8893, as soon as the announcer lady say that they'll show him in the nude, I new something was wrong. my spidy senses is telling me that this was for women, I will not fly through this part of feminist part of the city! then again I might xD just kidding.
May 27, 2010
wow they said he was one of the giggist comic book heroes ever?!? year right, the green lantern isnt one of the best heroes at all,(bye the way i have read them and they suck) and the CGI to this sucks.


Oct 26, 2010
@Greenman4life20... yeh, was thinking the same thing.

What I REALLY dont like is the same actor being cast for mulitple charactors in the same universe. It really doesnt help with the immersion of a film.

Captain America and Green Latern have both done this and it just buggers us continuation and captivation.

What happens when Johny Storm meets Captain America?


Original poster
It won't be a Marvel-killer, but it'll be good.

At least after this, Reynolds can finally start focusing on the movie that'll make him REAL money: Deadpool.
Oct 24, 2010
@axeman87 I agree with you totally. They should have given someone else a shot at this movie. There are many other actors who could have done this part. It's like they have to have a big name actor to push the film.I dislike the recycling of the same actors. Come on Hollywood.


Oct 30, 2010
from what i just saw that movie looks as cheezy as the cheezy tater tots my skewl used to serve. very cheezy
Jul 24, 2010
I know its just a sneak peek but so far green lantern personalty does seem right, it does not fit in the trailer. They should have kept his personalty from the comics.


Sep 24, 2010
Looks like all the comments are spam! what's up with that? The trailer looks awesome, i might just go see Harry Potter just to watch it in theaters. I hope someone can do something about those annoying spams below.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 19, 2003
The ppl who keep saying that the CGI looks bad seem to forget that the movie isn't done yet. The CGI in the very first Iron Man movie trailer looked bad, too. By the time the movie came out, everything looked a whole lot better.


Aug 1, 2008
you know I don't get all these haters. I haven't geeked out like that after seeing the footage in a long long time. Everything looks good for the CG still being refined and worked on. I'm gonna do a district 9 on this one and not watch anymore trailers or footage until I see it in theaters.


Sep 27, 2007
"I know, right ?!?"

Nice to see that in this movie that Hal Jordan, who is supposed to be a seasoned Air Force test pilot accustomed to dangerous and extreme circumstances and toughened by a life growing up without his father, is instead a wise-cracking man-boy who geeks out like a 10-year old with his slacker college buddies.

Is this the Green Lantern or Van Wilder 3: Van Wilder in Space? "Write that down."


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 28, 2010
Anonymous said:
AND if you've read any green lantern comics you'd know Ryan Reynolds should have been Kyle Rayner, but u know.

yes, let's make a wise cracking ladies man into a whiny feminine artist.

Hal Jordan is as much of a wise ass as Spider-Man. Reynolds is perfect. Cooper would have looked the part better but he said he blew the audition.

I stopped reading the replies there. Been reading GL since 1986. I'm excited for this movie just as I was for "First Flight"

look at Avatar, people want CGI.
Dec 27, 2006
@Jhonsun: you nailed it.

"Is this the Green Lantern or Van Wilder 3: Van Wilder in Space? "Write that down." "

Won't be seeing this.
Dec 16, 2008
plp here need to wait until the actually real trailer then the movie comes out. and Hal does crack jokes here and there. especailly when he first became GL. the people here need to just stop hating so hard on something there gonna go see anyway just there all gonna see transformers 3 when it comes out.

i do have my doubts about the suit a little bit. but i need to see more. im sure its gonna turn out well
Nov 15, 2010

hey if you hate the trailer that much then why dont you two team up and make your own movie. its only just a trailer and you act like you've seen the whole movie. dont act like you can do better.


May 24, 2006
I love when people say stuff like "No way I'm seeing this movie".

If you're on ign movies, and you're looking at the first trickle of clips of a comic book movie, and you're a big enough nerd to be able to compare it to the source material, you're going to go see it.


