Sep 27, 2007
The Fable series is just plain bad. Why would you willingly play a game in which so much was promised, and then left out? Its like you giving Molyneux your money, he smirks, and then slaps you right in the face. If you want to play an amazing 'Western' RPG, then go play Fallout: New Vegas. Otherwise keep playing incredibly linear RPG's; that are dumb-ed down due to people being unwilling to challenge themselves, and use their brains.
Jan 20, 2010
This review is pretty good - just started playing this game and it is great fun. It is designed so that you enjoy the experience and get into the story without having to pay attention to old-time RPG time wasting elements. I only wish I didn't pre-order it by mail so I could trade in Fallout New Vegas. I just can't get into it like I did FO3. The whole "Vegas/wasteland/50s" schtick is laughable and if you played as much FO3 as I did you will get bored with it really quick because it is the same game (just with more bugs).


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 18, 2003
"The Fable series is just plain bad. Why would you willingly play a game in which so much was promised, and then left out? Its like you giving Molyneux your money, he smirks, and then slaps you right in the face. If you want to play an amazing 'Western' RPG, then go play Fallout: New Vegas."


LOL! Fallout New Vegas is awesome but it's a post-apocalyptic first person role playing game set in the USA, and you're comparing it to an english/steampunk flavoured Fantasy action RPG (third person), you f00l!

About promises... Everybody in the games (and MOVIES) industry does the same but when it's Molyneux people complain (looks like it became a fashion to say "Molyneux promises a lot but don't deliver"). Should I list all the games that did not deliver... Heart Of Darkness, Tomb Raider 4, Alone in the Dark (360/PS3), Lair, Dark Void (Ed Fries said that his game would be a 95% title but got a 5 LOL!), Fracture, Devil May Cry 2, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest, don't even have the time to mention them all but so many games which promised a lot but felt short. Where they designed by Peter Molyneux? Don't even get me started about movies.

Game designers are often positive about their games. In 2009 David Jaffe said that God of War III will look like a "beautiful oil painting in motion". When I played the game, I thought this was a joke, because first level looked good but soon after it became an aliasing & bad texture fest (Olympian Citadel anyone?), screen tearing, like my PS3 hurt my TV screen lol
He also said that the end of the trilogy would be epic, but I couldn't believe how disappointing it was! God Of War II had a REAL epic end. But God Of War III ended like shit.
Now shall I say David Jaffe promises things he does not deliver ?

Oh/ Square/Enix also said that there would be no Final Fantasy XIII on 360, that it would remain a PS3 exclusive. Now look. Worse, once they announced a 360 version they PROMISED that it would look 100% as good as the PS3 version. LIARS!!! Look at what happened lol.

So many stories like this in videogames' history...

No sincerely, give Pete Molyneux a break. His games are solid enough. Playing Fable III right now and it's hands down one of the best Action RPG's I've ever played...the atmosphere in this game is very strong (just as in Fallout. I don't think Fallout can compete for the best-looking-title-ever title or delivered on all its promises either but it has an ATMOSPHERE and gets you hooked onto the paddle...or mouse, keyboard...)


Jun 25, 2010
Even more shallow than before, while retaining its affinity to technical issues, the series now is finally "accessible" and for a "broader audience".

A bad game for people who look for depth, indeed. Granted, its sense of humour is appreciable but even the visuals have suffered, with less vivid colours and stylistically different character models/faces.

Gamespot's 7,5 seems more realistic (a well written review there, by the way). Rated for core gamers that might even still be too high.


