Dec 2, 2008
It's funny, because you can actually see the problems with reviewers mirrored in this forum. People slap the game in, put it on Easy or Normal, play a character through a campaign mission, and say it's the exact same game (likely not reading the manual in the process). There is a TON of gameplay that simply can't be found by playing this game on the easier levels. And the nuances between each game are lost to those who simply slap the game into easy modes, and plow through it hammering on one button. It's like playing Tetris in an easy mode where all the pieces are squares. A whole new world of gameplay opens up once you play it the way it's meant to be played. For everyone who says this game is nothing but a button masher, go back to your old copy if you still have it and throw it into Hard (or harder) mode, and let me know how many missions you manage to button mash your way through...


Prime Member
Mar 5, 2003
I love the video embedded in the review. All they do is run around and do the same 4 button combo over and over again, completely ignoring the different modifier attacks, weapon switching, and ex moves that adds depth and variety to the gameplay. Almost as if they want to play it as stupidly as they can...


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 11, 2007
If Dynasty Warriors 7 is the same as last itterations... and that Dynasty Warriors 3 got 8.5 and Dynasty Warriors 4 got 8.6 why does the 7th if it is the same could get any lower?

2 Cases : Reviewer is bad at choosing his words or ...

these other two were very biased ...

Well maybe Koei at the time was more willing to pay to have favorable reviews ...
Mar 31, 2011
"Most gamers will cringe when they learn that Dynasty Warriors 7 is essentially the same game as previous titles in the series."

The same could be said with each year's Call of Duty and whatever sports titles get churned out, yet they get 8s and 9s across the board.

"It's not that utilizing the same gaming conventions is bad in and of itself."

Oh nice save there...

"Rather, it's that Dynasty Warriors' gameplay has never been exceptionally well-executed or solid, so why throw it back at gamers time and time again?"

It's a hack-and-slash game. What kind of depth were they expecting? What the DW series does, it does well in my opinion.

I might be biased, but this review just wasn't well thought out. It makes me think that the reviewer really doesn't like this type of game, nor did s/he spend a significant amount of time with it.


Jan 11, 2010
I played Dynasty Warriors all the way up to the fifth entry and Dynasty Warriors 7 looks no different. Anyways,i'm suprised this series is still alive but if people are still playing them, I guess they'll keep making them. :)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 16, 2003
MonsterVine is doing a giveaway for the Xbox 360 version of Dynasty Warriors 7, details here -
May 31, 2004
endofdays54321 said:
They should just stop making these pieces of crap games that have nothing unique to add.

Those of you bashing the popular games like Halo, Resistance, Gears, etc. you are complete idiots and have no damn idea of what a good game is. Halo has a revamped engine, a huge variety of game modes, forge, a good story. Resistance a pretty good story, a cool co op mode in the R2 and an interesting multiplayer. Gears has the best cover system in any game to date, gory, sadistic kills, a good story of desperation as well, horde mode, fun co-op, now four players, beast mode.

What does this piece of trash have? A decent story mode and a lame conquest mode. How do say this is good when it obviously is not. There is not innovation what so ever in this stupid series. The Halo, Resistance, Gears games all experiment and add game play features to improve the games, what does D7 do? Nothing new.

I am sure you all get it by now that this development team has no idea of what they are doing. "Hey lets make the same game again and again!" Ingrates should just shut up and take the score, this pile of trash of game franchise deserves it.

**laughs and begins to clap slowly AKA mock clap** Bravo dude, and I mean braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavo! Congratulations, you just took stupidity to a whole new level with that. For that you get the Dumbass of the Month award.

First off, no one here was bashing Resistance or Killzone last I checked, at least those two are solid FPS games that actually do have good stories backing them. As for Halo? Not interested. You say they experiment and add new gameplay, but you fail to touch on the new stuff DW7 adds to the gameplay for the DW series just like this reviewer did. Did you even play it? Or are you just basing this off of the review score from IGN? If the latter, you've no grounds to talk kid, you're just a pathetic ass kisser.

