
Almost Not a Noob
Jan 5, 2007
This series is the video game equivalent of those poor souls who have no social life at all, and instead choose to spend their time spamming a thread, then creating an account with a slightly different name and continuing to spam, ad infinitum.

This series fails totally and completely in one regard (graphics, sound, presentation etc pale in comparison to this) gameplay mechanics.

The core of the -action gameplay mechanics- has been a complete and utter flaw of this series since I can't even remember when.

The button mashing special attack spamming action is utterly boring, especially when you're facing an armada of enemies on screen and only a few of them are attacking you at once, the lack of clear objectives (yes I realise there is a historically tied in story mode, but that makes up for barely even the bone marrow of a skeleton of the story they -actually- tell).

The new shop mechanic is a completely lazy way for KOEI to "address" their utter failure in the action gameplay mechanics, serving to do not much more but break up the tedium of running blindly around areas special attacking hordes of enemies.

Honestly, I taped down the attack button and left my character to idle (this was on the second hardest difficulty) on screen while enemies continued (what few of them do) attack the character. Suffice it to say, a cigarette later, when I came back my character was still alive, and the zone had not been captured by the A.I. Nevermind that, but my forces numbers had barely been depleted, nevermind decimated as they should have been.

A game, that does not require you to be there (to at the very least lose) should not be called a game at all.

Seriously, play some Ninja Gaiden, not as many enemies on screen, but certainly more enemies attacking you at once, and it requires skill and timing that most other third person action games of this day and age do not require of the gamer. Button mashing, can and will be punished by the Fiends.



Jul 4, 2008
CleaverDmon3y said:
Man it's so easy to piss these people off.

These games get low ratings for obvious reasons. Any game series would that spits out the same crap over and over again.

hmmm, you basically just described halo 2 transition to Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 modern warfare to modern warfare 2. Not saying those games are bad, they're really fun to play as well. But the point is that the when I played Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare 2, nothing really changed. halo 2 to halo 3 is kind of the same.

The CORE GAMEPLAYhasn't changed at all. Is that a bad thing? not really. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. The dynasty warrior series is kind of the same. The Core gameplay hasn't really changed at all. But there are changes in these game mechanics. In halo case, Halo 2 to halo 3 changes were the introduction of the gravity hammer, bubble shield, etc. Now in dynasty warrior case. I only played dynasty Warrior 5 and upwards so I'll only say the changes I know(not listing all the changes). The weapon system changed. Use to be that the amount of moves you can use was linked to the weapon in Dynasty Warrior 5. Items was in Dynasty Warrior 5 to raise stats(attack, musou, etc.). Dynasty Warrior 6 changed the combo system to the renbu system where you get continuous strings of attack and the leveling system of SW.Then In Dynasty Warrior 7, they go back to the Charge Attack System in Dynasty Warrior 5,gave the weapon switch function, and the introduction of the Jin Kingdom.It also took out the item system and leveling system(stat based system now) in Dynasty Warrior 5. If those aren't changes, then I don't' know what is.

The point of this ridiculously long comment is that all games has some bit of repetitive in them, its just that some game hides it better than other. It all really depends on which kind of games you like. I like RPG, hack and Slash, and action adventure. So I would find Dynasty Warrior 7 more fun than call of duty or halo.

PS. Have you played the game? if you haven't then you really shouldn't be criticizing on this board. If you have, then I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this game. TO ALL OF YOU WHO IS READING THIS AND CRITICIZING THIS GAME WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING IT. RENT IT, PLAY IT, THEN CRITICIZE IT. THEN, AND ONLY THEN WILL YOUR OPINION WILL MEAN ANYTHING.
I apologize to CleaverDmon3y if it seems like I'm attacking him. I'm really not, it just his post gave me an opportunity give my opinion of "how the dynasty warriors series is repetitive and how (insert first person shooter name here) is not".


May 6, 2011
This game is more about Chinese history and the graphic is close to Japanese. So for those people who do not know Chinese history or do not like Japanese style, then just shut up, you guys will never understand the meaning behind the game


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Such bull the reviewer has. This game is awesome! I do agre with a few things though, they DID took out free mode, yet this game has AMAZING graphics! Probably the best I've seen!

DW8, SUMMER 2011!
Jan 11, 2009
hmmm, you basically just described halo 2 transition to Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 modern warfare to modern warfare 2. Not saying those games are bad, they're really fun to play as well. But the point is that the when I played Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare 2, nothing really changed. halo 2 to halo 3 is kind of the same.

There are a couple of problems with that argument. For one, both Halo and Modern Warfare are AAA FPS titles, and even if they did release the same game every year it'd still be far more fun than Dynasty Warriors. Second, Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 are Call of Duty 4 and 6, respectively, so they did not come out back to back. Third, you can only list two example of when the game has remained mainly the same, but ignore all the other leaps and jumps those series have made. Halo 2 introduced dual weilding and vehicle jacking, not to mention online multiplayer. Halo 3 had 4 player co-op, and it was one of the first games to do that. And don't even get me started on all the hundreds of things that changed from Halo 3 to ODST, and then ODST to Reach...

And Call of Duty? I mean, if all you play is competitive multiplayer things might all seem the same, but I've gone from only playing single player, to multiplayer, to zombies, to spec ops, and back to an updated and much more fun zombies, WITH a top down arcade shooter. And that's on top of the multi and single player.

[/quote]The CORE GAMEPLAYhasn't changed at all. Is that a bad thing? not really. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. The dynasty warrior series is kind of the same. The Core gameplay hasn't really changed at all. But there are changes in these game mechanics. In halo case, Halo 2 to halo 3 changes were the introduction of the gravity hammer, bubble shield, etc. Now in dynasty warrior case. I only played dynasty Warrior 5 and upwards so I'll only say the changes I know(not listing all the changes). The weapon system changed. Use to be that the amount of moves you can use was linked to the weapon in Dynasty Warrior 5. Items was in Dynasty Warrior 5 to raise stats(attack, musou, etc.). Dynasty Warrior 6 changed the combo system to the renbu system where you get continuous strings of attack and the leveling system of SW.Then In Dynasty Warrior 7, they go back to the Charge Attack System in Dynasty Warrior 5,gave the weapon switch function, and the introduction of the Jin Kingdom.It also took out the item system and leveling system(stat based system now) in Dynasty Warrior 5. If those aren't changes, then I don't' know what is. [/quote]

It is a bad thing, because all the game boils down to is slamming that X button. It has less depth than freaking MapleStory. I'm not sure why you're so stuck on Halo not changing, but Halo 2 and 3 came out 3 years apart, as opposed to every 5 or so months (Dynasty Warriors), and all the Halos that came after it were nothing like it while somehow keeping the core gameplay. You can add item leveling and new combos and weapon switching all you like- you're still just spamming the X button. The enemies don't give you a reason to need or even want to do all that, because they aren't hostile towards you.

The point of this ridiculously long comment is that all games has some bit of repetitive in them, its just that some game hides it better than other. It all really depends on which kind of games you like. I like RPG, hack and Slash, and action adventure. So I would find Dynasty Warrior 7 more fun than call of duty or halo.

All games have some repetitiveness in them, sure, but Dynasty Warriors is spitting out more or less the exact same game every few months. Other games wait at least a year, and offer dozens more innovations each entry. Even Madden Football innovates more than Dynasty Warriors. I also like RPG, hack and slash, and action adventure games, and Dynasty Warriors doesn't fall into any of those categories. You know that it's intended to be an action strategy game? Exactly. Blame the AI and the lack of actual depth.

PS. Have you played the game? if you haven't then you really shouldn't be criticizing on this board. If you have, then I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this game. TO ALL OF YOU WHO IS READING THIS AND CRITICIZING THIS GAME WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING IT. RENT IT, PLAY IT, THEN CRITICIZE IT. THEN, AND ONLY THEN WILL YOUR OPINION WILL MEAN ANYTHING.
I apologize to CleaverDmon3y if it seems like I'm attacking him. I'm really not, it just his post gave me an opportunity give my opinion of "how the dynasty warriors series is repetitive and how (insert first person shooter name here) is not".