Oh and of course it's still possible to (temporarily... oh boy) eradicate the entire adult population of villages. Which - really real consequence there - doesn't seem to bother anyone past five minutes after it happened. Terrific. Astounding progress since Fable 2.
Oct 27, 2010
First things first, I was a massive Fable fan; the original will probably always be one of my most favourite games. However, Fable 2 was a huge let down and incorporated only the annoying parts from the original game into its main design. From the moment I finished Fable 2 I knew that it would be a mistake to even think of playing Fable 3. After seeing a few hours of game play I have a lot of things to point out about your review and the game. Your review states that the game has a solid combat system, one; the combat is not unlike Space Invaders in the way guns and fireballs are used. Two; there is nothing solid about pressing the X button, the games combat doesn’t allow for any real skill. Three; I was against guns in Fable from the beginning, but was even more annoyed at the fact that you can’t aim as the game does it for you. Four; you gave it an 8 for graphics and a 9 for sound? During the opening scene with Jasper waking the hero, not one of his words was in time with his mouth. The voice acting is amazing, the line up is probably one of the best you could hope for in a game, it is a pity that the graphics lag from the games engine is unfit for it. Personally I think most dogs do die when a shovel is put through their neck, great work Fable 3 engine. Five; I’m unhappy to see such a great game like Fable somehow de-evolve in to a collaboration of The Sims and Monopoly. Six; I think a game like Fable needs some sort of health bar, its uninteresting seeing the hero take damage and then run around for 20 seconds and be in perfect health. Your review left out a lot things and I think that is because you have only looked at the game in one way; through rose coloured glasses. Time and money are a precious thing to some people, this game robs you of both.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 6, 2009
I fully agree with your post. It's an interesting analogy you made that is pretty much true. Fable 3 is a shallow mix of Monoply and the Sims in terms of gameplay and purpose. There is NOTHING hard or deep about the game at all. All Fable 3 has going for it is: Sound, voice acting, atmosphere, humour, story. Almost NOTHING good in terms of gameplay. Like Dingleberry said it's a waste of time. You can get games with good features like Fable that ALSO have good GAMEPLAY.
Jun 6, 2007
LOL you people take these game reviews way to seriously, its kinda sad, heres an idea form your own opinion and like or dislike the game regardless of what other people say/think. For people to get upset cause a game got a good or a bad review is rather worriesome. I take these review for what they are worth....shite nadda zip zippo. Christ half the games they give great reviews to are boring or redundant crap.

LOL Funny to see jimmytheking bashing a MS exclusive LOL never saw that coming from a guy who doesn't have a 360 LOL he break out his PS3 list yet LOL


Aug 30, 2009
@ odinsassassin
Of course many take these game reviews seriously. It is reviewed by a non-fanboy/good reviewer of IGN, we have to put our trust in them to give us a solid, trusting review instead of someone that has no gaming sense.

If we wanted just a normal opinion, we would ask a friend. [face_shock] Plus IGN are quite bad at their reviews anyway, its just interesting what they say, and what ppl say back :)
Nov 6, 2008
@ odinassasin....absolutely spot on. I just wasted a good 8 posts trying to explain the very same thing to a bunch of kids in the DS section who were upset their favourite game didnt get the review they thought it deserved, but apparently im the idiot. It seems that the upcomming generation want others to do the thinking for them and lack the intelligence or motivation to think freely.

As I said to those others, anyone who takes these reviews as more than one persons opinion is a fool.


Aug 30, 2009
@ SnarkyCarnt

I agree with you, one reviwer can turn your whole perspective on a game :/ I prefer personal experience instead of listening off a review, especially IGN
I had my doubts when I played Fable 3 because of its score, but when i got it, played it.. I loved it :)


Oct 1, 2010
"Like Dingleberry said it's a waste of time. You can get games with good features like Fable that ALSO have good GAMEPLAY"

Name one....


Oct 1, 2010
Im paying no attention to any american reviews whatsoever, theres no scope and understanding of british humor WHATSOEVER
Aug 17, 2010
They gave it a score of 'Great' and it is just that, a great game. If you liked Fable in the past, there is no reason you wont enjoy playing it.


May 9, 2008
"They gave it a score of 'Great' and it is just that, a great game. If you liked Fable in the past, there is no reason you wont enjoy playing it."

Broken logic since neither Fable 1 or 2 were great.
Jan 13, 2009
They don't release the platinum hits versions until after 9 months I think. But yeah Peter screwed up badly. I don't know why he took out the ability to gain reknown or whatever from large groups and made it even more repeative than it already was now that you can only do it to one person at a time, which I am sure there is a lot of the same NPC's you will be running up to. I guess I can think of it like how the Sims 2 was.

