
Nov 16, 2010
Not bashing the game, but can anyone tell me an easier way of selecting the right car for each race. I just started the game and when I pick a championship to participate in, it gives me a list of all eligible cars and I have to leave and go to the different dealerships and look at all the different cars. This makes it really difficult choose, can I to compare these cars side by side? Maybe I'm making it harder than it has to be. Help.


Jun 26, 2007
OK Smithy I'l explain honestly and objectivly as a hardcore racing fan. GT has slightly (by a hair) more realistic graphics, some extra novelty events, more realistic braking and driver effects but an incredibly annoying setup/layout. Forza has better car customisation (tuning and painting), clutch simulation, tire deformation and slightly better handling. Personally I prefer forza but if you only have PS3 GT will do just fine. You will never know (or care) what your missing.


Jun 26, 2007
Also is the clutch simulated with the new wheel? i noticed its officially licensed and has one. That might actually turn the tide for me.
Dec 8, 2010
HELP!where the hell is the test track to test ur high speed,400 metre times etc.Whats the point to maxing ur car out if u cant try it out and tinker with it?this was a standard feature in the other gt's.Am i missing something?


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2009
GT5 8.5 VS Forza 3 9.4....I seen alot of $ony fanboys HURTING over this!...aswel as they should!!! The only thing GT5 did great was having over 1,000 cars (most of them looks like crap compared to orthers) Cry on! $ony fanboys! CRY ON!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


No Longer a Noob
Apr 3, 2002
I find it great to look at, but it just doesn't offer the same playability as other racers.. and in no way is this a Simulation. no way!.. I'm going for Forza 3.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2001
@ GrayDragon7 Thanks for the cool response but let me clarify. Im racing in the extreme series of Nascar on B-spec. i pit on lap 7 with 1/4 left of my tires, and in third place. i have to pit because the car is sliding all over the place. i get new tires and start my run with two laps to go i figure they have to pit because we were all sliding around. when i got my tires they stopped spinning with no pit stop and i came in 8th. i have the special edition joey Lagano Camry with an extra 50 hp. i never came close to getting at the leader and when i was done my tires were worse than before?? only after two laps. when the car gets to a corner it just hammers the throttle and it spins every time. it's frustrating just to watch. noone drives like this unless your drifitng and they even use finesse. I drag race and autocross in the summers and i'm just mad because i had high hopes for this game every since GT1, and they just messed up.


May 6, 2006
Here's my rundown gt5 is amazing to play very fun but it deserves this score pd made sone very bad decisions gt fanboys know what I'm talking about. Forza 3 well I didn't have as much fun actualy racing as gt5 is better at it's core but turn10 did an amazing job giving a way more complete game and deserves the higher review score. This is not an opinion guys its the truth play both games and you will see either way gt5 is for me
Nov 25, 2010
forza is a 1000 times better than gt5, i own a ps3 not an xbox and i own gt5 i bought this game cause i actually thought this giong to be the end all of all racing games giving the year and delays it took to make this game, man was i wrong i should have rented this game before buying it i should have known better after playing gt prologue, my opinion is gt5 sucks compared to forza, forza took less time to make and its better than gt5, im not saying gt5 is completey bad its a playable game its that its missing alot of features and options that should've been in the game like a more in depth and detailed car customization like forza has, the rim selection is piss poor there are no decals to add and to be able to paint the car sucks, the online mode is terrible it doesnt have the features that forza has, car damage is a complete joke, the audio on most cars is half ass like the camaro z28 sounding like a honda civic after an exhaust upgrade and most of the other cars dont even sound like they do in real life, and also it sucks that not every car has interior view or that you cant even check out the interior with the interior view camera. i thought gt5 was goin to be strong competition for forza, i guess not, 6 years for nothing.


Mar 20, 2010
Gran Turismo 5 has way better cars than Forza and is more fun to play IMO. The only thing Forza does better is the car damage and more car customization. Both games are good but GT5 is more realistic diving wise.


Mar 22, 2008
Forza has better cars with the interiors, because I think Forza has somewhere around 600 cars with interiors and damage. That beats gran turismo's crappy 200 premium car list. GT5 does not even have any porsches or RUF at a premium level. Forza also has more aston martins, audis, nissans, ferraris lambos,,, On the plus side Gran turismo has fewer cars but has better looking interiors. For example the ferrari california and 458 italia in Forza dont look nearly as good on the inside when compared to GT5. Also grand turismo drives better or more realistic suspension, braking feel. So I dont really know which one is better. I have both.
Mar 23, 2010
Forza 3 = Mountain Dew

Gran Turismo 5 = Chianti Classico

Don't let these soda junkies kid you, GT5 is for racing connoisseurs.