Well, most FPS are NOT as repetetive as Dynasty Warriors. Every single enemy since like, 3, and that's including the ones in their Gundam, Samurai, and Orochi series, all play the exact same way. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires. Even though you can switch weapons, I guarantee you that you are doing the exact same thing as me when you play; spamming the X button. That's what repetitive is. When I know what you're doing in-game without even having to be there.


Jul 4, 2008
"There are a couple of problems with that argument. For one, both Halo and Modern Warfare are AAA FPS titles, and even if they did release the same game every year it'd still be far more fun than Dynasty Warriors. Second, Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 are Call of Duty 4 and 6, respectively, so they did not come out back to back. Third, you can only list two example of when the game has remained mainly the same, but ignore all the other leaps and jumps those series have made. Halo 2 introduced dual weilding and vehicle jacking, not to mention online multiplayer. Halo 3 had 4 player co-op, and it was one of the first games to do that. And don't even get me started on all the hundreds of things that changed from Halo 3 to ODST, and then ODST to Reach...

And Call of Duty? I mean, if all you play is competitive multiplayer things might all seem the same, but I've gone from only playing single player, to multiplayer, to zombies, to spec ops, and back to an updated and much more fun zombies, WITH a top down arcade shooter. And that's on top of the multi and single player."

You do have some good points, I give you that. First of all, I didn't list all of it because I didn't want to make my post too long. Secondly, Halo 2 didn't introduce dual wielding. last I checked, Golden Eye 007 had dual wielding in it. Halo 3 wasn't one of the first games to do 4 player co-op. Final fantasy crystal chronicles, the legend of Zelda: 4 swords adventure, etc. If you mean on the FPS genre, then I'll give you that. Halo 2 also wasn't the first to introduce online multiplayer. It may have introduce online multiplayer to the consoles but it did not introduce online mutliplayer. I haven't played ODST but I did played Halo Reach. I will admit to the changes from Halo 3 to Reach. I didn't really say anything about Reach. I enjoyed Halo Reach. Now for call of duty, my only problem is the progression from call of duty modern warfare 1- modern warfare 2. Not Call of duty modern warfare 1 to World at War to modern warfare 2. I had no problem with World at War(introduce zombies). World at War really felt a different game than modern warfare which cannot be said for modern warfare 2.Comparing modern warfare 1 and 2, there's not much difference. In the single player campaign, its really the same from going to point A to point B. A couple of vehicle missions, more stealth missions, and thats about it. Modern Warfare 2 also just added a few new weapons. I personally felt that Modern Warfare 2 was an expansion pack to Modern Warfare 1. The only good part of Modern Warfare 2 was the spec ops mission but even that isn't really enough to call it a new game. I'll also add a couple of things(not adding stuff i add in my previous post) to dynasty warrior 7 so it doesn't seem like dynasty warrior 6. Hmm, story presentation is way different. Use of siege weapons is different(ability to use the ballista, juggernaut, etc.). Inclusion of the Jin Dynasty makes Dynasty Warrior 7 a bit different from the other installment. Now I add some changes from Dynasty Warrior 6 that makes that different from Dyansty Warrior 5. Charge system was removed in place of the Renbu system. Siege weapon introduced(battering rams, ladders, etc.). Able to do ambushes. ability to call the horse was different though that was introduced in the samurai series so that doesn't really count. The ability to swim is different from Dynasty Warrior 5. And that's all I can remember though I'm sure I missed some features. "and even if they did release the same game every year it'd still be far more fun than Dynasty Warriors". That's really more on individual tastes so I don't really see how it got its bearing on this argument. Anyway, all the changes you talked about doesn't really change the Core gameplay.

"It is a bad thing, because all the game boils down to is slamming that X button. It has less depth than freaking MapleStory. I'm not sure why you're so stuck on Halo not changing, but Halo 2 and 3 came out 3 years apart, as opposed to every 5 or so months (Dynasty Warriors), and all the Halos that came after it were nothing like it while somehow keeping the core gameplay. You can add item leveling and new combos and weapon switching all you like- you're still just spamming the X button. The enemies don't give you a reason to need or even want to do all that, because they aren't hostile towards you."

I'm stuck on "Halo not really changing" because its what I started with. I'm trying to be consistent. And plus, how is Dynasty Warrior series only X-spamming? There are button combinations you use in order to do those combos. Have you actually play Dynasty Warrior on one of the harder levels? The peons might not be hostile toward you but the enemy generals are. Especially the playable ones.If you try X-spamming, you are going to get a game over. Especially if that enemy is Lu Bu. "game boils down to is slamming that X button". hmmm. Isn't that basically the same as FPS games. Your basically slamming on the R1 button with the occasional gernade.

"All games have some repetitiveness in them, sure, but Dynasty Warriors is spitting out more or less the exact same game every few months. Other games wait at least a year, and offer dozens more innovations each entry. Even Madden Football innovates more than Dynasty Warriors. I also like RPG, hack and slash, and action adventure games, and Dynasty Warriors doesn't fall into any of those categories. You know that it's intended to be an action strategy game? Exactly. Blame the AI and the lack of actual depth."

The time span between Dynasty Warrior 6 and 7 is 3 years so I don't know what your talking about spitting out the same game in a couple of months. I hope your not referring to the empire series. The empires series are way different from the main series. Even Dynasty Warrior strikeforce played differently. The only game that played the sames are the xl versions( or in DW6 case, DW6: special) and they are expansions.

"Well, most FPS are NOT as repetitive as Dynasty Warriors. Every single enemy since like, 3, and that's including the ones in their Gundam, Samurai, and Orochi series, all play the exact same way. The last Dynasty Warriors game I bought was Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires. Even though you can switch weapons, I guarantee you that you are doing the exact same thing as me when you play; spamming the X button. That's what repetitive is. When I know what you're doing in-game without even having to be there.[/quote]"

And what does this whole paragraph have to do with my last paragraph? As far as I see, it has no correlation with my last paragraph. Might as well just put it above your other paragraph so it's more consistent. My last paragraph says that you need to play the game in order to criticize it. But judging from what you said in your paragraph, you didn't even do that. But, I'll still try to counter your argument."Every single enemy since like, 3, and that's including the ones in their Gundam, Samurai, and Orochi series, all play the exact same way". hmm.... So your saying Ma Chao doing his first musou(since you haven't play this installment, they changed the musou attacks) attack on me is the same as Lu bu doing his first musou attack to me. Really? because to me, it look totally different. Anyway, I think you get my point. Peons also play differently. The Calvary unit charges you while the peon just try to get a hit at you. In the case of dynasty warrior gundam 2. The gigantic gundam plays way differently than the usual "general" gundam. "spamming the X button". You do like the spamming the x button excuse a lot. Try playing on hard or Chaos. Spamming the x button won't help you very much. "When I know what you're doing in-game without even having to be there". Ummmm. that's why we play a particular genre. I can say the same in the FPS genre. I'm going to be spamming the R1 button a lot and moving from point A to point B.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that Dynasty Warrior 7 isn't completely the same as previous installment. I'm also saying that you can't criticize a game without playing it first. That's like judging a book by its cover(sorry for the cliche).


Jul 4, 2008
"Halo 2 introduced dual weilding and vehicle jacking, not to mention online multiplayer. Halo 3 had 4 player co-op, and it was one of the first games to do that."

Oh yeah, forgot to add one more thing in my previous post. I'm not saying Halo 2 didn't change from Halo 1. I'm just discussing the transitions from Halo 2 to Halo 3. I personally felt that in the transistion from Halo 2 to Halo 3, there really wasn't any changes. Felt the same with COD: Modern Warfare 1 to Modern Warfare 2(Have nothing to negative to say about World at War, it was an enjoyable game). I'm not attacking the whole Call of duty series/Halo series. Modern Warfare 1 is a great game and it did introduce some changes that were paramount to the FPS genre(same with Halo) and are being used as templates for future shooters. My only problem is Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 didn't' change from their predecessor(being Halo 2 and Modern Warfare 1) and yet they get so much acclaim. While Dynasty Warrior 7 is being bashed for not changing(while it does have changes).
Jan 11, 2009
"You do have some good points, I give you that. First of all, I didn't list all of it because I didn't want to make my post too long. Secondly, Halo 2 didn't introduce dual wielding. last I checked, Golden Eye 007 had dual wielding in it."

