
No Longer a Noob
Aug 4, 2004
So.... the big censorship controversy going on with Fates.... anyone have any thoughts/feelings on this one way or the other?

...nah, me either.


Jul 28, 2010
Posted it in the spoiler. If you don't know all the characters then it's best you shouldn't look at it. It's more of an easter egg tho.

Rhajat is an anagram of Tharja. Not the same character tho.
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Apr 21, 2012
I want to formally apologize to Roy, I'm at chapter 4 and he's not that bad, hmm.

First time playing Binding Blade?
But yeah, he doesn't completely suck as the "omg worst lord evar!!11" impressions lead you to believe. Not that it's completely wrong, but that's one of the more striking things I heard about BB in general that contrasted greatly to my experience. I expected a polarizingly bad lord with no redeemable features(gameplay-wise, character-wise is another different, but similar story), but in reality at worst, he actually has some utility(besides obvious seizing gates).


No Longer a Noob
Nov 10, 2013
Elise sux
Yeah, the RNG really favored me. Roy is at lvl 5, and aside from his low con, he constantly gained 3-5 stats boost every level. Alan is pretty amazing too, but aside from them, I have seen characters leveling up only gain a boost in HP. He's certainly better than lolEliwood, I had to babysit half of the game.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 10, 2013
Elise sux
Hector da man!
I'm extra salty that FE7 was about Eliwood. He was bland. And bad. And bland. Urgh. Eliwood and Ninian can die in a fire pit for all I care.
Apr 21, 2012
Always been Hector > Eliwood > Lyn gameplay-wise for me in FE7. I prefer units with higher defense over higher avoid, since at least the former isn't at the mercy of the RNG.

Story-wise, Eliwood is GOAT though, he ends up siring Roy in the end so I felt he was the best choice of a protagonist really. Also (13 year old FE7 spoilers) him losing his dad and being able to wield Durandal and pwn dragon Ninian was pretty kewl.


Valar Morghulis
May 28, 2009


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
So I played the fan translation of Nohr and am currently playing IK. Nohr is really fucking good. Played Hard Classic and it kicked my face in a few times, especially near the end of the game. The story is pants on head retarded but the gameplay is extremely solid. Every map having a gimmick through Dragon Vein, terrain, or failure states made me feel like I was playing an actual Fire Emblem game again. The lack of grinding is an obvious plus for how it restricted resources and forced the designers to actually think about the level curve and scaling of the maps. I never felt like I lost a unit because the game screwed me over, it was always because I misplayed. The changes to the pair up system are great, splitting offensive and defensive pair up made it something I had to actually think about instead of fielding 10 units and having five of them become pair up fodder.

Unfortunately I'd say the split paths had many downsides that kept the game from feeling complete. Half of the classes being enemy only felt unnecessarily restrictive. The only good dodgetank I ended up having was my OC donutsteel as a Trueblade. This ended up being harmful in later chapters since in Nohr the AI ignores enemies they can't damage. So since the units you get in Nohr are all either tanks (Great Knight is fantastic) or delicate flowers with not enough evasion there's very little chance of having a real dodgetank unless you choose Samurai as your alternate class on a whim. This is also made worse due to the fact that the unit choice isn't very good. On hard mode the list of viable units post-midgame is hilariously tiny. It's essentially OC, Marx who is essentially FE10 Haar, Camilla (who falls off endgame), Leon, Aqua (dancer utility is fantastic), Elise (staves are amazing), Benoit, and maybe Cyrus if you get lucky with some speed growth and have a good pairing attached to him. Notice how this list is mostly dudes and siblings. The female units and non-royals in general in Nohr are all terrible, meaning you're probably carting them around later into the game than you really want to so they'll pop out a kid. Thankfully the children come with master seals that also level them up to a chapter appropriate level to avoid having them all be Ests, but actually getting those children is a matter of bringing sub-optimal units into chapters they don't belong in to get a somewhat decent unit out of it. I ended up getting four children: Aqua!Kanna, OC!Shigure, Camilla!Ignis, Effie!Sophie, and Elise!Ophelia. These are all optimal pairings and the children all ended up being dead weight, rally bots, or support. Kanna was immediately benched since Dragonstones are ass and Aqua killed her defense base. Shigure ended up being a rallybot and debuffer with Draconic Curse. I made Ignis a Berserker which was pretty fun but extremely ineffective endgame since Benoit gives him essentially zero speed growth so I had to slap Competitive on him to avoid being doubled. He had 60+ crit on every enemy in endgame though and since killer weps now make crits do x4 instead of x3 he was a pretty decent luck based attacker. I mainly chose Berserker since I didn't need another fucking Great Knight. Sophie was pretty great at first but her lack of supports bit her in the ass since she never had a chance to grow. It's kind of funny, I only brought Odin along to finish supporting Elise to pop out a kid to use Elise's incredible genes, but Ophelia ended up being kind of shit. Couldn't hit a damn thing and her crit wasn't high enough to make use of her personal ability so I ended up just using her as a support unit. So while they seemed to be useful, even with optimal pairings the kids turned out mediocre thanks to a lack of supports. They were more trouble than they were worth. Of course this isn't even speaking of the horrible excuse for children in Fates. Where Awakening shoved children in through time travel, Fates used hyperbolic time chambers as probably the dumbest plot device I've ever seen. Though considering how terrible the rest of the plot was this was par for the course.