Jun 8, 2009
GT5 began to freeze while loading. First it was the photo areas, then cars wouldn't show in dealerships. I had to exit the game maybe 10 times and 3 times I had to switch my PS3 off at the back because the system stopped responding completely. I tried reinstalling the 8GB, I signed out of the network, I disabled the custom music player then finally decided to run it straight from the disk without an install. Now the game doesn't even start... just a black screen. This is the one game I saved for to play through during my holidays. Convoluted menus and crap AI... I wish that was all I had to complain about.


Sep 30, 2005
The problem with this game is there's no reason to play it.

I'd like to go back and try the Kei-car race again and have a reason to do it rather than just 2,000 credits and 450 exp. Why do I need/have all these cars if there's no reason to go back and drive them. They had a dozen of more one make races in GT4 that gave you a reason to have all these cars.

The system doesn't even keep worth while stats. Why doesn't it even remember my single best lap time per track. If the point of the game is precision, then keep some fricken stats. What's my fastest time around London, I dunno let me check the post-it note where I wrote it down.

Yeah, replay and photo mode graphics are nice, but I buy a game to play it not look at it like the 3 bored dudes when you start B-spec.

I used to look forward to the next installment of GT. Thanks to GT not getting any more playable from one release to the next and the releases taking so long, I won't be looking forward to GT6.


Nov 19, 2009
8.5 is the right score for this game. Up to level 20 in A-Spec. The driving part of this game is great, but the game design in general is a let down. I mean lots of the best cars can be unlocked in B-Spec and that mode is the biggest piece of crap in gaming history. I mean who would actually sit through that crap. I have been starting races then coming back 10 minutes later to see how the race ended. What fun is that. Actually sitting through a B-Spec race is excruciating. I haven't seen a multiplayer lobby system like in GT5 on a console in like 5 years. IMO, GT5 is inferior to Forza in almost every way.
Dec 2, 2010
Forza fanboys, are you jealous? Your game(s) and platform sucks. You pay more, and can't play the best racing game. You should not bashed GT5, otherwise, play Forza as a consolation. Be ashamed of what kind of games you have which are uncomparable to ours.. don't flame back, no good games you have.. hahahahaha


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
Ah, no you're an idiot and know nothing about cars, driving or racing.
GT5 has more cars than Forza. The interiors look WAY better than Forza. The premium cars look WAY better than Forza 3's cars. The special events such as Kart Racing, NASCAR, Rally etc. make GT5 much better than Forza. The driving is FAR more realistic and rewarding than Forza 3. THAT IS THE BIG FACTOR. GT5 is better than Forza 3 because the driving is REALISTC, DEEP, and REWARDING. These reasons plus a few others is why GT5 is a better game than Forza 3. Forza 3 has better presentation, and more CONSISTENT graphics(but when GT5 looks it's best it destroys Forza 3). But GT5 wins where it counts, the driving and the realism. ie. the GAMEPLAY


Jan 14, 2006
The score is right. The driving and physics are second to none but the load times and online lobby are a let down for me. Take a McLaren F1 at full speed down that straight city road track at night... i have never felt so intense playing a driving game as i did doing that. The car shook all over the place from the speed, you could feel every bump in the road and you have to be so careful not to spin off course. For me thats were GT5s greatness is.
Nov 1, 2009
Gameplay is all this game should be rated on. Anyone who plays GT5 knows that the interface is archaic and slow but honestly who cares. ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE DRIVING!!!!!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEADS YOU IDIOTS!


No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2001
GT5 is deeper than Forza3?! Dude i gotta get some of what you are smoking. More cars thats a given. but ,200 of them are full car models. All of Forza's car are in full representation. the cockpit view is better in Forza. 1, in Gt5 you can't even look around the cockpit, in Forza 3 not only can you look around but you can also see more of the interior. Gt is limited. I've compared them on my 55" led and Forza comes out on top. The special races are stupid. All they are is License tests that give you money.. period. When you get gold no more money so why race? You say that the driving is realistic huh? I just got the Formula gran turismo almost $5 mil, another million for the engine overhaul and chassis repair. I did a lap on Suzuka in the pratice session, did not crash, did not go off the track i did a perfect lap in the car. I went back in for a oil change (did'nt let me) and i was curious about the chassis and engine. When i clicked on it they both were at $500,000 again?! After one lap i need to spend $1million again! Plain stupid. NOT REALISTIC. Also the only thing worth racing is A-spec mode...it's awesome, simply stunning. But you only get 45 individual races in that mode. So like i said this is the meat and potatoes of the game. I saw the ending movie of GT5, short and long version the first week the game came out. Not deep. Forza 3 gives you 220 individual races! thatys deep.