I'm trying to figure out how Golden Eye 007 has ANYTHING to do with the Halo franchise and how it evolved from Halo 1 to 2, but I'm drawing a blank. What exactly are you trying to say here?

"Halo 3 wasn't one of the first games to do 4 player co-op. Final fantasy crystal chronicles, the legend of Zelda: 4 swords adventure, etc. If you mean on the FPS genre, then I'll give you that."

Both Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and 4 Swords Adventures were local multiplayer only (They were even on the purple lunchbox), required you to plug in GBAs for each player, and have absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Even IF they counted, I said "One of the first", and yes, I did mean in the FPS genre.

"Halo 2 also wasn't the first to introduce online multiplayer. It may have introduce online multiplayer to the consoles but it did not introduce online mutliplayer."

...I see what you're doing... When I tell you how each game has transitioned from release to release, you go on and tell me that they're not the first to do it in an attempt to draw attention away from the fact that you know I'm right! Clever! Not clever enough, I'm afraid. You can tell me it didn't introduce online multiplayer all you want, but the fact is that it DID introduce online multiplayer- to HALO, because Halo: Combat Evolved did not have it.

"I haven't played ODST but I did played Halo Reach. I will admit to the changes from Halo 3 to Reach. I didn't really say anything about Reach. I enjoyed Halo Reach."

You acknowledge the changes Halo has made, yet you can't understand why people don't get onto Halo for "Not changing"? *Facepalm*

"Now for call of duty, my only problem is the progression from call of duty modern warfare 1- modern warfare 2. Not Call of duty modern warfare 1 to World at War to modern warfare 2. I had no problem with World at War(introduce zombies). World at War really felt a different game than modern warfare which cannot be said for modern warfare 2.Comparing modern warfare 1 and 2, there's not much difference."

So you just want to skip games... Oh hey, two Call of Duty games are like eachother! How dare anyone call Dynasty Warriors repetitive when two games in a long, well known and established franchise are similar! Give me a break. The fact that World at War was released between the two games means that the second one was a breath of fresh air, despite how little changed. Because when you take one of the most popular games of all time, make people wait a couple years, change several small and medium sized things, and release it, it is no longer considered releasing the same game, nor is it repetitive. Also, you seem to have the mentality that Modern Warfare is a series by itself. Drop it, because fanboys will eat you alive.

"In the single player campaign, its really the same from going to point A to point B. A couple of vehicle missions, more stealth missions, and thats about it. Modern Warfare 2 also just added a few new weapons. I personally felt that Modern Warfare 2 was an expansion pack to Modern Warfare 1. The only good part of Modern Warfare 2 was the spec ops mission but even that isn't really enough to call it a new game."

I find it terribly ironic that you're describing the campaigns the way you are. What do you do in this new, completely different dynasty warriors game that nobody who has only played the past ones will ever experience? Rushing the enemy commander's base and killing him while all your allies stand around and watch when they could/should help if you actually needed it? Seriously, the campaign to Modern Warfare 2 was epic. When you play Modern Warfare 2 you're not guaranteed to have to fight the Yellow Turbans and then Dong Zhuo. No matter what happens in Dynasty Warriors, the story stays the same. Liu Bei forms a pact of brotherhood with his two friends. He gets a genius tactician by the name of Zhuge Liang. Cao Cao has his heart set on forming an empire, a dream ultimately realized by his son. Sun Ce dies at the hands on some wizard, and his brother takes over, employing Lu Xun and Ling Tong as his top generals (But wait, in DW5 Ling Tong was actually added to the story as a teenager!), and also sends his sister off to marry Liu Bei! The only thing story-wise that looks to be different is the addition of the Jing Dynasty(Why did it take them SEVEN installments to add them, anyways?).

"I'll also add a couple of things(not adding stuff i add in my previous post) to dynasty warrior 7 so it doesn't seem like dynasty warrior 6. Hmm, story presentation is way different. Use of siege weapons is different(ability to use the ballista, juggernaut, etc.). Inclusion of the Jin Dynasty makes Dynasty Warrior 7 a bit different from the other installment. Now I add some changes from Dynasty Warrior 6 that makes that different from Dyansty Warrior 5. Charge system was removed in place of the Renbu system. Siege weapon introduced(battering rams, ladders, etc.). Able to do ambushes. ability to call the horse was different though that was introduced in the samurai series so that doesn't really count. The ability to swim is different from Dynasty Warrior 5. And that's all I can remember though I'm sure I missed some features."

So... small features like being able to call your horse and being able to do ambushes makes the game completely new? Sounds like... an expansion pack to me. And why are you citing the addition of the Jin Dynasty to the story as something new when you clearly JUST said the additions MW2 added from MW1 was "Just A couple of vehicle missions, more stealth missions, and thats about it." You do realize that those missions were a whole lot more than your Jin Dynasty arc, right? Or did you not play Modern Warfare 2?

" "and even if they did release the same game every year it'd still be far more fun than Dynasty Warriors". That's really more on individual tastes so I don't really see how it got its bearing on this argument. Anyway, all the changes you talked about doesn't really change the Core gameplay."

What I mean by that is they are already high quality titles. Even if they did release the same game back to back, the game that came before it was still one of the best games in their genre for that time. Is Dynasty Warriors one of the best Hack and Slash games on the market? Absolutely not. They're not even being sold for full price upon release last I checked.

"I'm stuck on "Halo not really changing" because its what I started with. I'm trying to be consistent. And plus, how is Dynasty Warrior series only X-spamming? There are button combinations you use in order to do those combos. Have you actually play Dynasty Warrior on one of the harder levels? The peons might not be hostile toward you but the enemy generals are. Especially the playable ones.If you try X-spamming, you are going to get a game over. Especially if that enemy is Lu Bu. "game boils down to is slamming that X button". hmmm. Isn't that basically the same as FPS games. Your basically slamming on the R1 button with the occasional gernade."

Okay, there are a few button combinations, I'll give you that, and yes, Lu Bu will destroy you. Unfortunately, none of the other enemies will, not even the generals, and last I checked Lu Bu is only on a select few missions, one of which involves you being instructed to haul ash and run from him to get to Dong Zhuo. And your comments on FPS games made me laugh. Slamming the R1 button? Are you kidding me? In Halo you've got your armor ability to use, melees if they get close, different weapons (The majority of which don't involve slamming anything), different types of grenades, enemy types to diversify combat, and different storylines(If you really thing the story in each DW game is different from the last you are in denial). Not to mention you actually need, like, skill, to actually kill things.

"The time span between Dynasty Warrior 6 and 7 is 3 years so I don't know what your talking about spitting out the same game in a couple of months. I hope your not referring to the empire series. The empires series are way different from the main series. Even Dynasty Warrior strikeforce played differently. The only game that played the sames are the xl versions( or in DW6 case, DW6: special) and they are expansions."

I'm referring to the Samurai Warriors series, actually, but while we're on the subject of Empires, those are all the same too!

"And what does this whole paragraph have to do with my last paragraph? As far as I see, it has no correlation with my last paragraph. Might as well just put it above your other paragraph so it's more consistent. My last paragraph says that you need to play the game in order to criticize it. But judging from what you said in your paragraph, you didn't even do that. But, I'll still try to counter your argument."Every single enemy since like, 3, and that's including the ones in their Gundam, Samurai, and Orochi series, all play the exact same way". hmm.... So your saying Ma Chao doing his first musou(since you haven't play this installment, they changed the musou attacks) attack on me is the same as Lu bu doing his first musou attack to me. Really? because to me, it look totally different. Anyway, I think you get my point. Peons also play differently. The Calvary unit charges you while the peon just try to get a hit at you. In the case of dynasty warrior gundam 2. The gigantic gundam plays way differently than the usual "general" gundam. "spamming the X button". You do like the spamming the x button excuse a lot. Try playing on hard or Chaos. Spamming the x button won't help you very much. "When I know what you're doing in-game without even having to be there". Ummmm. that's why we play a particular genre. I can say the same in the FPS genre. I'm going to be spamming the R1 button a lot and moving from point A to point B."