Why don't YOU shut up, and realize that these guys are paid to give games like Madden NFLame, and Call of Doodie good scores when they do little to move their respective series' forward. And you're calling us "ingrates"? Okay, why not bend over, I think the IGN security squad and their nightsticks are on their way.
Apr 16, 2010
As being a huge Dynasty Warriors fan since DW4, what I do appreciate is the fact that when a new DW game comes out, there is SOMETHING new to it, in addition to what similarities it has with previous installments.
As A huge fan of the novel "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms," I absolutely love it when new DW game comes out because you get a fresh take on what really went on in that time period. Personally I think some of the ratings they gave the game are a bit harsh.
Nov 16, 2010
this reviewer is an asshole personally

and levae this game alone maybe its the same thing but everything changes believe me even some battles that i never noticed im starting to know more about the past dynasty and one more thing...

i really prefer this instead of crysis or homefront theyre are really lame and stop saying the same shit again and again of blablabla make more halo's, call of duty,battlefield,need for speed popular games because theyre the same thing too it only change the essence of have something new


Prime Member
Nov 18, 2010
Hey let's give the review to someone who doesn't 'get' Dynasty games.

Go back to COD or whatever you tools, because hey that's not repetitive, right?


Feb 15, 2010
How about getting the difficulty up... You'll see how repetitive you get... at dying =P THAT is where the fun is.



May 21, 2010
IGN sucks. I don't enjoy these games but a friend of mine loved them. That can be said about every game ever made just about. Stop giving reviews to people who go in looking for the game to fail. Maddens isn't repetitive? Sports games all together. Again, IGN sucks.


Mar 17, 2011
Great review, I really think this captures the game in a whole. However, they need to make a new dynasty warriors: gundham


Apr 20, 2009
"IGN sucks. I don't enjoy these games but a friend of mine loved them. That can be said about every game ever made just about. Stop giving reviews to people who go in looking for the game to fail. Maddens isn't repetitive? Sports games all together. Again, IGN sucks."

Posted by: buccola13 on April 01, 2011 04:24 PDT

I under this persons' fustration... madden has always been a waste of money to me...(at least for the last few years) its normally the same game with some new gimmick i.e. "Quarterback vision" or the "Hit stick" but at least its a new gimmick...DW has been the same one trick pony for almost over a decade. There was a glimmer of hope with the Gundam crossover but it was soon realized that it was the same ol' coat of paint. Im not knocking those that play it ...I just know that in order for me to play another DW..thy need to drastically change their formula!!
Dec 14, 2010
IGN sucks....I love the Dynasty Warrios games and all the games Koei makes you fools at IGN need to stop giving this loser who think little and give it to a real fan of the game because thats what i and everybody elsa thats a real of Dynasty Warriors wants...too hear the good things about this game and not all the negatives i bet the loser that reviewed this game never played the game beofore in his/her life....IGN you need to stop giving noobs the power to review games that they know nothing about and get real fans of the game to review the game...becuase once agian only fans of the game want to hear the good things not all bullshit of this noob reviewer


Apr 1, 2011
I don't usually whine about reviews if I don't like them, but here I have to stand up for this series. Yes, it's repetive. It has always been. You shouldn't base the whole review on whining how repetive it is. Ehrm, what is Call of Duty? "Thousands upon thousands of helpless soldiers" being killed, rocky tunes on the background, endless button mashing...Gun sounds: ratatarataratratarttatr!!! Still I've played the CoD series for hundreds of hours and I've never cried over it's repetiveness.

Next time: how about reviewing the fucking game!? I've been in love with the Chinese culture and this game series and all of its stories, characters and even the overacted voices for about 9 years now. This review hasn't effected me at all, I just ordered the game after reading this.


