Jul 31, 2010
Ironic, you guys give this game an 8.5, and then says it's fail; should give lower score, and/ or reveal its failure earlier.
May 27, 2007
And here I was, thinking this game sucked again...thank you IGN for showing me my errors!

Also, I can't help but lol at the fact that I read the article titled, "Why Fable III Fails" before I read the review, haha. Think you guys should maybe get in sync next time? You can't have honesty AND suck up to Peter Molyneux you know.


Prime Member
Aug 5, 2007
@FXIX-7 thank you for identifying yourself as a child who doesn't understand what editorial means. I know print is dead, but that doesn't change objective definitions. We haven't gone that stupid yet have we?


Prime Member
Nov 25, 2008
you read this review and then you read the uk review and you are left with the feeling that you are both talking about different games.its hard to believe that your tastes are so different and contradictive.then you have the article how fable 3 fails and that just messes with my head. you guys are forcing me to ignore ign reviews and look else where. although you guys are from different countries you are part of the same family/company so there needs to be some parity between each review and articles. thats like having miyamoto saying that mario galaxzy 2 is greath and then having the nintendo president saying that its ok and then having someone else in nintendo saying that its crap.are oyu guys seeing my point of view.


Nov 4, 2009
@albinac - Part of why you shouldn't take IGN's reviews seriously really. Just use them to filter out the really poor titles, which even IGN can spot.


Aug 15, 2003
Bought this on Friday, played for 16 hours and completed it. No difficulty option and I didn't even die once... I was very disappointed with how short the actual campaign is I don't count sub quests or collecting useless trinkets. Fable 2 was a far superior and more involving game. This feels very rushed to me. Graphical glitches all over the place, lots of frame rate slowdown. I did enjoy the campaign (both the rebellion and the king element) but that didn't make up for the lack on content.

6.5 out of 10 IMO....Style over content. My score is being kind as well due to the remaining elements of Fable 2. Peter, you have lost the plot with this one I'm afraid, I won't be investing in Fable 4.

Thank goodness for Gamestation and their 1 week return policy.



Nov 1, 2010
Created account to comment. Save yourselves time and money and stay away from this failure. It's apparent the developers spent more money getting movie star Judi Dench to play a voice on the game than they did to make the game.

The gameplay was very restricted. You're either light or you're dark. There is no more middle ground for anything. The leveling was completely dull. There are no more perks like what Fable 1 had. By perks I mean the combat abilities you can use like dash multi-shot etc.

They have yet to include an un-equip weapon feature. On that note, on the xbox 360 the back button doesn't even have any commands anywhere assigned to it. It's a completely useless button that they could of use to make the gameplay more dynamic.

There is no difficulty option. I played the entire game and didn't die once. (spell caster) On that note, spell casting was BORING. Honestly, there were only two sets of spells, area of effect (aoe) and single target spells. AoE spells were Vortex and Ice storm and single target was everything else. Now I know I can not target someone and hold down the button for an AoE with anything, but man that's just SO creative!!! The only feature that was fun about melee was the slow down camera on certain swings which MAINLY was the hammer uppercut to your foes' nut sack. Pretty much what Lionhead studios did anyways.

The multiplayer was yet another gimmick. I saw the trailer video for multiplayer fable 3 and it instantly made me want the game. Especially after playing Borderlands relgiously I thought this would be great because Fable 1 was the greatest and Fable 2's multiplayer was a disaster. Quests don't save for player two. You can pretty much use Multiplayer to exploit experience and gold in that game.

One upside. The storyline was great. The build up to the revolution was fantastic. Finding the allies getting marked as traitors and getting to make decisions as a king was possibly the only thing that could make this game good.

The whole light and dark was a disaster. There are no HORNS or HALOS or ANGEL WINGS or DEATH WINGS. There is NOTHING OF THAT SORT IN THIS GAME. All the player gets is light up glyphs on your body. An evil king was lame. I murdered guards hilariously for 30 minutes and not one of them attacked me because I was king.

If you like single player games with great story line. This is it. But if you care for gameplay, multiplayer, the ability to have fun. I highly recommend to get something else.

I'd rate it a 3/10
One of the worst video game sequels of all time.


Aug 15, 2003
In reply to Kevszorz I did manage to get angel wings during the King maker part of the game. but you have to pretty much forget about saving the people and spend all you money making their lives better (orphanage etc) which ends up being pointless as everyone dies if you do that.

I was really disappointed with this game lionhead seem to be another games company that are driven by deadlines and units sold rather than actually providing loyal gamers with value for money games. (see my comments/part review/part moan below)


Nov 2, 2010
Does Peter Molyneux really think that we want to play dress up?! The great thing about Armor in Fable 1 was that it actually protected you... I am 98% sure that Fable's main issue starts with a 'P' and ends with 'eter.'