The musou (Or whatever they call them now) attacks may look different, but it still boils down to the same thing. Hold down block while they're using the attack, then counter by either spamming X or using one of the legendary combos you speak of. By the way, I beat both DW4, 5, and Empires on Chaos, and with the exception of Cao Ren, Ma Chao, Lu Bu, and (For some reason) Zhou Yun, I had very little trouble getting through. Probably because I've played games in the genre that require a bit more thought. Also, I don't move "From point A to point B" because, unlike Dynasty Warriors, you can compete online in a FPS against other players, and "spamming the R1 button" is only something you'd expect from a noob. We don't remember X, Y, X, X, Y, B to kill hundreds, we shoot while aiming for an enemy actively trying to evade our shots while simultaneously trying to aim at us and shoot us. For one kill. Yet, for some reason, killing 10 enemies in Halo or Call of Duty is more of an accomplishment than killing 10k soldiers in Dynasty Warriors.

"Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that Dynasty Warrior 7 isn't completely the same as previous installment. I'm also saying that you can't criticize a game without playing it first. That's like judging a book by its cover(sorry for the cliche)."

It isn't -completely- the same, but it's so freakin close it might as well be. I remember back when I actually bought every game that came out in this series. It was a major waste of money. If they costed 20 bucks upon release they'd ALMOST be worth it. But full price for a game that you yourself can only list a handful of miniscule ways it has changed from the one that came out before it? I don't think so. Have fun calling your horse and switching weapons; I'm perfectly content with Dynasty Warriors XX and saving the money I would spend for more advanced games coming out.

"Oh yeah, forgot to add one more thing in my previous post. I'm not saying Halo 2 didn't change from Halo 1. I'm just discussing the transitions from Halo 2 to Halo 3. I personally felt that in the transistion from Halo 2 to Halo 3, there really wasn't any changes. Felt the same with COD: Modern Warfare 1 to Modern Warfare 2(Have nothing to negative to say about World at War, it was an enjoyable game). I'm not attacking the whole Call of duty series/Halo series. Modern Warfare 1 is a great game and it did introduce some changes that were paramount to the FPS genre(same with Halo) and are being used as templates for future shooters. My only problem is Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 didn't' change from their predecessor(being Halo 2 and Modern Warfare 1) and yet they get so much acclaim. While Dynasty Warrior 7 is being bashed for not changing(while it does have changes)."

Even if they DIDN'T change at all, you're only talking about one case. Most people see Dynasty Warriors as not changing since Dynasty Warriors THREE. That's what you don't get. The SERIES as a whole is repetitive. You're just singling out two random games in two random series and claiming they're doing the same thing as Dynasty Warriors- they're not.


Jul 4, 2008
"I'm trying to figure out how Golden Eye 007 has ANYTHING to do with the Halo franchise and how it evolved from Halo 1 to 2, but I'm drawing a blank. What exactly are you trying to say here?"

First of all, in my second post. I agree with you that there were significance changes from Halo 1 to Halo 2. My problem is with Halo 3. And for my golden Eye 007 reference. I'm just saying that Halo didn't introduce the concept of dual weapons to the FPS genre. That's all.

"Both Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and 4 Swords Adventures were local multiplayer only (They were even on the purple lunchbox), required you to plug in GBAs for each player, and have absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Even IF they counted, I said "One of the first", and yes, I did mean in the FPS genre."

You just said 4 player co-op, you weren't being specific enough. I believe you said "Halo 3 had 4 player co-op, and it was one of the first games to do that". You didn't say local or online. So in context to what you said, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and 4 swords adventure did count. As to what significance it has to the argument. You said that Halo introduced some concepts. I provided that it wasn't the first to do that in video gaming. Though in the genre itself? Yes, it did introduce those concepts in the Halo series.

"You can tell me it didn't introduce online multiplayer all you want, but the fact is that it DID introduce online multiplayer- to HALO, because Halo: Combat Evolved did not have it.

Ok, your more clear in this one. I'll give you that.

"You acknowledge the changes Halo has made, yet you can't understand why people don't get onto Halo for "Not changing"? *Facepalm* "

I acknowledge that Halo as a series has made changes. What I'm trying to say is I don't get why people praise Halo 3 when it didn't really change anything from Halo 2. I'm saying one of its installment didn't change. Please don't put words into my mouth.

"So you just want to skip games... Oh hey, two Call of Duty games are like eachother! How dare anyone call Dynasty Warriors repetitive when two games in a long, well known and established franchise are similar! Give me a break. The fact that World at War was released between the two games means that the second one was a breath of fresh air, despite how little changed. Because when you take one of the most popular games of all time, make people wait a couple years, change several small and medium sized things, and release it, it is no longer considered releasing the same game, nor is it repetitive. Also, you seem to have the mentality that Modern Warfare is a series by itself. Drop it, because fanboys will eat you alive."

I'm calling out modern warfare 2 because unlike World at War. Modern Warfare 2 is a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 1. When you get a sequel from a game, you expect some changes from the first one. Modern Warfare 2 barely had any changes from its predecessor(modern warfare 2).

"I find it terribly ironic that you're describing the campaigns the way you are. What do you do in this new, completely different dynasty warriors game that nobody who has only played the past ones will ever experience? Rushing the enemy commander's base and killing him while all your allies stand around and watch when they could/should help if you actually needed it? Seriously, the campaign to Modern Warfare 2 was epic. When you play Modern Warfare 2 you're not guaranteed to have to fight the Yellow Turbans and then Dong Zhuo. No matter what happens in Dynasty Warriors, the story stays the same. Liu Bei forms a pact of brotherhood with his two friends. He gets a genius tactician by the name of Zhuge Liang. Cao Cao has his heart set on forming an empire, a dream ultimately realized by his son. Sun Ce dies at the hands on some wizard, and his brother takes over, employing Lu Xun and Ling Tong as his top generals (But wait, in DW5 Ling Tong was actually added to the story as a teenager!), and also sends his sister off to marry Liu Bei! The only thing story-wise that looks to be different is the addition of the Jing Dynasty(Why did it take them SEVEN installments to add them, anyways?)."

(note:going to go on a tangent here but Ling Tong didn't send his sister to marry Liu Bei, that was Sun Quan. It was first an attempt(Sun Shang Xiang didn't even know about the marriage) to kill Liu Bei but failded(due to Sun Quan mother, she got excited and approve the marriage between them i think)and Liu Bei and SSX married and was able to go back to Shu)
First of all, the Dynasty Warrior series is based on the novel "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms". When your basing it on the novel, you don't have as many freedoms in creating the stories like you can in Modern Warfare 2. Secondly, you need to do a couple of objectives first before you can actually you can actually face the commander(more so in this game). The battle of Chi Bi is a good example in this(for Wu). When your first starting, there is almost no way to get to Cao Cao. The only way to reach Cao Cao/ win the stage is by completing the fire attack and then chasing Cao Cao. If you don't complete the fire attack, enemy will keep, lack of a better word, re-spawning. Another example is the battle for Han Zhong(not against Shu but some other guy but can't remember his name). When you reach the boss of this stage, you can't defeat him. You can certainly try to keep attacking him but he keep on healing until you do one of the objective in the stage. Even Yellow Turban Rebellion had a way from blocking you to reaching Zhang Jiao. The story itself may not have changed but the story presentation has. For each kingdom, it actually goes in depth the birth and destruction of each kingdom. In dynasty warrior 5, they only give you a scene in how the character felt about the battle and a broad description of the battle. Dynasty Warrior 5 didn't' really tell anything about the three kingdom era. It just gave us battles(not that was a bad thing). Same thing with Dynasty Warrior 6. Oh yeah, I didn't really find Modern Warfare 2 campaign to be that epic. It was good. But it was the typical fps story we have in FPS these days.(though I was surprise about how Ghost died :( he was my favorite character in the campaign mode, oh yeah and the ending-Price/Shepard fight was pretty good)"all your allies stand around and watch when they could/should help". Not like your allies in the campaign mode in the FPS genre were much help to you. You basically had to do all the work by yourself.