Stop with the Forza is'nt realistic crap. I guess you all missed when the creators of Forza were on the Speed Channel they brought their game and real drivers with the real cars to Laguna Seca Raceway. They had the PRO DIVERS race the track then the game and the results?... they were within 100ths of a sec with their REAL WORLD TRACK TIME. now thats realism.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2001
GT5 is deeper than Forza3?! Dude i gotta get some of what you are smoking. More cars thats a given. but ,200 of them are full car models. All of Forza's car are in full representation. the cockpit view is better in Forza. 1, in Gt5 you can't even look around the cockpit, in Forza 3 not only can you look around but you can also see more of the interior. Gt is limited. I've compared them on my 55" led and Forza comes out on top. The special races are stupid. All they are is License tests that give you money.. period. When you get gold no more money so why race? You say that the driving is realistic huh? I just got the Formula gran turismo almost $5 mil, another million for the engine overhaul and chassis repair. I did a lap on Suzuka in the pratice session, did not crash, did not go off the track i did a perfect lap in the car. I went back in for a oil change (did'nt let me) and i was curious about the chassis and engine. When i clicked on it they both were at $500,000 again?! After one lap i need to spend $1million again! Plain stupid. NOT REALISTIC. Also the only thing worth racing is A-spec mode...it's awesome, simply stunning. But you only get 45 individual races in that mode. So like i said this is the meat and potatoes of the game. I saw the ending movie of GT5, short and long version the first week the game came out. Not deep. Forza 3 gives you 220 individual races! thatys deep.

Stop with the Forza is'nt realistic crap. I guess you all missed when the creators of Forza were on the Speed Channel they brought their game and real drivers with the real cars to Laguna Seca Raceway. They had the PRO DIVERS race the track then the game and the results?... they were within 100ths of a sec with their REAL WORLD TRACK TIME. now thats realism.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
1)Even GT5's standard cars are better than Forza 3's cars so I don't see your point? They still handle COMPLETELY realistically and rewardingly like the premium cars.
2)Who cares about the cockpit view THAT much. It still LOOKS better and more real in GT5. If you want to see MORE of the cockpit go to photo mode.
3)The special events are FUN ever heard of that. Who cares what they achieve, they are FUN and REALISTIC representations of other racing disciplines etc.
4)YES the driving IS realistic. EVERY reviewer says it is THE MOST realistic driving sim. I don't know what the f#$k you're going on about with your Suzuka incident, just sounds unlucky. In terms of driving and racing there's GT5, and then there's the PARTLY realistic Forza which tries to WIN you over with flashy presentation and features. It's style over substance. GT5 is substance over style(except premium cars and most tracks)
5)The 45 races GT5 provides are rewarding to race EVERY time. GT5 doesn't NEED many events because just DRIVING a car in GT5 is deep, rearding and (importantly) realistic.
6)Your little incident with the Speed Channel? That wouldn't happen all the time and on all tracks etc. The same could happen on GT5 anyway. GT5 is realistic because the cars act and respond REALISTICALLY. Forza 3 is not quite right in all departments.


You gonna scream before I ban ya?
Sep 4, 2000
Fyrestone, deep in the Borderlands
ultraman...I imagine that you don't follow motorsport, or you would know that the engines and chassis on those type of open wheel cars degrade very rapidly. Often the engines don't live more than 3-5 races, then they blow up. The chassis components are the same way, so finding that the car is degrading that fast is actually ACCURATE to real life. And, btw, that perfect lap at Suzuka, was it done totally alone, or were there other not so perfect laps run as well? My guess would be yes.


Dec 19, 2010
@ultraman6 you crack me up with your comment about not being able to look around the cockpit. Did you know that you can activate head tracking on your PS Eye (PS camera) and it will follow your heads movement in the cockpit? Thats in addition to looking around using the right analog stick.


Prime Member
May 31, 2007
I wish this game was recognized for the things it did do rather than the things it didn't do.

I've never spent more time with a game in my life, let alone a racing game.

It all boils down to WHY one plays a game and, for me, one of the greatest factors is immersion.

So expectations were enormous. The damage modeling is moderate, there are a huge number of "standard" model cars, there are a few jaggy shadows here and there, and some of the details in a handful of tracks don't scream PS3.

BUT, the detail in the cockpits of those premium cars, those cars that I dream of sitting in but probably never will, is phenomenal. Sway your view left to right and in reverse and the sense of immersion is unparalleled. When it comes to graphics, I always ask myself, "is there enough here to keep me in the game or has the game blatantly broken my sense of immersion?" The goal of Gran Turismo 5 is realism so the minimalist approach to details on the track is actually appreciated. You won't find any exaggerations or artistic indulgences here. The result is pure focus on the vehicle in which you are seated and the driving experience--an aspect of the game that needs no explanation or defense.