Feb 24, 2005
Think I'll wait for Dragon Age II. I like the mood of the DAO much better than Fable. Games this big always have a few bugs (Fallout 3, and even Dragon Age) but those don't deter me. Fable just never appealed to me, and I hate their greedy DLC policy. EGads the first day of release they have like a dozen DLCs on Xbox Live, and how many are free? One.
Oct 30, 2010
"I have all 3 gameing systems, ESC. Each one has a really cool,fun RPG. The Xbox- Xbox360 Fable Games. The frist one was really fun, 2nd was ok. Now 3 one is wrose? i was going to get it now I'm not since there's nothing new. Why do the creators of these games stay to the roots of there Game? This is my opinion"


Dec 7, 2009
I liked this game, but they need to take their time when they make these games. It was buggy and being a king was a little dissapointing. Overall i agree with IGN


Nov 2, 2010
sorry but it took 6hrs for me to beat the darkness and i was left a lil dry since the third fable happens to be the shortest. gameplay is awsome. i just wish there was more after you become king


Aug 17, 2009
yea game was ridiculously easy to beat. had a short story and the ending felt weak. The game was kind of disappointing.


Nov 12, 2008
I read a very nice review from a czech magazine which I agree with completely.
Tehy called F3 Fable 2.5:No Brain required.
They wrote that it is dumbed down for 3 years old autistic kids with gameplay depth of Tamagochi.
REal gamers should sotp bying this crap or we will see some next even more stupidized game. although i dont know if it is possible to dumb down more.
PRobably Bioware can do it with Mass Effect 3
. They re my personal kings of dumbing down


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
A game that focusus so much on things that are pointless that it misses the point, feels more like some activity centre game for kids than a rpg


Nov 12, 2008
I completely agree on that. Calling this game RPG is laughable.Maybe very very simple aciton adventure and farting simulator for idiots.
Peter M. must be insane calling this a revolution, calling this RPG and for calling this a game


Prime Member
Aug 27, 2000
Overall I thought the story(s) not as good as Fable 2, but ok. The real killer is, I played fable 2 for a few months. This game, my wife finished before me. And I am near where she was 4-5 hours ago. She's not a hardcore gamer by any stretch, but even she said it was too short and not as deep and involving as Fable 2
Nov 4, 2010
I will start by saying this is in no way a bad game but saying "Fable III feels like the game that Fable II should have been." is absolutely laughable. It is a dumbed down game for mass appeal removing many elements in the previous titles in exchange for a basic game and a few irritating enemies. Sometimes it feels like playing pokemon because you know you're going to kill the monster in front of you but its going take much longer than it should.


Nov 5, 2010
after completing the main story there wasnt much replay value. unless if they come out with downloadable content. good game. wish the story was a bit longer. wish there was more meaningful side quests. leveling up was a joke since i beat the game without leveling up to level 5. trading in NOW!!!


Nov 5, 2010
Overall, The game is great, I haven't put it down in days. These are just the things I think are lacking. What's the internet without everyone's two cents?

1. Weapon variety is lacking. you can use either hammer (2h) or sword (1h), and a pistol or a rifle. Despite having a significant amount of "legendary" weapons (almost every weapon is considered legendary), they are all one of these 4 basic forms with repetitive special properties, most of which are designed for the immoral character. Where's all the cool weapons? I wanted to run around with a giant 2h holy sword or something. I am not a fan of the sword's look as it upgrades either. And the bone handle is hideous, something I wish could be removed. Weapon customization?

2. Linear, and only 1 save. The straightforward story is not a problem for the most part, except when you are unexpectedly faced with a decision that has a major impact on your character and/or the world, and if you're not prepared, you're screwed. There isn't any climactic invasion or last minute chance to make preparations; its wake up one day (or some 100 days in one turn, and "oh! were under attack!" No one saw it coming, even though it was prophecized? No chance to load up the treasury one last time or set up defenses the night before? As painful as this, its the game's save system that doesn't allow you to go back if something goes wrong. This would have been a great idea, but there are too many missing factors for it to work properly.

3. The allies you gather have very little player interaction besides their initial quest line and the final event. There's no quests, upgrading, or reason for them to be around beyond this. Expanding on this could have added a lot more content easily.