"So... small features like being able to call your horse and being able to do ambushes makes the game completely new? Sounds like... an expansion pack to me. And why are you citing the addition of the Jin Dynasty to the story as something new when you clearly JUST said the additions MW2 added from MW1 was "Just A couple of vehicle missions, more stealth missions, and thats about it." You do realize that those missions were a whole lot more than your Jin Dynasty arc, right? Or did you not play Modern Warfare 2?"

I'm just stating some the changes from Dynasty Warrior 5 to DW6 to DW 7. And I wouldn't call the Renbu system, ability to use siege weapons, story presentation, etc. to be small changes. I did play Modern Warfare 2 but the main problem with Modern Warfare 2 is that it didn't really do anything new in regards to Modern Warfare 1. You already have vehicle battles and stealth missions in modern Warfare 1. I stated the inclusion of the Jin Dynasty because its a totally new dynasty that was just added to Dynasty Warrior 7. Not only did it added new character to the roster but also gave Dynasty Warrior an actual ending compare to the other Dynasty Warrior "what if" endings. It also let the story on Dynasty Warrior pass the Wu Zhang Plains stage which was always the final stage for Shu/Wei. "You do realize that those missions were a whole lot more than your Jin Dynasty arc". I'd say their the same in content(with regard to gameplay in the different genre). While the stealth and vehicle mission didn't add anything new, they were fun. The stealth missions give you a change of pace from the other missions. It also give you a feeling(well to me) of accomplishment if you are able to do a mission in stealth without alerting any enemy guards. The vehicle missions was fun in that you could just blow up enemy tanks, troops, etc. Now for the Jin Dynasty Arc. It gave the Dynasty Warrior series an actual ending than previous installment of "what if" ending in previous installments. It let you see the destruction of each individual kingdom on how it played out in the novel(more or less). It certainly added more play time in Dynasty Warrior.(which is a plus for some people) takes 7 to 8 more hours to complete the Jin dynasty. Added more scenerios such as "battle for Cheng Du"(Jin last stage and has amazing bgm IMO).

"What I mean by that is they are already high quality titles. Even if they did release the same game back to back, the game that came before it was still one of the best games in their genre for that time. Is Dynasty Warriors one of the best Hack and Slash games on the market? Absolutely not. They're not even being sold for full price upon release last I checked."

I'll give you that its not the best hack and slash game on the market(I'll give the best hack and slash game to the Ninja Gaiden/Devil may cry series in my personal opinion). And last I checked, Dynasty Warrior 7 cost around $60. I think that's usually the full price for a Dynasty Warrior game. Anyway, is Dynasty Warrior games such a terrible hack and slash game? In my personal opinion, no. I have played worse hack and slash games than Dynasty Warrior.(such as too human, loved the norse mythology in it and the story but not the gameplay)

"Okay, there are a few button combinations, I'll give you that, and yes, Lu Bu will destroy you. Unfortunately, none of the other enemies will, not even the generals, and last I checked Lu Bu is only on a select few missions, one of which involves you being instructed to haul ash and run from him to get to Dong Zhuo. And your comments on FPS games made me laugh. Slamming the R1 button? Are you kidding me? In Halo you've got your armor ability to use, melees if they get close, different weapons (The majority of which don't involve slamming anything), different types of grenades, enemy types to diversify combat, and different storylines(If you really thing the story in each DW game is different from the last you are in denial). Not to mention you actually need, like, skill, to actually kill things."

First, I'm just using a generalization of FPS when I say spamming the R1 button. It's a bad generalization and I apologize for it(was up late when I was typing this). I give you the melee and the 2 different types of gernade(don't remember the armor ability unless your talking about ODST or Reach). The different storyline is about the same in the Dynasty Warrior games(at least in Dynasty Warrior 7). The Halo series got about 4 storylines following from Reach to Halo 3(not counting Halo Wars though since it wasn't really made by Bungie so not canon). In Dynasty Warrior 7, you follow the individual kingdom of Wu, Shu, Wei, and new Jin. I would agree that previous Dynasty Warrior installments(well in the one I played) didn't really have different storyline since it didn't really explain anything. But in this installment, they really explain the birth and end of each kingdom and what significant battle they were in. Also the reason why the kingdom was created(such as the creation of Shu in an attempt to bring the Han Dynasty back). And plus, Dynasty Warriors does follow the Romance of the three kingdoms, so they don't have much freedom in the story itself. The different weapon I'll give to Halo. Though Dynasty Warrior did had weapon diversity in each of its weapon. There are about 32 or 34 weapons and each had their unique combo.ex. the spear first spear charge(X, Y) is a throw attack while in a sword is an aerial attack. Don't get me wrong, Halo does got Dynasty Warrior beat in weapon diversity but Dynasty warrior does got diversity between each weapon move set. I also give you enemy type to divesify combat since you really only have to worry about the calvary and archer units in Dynasty Warrior 7 while in Halo you get the elites, hunters, brutes, drones, and the jackals.

"I'm referring to the Samurai Warriors series, actually, but while we're on the subject of Empires, those are all the same too!"

The same as what? Your not being very clear here. Same as the main Dynasty Warrior series, no they're not. The only thing that is kind of the same is the combat system but even the combat system is a bit different in the Empire series. You can order your officers to defend or attack a base/officer, you can't rush to the commander unless you capture adjacent bases to the enemy main camp, there are actually different unit type(in DW5 such as the Nanman troops)you can deploy with some of the policies, you can create alliances between other rulers, etc. If you mean the same as every other Empire series. Maybe and I said maybe because I haven't played any empire game predating 5.

"The musou (Or whatever they call them now) attacks may look different, but it still boils down to the same thing. Hold down block while they're using the attack, then counter by either spamming X or using one of the legendary combos you speak of. By the way, I beat both DW4, 5, and Empires on Chaos, and with the exception of Cao Ren, Ma Chao, Lu Bu, and (For some reason) Zhou Yun, I had very little trouble getting through. Probably because I've played games in the genre that require a bit more thought. Also, I don't move "From point A to point B" because, unlike Dynasty Warriors, you can compete online in a FPS against other players, and "spamming the R1 button" is only something you'd expect from a noob. We don't remember X, Y, X, X, Y, B to kill hundreds, we shoot while aiming for an enemy actively trying to evade our shots while simultaneously trying to aim at us and shoot us. For one kill. Yet, for some reason, killing 10 enemies in Halo or Call of Duty is more of an accomplishment than killing 10k soldiers in Dynasty Warriors."

I would say that the musou in this game is very different from previous games. For one, there are grab musous this time that are for single officers while there are other musou attack which creates AOE effect. Plus you haven't played Dynasty Warrior 7, so you can't really criticize the musou in DW7.When I said from point a to point b. I meant the campaign mode, not the online mode. For clarification, when you say killing 10 enemies, do you mean online or at campaign? Because if you mean the campaign, there's not much difficulty in killing them. To me, killing a single enemy in COD campaign mode equals to defeating an enemy general in Dynasty Warrior. If you mean online, then I would give you that you do get more of an accomplishment since your playing against a player.

I"t isn't -completely- the same, but it's so freakin close it might as well be. I remember back when I actually bought every game that came out in this series. It was a major waste of money. If they costed 20 bucks upon release they'd ALMOST be worth it. But full price for a game that you yourself can only list a handful of miniscule ways it has changed from the one that came out before it? I don't think so. Have fun calling your horse and switching weapons; I'm perfectly content with Dynasty Warriors XX and saving the money I would spend for more advanced games coming out.

Even if they DIDN'T change at all, you're only talking about one case. Most people see Dynasty Warriors as not changing since Dynasty Warriors THREE. That's what you don't get. The SERIES as a whole is repetitive. You're just singling out two random games in two random series and claiming they're doing the same thing as Dynasty Warriors- they're not."