Tune one of the hundreds of high-powered premium cars, take a seat and hit the road. For me, this was enough.
Dec 20, 2010
It would seem ungrateful to say that I did not like the latest version of Gran Turismo. However, it seems Polyhpony Digital made us wait an inordinate amount of time for nothing more than an upgrade. All you do is wait in this game. Wait for it to come out, wait between every stupid menu, wait to back out of a screen etc. Additionally, where did the Arcade "Time Trial" go? Posting lap times against the world was really fun and helped you measure (some) of your skills against your GT peers. I am disappointed to say the least.
Dec 23, 2005
Pity ,I taught it was the best racing game I have ever played. While it's true that the 800 standart model cars are less detailed ,I don't think that I'll be using more than 50 of the premium ones. I wish the review would have concentrated more on what the game offers rather than what it does not.
Dec 2, 2010
i am sure this is the best racing game out there... i love myself and buy what is the best, don't listen to those liars who bashed GT5, they are just jealous they can't have it. IGN lied when they gave it 8.5.. It is a masterpiece

Quoted from the IGN Review itself:

Gran Turismo 5 is a 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game – driving is as exhilarating as anything that’s gone before, and slavish obsession with the minutiae of many of its cars ensure it's an encyclopaedia of automotive delights. Its brilliance on the track, however is matched by its sloppiness off of it, and there’s a lack of polish that would at one time have seemed sacrilegious to the series. Ultimately its driving wins out to ensure that it’s still a great game, but it leaves that nagging doubt; this could have been a masterpiece were it not for the fact that Polyphony was so absorbed with the detail that it took its eye off the ball.


Oct 25, 2010
Damn right, Got to say like everyone else.

Buy the game if you thought so before you read this. The game's great. It's not like you're goin to drive the standard cars only, you'll come to love the premiums.
And all the whining about damage, you unlock it. (It would be to difficult to start with it (from the 1st race.))

Dec 24, 2010
either way this game is pretty much in it's own league despite it's flaws but for polyphony it's the next step in a driving sim.
though I haven't played it but does look f**k** amazing.
Mar 17, 2009
Does anyone know if there is a SSC Ultimate Aero and a Lamborghini Reventon in the game?

Those are 2 of my favorite cars and I haven't seen them in the game nor on the IGN list of cars available in the game...

I would think that every racing game would have the fastest production car in the world in it (Ultimate Aero)... and the Reventon was a limited edition, but I think it's the best Lamborghini out there.
Oct 9, 2009
Got this game for christmas and gotta say, the reviewer is a hack. Yeah the AI is weak and the standard/premium car models is a tad annoying but THAT'S IT. Okay one thing though.... why can't the brake systems be upgraded??


Feb 23, 2009
I really love this game, but what really made me pissed was the 20 minute wait to load in the hard drive so that the loading screens could load faster. The loading screens after I downloaded the game on the hard drive did not seem faster at all.

I also had a bit of trouble with the Premium and the Standard cars myself. The only problem I had though was the performance of the standard cars. Standard cars when you start off are shit and you have to keep placing low in races until you get enough money to buy a better car. Just wastes a whole lot of time so I can actually get further into the game.

But other then that, I really enjoyed GT5 and plan on getting the platinum trophy ;]


Sep 19, 2010
This game can't be that good as everyone says.
Be honest to yourselves, do you like GT5 because everyone else does.
If not, ignore this comment.


Feb 23, 2009
@kotka2310: Yes, I REALLY love this game. I would never like something by the simple fact that another stranger likes it. I need to experience something to like it, and not just word of mouth.


Nov 23, 2010
I love this game too and it just keeps getting better and better what with Kaz & company adding to and patching the game regularly.
IGN's review is unfortunate although I did agree with some of the issues GT5 had at launch. These issues, though, are now almost all dealt with by the last patch released for the game.


What is also disappointing about IGN's review is that most of the issues they harp on are nothing new to the series. Clunky Menus and bad background music have ALWAYS been in GT games but those issues didn't stop us from loving the games in the past. With GT5, Poliphony Digital has given us the option of using our own music in-game and really, the menu system is not THAT bad. If you've been a fan of the GT games in the past then you're gonna love GT5.
It's my personal preference, yes, but I would take GT's Sim-Racing and Tracks list over NFS any day. Don't get me wrong, if you want arcade racing NFS is a great game, but in my book, nothing compares to GT5. In fact the two games are so different in style I don't think you CAN compare them.