4. This is me just being knit picky, but there is no notable citizens besides the ones derived for the main plot and side quests. Unique love interests, nemesis', special people of any kind are absent. If someone wants to get married, they can only choose from slight variations of the same bland model.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This game is fantastic..
It far greater than Fable 2.. Yes the story was really short.. However.. there are many side quests to involve in.. And trying to find all the flowers, books, keys, and gnomes, can take multiple hours.. If you take the time and don't rush Fable 3 is very enjoyable..Also some of the legendary weapon criteria was an adventure in itself to accomplish.. All in all I give fable 3 an 8.5/10.. I also expect to seee some impressive DLC's in the future..


Nov 8, 2010
Epic Let Down.

This game is nothing compared to Fable 2 and is a disgrace to the series. The previous Fable games we're amazing. Fable 3 doesn't deserve to bear its own title. I've already returned my copy to Gamestop to offset the damage done.


Jun 29, 2010
this game is fast and furious in the begining it doesnt over complicate itself with long lists of items and what not just a nice simple play it revolves more on gameplay and less on scrolling through throns of worthless items and wepons...great new outlook for a fable game i highly reccomend playing this game...but maybe just rent it cause once you beat it, all thats left is collecting the gnomes,books,and flowers


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
this is one of the best games to get highly recommend to own this game the only thing that this game is missing from fable 2 is that it doesn't have as many items (most being worthless)that gives the fallout feeling

most good game out there after completing doesnt offer much...mostly bulls*it collecting and challenginges (never wore that many clothes in fable2 n stilled enjoyed it....depends what gamer you are i find sh*t all after completing any games main story cant be asked to do bulls*it task) in fable 3 instead of the worthless items they say you can raise an item like a pokemon!!!!truthfully..this game got a good mutiplayer system aswell and you can run a buissness(your choice) fable to me gives you different insight to life and is realistic


Oct 5, 2009
reminds me of what they did to tomb raider(dumb it down so more people can play it, typical corp. bullshit)...7.9 is a very fair rating....i didnt find it as intersting as fable 2....took it back to blockbuster after i finished the main objective and never finished all the side missions....never bought a weapon...never even got knocked down...came away somewhat bored with the game...glad i rented and didnt buy...
Nov 14, 2010
Um, you all must be easily amused. I watched my b/f play one, two and then three, so im not completely ignorant of whats goin on. He beat the game in LESS than 24hrs and finished 90% of the side quests. Serious waste of time and money. They should have spent more time on makin not suck so much. while it wasnt as lame as some games out there, it really was a waste of money. it doesnt deserve more than two or three stars and thats being nice.
Nov 20, 2010
I'm really surprised on how much i liked this game. I love the original Fable and hated the second game, but i'm having a really good time with it. I would only recommend it to some people


May 25, 2010
it was an amazing game. it definitely deserved a higher rating. the only thing is that it was too easy and while i get they wanted weapons to be unique they went too extreme with that and the selection was very limited as far as items and weapons go
Jul 29, 2010
love this game. but i dont really like the use of how important money becomes once you become the king/queen of albion. its seems they focused lees on quests and story and more on spending money on the city and people, and being a good ruler means more money. otherwise great game mixed the pros from both fable 1 and 2.
Oct 15, 2009
I like Fable 3 and everything, but I just have one problem: the difficulty

This game holds your hand like a creepy uncle. Scratch that, more like a father who's a registered pedophile. And the difficulty curve just stays the same throughout the story! The hardest enemy I had to face was the final boss and even then it was just like playing Hello Kitty's Adventures in Babyland! It only took 20 hits from my sword (which only had 99 attack) to kill him.


Jul 11, 2008
I CALL BS this game sucked monkey balls...how can this game get a 8.5. noooo fiiiinnnggg WAY!!! all the reasons you described you have it rated at a 3.5 or less. idk wtf is with this site somebodies getting paid and the douche bag wrote this article wouldnt know a good game if it hit him in the face


Jun 10, 2009
Great game, better than the second in many ways in my opinion. My advice is to turn off the ridiculous golden bread crumb trail, ignore the games small but forgiveable flaws and try to lose yourself in the lovingly created world of Albion that the game designers have given you to play with. If on the other hand you've been diagnosed with ADD or lack an imagination of your own firstly I would say I feel sorry for you and secondly I'd say avoid Fable III and stick with one of the various FPS games on the market at the moment.