That's why I'm only targeting about Halo 3 and Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2. I'm not targeting the FPS genre itself or the Halo/Call of duty series. There are no noticeable differences from Halo 2 and Halo 3. The same goes to Call of duty: Modern Warfare 1 to Modern Warfare 2."I'm perfectly content with Dynasty Warriors XX and saving the money I would spend for more advanced games coming out" I too would be content with only playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 without playing Modern Warfare 2. I might be inclined to play Halo 3 if only to probably end the series. "but it's so freakin close it might as well be. I remember back when I actually bought every game that came out in this series. It was a major waste of money". I felt the same when I completed Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2. "Most people see Dynasty Warriors as not changing since Dynasty Warriors THREE" Most people I know who claim that Dynasty Warrior hasn't changed haven't even played Dynasty Warriors. Your a bit of an exception since you played up to Dynasty Warrior 5 Empires. "you yourself can only list a handful of miniscule ways". You yourself haven't explained any changes regarding Halo 3(except for 4 player co-op) and Call of duty Modern Warfare 2. All the changes you say can only be credited to Call of duty modern warfare 1, call of duty World at War(zombies), and Hao 2(online multiplayer and vehicle jacking).

You seem to be under the assumption that I'm saying the Call of duty/Halo series hasn't changed. I've only targeted Halo 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Do I think that Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 are bad games? No, they're pretty good games by themselves. But majorly disappointed that there were barley any changes on Halo 3 and Modern warfare 2. Now dynasty warrior 7 got the opposite effect for me. Usually Dynasty Warrior are mediocore/good. Usually a 6.5/10 to newcomers looking for a hack and slash game and a 7/10 who are hack and slash fans and also interested on the romance of the three kingdoms. I picked up this dynasty warrior game since I like hack and slash game and because I'm remotely interested in the romance of the three kingdoms. It came in with expectation that it wasn't really going to be good but was pleasantly surprise. The story presentation really improved from DW 5 and 6. Weapon movesets were very different from each other. Ability to use the ballista/juggernaut was a plus for me. There are a couple of flaws in this game but I personally had a better experience with Dynasty Warrior 7 then Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2(though may be because I don't really like FPS as much as hack and slash and my expectations for Halo 3/Modern Warfare 2)

Jan 11, 2009

"First of all, in my second post. I agree with you that there were significance changes from Halo 1 to Halo 2. My problem is with Halo 3. And for my golden Eye 007 reference. I'm just saying that Halo didn't introduce the concept of dual weapons to the FPS genre. That's all."

Why are you bothering to tell me about Golden Eye? Am I supposed to care that it had Dual Wielding first? I said Halo 2 introduced Dual Wielding. When I was talking about the Halo series' evolution. I don't get why you're talking about revolutions in the FPS genre. I didn't know it was that kind of conversation

"You just said 4 player co-op, you weren't being specific enough. I believe you said "Halo 3 had 4 player co-op, and it was one of the first games to do that". You didn't say local or online. So in context to what you said, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and 4 swords adventure did count. As to what significance it has to the argument. You said that Halo introduced some concepts. I provided that it wasn't the first to do that in video gaming. Though in the genre itself? Yes, it did introduce those concepts in the Halo series."

I'm still pretty sure I said "One of the first...", and you even went as far as to quote that yourself. One of the first means it was one of the first few. Only being able to think up two other games that came before it means it is STILL one of the first. Aside from that, when I say it introduced it, I meant to Halo as a series, not to the entire freakin genre...

"I acknowledge that Halo as a series has made changes. What I'm trying to say is I don't get why people praise Halo 3 when it didn't really change anything from Halo 2. I'm saying one of its installment didn't change. Please don't put words into my mouth."

If you wanted to play Halo in the next gen, Halo 3 was your only option, as Halo 2 was on the original Xbox and Halo 3 was Xbox 360. Plus, the multiplayer had all new maps, vehicles, and the weapons had been completely redone. Thinking back on it... Halo 3 DID change some things. A lot, actually.

"I'm calling out modern warfare 2 because unlike World at War. Modern Warfare 2 is a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 1. When you get a sequel from a game, you expect some changes from the first one. Modern Warfare 2 barely had any changes from its predecessor(modern warfare 2)."

Not in my opinion. They slapped the same name and gave the characters the same names and story, but Modern Warfare 2 is CoD6, while Modern Warfare is CoD4. MW2 got so much praise and wasn't seen as repetitive because when WaW came out, people began to forget the MW taste, and when MW2 came back it was like feeding water to children in Africa. Many people think of WaW as a bad game, and it only made the return of MW even sweeter.

"(note:going to go on a tangent here but Ling Tong didn't send his sister to marry Liu Bei, that was Sun Quan. It was first an attempt(Sun Shang Xiang didn't even know about the marriage) to kill Liu Bei but failded(due to Sun Quan mother, she got excited and approve the marriage between them i think)and Liu Bei and SSX married and was able to go back to Shu)
First of all, the Dynasty Warrior series is based on the novel "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms". When your basing it on the novel, you don't have as many freedoms in creating the stories like you can in Modern Warfare 2. Secondly, you need to do a couple of objectives first before you can actually you can actually face the commander(more so in this game). The battle of Chi Bi is a good example in this(for Wu). When your first starting, there is almost no way to get to Cao Cao. The only way to reach Cao Cao/ win the stage is by completing the fire attack and then chasing Cao Cao. If you don't complete the fire attack, enemy will keep, lack of a better word, re-spawning. Another example is the battle for Han Zhong(not against Shu but some other guy but can't remember his name). When you reach the boss of this stage, you can't defeat him. You can certainly try to keep attacking him but he keep on healing until you do one of the objective in the stage. Even Yellow Turban Rebellion had a way from blocking you to reaching Zhang Jiao. The story itself may not have changed but the story presentation has. For each kingdom, it actually goes in depth the birth and destruction of each kingdom. In dynasty warrior 5, they only give you a scene in how the character felt about the battle and a broad description of the battle. Dynasty Warrior 5 didn't' really tell anything about the three kingdom era. It just gave us battles(not that was a bad thing). Same thing with Dynasty Warrior 6. Oh yeah, I didn't really find Modern Warfare 2 campaign to be that epic. It was good. But it was the typical fps story we have in FPS these days.(though I was surprise about how Ghost died :( he was my favorite character in the campaign mode, oh yeah and the ending-Price/Shepard fight was pretty good)"all your allies stand around and watch when they could/should help". Not like your allies in the campaign mode in the FPS genre were much help to you. You basically had to do all the work by yourself."

You read my post wrong. I said Sun Ce died, and his brother took over. Then, he added Lu Xun and Ling Tong as his best generals and sent his sister off to marry Liu Bei. Also, historically she did know about it, but actually fell in love with him. Sun Quan then turned it into a way to keep peace with Shu while he turned his attention to Cao Pi and his new dynasty. I spent hours in the encyclopedia on several of the games. Then I filled the missing holes in with the internet. I know too much. But I digress. Big time. Might as well start a new paragraph.

All of the Call of Duty campaigns have something to stop you from going from "Point A to point B", too, though. Yes, it may be a lot more linear, but it's also a lot more polished. Character animations are fluid (Enemies react to where you shoot them as opposed to one arrow or boulder sending you flying backwards and landing on your back no matter what) and the graphics... really are superior. The allies in most FPS actually help a lot, if you're not talking about Call of Duty. I remember Killzone 2 and 3, when my allies actually cleared an area with me only having to kill one or two guys that were far off, because I couldn't get past that part because of an mg nest.

"I'm just stating some the changes from Dynasty Warrior 5 to DW6 to DW 7. And I wouldn't call the Renbu system, ability to use siege weapons, story presentation, etc. to be small changes. I did play Modern Warfare 2 but the main problem with Modern Warfare 2 is that it didn't really do anything new in regards to Modern Warfare 1. You already have vehicle battles and stealth missions in modern Warfare 1. I stated the inclusion of the Jin Dynasty because its a totally new dynasty that was just added to Dynasty Warrior 7. Not only did it added new character to the roster but also gave Dynasty Warrior an actual ending compare to the other Dynasty Warrior "what if" endings. It also let the story on Dynasty Warrior pass the Wu Zhang Plains stage which was always the final stage for Shu/Wei. "You do realize that those missions were a whole lot more than your Jin Dynasty arc". I'd say their the same in content(with regard to gameplay in the different genre). While the stealth and vehicle mission didn't add anything new, they were fun. The stealth missions give you a change of pace from the other missions. It also give you a feeling(well to me) of accomplishment if you are able to do a mission in stealth without alerting any enemy guards. The vehicle missions was fun in that you could just blow up enemy tanks, troops, etc. Now for the Jin Dynasty Arc. It gave the Dynasty Warrior series an actual ending than previous installment of "what if" ending in previous installments. It let you see the destruction of each individual kingdom on how it played out in the novel(more or less). It certainly added more play time in Dynasty Warrior.(which is a plus for some people) takes 7 to 8 more hours to complete the Jin dynasty. Added more scenerios such as "battle for Cheng Du"(Jin last stage and has amazing bgm IMO)."