Aug 4, 2010
@Superismo i agree with ur statement COD is repetitive but they gave black ops a high ass score when in fact it wasnt even all that! Dynasty Warriors is gonna kick ass im getting it also=]
Dec 15, 2009
I do love these games, but I will be the first to admit that making seven games based on the same book is basically the deffinition of repition. With that in mind, I don't buy the game for the story any more, I buy it when I am sick of shooting people and want to slice and dice people. I want to eat rice balls to gain health and get drunk so I can use my special.

If you want a cool button mashing, death dealing, siezure attack, Dynasty Warriors is the way to go. If you want a similar gaming experience with a little more of a challenge, go try Samurai Warriors. It's made by the same people, except it takes place in Japan and there are more attack combinations.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Must say tho, very poor review. Learned nothing about what was new with this game. And its actualy a lot.

Also tho, You have never played DW if u havent playd it on the hardest diffyculty. Seriously, You have not played the game if u havent done that. Which I seriously doubt many of these DW haters ever have.
Nov 5, 2007
I can't believe people are bashing this reviewer for giving this the score it deserves. I don't care how beloved this series is, I can pop in dynasty warriors 2 and get the same game as this and the changes are minor and irrelevant. But then again I'm not a video game sheep that buys annualized games each and every year that a new one comes out.
Oct 12, 2010
So all Koei need to do for Dynasty Warriors 8 (as they will be on regardless) is add a Zombie Mode and you will give it a 10!


Apr 1, 2011
This review contradicts it's self in to many ways to count. This game is not made to be played on EASY!!! I agree with Mr.Infection you have to play the game on the hardest difficulty to fully experiance it just like any game. Also if you rate games on their repetitiveness (yes I probaly spelt that wrong) then why doesn't cod have a low rating? It is exactly the same game every time except gun's slowly get more powerfull as the franchise progresses. So I will ignore this review and buy it anyway besides I want a game longer than 8 missions.... yes im talking to you COD and Halo!!
Apr 1, 2011
@ZyloWolfbane thank you finally someone who feels like i do and not someone who wants to have sex with every cod disc just because someone slaps a call of duty sticker on it it's rediculous and every other review i have seen has been like 8+ and ign have a habit of giving the worst reviews ever



Sep 9, 2008
If IGN let me review a FPS game, such as Call of Duty, I can write the same review as this one by only changing the game name. This review is really the worst I ever seen.
Apr 15, 2003
I have not played the game yet, but I'm sure it's going to be a 10 in my book. I love all the DW games. We don't want major change in this series. if it works it works.
Nov 30, 2010
Again with the hate against Dynasty Warriors. Look just say that you don't like the genre. What its the same game every time? really? Isn't Madden and every single sports game the game game every single year, just with more charaters?
Apr 1, 2011
I can't help but notice that you use the phrase

"It's simply too much of the same thing over and over again to have any sort of broad appeal. "

Which, makes me re-read the sentence in shock and awe. Have you played Halo? Medal of Honor? Call of Duty? Ghost Recon? They haven't done the same thing over and over? Why do these below average games get such high reviews, but a game with some actual substance comes along, and you chew it to pieces.

I think this is a bit too biased for my liking. No surprise I never use IGN's standards to buy games, they wouldn't know a good game if it kicked their door down.

Also, do not pursue Lu Bu.


Aug 19, 2010
What I find awfully hilarious is how the pansies here are writing the same thing the miserable reviewer did. I suppose ignorance spreads to the stupid once they come to IGN. For the inaccurate and misinformed who state the game hasn't changed at all *especially the one stating that at least in madden you get a different little tweak each year*

Dynasty warriors 7 by no means has stayed the same as the other ones. The only common thing I can see is of course the story HERPDERDERR and the fact it's a hack and slash against enemies coming at you as you reach your main goal.

If I am not mistaken and of course I am not, Dynasty Warriors 7 was the first to feature the overhaul'd weapon system (which allows you to carry weapons and switch between all of them at any given time). Now if that doesn't change game play then surely you are all retarded

Not to mention the complete change in the way they tell the story, which makes it hell of a lot more interesting. 2 Different Musou's per character The different mounting/pets system, online play etc.