Hopefully IS uses Nohr as the standard moving forward, though I highly doubt they will. Idiots with shit taste review bombed the game in Japan since it was too different than their beloved Awakening. I'm expecting the same thing to happen in the West as we all know how terrible reviewers' tastes are. I'd rank Nohr up there with FE7 and Heroes of Light and Shadow. Not quite as good as FE5/9/10 but certainly better than average. I can't speak much on IK as I'm only on chapter 12 Lunatic.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I'm curious, what do you think of the new weapon system?
I'm not sure how much I like it. They gave up the resource management aspect of weapons and made each weapon more situational. So Bronze weapons are cheap and have high hit but can't crit or proc skills, iron is absolute baseline, steel cuts your attack speed no matter what, silver debuffs your strength and skill when you attack with them, and the S ranks cut your str/mag in half after you attack. So instead of having a clear increase in power with every rank they all have downsides above Iron. Killer weapons are essentially the same as Iron weapons but they lower your avoidance by 10, but the extra crit and crit damage more than makes up for this, so you'll probably be sticking killer weps on your bulky units and steel weapons on your fast units. Of course the personal weapons have no downsides whatsoever so any unit that has one is immediately god tier and never has to worry about weapons. Marx's Siegfried in particular is absurdly broken, turning him into what is essentially FE10 Ike after you get the Ragnell. He was so close to Ike that I even swapped him over to Vanguard with the DLC promotion item.

There is one major problem I have with the weapon changes though: weapons that aren't allowed to double attack. You'd be forgiven for forgetting Hand Axes, Javelins, Spears, Tomahawks, and Nosferatu exist because you'll barely use the things. This gives ranged attackers more of a niche, but it also means that Marx is even more broken by taking that niche and doing it better than anyone else. I found magic users not named Leon to be kind of weak since almost all of the new classes have boatloads of resistance and even though Elise has a ton of mag/spd/luck she has no skill whatsoever so the speedy units you want to kill with her are fast enough to dodge anything with less accuracy than the basic Fire spell, and even then she has maybe 80% hit tops. Bow users are significantly better than they were in Awakening due to less emphasis being put on the defensive phase and the large number of flying enemies. They also doubled up on utility in Nohr as your only bow users are also your thieves and one of them is the only unit who can capture enemies.

Offensive staves are more plentiful and varied now so you have more to play with when you field a staff user. Weakness lowers all stats by 4, Freeze locks an enemy in place, Draw brings an enemy next to the caster, and Misfortune cuts HP in half until the end of the chapter. Using these and being wary of them is important in hard modes so I'm glad they exist. Kunai and Shuriken are also wonderful additions to the game as having what are essentially debuffers in place of just having really weak knives like in FE9/10 was a great idea. While ninjas aren't amazing on their own (for anything other than mage killing) they can leave debuffs on enemies for other units to exploit. Since in Nohr almost every map is full of ninjas you need to learn how to play around these debuffs which is equal parts interesting and frustrating.

