Feb 2, 2010
Interaction with the NPC's should be kept comical when called for, but sometimes it's too absurd. Still a fantastic game with a fantastic score.
Oct 5, 2010
Hands down the worst game I've ever played, let alone in the Fable series. I really believe that they geared this game towards 6 year old kids or those that have never played an RPG before.

- no maps (the breadcrumbs will lead you around), no inventory to worry about, you can't die.
- aside from the end of the game, money doesn't really mean squat, and even then whether or not you earn enough cash to save your people doesn't really matter.
- upgrades are silly, zero customization. Hooray I have my level 5 for my gun.
- everything not related to the main quest is pointless. Not once did I open a demon door, get married, buy clothes, find all the silver keys or anything of that nature and beat the game without any difficulty. I was knocked out once.
- so you're telling me that in order to earn those seals to upgrade my stuff I have to dance and play pat-a-cake with everyone just to go dig up/deliver a package just to earn one seal? that's a lot of work, which, as i mentioned, doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
- a couple bugs really ruined the fun in this for me - breadcrumbs disappear in certain locations or lead me in the wrong direction, and the (RB) button (I think) that pops up on the screen when they want you to zoom in would stay up on the screen until i exited the game and reloaded.

And of course, once you become king that's about it. Start making decisions and then BOOM - the end of the game. I was just sitting there going 'really? I just finished the game already? what happened?' I want my $60 back.

I realize that some of these things have been in the game before, they just sort of expanded on those features and dumbed down the entire game even more.
Dec 26, 2010
I kind of want a more in-depth review on the multiplayer, like do i have to complete the first mission to play online,is there like a lobby to invite your friends, or when missions are completed co-op do they count towards the invited friends campaign history? I don't have the game yet but i was thinking of having my and i both rent it and play the full story together.


Original poster
8.5!? How do cruddy games like this get high scores, then when badass games come out, they get bashed and under appreciated!? I just rented this since I walked passed it and realized I have yet to try it. Biggest mistake ever. Gameplay is so basic, RPG elements are meh, customization is terrible, magic is insanely overpowered while actual weapons can be useless at times, and the weapon forging itself is not very good either. Also one more thing....****ING SANCTUARY!! Every thing has to be done at the sanctuary, which means more loading screens and time wasted on top of all the loading screens in the game. Game is also super easy, and just so basic. Also the attempts to make more money off this game are laughable. Pay for costumes which should be in, and freakin black dye, A COLOR! Plus a lot of mechanics are just broken and feel so incomplete (because that's exactly what they are, incomplete). This is such a giant step backwards from the last game.

IGN, are you sure you guys weren't playing Fable 1 or 2 when giving the scores? Because this is one of the most broken and incomplete games I've played. But apparently it's 8.5 worthy.....Now I can understand some games that deserve 9.5 getting an 8 on the site since it's an opinion, but this is giving an 8.5 to a broken and incomplete game.
Nov 4, 2010
I know I'm in the minority, but I still think 2 is the best. Yes IGN; This game is everything fable 2 should have been, except with a scrapped expression wheel and a completely broken combat system. I enjoyed the exploring Albion immensely, as I have in every game, but the weapon, skill and combat systems are absolutely atrocious.


Feb 17, 2008
steelrod: fable 3 is the easiest game I've played within memory. That's why I don't like it. It's for babies. Cry some more, baby.... Sry, I'm really tired, but still more coherent than yourself.


Sep 10, 2010
Lets not forget to mention a game released with game breaking glitches not patched after almost 2 months from the last patch.

And the response I get from the developer/bug forums...just play the game again with another character...

No thanks at least fallout new vegas was fixed eventually...your answer is try again and hope 17 hours later your game doesnt break again...


Aug 15, 2008
I regretfully bought this and played it. Had some fun until the entire thing crashed when it had me picking out decor for the castle. Really? I'm a designer? This is an absolutely brilliant idea originally, but instead of making combat more advanced, building a larger world with a little more free roam it is still what it always was with a few more gimmicks. The King portion of the game (what I played at least) was very boring and uninteresting. You either had the $$ or you didn't. Traded this and will not be buying anymore installments nor trusting in the name of Peter Molyneaux again.