All of these mentioned and more have NEVER been in any other Dynasty Warriors game but 7. So to all of you chumps stating all this crap because of IGN that Dynasty Warriors hasn't change, you might as well follow everyone around you and see how well that goes. That being said, people who don't actually like the series and are Ignorantly calling it trash can go away and play Halo or whatever it is they play. Like the Hippocratic Morons they are they should leave, they shouldn't be here if they don't like this game.

See what you have done Colin? You've influenced the mindless/stupid to ignorantly trash talk a game they know nothing of. And because you fail'd to point out actual differences and things that have made this game better they are here arguing with the people here. Perhaps if you didn't just state "FANS WILL FIND BLA BLA BLA" and accurately pin pointed differences, you would of had a different thought. God of War is no different, is it the gore and naked girls that the horny pansies including yourself adore that you praise it so?

This game deserves at least a 7/10 and an ACTUAL review from AN ACTUAL Critic


Dec 1, 2010
The only crappy DW game for me was DW6. DW7 may be a mindless button-masher/hack-n-slash game to people new to the "warriors" series but sometimes, that's just the best game to play when you need to unwind and de-stress.

I also agree with the others, games like the COD series and most sport series get good reviews all while recycling most of its gameplay aspects, just because it is a popular series or genre. I find it incredibly stupid that DW7 gets a horrible review just because the reviewer isn't a fan of the series/genre.


May 8, 2010
There is another hack n slash, button masher type game that is very popular. That game is God of War. I love the God of War series, but through all 5 games (2 on Ps2, 2 on PSP, 1 on PS3) it was all the same thing. Square, all the time. Sure, it had platforming and puzzles in there and awesome boss fights. But at its core, isnt all you do in God of War is press the square button? Also, lots of people have brought up different shooters, where all you do is press the shoot button.
I can't gurantee I will be able to get this game, I dont have much money. But I do know this is probably a much better game that a 5. In my opinion, Dynasty Warriors 3 was the best in the series. With 62 characters, a whole new empire, massive story mode, online play, and more, this would be the game to top it.


Apr 2, 2011
for one thing is review sucks for many reasons, I would agree with a lot of people here. same old thing and nothing changed. what the hell is wrong with people.
sure if there was football and some dip with a gun waving back and forth is that to same old thing? hmmm ya, this guy that review this game is dip to. really i am sick of people cutting this series down. I been playing this so far and I have no fault with it.

states for game play ''after 10 hours of playing could throw the controller out the window'' . this dush bag should'nt even be reviewing games really.

did you see all the other futures in the? naw just played a few hours and throwed a review down ''as is'' get someone real that knows how to review games and get rid of this dip will ya!


Apr 2, 2011
IGN all ways was a weak for reviews and here is one good example here. these dip shits should be replaced with people that get the job done. oh forgot there temps from staff kings. enough said
Apr 2, 2011
All I wish was that they would bring back Free Mode. It's a sad loss, not being able to level up your characters and get good and unique weapons for them. Now the story mode is a controlled environment and conquest mode cannot compare to the epic-ness of Free mode.

I still love Dynasty Warriors, and Koei. Even if they messed up slightly on DW7. It's not THAT bad.
Jan 8, 2011
Halo, as a franchise, has played exactly the same since it's inception. Every game is a hollow shooting gallery compared to other high-end works like COD and Bioshock. The weapons barely changed at all. Nothing from beginning to end of the games actually changes on how you play it. The art style didn't change one bit, aside from the polygon count.

The only thing to actually change is the levels since they moved the green box with no personality, called Master Chief, to another location. And it still controls exactly the same as it did on Xbox. Yet that is never mentioned when they're slobbering all over it's knob, calling it revolutionary.