You're pretty much going over the same points, and I do have a date tonight, so I'm gonna have to skip over this paragraph.

"I'll give you that its not the best hack and slash game on the market(I'll give the best hack and slash game to the Ninja Gaiden/Devil may cry series in my personal opinion). And last I checked, Dynasty Warrior 7 cost around $60. I think that's usually the full price for a Dynasty Warrior game. Anyway, is Dynasty Warrior games such a terrible hack and slash game? In my personal opinion, no. I have played worse hack and slash games than Dynasty Warrior.(such as too human, loved the norse mythology in it and the story but not the gameplay)"

Funny, because I was gonna say Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry are the best as well. God of War, too. So glad I'm finally old enough to buy those games without mommy's permission. ~_~ Oh look, I'm digressing again.

"First, I'm just using a generalization of FPS when I say spamming the R1 button. It's a bad generalization and I apologize for it(was up late when I was typing this). I give you the melee and the 2 different types of gernade(don't remember the armor ability unless your talking about ODST or Reach). The different storyline is about the same in the Dynasty Warrior games(at least in Dynasty Warrior 7). The Halo series got about 4 storylines following from Reach to Halo 3(not counting Halo Wars though since it wasn't really made by Bungie so not canon). In Dynasty Warrior 7, you follow the individual kingdom of Wu, Shu, Wei, and new Jin. I would agree that previous Dynasty Warrior installments(well in the one I played) didn't really have different storyline since it didn't really explain anything. But in this installment, they really explain the birth and end of each kingdom and what significant battle they were in. Also the reason why the kingdom was created(such as the creation of Shu in an attempt to bring the Han Dynasty back). And plus, Dynasty Warriors does follow the Romance of the three kingdoms, so they don't have much freedom in the story itself. The different weapon I'll give to Halo. Though Dynasty Warrior did had weapon diversity in each of its weapon. There are about 32 or 34 weapons and each had their unique combo.ex. the spear first spear charge(X, Y) is a throw attack while in a sword is an aerial attack. Don't get me wrong, Halo does got Dynasty Warrior beat in weapon diversity but Dynasty warrior does got diversity between each weapon move set. I also give you enemy type to divesify combat since you really only have to worry about the calvary and archer units in Dynasty Warrior 7 while in Halo you get the elites, hunters, brutes, drones, and the jackals."

Halo is based on a series of books, and Halo Wars is no exception. So yes, it is canon. And from what you're telling me, it looks like Dynasty Warriors 7 might be worth watching a walkthrough.

"The same as what? Your not being very clear here. Same as the main Dynasty Warrior series, no they're not. The only thing that is kind of the same is the combat system but even the combat system is a bit different in the Empire series. You can order your officers to defend or attack a base/officer, you can't rush to the commander unless you capture adjacent bases to the enemy main camp, there are actually different unit type(in DW5 such as the Nanman troops)you can deploy with some of the policies, you can create alliances between other rulers, etc. If you mean the same as every other Empire series. Maybe and I said maybe because I haven't played any empire game predating 5."

Yeah, I mean all the Empire series games are the same. Thus, any Dynasty Warriors game that comes out AFTER the last Empires game is obsolete. Why play Dynasty Warriors 6 when Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires has more fun features, especially considering that DW6 Empires will be coming out soon?

"I would say that the musou in this game is very different from previous games. For one, there are grab musous this time that are for single officers while there are other musou attack which creates AOE effect. Plus you haven't played Dynasty Warrior 7, so you can't really criticize the musou in DW7.When I said from point a to point b. I meant the campaign mode, not the online mode. For clarification, when you say killing 10 enemies, do you mean online or at campaign? Because if you mean the campaign, there's not much difficulty in killing them. To me, killing a single enemy in COD campaign mode equals to defeating an enemy general in Dynasty Warrior. If you mean online, then I would give you that you do get more of an accomplishment since your playing against a player."

Yeah, I can't criticize the musou attacks in DW7, I'll give you that. And yeah, I was talking about Online, but not in CoD- when I think about online FPS I think of Halo.

"That's why I'm only targeting about Halo 3 and Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2. I'm not targeting the FPS genre itself or the Halo/Call of duty series. There are no noticeable differences from Halo 2 and Halo 3. The same goes to Call of duty: Modern Warfare 1 to Modern Warfare 2."I'm perfectly content with Dynasty Warriors XX and saving the money I would spend for more advanced games coming out" I too would be content with only playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 without playing Modern Warfare 2. I might be inclined to play Halo 3 if only to probably end the series. "but it's so freakin close it might as well be. I remember back when I actually bought every game that came out in this series. It was a major waste of money". I felt the same when I completed Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2. "Most people see Dynasty Warriors as not changing since Dynasty Warriors THREE" Most people I know who claim that Dynasty Warrior hasn't changed haven't even played Dynasty Warriors. Your a bit of an exception since you played up to Dynasty Warrior 5 Empires. "you yourself can only list a handful of miniscule ways". You yourself haven't explained any changes regarding Halo 3(except for 4 player co-op) and Call of duty Modern Warfare 2. All the changes you say can only be credited to Call of duty modern warfare 1, call of duty World at War(zombies), and Hao 2(online multiplayer and vehicle jacking)."

Once again, these points have already been touched upon in this reply, and I am on a time schedule here...

"You seem to be under the assumption that I'm saying the Call of duty/Halo series hasn't changed. I've only targeted Halo 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Do I think that Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 are bad games? No, they're pretty good games by themselves. But majorly disappointed that there were barley any changes on Halo 3 and Modern warfare 2. Now dynasty warrior 7 got the opposite effect for me. Usually Dynasty Warrior are mediocore/good. Usually a 6.5/10 to newcomers looking for a hack and slash game and a 7/10 who are hack and slash fans and also interested on the romance of the three kingdoms. I picked up this dynasty warrior game since I like hack and slash game and because I'm remotely interested in the romance of the three kingdoms. It came in with expectation that it wasn't really going to be good but was pleasantly surprise. The story presentation really improved from DW 5 and 6. Weapon movesets were very different from each other. Ability to use the ballista/juggernaut was a plus for me. There are a couple of flaws in this game but I personally had a better experience with Dynasty Warrior 7 then Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2(though may be because I don't really like FPS as much as hack and slash and my expectations for Halo 3/Modern Warfare 2)"

It really just boils down to personal preference, then. You prefer hack and slash, so you'll notice the small changes like a different colored musou meter and attacks, while I'm an FPS nut, so I'll notice things like weapons, campaign, and multiplayer.


May 24, 2011
What happend to dynasty warriors i liked it better with the characters own story line, but i also like the story mode, but really bring back the character stories they were so much interesting. and play all the characters in the story modes instead of certain ones it makes the game kinda dull and including the character story modes.
Oct 27, 2009
What stuns me most is the fact that after years of seeing identical reviews, IGN is amazed that we ignore their opinions.

I think it is time for IGN to stop with the constant drawl that litters Dynasty Warriors reviews and actually give us a real review.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Your idea about muitiplayer death matches was just the thing I was hoping for when I found out that DW5 empires had an online option,but what we got was a couple of stupid 'see who can break the most crates ' rubbish. I was hoping for a sandbox china with all the provinces, where you play the normal game but have the oppertunity to attack player's camps and armies as well as the npc ones, we should get jobs at KOEI,they need to add this to keep Dynasty Warriors from dying on its . . . . !
Jun 10, 2011
This is a response to the PS3 review IGN had given Dynasty Warriors 7.

