
May 27, 2010
i perosnally enjoy the dynasty warriors franchise DW5 empires was the first gae i got with my xbxo (i got shadow run but didnt have live untill one year later and rockband but mum brought the game not the instruments) i enjoyed it greatly so later in the year in brought dynasty warriors 6 and it was just fucking bullshit i really didnt enjoy it compared to the empires so i traded it in and later picked up DW5 on ps2 which is good not completcated i also got DW strikeforce which is okay i would say is good
Apr 5, 2011
So, explain to me why a game like Dynasty Warriors 7, which you admit in this review appeals to a niche audience (who will love it), should be slapped with a 50 out of 100 score? A game like this isn't targeting the potential "every gamer in the world" demographic. It's specifically targeting fans of the franchise, whom -again - you say will LOVE it.

This is a serious question IGN: Should games be reviewed based on their intended audience, or simply directed at "every gamer." I think a games journalist with a slice of integrity knows the answer. What you've done is slammed a game because it doesn't hold "broad appeal" when it fact it isn't trying to.

This is how a real review of Dynasty warriors 7 should look:


Jun 13, 2010
@BecomeTheMedia what is wrong with telling the public that this game is not meant for them. He states that if you loved the game before you will still love it now, as it hasn't changed, but for everyone else this game isn't very good. Also a 50/100 does not equal a failed game on their review scale, it means its not good, its not bad, it is somewhere in between. So instead of complaining about him giving his honest opinion on a completely formulaic game why don't you just go back to your website that no one reads.
Jun 25, 2008
I love you IGN, but you just reviewed DW7 as if you were directing your full attention primarily at the MW2 fan army. Its almost as though, in your eyes, every gamer has now become a MW2 drone and no longer cares for any other type of game genre. Forget the fact that DW is one of VERY few hack n slash games available to gamers, but realize that if any genre has gotten beat to death and beyond, it's the shooter genre without a doubt. If it hasn't already been done, a complete dictionary could be made off of the sheer plethora of FPS titles from super crap to amazing, MW2 falling somewhere in between. Now it's true that the DW series has had its ups and downs with the gameplay ranging from better to worse to the same, but it ain't cool when you can't even give them somewhat decent scores. Sengoku Basara getting a 4.5 and now this a 5? Are they really THAT bad in your eyes? Is pointing and clicking your way through levels really that much more enjoyable than getting to at least string a couple of combos together, even if the combos aren't as over the top or numerous as ninja gaiden/devil may cry? I've played my fair share of FPS titles but for some reason no one can say "same old point and shoot formula" but when it comes to hack n slash, there is more variety between DW3 and 4 than between CoD 2 and MW2 yet it gets criticized for still being a hack n slash...That's like criticizing Street Fighter for still being a fighting game decades later...Perhaps the true intent of these ratings is to average a game's ability to appeal to the masses rather than their respective audiences. The only message I get from this review is "hack n slash sucks... unless you're one of those people who actually like that type of stuff... I guess you'll like it if that's the case. As for the rest of you CoD/Madden gamers, wait for MW3 and Madden 12." And you wonder why it did so well in Japan... Perhaps it's because they aren't a bunch of army obsessed wannabe gamers waiting to call themselves marines...What's a common theme between super popular shooter franchises? Well let's think about how often the army and marines are used, Halo has marines AND aliens *check*, CoD is all about virtually playing events enacted by the army *check*, Gears of War is MORE army and aliens but at least it was third person with cool cover mechanics so it was ACTUALLY different in gameplay...still had army theme *check*. Now I'm not saying that these are bad shooters by any means, but DON'T tell me that they are all ground breaking shooters that dramatically changed the way FPS are played cuz thats a load of bull. Games should never be criticized for the type of genre they fall under and to see that in this review is saddening :/
Aug 15, 2008
Reading through your review, I wondered why someone who don't like DW wrote a review about it. I expected someone who had experience throughout DW's incarnations and is able to make an opinion on improvements and pitfalls. DW7 sounds promising with its online multiplayer feature (and various things they added on), but I was wondering how did Koei/Tecmo executed this, was it done well or not?