Dynasty warriors re-uses it's formula and it's an unoriginal clone.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
Jeez. So one group of people are complaining about how bad the DW series is, and the other group are complaining about people thinking the series is bad. Sigh.
Ok, look, I haven't played this game yet, but I'll be buying it later today. I enjoy the DW series. But, let's be honest here, these aren't great games. They're about as basic as you can get. There's not a lot of variation. The gameplay is very simplistic. The graphics are generally pretty weak. The voice acting is criminally bad. These games actually are objectively mediocre at best.
But that doesn't mean they're not fun. Picking your favourite character and wading through hundreds of enemies can be a great time, if you don't mind the above issues. I don't mind those issues, so I'm quite happy hacking and slashing my way across China. I fully acknowledge these games aren't for everyone, but some of us do enjoy them, and they're not hurting anyone by being put out there. So the people complaining about these games need to just shut up. If you don't like it, don't play it.
In defence of the reviewer, that's not what he did here. He said repeatedly that the people who do enjoy the DW series will probably enjoy this one. But he's not writing for the people who will enjoy it. He's writing for the general gaming public. He has to write a review for people who aren't sure about the game. And his review is probably going to be useful for the people who are on the fence - they'll spend their money somewhere else, on something they're more likely to enjoy playing. So I agree with this review. He's right on just about everything in it. So the people attacking the reviewer also need to shut up. Simply put, you're not the intended audience. You enjoy it, so play it.
Now, I'm going to go to bed, and when I get up, I'm going to go buy DW7. And I'm going to enjoy it, with full knowledge of just how bad it is.
Jan 8, 2011
Except it's a false statement grounded in what is clearly his bias against what he views as the series' stagnation. I just got a guy at work into the series with this game. He says it's awesome. So either the reviewer knows what all people on earth think when they look at something, or he was expressing what he thought from looking at it.

It doesn't even make any sense. While 6 was probably better, it's still a high point in the series. So someone jumping on this as a first is going to see it as some of it's best.

I'm not questioning that DW has it's obvious faults, what I have a problem with is this is not a review for a 5 game, but a 5 it has. And it's clearly based on criteria that wouldn't apply for another series that the reviewer liked.
Feb 22, 2011
The biggest issue for me with this game is the animations. They're not bad, but just like the gameplay, very repetitive. They should really focus on adding more moves and combos, because doing the same combo over and over again really adds to the feeling of repetition.


Apr 3, 2011
Well, well, well, well, well, well...What a surprise. Bashing a game because of it's repetitiveness. It's the same thing all over again, right? Just mashing buttons, correct? Well then, let's take a look at IGN's endeared Call of Duty reviews. Hmm...Nope, not one mention of repetitiveness, despite the fact that it is simply pulling the right trigger constantly. Trigger rubbing, shall we say? Every Call of Duty game is the same thing year after year, just like Dynasty Warriors, right? The only thing they do is enhance the plot a bit, like Dynasty Warriors. They are reviewed by iGN, like Dynasty Warriors. Yet, despite this, Call of Duty recieves amazing reviews and the Dynasty Warriors series automatically falls into the 'crap' pile upon the mention of it's name. I don't know if you guys are noticing a pattern here.

So, why do Call of Duty games get away with it, yet Dynasty Warriors gets torn apart for it? It's simple really. IGN, and pretty much all of their reviewers...are BIASED.

That's right, you read it. They're biased. They spend too much time shoving their knobs up Call of Duty's arse that they can't be bothered to even glance in the direction of another game. "Oh, what's this? A game that doesn't involve guns, repetitive shooting, zero personality characters, glitches, hacks, and Lord knows what else? Oh, just shove it over there. I'll give it a bad review after I've ejaculated for the sixth time into Black Op's disc case."

I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on IGN itself. It's the reviewers they hire that make me want to vomit. They're all Call of Duty fanboys, so obviously they're going to go all out in saying how high and mighty Call of Duty is, and shit on every other game that threatens to steal Call of Duty's throne. If these reviewers stopped worshipping Call of Duty for once, and actually took the time to play through more than 15 minutes of a game before taking out the disc, putting in Black Ops, and typing away on their computers as they put a rubber band around the right trigger, then maybe we would have non-biased reviews and non-biased reviewers that can actually review. Maybe then people would actually listen to them, and stop giving them shit for being Call of Duty jack-offs.
May 15, 2001
This is actually a really good version of DW. Tons of content and replay value. The fact that you can now save in the middle of a battle is priceless.