Jan 1, 2010
I doubt I will ever be picking this one up as Fable 2 had too many bugs for me. Once I got to a certain point in the game there would be slowdown, almost like walking in slow motion and it never stopped. Also the only way I was able to get any sort of challenge was by downgrading all my stats which defeats the purpose of character progression and leveling.
Feb 13, 2011
ok first off you people who are complianing about levels and such were sorry that fable 3 didn't want people killing each other(in real life)over stupid levels.second of all deltaNIN(a guy who commented earlier)you were saying about the game was to easy and it was for babies. your probly just saying that because your stupid *** couldn't figure it out.and wat do you guys mean glitches what did your character's sword go through a wall ooohhh wow thats horrible.you people should be thankfull we can get this **** on a screen.you know how hard that would be to get moving things on a piece of glass with a few wires.YEA THATS WHAT I THOUGHT.
Feb 13, 2011
ok you know wat just stop complianing gosh i mean mybe they didn't want a to make a game that you would git all ticked off and crying just couse you didnt win .summerization they didnt want to hear your bull**** but even when they make an easy game you still won't shut up
Feb 13, 2011
catslesslayer said:
ok you know wat just stop complianing gosh i mean mybe they didn't want a to make a game that you would git all ticked off and crying just couse you didnt win .summerization they didnt want to hear your bull**** but even when they make an easy game you still won't shut up
i ment to say that to the guy that listed his compliants


Feb 17, 2008
catslesslayer: whoa, consider my mind changed. I said it's for babies, way to prove me wrong with that emotional little rant. I found it too easy because I couldn't figure it out?? How does that even make sense dude?

Here's my resoning: It just isn't fun if there's no risk at all to my character in combat, and if I don't NEED to advance my character to be more effective in combat, there' little incentive for me to do so. So while the weapons and spells all look cool, They don't change the combat for me because I'm going to decimate anything in my path no matter what.
Feb 13, 2011
DeltaNIN:oh yea thats right i forgot thats all poeple who play video games think about is killing and bloodlust .oh and the no risk thing well just sayin at least this game doesnt RESTART i mean how often in reaity do you see people just "restart" i actually see some realisticness.and the joke that meant you were so pissed at the game you got on the internet and talked **** about it.get it now?


Feb 17, 2008
@ catslesslayer: you mean realism, and the possiblility of death is still more realistic than none at all. When did I say I have a bloodlust? It's not like the game doesn't have any blood or violence, that's not the problem in this case. If combat plays as heavy a role as it does in this game, then it needs to present a challenge, which this game does not. The combat system is fine, it's just way too easy. That's why I don't enjoy this game, besides the humor that doesn't really work and the fact that they totally wasted the immensely talented John Cleese. The should have had him write every joke. I will admit the opening video was fantastic, but Blur Studios created it, so the credit goes to them.


Feb 17, 2008
catslesslayer: I see you added a little to your comment. I wasn't "so pissed" as much as I was just disappointed in it, as I loved the first one. There isn't anything to get. We're both ranting on the internet, although you are the only one who seems pissed. I'm actually enjoying myself. Don't take my comment so seriously, I was not attacking you, just this sh*tty game.


Feb 16, 2011
I have been a huge Fable fan since the 1st one. This was a pretty good game,but there was just so much more they could have added. For one the game is just too short,and when you finally become king,you should have just been half way through the game. I mean I beat the main story in just a few hours which should not happen with a game like this. Maybe they will add more to the next one. If they dont then I may just jump off the bandwagon.