Sep 27, 2007
@seanseanpen and anyone else who can't take critical comments about a movie:

"hey if you hate the trailer that much then why dont you two team up and make your own movie. its only just a trailer and you act like you've seen the whole movie. dont act like you can do better."

What's more nerdy or pathetic? Being critical of a movie or being up-in-arms over someone's comments? The backlash towards anyone who would say an unkind word about the latest crap movie is funny and predictable. It happens with every crap movie that gets released. There's a flood of wide-eyed & amazed fanboys registering their disgust at the "haters", declaring how this movie is going to be "the bestest movie of all time, just you wait and see! *sniff". Well, who's the bigger fanboy here? Someone who says they don't like what they see or the cheerleaders who sing the praises of a movie, sight unseen, as soon as they get a whiff of CGI, a costume, and some lasers? Make my own movie? I think you're missing the point, but if that's how low the bar has been set for you to conclude that GL must be the bestest movie, I'd say you'd probably be entertained by just about anything.


Sep 27, 2007
@seanseanpen and anyone else who can't take critical comments about a movie:

"hey if you hate the trailer that much then why dont you two team up and make your own movie. its only just a trailer and you act like you've seen the whole movie. dont act like you can do better."

What's more nerdy or pathetic? Being critical of a movie or being up-in-arms over someone's comments? The backlash towards anyone who would say an unkind word about the latest crap movie is funny and predictable. It happens with every crap movie that gets released. There's a flood of wide-eyed & amazed fanboys registering their disgust at the "haters", declaring how this movie is going to be "the bestest movie of all time, just you wait and see! *sniff". Well, who's the bigger fanboy here? Someone who says they don't like what they see or the cheerleaders who sing the praises of a movie, sight unseen, as soon as they get a whiff of CGI, a costume, and some lasers? Make my own movie? I think you're missing the point, but if that's how low the bar has been set for you to conclude that GL must be the bestest movie, I'd say you'd probably be entertained by just about anything.
Jun 2, 2009
Meh. I'll check the movie out because of the story but those effects are a bit...ehhhh. But whatever. Its just a movie right?


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 12, 2007
From the trailer it feels to light. If i directed it i would of gave it a darker approach like the new batman. but i can't say it sucks or not because it hasn't came out yet. if it does suck, it'll just be another lesson to anyone who takes on these kind of movies about how not to make a bad comic book movie.


May 16, 2009
Just watched the two mins or so of footage on ET. I'm very pleased with what I saw and I can see where they made a few changes for the sake of selling the movie. Smart moves in my eyes. It seems that they made a Hal/Kyle hybrid for the character which makes makes sense when you look at the fact that those are the two largest camps in "who is better" camps. I say this because he has the playboy lets mess stuff up parts, but he shows that he's can be less gun ho about jumping into said mess. The suit looks great, didn't think about having the green just fade into the black for the custom. I'm very pleased.
Dec 16, 2008
just saw the trailer i had my doubts about the suit at first....but NOT ANYMORE. this movie will rock so hard. im almost ashamed i doubted it. the suit looks great. OA Looks awesome. Hector Hammond looks dangerous. this movie will succeed. i guess there saving ol' parallax for later


No Longer a Noob
Oct 20, 2010
Raven4lyfe said:
Just watched the two mins or so of footage on ET. I'm very pleased with what I saw and I can see where they made a few changes for the sake of selling the movie. Smart moves in my eyes. It seems that they made a Hal/Kyle hybrid for the character which makes makes sense when you look at the fact that those are the two largest camps in "who is better" camps. I say this because he has the playboy lets mess stuff up parts, but he shows that he's can be less gun ho about jumping into said mess. The suit looks great, didn't think about having the green just fade into the black for the custom. I'm very pleased.

yea im excited for this film. tomar and sinestro looked very well done ;)


Sep 30, 2009
Meh. Too cartoonish CGI, but they seem to be taking a more comedic standpoint with the film, so it just might work.
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