In order to be friends with a Sim you had to keep going up to every Sim repeating the asme thing over and over to keep your friendship score up.It became irritating and eventually you stop caring and let the score just drop. I told myself last night I'll just try and get Fable 3 for about $30-$40 on ebay rather than spending $60 on a game that most reviews deemed as imperfect or inferior compared to the crappy second game.

Also I hated that clunky a** armor from the first game. I'd rather they didn't bring that back. The only part of the armor I use to wear were the helment, shoes, and the gloves. I didn't care much for the bottom and top piece.
Oct 3, 2005
Add a difficulty setting to this game and some PVP action with your friends during co-op mode and all i can say is Hellz-YA!


Jun 9, 2006
Ow, thats great game, but thats really just like Fable II extended or iphone 3gs. I don't understand for what i paid for.( I mean i could wait for lower price on that. I like Fable series. And im a huge fan of fable II. But this. Specially thing that my xbox a little slow on the game and game is loading on every talk moment, when i was need to make 20 handshakes thats awfull. So i just don't know. Think for yourself.
Wheres my money on NBA2k11)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 21, 2005
I for one think the graphics have actually improved.
Fable has always been easy and simple when compared to other rpg or action adventure games. The challenge comes in finding all the hidden things and crafting you character . Anyway I'm enjoying it. It's flexible and silly rather then uptight and rigid. A good contrast to some of the other games in my library.


Mar 26, 2005
This isn't even an RPG now. Good lord you people keep eating shit out of Peter Molywhatthefuckever. Fable 1 and 2 have both completely sucked. Yeah, I said it, and if you disagree, you're an idiot.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 21, 2006
i am at once completely mystified, and overjoyed.

an in house 360 exclusive didn't get an automatic 9, or better? amazing.

and i am relieved that a game like fable is actually getting a review more befitting the content therein.

thank you IGN.


Jan 31, 2001
Peter Molineux sucks! He's never made a good game in his life. He has all these ideas in his head and that's all he cares about, he forgets a game has to be fun to play, that's the most important thing.


Jan 6, 2010
@ PTooie, not that your point isn't valid, but did you actually read the review? You should at least give him credit where credit is due.
Jun 6, 2009
i guess the game is buggy? i have had to restart 2 times because my hero either fell off cliff and got stuck between a tree and the cliff and my hero got stuck between 2 trees. and nothing i did worked. the first was only one i could play through with no problems


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
You behemoths better just play Peter's masterpiece. Cannot wait to finally pop back in "Fable II" (Have had it since release) and once and for all complete it and get this amazing game!
May 9, 2009
Shadowtop said:
This isn't even an RPG now. Good lord you people keep eating shit out of Peter Molywhatthefuckever. Fable 1 and 2 have both completely sucked. Yeah, I said it, and if you disagree, you're an idiot.
It's called an opinion, and that's yours.
Oct 29, 2010
I'm sorry but I just bought Fable 3 and don't get me wrong it's a pretty good game so far, but giving the graphics an 8? Get out of town IGN. I just played Saw II on 360, and although it's a complete abysmal game, the graphics looked AMAZING compared to Fable. I understand Fable is stylized and I respect that but man c'mon, the fucking framerate gave me a headache in less than 5 minutes.
Jun 21, 2009
I don't feel like the graphics have improved at all. If anything, they've gotten worse. I couldn't do anything without getting texture pop-ins, and the game doesn't really look polished to me.

The gameplay was quite a bit better, but the combat is still boring as ever. The sync kills are dependent entirely on chance and luck. Sure, there may be a few that you can pull off, or some you can trigger, but really, they all feel really unoriginal and unnecessary, and feel really out of place in a Fable game. Here's what I don't get: Why are they using the same physics engine as before? It's the exact same one as before, the Havok engine. You know, the infamous "Ragdoll" engines? Yeah, and as most gamers will tell you, it stopped being fun sometime around Fable 2 when everyone was dying the same way.