Feb 22, 2011
fun game..a bit buggy/short...and the chests and dig sites really dont provide u with anything useful..a majority of the time the mobs just stand there staring at your during battles. They def could have done more with the weapons too..almost no point in switching. It felt like i was steering a car more than a character..i almost enjoyed the way fable 2 controlled more tbh.
Sep 25, 2010
Fable 3 is now available for just $19.90, and its limited Collector's edition for just $28.90, below. Get them while they're there.
Dec 26, 2010
I was utterly disappointed in this game. I never played Fable I but actually enjoyed Fable 2 and thought Fable 3 would improve on what made it one of the leading candidates for game of the year. However I hated this game after playing for a few hours and couldn't figure out why even though I kept trying to find a way to enjoy playing it until I realized I was playing a spoof. As someone whose a HUGE fan of Mass Effect (and also Dragon Age) I'm familiar with choices having a huge role in future events and even though Fable isn't on the same level, the choices in Fable are a joke. And the social interactions are baffling.
The beginning of the game was enjoyable and seemed as advertised in having to choose between a childhood sweetheart living or a crowd of protesters but then digressed into a spoof that wanted to be taken seriously by hiding behind fake "serious" choices. The quest was supposed to be about overthrowing a tyrannical ruler who would slaughter subjects on a whim and when over an oppressed population by dressing as a chicken in a play and farting in people's faces?? Seriously? The main way to interact with people is by dancing, burping or farting for a long time? who can take the plight of the population seriously when all it takes is to dress like a chicken?
Any connection to the world and the decisions made go completely out the window when the sequence before was about some silly way to get followers or knowing the sequence after the decision will consist of the same.
So much was made worse from Fable 2 and even though the Sanctuary is innovative I don't choose games based on the pause menu being impressive. The fighting was very weak, too many bugs and the cons far outweighed the pros.
I can enjoy game genres that are comedy based but none of the comedy was funny and just irritating. The ONLY reason the game was rated M was because it was possible to get married have sex and get STDs. And none of that was executed well. Other than that there was more seriousness in a game of Mario. And I was desperate for an RPG-Adventure/Action game and was still disappointed. Who wants to watch 2 grown men dancing in the marketplace for a discount or as a straight man have to escort another man by the hand from one region to another? Or a supposed childhood sweetheart who was saved by sacrificing others becoming engaged out of the blue? I had no desire to finish this game and that was a first.
Felt like I was playing a story that should have just been DLC and not advertised as innovative, a revolution or epic when it wasn't any of those. Nothing was improved from the last game and a pause system doesn't count. Huge disappointment.
Nov 19, 2010
why did Fable 3 for 360 got a "8,5" and for PC just a
"6,0" it is not the same game?????????
if someone could answer...........
Jul 23, 2010
@ aldarisaran Yes, it is the same game. There is no reason for the difference in scores other than the fact that the reviews were done by different people. It was a poor choice for IGN to have such a large score difference for two versions of the same game.From what I hear though, 6.0 is a more accurate score. Still, they either need to justify the difference in the scores, or change one of them, or they're going to confuse or annoy most of their reader's. It just makes it feel like the scores are based randomly on who happens to have reviewed it instead of how good the game actually is.
Jan 11, 2009
All I can say is this reviewer sucked. I actually played the game, and it really isn't worth much higher a score than what the PC version got. Fable 3 is not a "Great" game. It simply isn't. Fable 1 was outstanding and Fable 2 was great. Fable 4 will probably be terrible unless Molyneux actually listens to us and stops trying to make the game new user friendly.
Jun 1, 2011
Story is great my only complaint was it was too short and very limited on the social options. Felt like a step backwards from the first game. Hopefully Fable 4 would offer a more dynamic social system that allows the players alot more control of their characters then Fable 3 did. Not to mention the very lack of customization options for your character. Plus the shortness of the DLC content kinda leaves ya saying thats it?
Nov 9, 2010
He forgets to mention the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE ending to this game that made me practically break the disc and boycott this franchise forever. I mean can anyone say super super plot hole. I wont say it as to not spoil it for anyone but those who have played the game after the admittedly awesome decision making section knows what i speak of.
Plus the fact that the only characters that have any depth whatsoever are Walter and Reaver


Jul 22, 2011
My biggest beef with Fable 3 is the Job System and "Community Service" I went for the Crime Spree 'chive and now I'm stuck playing a rhythm game (which I do poorly do to not have Uber-human Hand-eye coordination) for hours on end because they didn't bring back TRUE bounty hunting?!?!?! Other than that I like the game.


Nov 28, 2010
@QRas Yes. This game is so underrated it's unbelievable. It ain't as good as Fable 2 but boy is it good.
Oct 20, 2008
Fable 3 is one of the worst games ive ever played worst in the fable series so far, has no story line and the whole second half of the story was absolutely awful. If the whole story were like the first half id give it a 2 generously, but i give it a 6 generously as is


Sep 6, 2008
Fable 1 had amazing combat. The magic system was really well thought-out, and every spell felt different and unique. The sword-fighting and archery combat felt like it was missing something, but was still incredibly satisfying.

Fable 2 ruined the magic system entirely. They replaced the unique, flavorful spells with a bunch of generic kinds of magic that all amounted to the same thing. The fact that an aoe fire spell and an aoe sword spell were almost identical was just pathetic.

Fable 3 shat all over the entirety of the combat. : /

It's so frustrating. Fable 1's combat was AMAZING, especially for the time. They needed to take it even further - MORE magic, different weapons giving you different fighting styles, etc. Instead they gutted and over-simplified everything about the game.

I still revisit Fable 1 from time to time, cause that combat's just amazing. Fable 2 and Fable 3 can both suck it, the combat's just bad and not fun at all.


Oct 10, 2009
You forgot that just playing the game in co-op literally breaks it, not just enjoyability wise, but actually makes the game unplayable.
Nov 16, 2011
i thought every aspect of the game was great they could have put more content in though (places, clothing, and weapons). but over all i thought this game was fun and a great game for any RPG gamer.
Dec 7, 2010
bought the game used. played it for a few hours and put it away. complete garbage. fast forward many months, managed to get to the part where you become king. god this game is garbage. now im buying property so i can make the damn cash needed to save the people. this game is garbage. and my golden trail dissapeared.


Mar 30, 2022
I adore the Fable series, but something about Fable 3 just rubbed me the wrong way... still love the game tho! :)