Question for IGN: How old and experienced are your reviewers anyway?

PS- And don't dismiss this as another rant from some angry teenage fanboy. I'm in my late thirties, have been gaming all my life, and am seriously considering dropping IGN from my list of game resources. Your editorial quality and consistency is terrible.


Dec 14, 2010
The review for this game is horrific. This is the best installment PD has put on the shelves. The amount of offline content is immense. The gameplay is thrilling once you start mastering it. If you have enjoyed at GT game in the past, enjoy racing sims, or have a passion for cars, then this is worth every penny. GT5 has even been patched since release and is even better now with tons of extra content. I have the game at 45% completion with many hours logged, and many more to come.
Side note: The reviewer complained about slamming into a wall at high speeds and being unimpressed with the damage modeling. Go play Burnout 3if you want to crash. (fun game) GT games have never had damage modeling before and slightly implement it this time. I prefer to have it off. GT is not about crashing. It never has been. The game simulates how the real cars behave on the track. That's what you pay for when you buy GT games. That is where the game shines. The point of the game is to stay on the road while pushing each vehicle to the limits by applying racing techniques to enter each corner as fast as possible aiming for the apex so that you can successfully win races. It takes practice and sharp concentration to control each vehicle. It lends an exhilarating experience unique in it's way. Love the game. Thanks.
PSN - Rodhya


Dec 27, 2010
Wow, IDK where to begin with; GT5 is by far the best racing game ever and I see very little (if not few) flaws in this game. Lemme give you, the IGN review, some pointers to this game:

On the second paragraph, you said that "Hit the anchors and it's likely to fishtail widely as it struggles to lose the kind of speed that the car was never designed for, leaving you flailing into the corner and thinking to yourself that the supercharger you just strapped on may well have been a step too far."; either you need to practice more or your skills in GT5 online are laughable.

You also said that "Customisation options, however, are limited, especially in the wake of Forza 3's more comprehensive efforts."; Excuses. That's a step in the right direction by PD, and this isn't about putting your car with countless amounts of vinyls, just so you think that you would be popular, well, it's not. GT5 is about racing with skill, precision and style, not showing off created vinyls.

Plus, you even mentioned that "when the game does show its standard class cars up close the difference can be jarring; edges are ragged and shadows sit uncomfortably, making them look awkward alongside their more polished brethren."; Again, excuses. You seem to have missed the point that Kazunori stated that the standard cars "take longer to model". You can't expect them to have interior feature on ALL +1000 cars for the next 10 years, you know. The last thing you should do is wait for future updates.

There are two things you have said (though I'm gonna make it separate):"It's fair enough that the all-new Top Gear test track doesn't tickle the eyeballs – it is, after all, drawn from a featureless aerodrome sat bang in the middle of England's featureless Surrey –"; That's like saying the SSR7 doesn't impress you, which is utterly blatant. The Top Gear Test Track IS a unique track. Don't like it? Don't race it.

"but the fictional Cape Ring displays a disappointing failure of imagination on Polyphony's part. It's a labyrinth run through a desperately bland landscape that's only salvaged by its intriguing variety of corners."; if you think Cape Ring is a dissapointing track, then you are a dissapointment to GT fans.

You also ranted about the oppoent AI becoming "now trademark zombie A.I.". Seriously WTF did you get that anyway? It's your fault you were too busy staring at the vehicle's rear bumper while not bothering to overtake. You're supposed to pass the racer BEFORE the AI makes a sudden stop; tailgating makes you look like you played too much Burnout Paradise.

Lastly, you also said that cars always bounce off even after crashing a wall at over 200 MPH. If you love to crash oh-so much, why not play Burnout Paradise or MotorStorm? Obviously, I'm not here to wreck Ferraris or Lamborghinis, I'm here to win the race with little to no damage whatsoever. With that said, GT5 is a great sim racing game; always have, always will.



Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
MetaKraken had forced intercourse with this review.
The guy reviewing this sucked.
BTW I heard rumors that the guy reviewing this is a 360 reviewer most of the time. And I also know for sure from seeing him play... THAT HE SUCKS AT THIS GAME. He looks like a Burnout lover. And i like Burnout too, but wtf you can't review this like it is burnout! Or else I will review burnout like it is supposed to be GT5. Then Burnout would get a 2.0 score.
Forza? No...
It barely scratches the surface of GT5.
Dec 2, 2010
I lost trust in IGN game review site. Buy this game (rated 8.5) and buy Forza 3 (rated 9 above). Then you will lost trust in IGN too. Well, you will learn not to trust what you read in internet again.