Jan 4, 2010
It's easy to bring a game down to its' base element and call it no different than the previous releases. Why not give every game a 5.0 rating because they are a FPS or a RPG and they are all just the same grind. How about give every game a 5.0 because you are reviewing it for the general public and the game may not appeal to everyone (not everyone likes MW2/Black Ops), because that is the real truth. Gamers who have never played any of this series before won't even care to read this review, they will just skip right over it. The people who are dedicated to this series will be the ones to read it, and that is why this review is being flamed so bad. I personally think this is the best installment of the series by far. The game brings back all the original heroes with their original weapons and gives the option to use any weapon available. The weapon switch mid combo adds an entirely new range of combos to use. Perhaps when you played and reviewed this game you only used the simple attacks and made it boring for yourself. DW7 brought the variability in fighting that puts it way above the rest of the series. Skill trees, seals, the option of 2 musou attacks, the new musou attacks that can single out a target and grab them, weapon switch with an effect associated, ridiculously high jumping horses, the list goes on... 9/10 personal rating.
Nov 21, 2010
Colin Moriarty, I'm sure you're reading all of these comments. It's too bad you didn't take any of these suggestions in the first place IGN. If you got someone who is a fan of the series, Colin's review wouldn't be flamed so bad. Actually, about 80% of the comments on here are degrading IGN's writing


Original poster
You are wrong so hard, ths game basically took everything I hated about 6 and removed it, hell, I'd even compare this to Dynasty Warriors 4 but I'm going to sum up this review "Ohh nooo, a Japanese game this iz goin to bee badd since I'm a mindless media drone who only playz Mall of Booty: Black Titty Sex and Madden Nigerian Flamethrower League 11. Tis gaem sux cuz it is teh saem tingee repackaged even though pretty much anything made by Activision iz teh saem shit over nd over again but hey I'm too much of a mindless media whoreout drone to realize tat, soooooooooo fuck u, I'm gonna take a shit!!!!"
Jan 30, 2011
Wow and damn IGN. I've been done with the series seen Dynasty Warriors 5, but Koei has now actually made major improvements to draw people like me who gave up on the series back in. Graphics, story, combat, all improved sense 6. 5.0 is WAY too harsh. This game should of at least got a 8 or 8.5 at the most.

It sucks that this DW will 9-10 be under the radar, because a massive amount of people get their reviews from you guys, but if anyone is paying attention to the little people down below (comments), PLZ give this game a chance. You don't have to buy it, but give it a chance...
Mar 3, 2011
The reviewer clearly show he clearly didnt spent enough time playing the game to appreciate what the game has to offer, instead after playing probably roughly 1-2 hours and then he wrote this review. This whole review is more of a personal complain and expect KOEI to change the core idea of DW series, he also fail to mention the giant cast of characters and the new feature they added into DW7, such as achievement, varities of weapon we were able to collect in the mist of battles / merchant, travel companion and how DW7 going back to the roots like dw 2-5, majority of us do and some what feel dw7 is a fresh form the series after going through dw6

however i do agree that graphic itself isnt up to update or does feel dated compare to other next gen titles out there. Everytime we go in a fight, the game throw us this HUGE map but only take advantage of half of the map that was present, the otherhalf was completely empty, u can still travel there, but other than for sight seeing and houses here and there, no enemies were present.

The person also fail to mention the camera system and how ingame mini map can really takes up screen space and can get in the way in certain situations. In game camera also zoom in too close to ur character now allows you to see a whole lot in the field, when enemies are behind u, often times u see urself press the attack buttom and not knowing who u r attacking.

The interactive part of the game is certainly a first to the series if we dont count strike force / strike force 2.

