Jul 10, 2011
I got both PS3 and 360 and I got Forza 3 and GT5 and I proudly say that Forza 3 is far better then GT5. Gran Turismo 5 for me is a huge disappointment I expected much more then this, but lets put all aside, what annoys me the most is that GT5 have screen tearing, thats a disgrace for a PS3 console and for one and the most important exclusive to slows down and tear the screen apart every time you're making a sharp turn or have 3 cars in front of you. I truly believe that Forza 4 will own this game totally.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
Forza 3 vs. GT5 is an unfair comparison. Forza 4 should be compared to GT5. First of all, Gran Turismo 5 is not realistic. You can't enter the pits manually, there is no car damage at the beginning of Gran Turismo mode and there's no in-car view for all cars. Second, that goes for Forza Motorsport as well. The driving is never bracing yourself to realism. Even though you floor the gas in one of the cars, your car barely loses any traction. That's because these games don't provide enough memory and power as the sim racing games on the PC. GTR2 and rFactor are realistic. Why? Because they have the ability to enter the pits manually, they have car damages all set for you and they have in-car view for all cars. You can even have mods for GTR2 and rFactor.

I own them and they are much realistic than the racing games from those toys you call "video game consoles". If you don't believe me, try them out IF you have a decent PC to run them. Keep in mind that they're still games. PC Racing Simulators are to not only train drivers for the tracks, but to entertain them as well. Then when you're done, drive a car in real life at the track. I still think driving a real car is better. I have driven Go-Karts before, that's real driving.
Mar 17, 2011

Entering the pits manually is just a trival thing, unneccessary really like in F1 2010, it's a simple task so why even bother with it, plus it's the simple solution so you can choose your tyres and fuel in the pit stop. Yes there is damage at the start of GT mode, the no damage until level 20 was just a silly rumour going around at the games launch. Turn off all driving aids and you'll see your car lose traction very easily. Of course they're not as realistic as the dedicated PC sims because the PC sims are made for total realism, GT5 is made for realism without making the game too boring for the casual gamer.

I actually have a PC and don't even bother using it for gaming, I'll stick to my "toy" as you call it with it's superb exclusive games that you can't get on PC thanks. PC racing sims don't train drivers at all, I've heard of a few professional drivers using them to memorise a track but that's all, mind you, a few have stated that they've used Gran Turismo games for the same thing. The only simulators that can train drivers are the ones that cost hundreds of thousands of pounds like the ones F1 teams use that make rFactor and GTR2 look like kids toys. So maybe those PC sims aren't so realistic after all.........


Apr 16, 2005
I struggle to see what the wait was for!! they basicly added a few more cars to the last one.....got bored....took 5 years off and then decided to sell it. FORZA all the way. PS3 now Sold!!!


Sep 25, 2011
Gran Turismo 5 was the most disappointing game I have ever bought, I expected a WHOLE LOT MORE of it because of the videos without SH!tty shadows, annoying screen tearing. but it ended up having those problems PLUS horrible environment (2d trees for example), stupid AI..... I totally loved the GT series until GT5 came..... look at what forza did in about 2-3 years compared to the 5 years of GT5


Prime Member
Jul 21, 2002
Paolo3195 said:
Gran Turismo 5 was the most disappointing game I have ever bought, I expected a WHOLE LOT MORE of it because of the videos without SH!tty shadows, annoying screen tearing. but it ended up having those problems PLUS horrible environment (2d trees for example), stupid AI..... I totally loved the GT series until GT5 came..... look at what forza did in about 2-3 years compared to the 5 years of GT5


Trailers make all games look more exciting than they necessarily are. People's complaints with Gran Turismo 5 are with the menu system and actual gameplay.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2005
wow this fires up fanboys of both machines. people selling there console's because they have a sh1tty on over one game ? sounds like stroppy spotty teenagers to me :)

get over it , gt is a good game , so is forza 4.....get both
the new f1 is good too , and trackmania 2 for pc, sega rally is a good game and i dont remember people having a problem when it was ridge racer vs daytona in the arcades or even supercars vs lotus esprit turbo challenge on the atari 520stfm ans commodore amiga. We just played games !


Jan 23, 2009
Saudi Arabia
Thank you GT fans. You proved that real gamers do not give a shit about reviewers and their opinions.

GT5 is one of the best selling games of this gen and totally deserved it (Yes, maybe it's a bit disappointment, but get it now, they changed it). GT6 for the next PlayStation. Only On? PlayStation.


Oct 23, 2011
To me the games biggest flaw is it's engine sounds. They sound poor and computerized artificial. I would give sound a 6 on that behalf.


Sep 24, 2011
I hate polyphony digital. So many irritating things about Gran Turismo 5. The delays, the load times, how the game looks WAY too "polished"... I'm not saying it looks good, I'm saying it doesn't look real at all. I've been to Laguna Seca, I've been to Cote D'Azur and there's much more grime than what is represented in the game. Also the music is fucking awful. I have to mute the game in the main menu/garage/dealerships. -I don't want to listen to elevator music before I race! I want to listen to something upbeat that doesn't sound like it's from the 50's.
One more thing. It really pisses me off. I want to buy a VW Golf VI R '10 in GT5. I see it in the dealership, I've got millions of credits but I can't buy it because the stupid goddamn retards at polyphony want to make me pay my money online and download it!!! It's already in the fucking game!! WTF!?!?! I'm never buying another polyphony game again. Not ever.
Aug 15, 2011
I just purchased this game not a real huge racing fan but enjoy the odd race, just expect to wait to download about 2-3 hours worth of updates omg one alone was over a 1 gig


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I have played countless hours of GT5 since it came out over a year ago. I feel the reviewer made a very good overall review of the game. it's worth mentioning though, how impressive the online races can be. He commented that there are not many game modes, but the sheer variety to the type of race you can set up is staggering. There is so much variety in the type of vehicle, how the vehicle is set up, the type of track and distance of race, the weather, and time of day, and the amount of assists you utilize, that there is ENDLESS good racing to be had.
The singleplayer gameplay was very dissapionting though. the big problem is the structure of races. Nearly every event in the game has you passing a full field of cars in a very short time. This encourages bad habbits, like smashing into your AI opponents in your frantic attempt to pass 15 cars in 5, 3, or even sometimes 1 lap. Instead, they could have shown drivers what a real race weekend is like. An optional practice session, followed by an optional qualifying session, and a race where your qualifying position determines your start position. Races that vary from brief to long, and some races towards the end that use DAMAGE. Now that's what a good, modern singleplayer campaign should look like.
If you got his references to the specific race cars and race tracks he mentioned in this article, this game is for you. If you are not too into cars or racing, maybe not. I am hooked.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 23, 2009
An 8.5 out of 10 proves it's a great game, but at its prime, Gran Turismo has been the dominant driving video game series. Without Kazunori Yamauchi's work, Forza Motorsport wouldn't exist. Okay, I understand the engine sounds are artificial and I accept that. Once I progress to the end, I'll let you know. For now, I wholeheartedly disagree with Martin. The good news is that the seventh installment will come in a year or two. You won't going to regret it.

EDIT: The sixth installment got an eight out of ten. IGN's reviews are indeed shit. I don't care for their reviews anymore.
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