Dec 4, 2010
The gameplay through the main thread is very good, although the battles get to be button mashing exercises. Some bias from playing Fable 2 crept into the experience, for instance, the magic door quests from 2 had dissapointing payoffs, so this player didn't even bother with them in 3. I have some comments on the gamethread endgame...I was enraged at the cynicism. Being player that prefers the "moral" game path, the ending played cynically to the "amoral" player. SPOILER WARNING! Once Logan's motives are made clear, there is NO TIME for a "moral" player to recoup enough cash to save the kingdom, without ruthlessly discarding every promise, and reversing his policy to align with EVERY evil and explotative policy that he just spent 20 or so hours battling against! Simply seemed like cheap pandering to the players who enjoy digital cruelty, and ruined the experience of those that embrace the "role" of hero. It's not that there shouldn't be hard choices, but the news could be dropped early enough in gameplay to allow "moral" players to compensate...perhaps by special recruitment or fund raising quests, or to use the revolutionary army gained through promises to pay off with allow help to Aurora (also as promised) to stem the tide AWAY from Albion. As it it plays, the promises HAVE to be hollow, and the time wasted in the apparent "revolution" for the betterment of the people of Albion is indeed wasted.
Oct 22, 2010
Excellent game, lamentable that it is very without favour the missions that if follow I finish it after it game.

Otimo jogo, lamentavel que fique muito sem graça as missões que se seguem após o termino do jogo.


Dec 11, 2010
@justice0218 : Yeah, because you judge games on one factor like game time or graphics, right? Right.

@pandaboi0: Yay! Ad-hominems! Yay! Good job producing an insightful comment!

I don't get why people are complaining that "the last game got the same score, wtf?"

Do you guys honestly think that game scores don't change in value over time as the market changes? Do you really think scores stand as they are over time?
Oct 15, 2009
I don't get why people call this a failure. The only problems I see with the game are the difficulty and after the... Oh. Now I see why people call this game terrible. Half of the game sucked. So I recommend to those who thought the game was bad to play it up to the Battle for Albion, turn off the game at the coronation scene, and imagine a better version of that half of the game. Or just play whatever game you think is better. Or, go out and live life. For those of you who live near Lionhead Studios and utterly despised that game, I'm sure you could find Peter Molyneux's home in no time.Though I'd recommend bringing lots of weapons because he might have bodyguards.
Jan 13, 2009
Well you can't blame people for wanting to be "casual" there are female gamers to you know. And I'm sure they rather not get their "challenge" out of wasting hours on death in a video game. I'm a guy I'm the same way. When I want a challenge I turn to school work for that. When I want to sit down and relax, play a game with no frustraition then I play video games. As if Math already isn't a pain in the ass enough, I need a pain in the ass game to add onto it. You so called hardcore gamers need to just find a new hobby if games aren't satisfying enough to you. Because it sounds like to me you're only satisfied if a game is so fucking impossible to play except for the people who can just deal with annoying nonsense. Last time I checked Shenmue was a very easy game and yet its ten times more fun than any irritating "hardcore" game you can throw at me right now. I could care less about lame ass demon Souls, the game looks like sh*t and all you do in it is die constantly. Yeah that's realllll entertaining.


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Dec 28, 2008
Testament2012 said:
Well you can't blame people for wanting to be "casual" there are female gamers to you know. And I'm sure they rather not get their "challenge" out of wasting hours on death in a video game.
Because they're female-bodied, they must only like casual games and aren't interested in more challenging games? Sexist much?
Dec 26, 2010
I enjoyed the change in quest, and being able to make decisions as the King/Queen of the country. It was basically the same game with a new world, not new as in all new, but rather upgraded, or wore down. Weapons and Armor are something you will not be spending much money on, as the rare weapons are only in friends worlds over live. Great game, minor problems.


Sep 25, 2010
"The 3D interactive world map is a huge improvement over Fable II, and a particular high point for me."

The map was the worst part of the game! It was cool looking but very inaccurate and confusing. The only thing good about it was the ability to buy and sell properties from it. Besides that it served basically no purpose


Sep 25, 2010
"Once Logan's motives are made clear, there is NO TIME for a "moral" player to recoup enough cash to save the kingdom, without ruthlessly discarding every promise, and reversing his policy to align with EVERY evil and explotative policy that he just spent 20 or so hours battling against! Simply seemed like cheap pandering to the players who enjoy digital cruelty, and ruined the experience of those that embrace the "role" of hero."

Actually it is really easy to keep all of your promises and save every citizen in albion. I kept every promise and chose every "moral" choice and still finished the main story with almost three times the amount of cash needed to save every citizen of Albion. And I still had 5 million or more gold in my personal stash throughout this entire portion of the game.


Dec 28, 2010
Man I could play this game throughout the night and risk the red ring. THAT'S
How expansive, explorable, and interesting this game is. Weell that's how good the game is to me. :Z weird.


Nov 17, 2010
The interactions with the npc's are starting to get very repetitive. I' not even going to bother talking to anymore npc's.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 17, 2006
Just beat the game, and it was a lot of fun. The first Fable still remains my favourite of the series.