Another note on graphics, the lag is -horrendous-. The mouth-syncing is among the worst I have ever seen in my entire life. I actually had to let my ears catch up with what was being said because my eyes were getting face-fucked, kind of like when you watch a Japanese movie, and you get that weird feeling of, "Wait, what the fuck?".

The game -still- suffers from the same issues as the last game graphically. It's like people were too busy listening to Peter talk about all the stuff he wanted in the game to do what you -should- be doing in the last four or five weeks of production: FIXING BUGS AND POLISHING THE GAME.

The controls are a bit off kilter. It's just that walking isn't really possible. You either walk slower than a sick mule, do a weird slow-motion run, or just run.

The game also moves much to quickly for an RPG. I mean, really, the only Revolution that ever went -that- easily and -that- fast would probably be the Velvet Revolution, and no one even died then. Where's the intrigue? Where's the sticking to the shadows, running from the law? Why are guards -watching- me walk the streets and not making any attempt at all to arrest me? Secondly, the combat is boring as hell, and the "weapon-morphing" is broken beyond belief. After about ten minutes through my first fight with renegades, I was bored out of my mind, and fast-travelled just so I wouldn't have to do it again. The game also lacks consistency. The Castle looks entirely different, and there's no explanation as to why. The guild seal also looks different.

Also, for bragging about bringing stuff from Fable 2 into Fable 3, you sure did a half-assed job of it. I rarely got any references to my Hero-Parent, the most being in the beginning of the game. Giving the character a voice was an almost pointless move. The longest line he has is in the beginning of the game. Apart from that, he's as silent as his ancestors before him.

As for the few RPG elements we had, you're -really- going to make me ballroom-dance and play patty-cake with people? I'm glad there aren't inter-kingdom relations or anything, that'd be awkward as hell.

In short, this game is broken beyond belief, and is anything but great. Maybe my expectations were a bit too high for Fable, but considering all the hype we've gotten out of this, it should have been obvious this was going to burnout. When Peter said they would -have- to release the game episodically, "Or we wouldn't make enough money to continue the franchise", I should have known something was up. But nope, I was far too caught up in becoming king.

The game got way too high of a score. I'd give it a 7.5 at the most. As an RPG, Fable 2 beats the sin out of Fable 3.

Also, I think Pete went a bit overboard with the humor.


Jul 31, 2010
Even if this review were informative, I don't think it would matter much.

All games in the Fable series are things people seem to either hate or love, and just because you loved one doesn't mean you'll love another and you need to play the game in order to know. I loved Fable 1, didn't play 2 and I love Fable 3. Hopefully if you buy it you love it.


Jul 30, 2010
I can't count how many times I completed the first Fable. I thought they realised that Fable II kinda lost it's charm.
Fable 3... No comments...
I don't understand how Darksiders got a much lower score because it copied on other games while this game was just less than it's predecessors. (Darksiders was just taken as an example, not as a comparison.)


Jul 30, 2010
''Hahaha!!! And i said this game was gonna be worse than Fable 2, like 6 months back''

And you were right 6 months back.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 18, 2003
PTooie said:
Peter Molineux sucks! He's never made a good game in his life. He has all these ideas in his head and that's all he cares about, he forgets a game has to be fun to play, that's the most important thing.

The best thing in your post is that you have a Final Fantasy X avatar.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 18, 2003
_Afrosamurai_ said:
Hahaha!!! And i said this game was gonna be worse than Fable 2, like 6 months back.

Well play it and see for youself how awesome it is. Fool!
Dec 24, 2008
I'd really like to see some developers of major hardcore games stick with their original audience for once. I understand and welcome the new casual craze. It's good for the industry. However, Mass Effect 2 was intensely casual, compared to the first one. I mean, very few gun options, no upgrade customizing, a level up system that was limited, at best. Still a good came. But "streamlined" nonetheless, and that's not a good thing for the consumer. The same thing is happening to pretty much every genre, although I haven't played a game with casual RPG elements because I'm not sure if that's possible, lulz. Anyway, the point is, casual is okay, but there needs to be a line between the high quality, challenging games, and the lighthearted and accessible casual games.