Yes DW series are repetitive and by no mean it isnt the first in the entry, but for those of us that like mindless hack and slash is a truely welcome in the series


Apr 7, 2011
Actually the reviewer shall cosume more time for reviewing the game.

This part is kind of confusing..

4.0 Gameplay
Dynasty Warriors 7 can be a lot of fun in five to ten minute bursts. Try playing it for five to ten hours and you’ll likely launch your controller through a nearby window

The thing in this section dosen't make sense at all , i mean the funny expression.Fun to play five to ten minute, and wanna throw the controller through a nearby window after an hour?? He even didn't tell the reason, that's rediculous.



Apr 7, 2011
wrong, absolutely wrong.
Dynasty warriors 7 is one of the best in the series, but you are just complaining about it, sure its the same thing AT SOME POINTS, but if you actually played it longer for 30 minutes you might have realised that it's a good game, so honestly, why dont you try play the game for much longer (i have been playing it for over 3 days straight) before whining about it, asshole.
Apr 5, 2011
Honestly, as a fan -- I'm not going to bash the review(er), because Colin is justified in his observations. The game simply isn't anything more than what he initially expected from it -- or has found in the past.

Personally, I don't want Dynasty Warriors to be any more complex or involved than it has been in previous iterations -- as they say, "Don't fix something if it isn't broken." I expect and desire the mindless button mashing, if I were looking for anything more, I'd be eyeball-deep in Dragon Age II or another like A(+) title.

Don't change a thing, Koei. We love you and we love Dynasty Warriors.
Apr 8, 2011
sometimes a bit of mindless hack and slash is just what the doctor ordered, i am a big fan of the series and each character has always had their own set of moves and stroy to follow, i enjoy the historical aspect of the game and think that Koei put as much emphasis on this as they do on the rest of the game so forgive reviewer if i disagree with your somewhat harsh comments, you are of course entitles to your opinion.


Apr 8, 2011
So Madden, a game released YEARLY, with little more than roster updates, Madden ratings (because it's necessary to make a whole $60 new game to do that, couldn't just make it a game update, nope), and graphics consistently gets 8.8, 8.9, 9.1, etc. but the best Dynasty Warriors game in years gets a 5. Definitely doesn't seem like someone's in EA's pocket.

Let's see....

Famitsu - 36/40
Destructoid - 8/10
Electronic Theatre - 88%
Gamers Hub - 4/5
VideoGameWriters - 4/5
Plus XP - 8/10
SixAxis - 8/10

aaaaand IGN - 5/10

One of these things is not like the other. I would, however, like to thank Colin Moriarty for raising my awareness in other review publications with actual credibility.


Apr 9, 2011
(If you don't like my comment, don't read?)

I've been a Fan of this game since 3 had come out. I however do love the fact they came out with 7, however I think they slightly in some places- did a rush job [face_shock]

Of course they added Jin (YAY) a new force, but their basically an older Wei. I'm not complaining just saying :l
The best part for me was doing all the story modes, but they were however short and they left out major events. I mean its not important, but I would have liked to see for example- how Sun Ce met Zhou Yu, how they met the Qiao sisters, how Yuan Wenji was even pulled into the game, and where all the other characters pop up from (discluding Sima Yi's sons)

Conquest mode sent me into a spirual boredom attempt, I mean...How come its basically you against the whole world? Every battle you have its you, your Sworn Ally, and your Guardian pet. Sometimes a few generals, but never a side battle like on Empires. You cant make your own Force, and you cant get stuck with one, thats very dissapointing.

The animals suck too, no offense. The Falcon just makes noise and steals your kills, the bear doesnt hit hard, and hes slow. The wolf attacks 1 person, The tiger attacks all including you. The Panda doesnt heal a lot, the elephant was always boring.