Listen here. If DW7 is the same as every other DW game, then try playing DW2 till DW7. You'll realise how much the series has changed. And how much better it has become. I can tell you this: You have NEVER played this game on Chaos Mode. You say AI is lacking? Well on Chaos Mode, archers and officers can HURT you. And the game itself is quite challenging. The real experience starts when you play on harder difficulties. Just ask other gamers. And you did say that you were having fun with DW7, but then you also said that you reminded yourself that it's a brainless button masher. So how can you give a fair review when you don't like the game in the first place?

As for presentation, this has been the best on the series so far. Did you even immerse yourself in the stories they have written? It's so touching. And you feel the emotions of the characters you are playing. A game doesn't just revolve around gameplay and graphics. Stories and content also play a huge role. Stories are wonderful in DW7 and there's a lot of content, so replayability is high.

You say that the gameplay is repetitive. ALL GAMES HAVE REPETITIVE GAMEPLAY, YOU BIASED BASTARD. In FPS games, all you do is shoot. In racing games, all you do is race. In soccer games, all you do is run and kick a ball around. You give these kind of games such high scores. AND THEIR GAMEPLAY IS MORE REPETITIVE THAN DW's, YOU F**KING B**CH. CoD's story is SUPER CLICHE and all you do is SHOOT THAT GUY, DODGE. That's it. RACING GAMES ARE PATHETIC. Accelerate and steer. That's it. SOCCER GAMES have just make you kick a little ball into the opponent's goal. That's it. And you DARE say that DW's gameplay is more repetitive than most games? What are you thinking?

JUST think. In general, are the graphics good? Yes, they are. The colour is vibrant, there are high-resolution tesxtures, the characters are nicely detailed, the menus look great, and the CG movies are really WELL DONE!! It's just that other games have BETTER graphics than DW's. It doesn't mean that it's dated. Besides, graphics don't make the game. SUPER graphics may ruin the game. Like Crysis. It's beautiful, but it runs horribly slow except on high-end computers that not everyone can afford, the story is cheesy, voice acting is bad and REPETITIVE GAMEPLAY. DW7 handles the game much better than the rest. Besides, is it so bad that it annoys you?

The soundtrack is good in DW7. The reason that there are guitar riffs is because it is to give you some adrenaline for a blood-pumping game. And there are a lot of different BGMs you can choose from. There is even a place on PSN and Xbox Marketplace where they put up different BGM from older games as DLC. Besides, it's just not the in-battle soundtrack you should just be counting. What about the music during cutscenes? They fit each cutscene perfectly. I can't say much about the voice acting, but there are quite a number of voices that are good and lines that are delivered well. Besides, if it bothers you so much, you can downlaod the Japanese voice-option KOEI put up on the Xbox Marketplace and PSN. See? At least they made the attempt to fix the over-acted voice acting.

If you say DW7 doesn;t have much of a lasting appeal, you are out of your mind. This game makes a lot of gamers coming back for more, because it is a lot of fun and it is very addictive. What actually makes the game is "IS THE GAME FUN?" and the answer is "YES". Besides, this game is geared towards the youth. And it's a good thing. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SALES??? And did you even bother to read user reviews? And as a closing note, HOW BIASED CAN IGN REVIEWS GET?


Jun 15, 2011
Wow, this review made me laugh LOL. This is just outrageous, you totally sounded like a hater, Mr. Colin. The Dynasty Warriors franchise is absolutely great, but you take time to get used to the game style. You can't just compare it to similar games and say that "by playing it for 5 to 10 hours you’ll likely launch your controller through a nearby window". Because of this kind of review that the people don't feel like getting the game for the first time to see how it works. Next time you make a Dynasty Warriors review, try not to compare it to other games because you made it sound like it is repetitive and boring, and it isn't because if it was, it wouldn't be so famous in Japan.


May 11, 2010
This game wasn't that bad and was actually quite enjoyable. It's definitely an improvement from the earlier versions of the game with better graphics and character designs. At least a 7 out of 10 for me.
Jun 21, 2011
i give this game 6 out of 10... yes, its repetitive...but not boring... wow, everyone masd read this review.. ha..ha.. LOL
Apr 19, 2011
Wow just bucking wow!!!! a bucking 5 out of 10 i never grew up with the dynasty warriors games until i played 5 for xbox dynasty warriors is a great game for the fans at least. Yet when it comes to bucking call of duty,halo,gears of war u guys are like bucking horny all over it like two fat guys moaning while eating a cheeseburgers. dw7 doesnt deserves a 5 6 7 8 9 it deserves a nice sweet 10 in my book. same thing with the gundam series


Aug 3, 2010
This is the same kind of review Call of Duty games should get because they also never change and are just copy and paste of the last one
Jul 19, 2011
It doesn't surprise me that IGN would give Dynasty Warriors 7 a 5.0 I mean were talking about a company that only cares for the most popular games and is overall biased. Personally, as a gamer who has been playing the Dynasty warriors Franchise since October of 2000 I have to give DW7 at least an 8.0, for anyone that likes a wide variety of playable characters that carry a significant historical background and feeling like you are the most powerful character in the game whilst using an arsenal of a wide variety of weapons DW7 is the game for you. As for IGN, you need to get some gamers that do not care only for these ridiculously overrated and overplayed games like Call of Duty, Halo, and other popular franchises.


Sep 21, 2010
Kudos to everyone who is bashing on games such as COD, Halo, and GOW. I think it's obvious that IGN doesn't think about other games that have been copied over and over again. It's good to know other people think as I do when comparing games. It's quite sad, really, to see a review like this compared to one on COD. Oh well. I guess the world just doesn't know it's games anymore :/


Aug 14, 2011
I haven't played a Dynasty Warriors game since the PS2 era was alive and kicking. I'm thinking about picking this one up and getting back into the franchise.

I also agree with the apparent favoritism that IGN seems to give particular games and franchises. Shame on you!
Dec 9, 2006
While I concede that the DW series is rightly infamous for bad render and draw distance, But a reviewer should try and look at a new series title as their first series title, otherwise the review (like this) is a total POS. Also agree with the comments on the FPS titles.
Sep 22, 2011
Good review, I'm actually going to pick this game up because of it. Why? I'm part of that niche of gamers that just love those old hack and slash DW games. I'm interested to see Gan Ning and Lu Meng in this one and heard the story is immense.
Nov 15, 2011
This review was absolutely ridiculous.

I have owned every single DW game and 7 blew my mind.
- the graphics are immense and especially on my 3D TV OMG it is amazing.
- The platinum trophy took my 5 months to get and was so much fun mastering every single unique character.

- The story mode was so interesting and felt so real compared to any other DW game, I even cried when certain officers died during the cut schenes.

- The new conquest mode has such s huge selection of battles and stages you can never be bored of playing it for hours gathering ultimately powerful players and weapons!

-Every xharacter now officily has their own unique moves unlike previous DW titles.

I have already pre ordered DW7XL it is going to be awesome!!!

Also I would never like DW to change completely, it improves every time but 6-7 was a huuuge jump , DW7 best game ever made no doubt about it.
Dec 25, 2011
What were you smoking when you made this review? This game deerves a 9.5 at the very lease for various reasons.

Despite it being a hack and slash, the characters are WONDERFUL in personality and design! I love Sun Jian and think he's the best character ever.

The Music? DUDE, you are an idiot! The music is AWESOME, and I don't know why you wanna hear Chinese traditional crap in an epic fight. That's just boring.

My point? You are an imbecile who is not a true fan of Dynasty Warriors.

Please go play something more appropriate like Halo or something.

Thank you.


Mar 3, 2012
Im calling BULLSHIT on this "review"

1. the presentation deserves at least a 7.5ish and its not muddled you guys just dont know what its based on

2. The graphics are awsum. they may not be skyrim worthy but there better than shit like Saints Row 3 or MW3

3. the music is better and much more fitting than stuff like saints row 3 which has kanye west during a huge fight it just doesnt match like dynasty warriors does

4. id rather mash buttons over and fukin over than press one button and watch the game win straight after! the game produces a challenge by its gameplay unlike things like MW3 which a 3 year old can complete on veteran!

5. this games content is worth more than 8 nuff said...

6. MEDIOCRE?!?! this series has been releasing new games repeatedly rather than giving up to your shitty reviews theyve never given up and the games have been getting better and better so get your facts right and give this game at least a 9.0!