So while I'm not sure the new system is BETTER, the downsides aren't so intense that the weapon system feels worse. It's like FE4. It fits the game so you don't really end up caring all that much and the new shinies are able to divert your attention from some serious nerfs.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 10, 2013
Elise sux
I've heard mixed reaction about the nerf, I guess I need to find out for myself. I love mages, blah, shame to hear not many are good aside from Leon. But I'm not gonna lie, offensive staves sound awesome. I rarely used them aside from healing/rescue, so this will be fun.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I've heard mixed reaction about the nerf, I guess I need to find out for myself. I love mages, blah, shame to hear not many are good aside from Leon. But I'm not gonna lie, offensive staves sound awesome. I rarely used them aside from healing/rescue, so this will be fun.
It's a real shame how underpowered mages are. The only mage not named Leon that becomes even somewhat decent is Tsukuyomi and only on Revelations and that's due to his high availability, lack of competition, great growths, and extremely good pair up match with Felicia. He's pretty bad on Birthright since he starts at level 1 with garbage stats.

As for the rest of the mages:
Better off as a Samurai or benched. Completely unsalvagable on Revelations.
Not terrible but not amazing on Conquest. Completely unsalvagable on Revelations.
Mainly a staff user which is important. Her skill is as low as Benoit's speed so she can't hit anything.
Her beautiful baps don't make up for that speed growth. A speed support is absolutely necessary for her to be worth using.
A more rounded Elise without a horse. Instead she has a strength growth to make War Priestess and Falcon Warrior viable for her.
Too much strength not enough magic. A clear example of a hybrid gone wrong.
A decent filler unit and magic oriented rallybot. His stats were dead on arrival for me on Conquest HM and you don't get him in Revelations so maybe he's good in Birthright.

So yeah, a major problem with magic users is the selection of units and the terrible stat caps. It's a FE10 situation all over again.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 10, 2013
Elise sux
Damn it, seems like this will be the first game I won't be favoring tome users. Back in 7, Erk, Nino, and Canas was my holy Trinity. I even had fun with Lilina despite her awful speed.

At least archers are decent, I love them despite not being able to hit at 1 range.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 16, 2007
Heyo, long time no see

For the Tellius fans in here, there's a new artbook that was just released in Japan, compiling official documents, background information, and character/setting data on Path of Radiance:


There's another one for Radiant Dawn which will be released sometime in October. I had this one on pre-order so I should be getting it in the mail soon.


Mar 25, 2017
This place is D-E-A-D, Dead! I haven't posted here in almost a decade. I can't log on to my old account. Oh and FUCK YOU BRINZY BOI. You cock sucker. The reason you dominated this board was cause you couldn't as Eise back on GameFAQs so you came to IGN to feel good since the crows wasn't as intense or intelligent. You're still an asshole and you're not an FE master, especially when you registered as successor of Raphael on some FE board somewhere to get advice on ranking FE4. You had the audacity to say ages ago that you brought life to this board when it was already active without you.

And max, you're not as intelligent as you make yourself to be.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
This place is D-E-A-D, Dead! I haven't posted here in almost a decade. I can't log on to my old account. Oh and FUCK YOU BRINZY BOI. You cock sucker. The reason you dominated this board was cause you couldn't as Eise back on GameFAQs so you came to IGN to feel good since the crows wasn't as intense or intelligent. You're still an asshole and you're not an FE master, especially when you registered as successor of Raphael on some FE board somewhere to get advice on ranking FE4. You had the audacity to say ages ago that you brought life to this board when it was already active without you.

And max, you're not as intelligent as you make yourself to be.


Jul 28, 2010
I think it has to do with the writing. It's just super well done and written. Plus, I really dig that side characters have a continuous active role in the story instead of falling to obscurity after they're introduced.