It's cool everyone has a main weapon and can switch, but it sucks everyone can use the same ones. I used Zhou Yun and realized i was fighting Peasents who had MY spear.... Everyone also has 2 outfits- mistake...Color swaps -_-

Same outfit, different colors. Thats just no fun... from Dynasty Warriors 5-7 they've did that... What happened to real outfits? change the hair style, change the clothes? I know it was back then, but jesus they werent hobos ):

I also hated how they rushed the events, i know Lu Bu dies, but my god, he dies literally 3-5 battles on Shu,Wei & Wu story modes.

Don't get me wrong, This game is awesome, however i just think they could have improved it way more then what they did. because honestly, and obviously, not only from me, but it appears this game isnt getting good reviews.

I still think Dynasty warriors 4 was the best, everyone had 5-6 outfits, own weapons/moves, game was epic as hell, story mode was longer. But then again I do realize they cant make one epic game and then try to top it, but wouldnt hurt to add some more fun to it. I bought it on April 6th, and traded it in April 9th. I played it non stop with my brother because we ACTUALLY thought, it was way more to the game then what we were playing. Like maybe a secret mode where everyones past is shown (we think like that >.<)

I'm sorry if my Review is NOT what everyone expected, but this is MY opinion, not a fact, and I say, Dynasty Warriors & was a fail, and could have been way better seeing as how everyone all over the world literally claimed it to be the best game of all the Dynasty Warriors :/


Apr 10, 2011
i think they are a bit like the halo games just being pulled along :( disapointing i was a fan of dynasty warriors.


Apr 5, 2011
Man. that sucks. Yeah me and my friend played DW games since they came out on the ps2 and so on. But reading this review it made me realize why we played it at 4 in the morning and hyped up on mountain dew and vodka. Everythings better when you mix downers and uppers I guess. lmao.
Dec 23, 2010
I own DW4 and I thought it was great. Then i bought SW and it was not as good then I played DW empires . Then it was all the same . That was the point where i stopped caring.
So I dont know if I'll bother with DW7. Maybe If I find it cheap...Maybe I should hold off until DW7 Extreme Legends comes on cheap ......then I shoud wait until DW8 comes out ........then I should wait till SW whatever the hell number that is now.....Then should I wait till SW Extreme legends...but soon DW9 super extreme empire Cao Cao has the sh*ts and Dong Zhou stubs his toe and Lui Bei's Girlfriend wont let him out and Sun Jian can't find his sword will never be game of the year edition will come out!
Mar 12, 2011
Great review! I couldn't agree more, DW7 is the same as the others and seems as if Tecmo thinks that this pattern of 7-peats will satisfy everyone and I feel as if the company doesn't think the audience is intelligent enough to see what is it or what its worth. I honestly do like the DW series but I haven't purchased a DW game since the 3rd game in the series. I would like to see depth and challenge such as deeper rpg elements and improved enemy A.I. This game is very repetitive and feels the same of other games with maybe slightly improved graphics which isn't enough.


Oct 20, 2003
i just hate the fact that even the improvements of this game are half assed. everyone just stands around in that shopping mode and the flicker in and out of characters is terrible when you have a game like dead rising out

for PS2 it was acceptable limitations. but now its just getting sad


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2002
I still can't believe this review. This is my favorite game of the series without a doubt. While they took away some neat things like equip-able items, the new story mode is just incredible. Considering the near accurate pronunciations of the names, the fairly accurate telling of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the inclusion of Jin as a fourth playable kingdom, complete with its own story that's new and different. The basic premise behind all 3 kingdoms stories has been the same throughout the series, but Jin is new.

Graphics are pretty good considering there can be hundreds of enemies on screen at any given time, and unlike previous games I've experienced minimal framerate issues. And I've fallen in love with some of the music, particularly the last Jin battle's music during story mode.

All that said, I've been playing it almost non-stop for the last 2 weeks. 5.0 game, yea... definitely


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2005
I'm soo proud to read through the comments of people who are putting IGN in their place. This game is WITH A DOUBT the best in the series and it gets a FIFTY?