I miss being able to create your own general and your own bodyguards, and then level them all up. But whats here now is good, and there's plenty of upgrade options to keep it interesting.

But as always with this series, its a niche title. If you like the DW series then this is an 8-8.5 title. If you don't, then there's nothing that will change your mind. I find the cheesy melodrama to be fun and don't mind the repetitive gameplay.

This review is really unfortunate, because the guy clearly had his mind made up before he played it.


Apr 2, 2011
Tiamatican states the graphics are weak and the voices are bad. didnt even try the game yet. sign.....people are getting fricken stupider. its not that I am fan of this or some excuse, just laying the facts. its the facts that people complain anything about graphics being weak or some other bs. what u want crisis 2 graphics? you know I think in my mind people becomes abscess with graphics. silenttaker states 6 was better then 7? most wont know about games and they never will. todays world people demand to much never please with graphics are some other element in the game. so I said enough here. good example are the 2 screen names above fits the descriptions nicely. enough said!!


Apr 3, 2011
hopefully they made it to where if your playing two players and if one you die (unless your playing with the commander)it wont be the end of the stage, the surviving one will just keep going. If he die then we fail the stage.


Jan 8, 2011
after spending time playing dw7
here are the good and bad but overall, most improved dw series out there, but not quite there yet therefore, i give this game the score of 8

*most dramatic story mode
*variety of weapons (with upcoming dlc)
*gorgeous cutscenes
*creative musou
*use of war machines

*online multiplayer felt empty experience (was hoping for 8 people in one room which also include varity modes)
*not every single characters are included in cutscenes
*no pang de (wei officer)
*short story modes which missed out alot of important battles/no free mode
*conquest mode battle have nothing to do with three kingdom of romance which means individual battle becomes meaningless as a whole


Feb 22, 2003
Im sorry but reviewers like you are what are ruining IGN. Why the hell is someone like you reviewing a hack and slash if you don't like them. You clearly aren't "into" these types of games so you have no real right to review them.

You slate the game for being repetitive however in the recent sea of releases full of shooters and racing games, I personally found this game a breath of fresh air, it is an old, familiar game doing what we expect, and doing it well.

Also, I've had enough of every American reviewer crying over "Bad voice acting". Its really not that bad and if you expect A-class acting, go watch a movie.

You also state that the enemies are "Nothing more than fodder for your blade". This has always been the case, and the main idea of a hack and slash. You clearly don't seem to enjoy this Genre, so may I suggest getting an Intelligent non-biased reviewer next time, judging a game on whether or not its playable in 5 to 10 hour bursts is idiocy, if you have that much time to spend on games, you have deeper rooted problems.... or are lucky enough to work for IGN.

You might think about having HPprinter write a re-review, I agree with his summary 100% and he clearly knows what hes talking about.



Apr 4, 2011
We need someone who like hack and slash genre to rate this..
I know it's repetitive,some of the map are same as the predecessor,etc.
But i think this one has many improvements than the DW6(the DW6 made me pretty dissapointed).
an example of their improvements,
They added Jin,it's going more deeper to the story after the fallen of the three kingdoms.

and you know,like the sports genre,This genre has it own fans.
So we need reviewers that like this genre.
Apr 4, 2011
I like how this is the ONLY reviewer that gave this game a mediocre score of 5. Most of the other major sites gave it at least a 8. What are you trying to achieve in this career path, Colin Moriarty? Are you trying to be a pitchfork media wannabe, or do you actually lack the skill to review a game? : ) I'm really curious.
It's hipster wannabes like you that are destroying the site's credit and my amount of trust in this site.