How can you say this game would appeal to a niche audience and that they will love it but still rate it so low?

What you should have done was a niche review and then a general review with two different review scores...

Call of Duty does not change.

Call of Duty 1,2,3,and 5 (Waw) were ALL THE SAME...set in WWII. Yet those games score well. HALO[face_shock]DST was the same as HALO 3 but without Master Chief. HALO 3 was the same as HALO 2, same as HALO 1. But DW tells the same story over and over!! did Call of Duty as mentioned does does does does Street does Soul does Gran does Mortal Kombat....

....ALL of these games are the same thing over and over.....

...yet people don't seem to mind...why?

Because those titles are popular here in America.

Who gives a freak about Romance of the Three Kingdoms??


I guess it's true guys...majority rules!! Get the word out...DW7 is a classic!
Aug 2, 2010
It actually disgusts me that IGN have the cheek to say that Dynastywarriors is a rpetitive game with outdated graphics when call of duty is the same game it doesn't matter if they made it modern I'm still running around shotting people then getting shot in the back by a camping noob. Not only that they are still using the same damned engine from CoD4 which was made in 2007 which is the same as KOEI using their dynasty warriors 6 engine. Also I don't care if IGN found it to easy they obviously played it on beginner cause damn chaos difficulty is hard and even the troops don't like dying with out a fight. The conclusion here is IGN are hypocrits who actually rate good games badly (like lost planet 2)
and games with a large fan base (COD and Halo) hghly (even though the WaaW and blackops sucked as did halo ODST and Reach)


Apr 12, 2011
I am not sure the Reviewer even played this game. Not only is there quite a few new levels, but there is added systems as well.

Weapon customization (beyond go find a big one)
Driving vehicles
manning a patrol boat and mowing down enemies with a automatic crossbow.

IGN needs to review this reviewer.. asap
Feb 5, 2010
I can't beleive that they give sport games 9.5 and these series's 6 and below ?!!? I love football (soccer) games but they are the same sence PS1 ! and they always say that Dynasty Warriors sux and they dont come up with new things...what in the hell they want 2 do with this Epic game and story...change China History ? or just make it First-Person-Shoter ?!!..Koei improved the Graphix alot and now we can play online...Dynasty Warriors 7 deserve 8.5 or 9.0
Apr 13, 2011
What a load of crap...the only games that seem to deserve your stupid 7 to 10 marks are USA games it seems...or stupid shooter games that are always the same things. You are a lame reviewer stay with your shooters or sports games that are all the same but with some gadgets in them. You lost all my respect IGN, all of it. To me you lost all your credibility, just like those funny guys who said that dragon Age 2 had poor graphics.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
its actually sad that there's even a community defending this terrible series and don't even bother with the old IGN is a CoD whore comeback because it's never true. IGN is a good game whore and this is a shit game. Even if you're so brain dead as to like a game like this go troll the Dynasty Warriors forums, IGN is for gamers only.


Apr 14, 2011
I disagree, i have to say its the BEST dynasty warriors yet. The recent ones sucked bad but 7 makes up for them big time. Story mode is awesome! This one is a must have for any dynasty warriors fan.
Apr 1, 2011
@masturch33f nice name mr 3 year old. every halo game was exactly the same with the exception of halo wars and that was dreadful they just add new guns every game is the same as another game it is inevitable, the gaming industry will NOT change until virtual reality gets made i would like to know what "games" you play
Apr 1, 2011
finally i'd like to point out that this game has the BIGGEST, BEST and most immersive story ever far out-reaching any other game partly because it was a real life event
Apr 16, 2011
IGN's review is soo unfair....the way they reviewed it made DW7 sounds like crap...and that's not cool...DW series is awesome and they should've been fair in reviewing it![face_angry]
Nov 24, 2010
@masturch33f: I can't believe the amount of lies you are bitching about. You're saying IGN ACTIVELY posts worthwhile news and reviews when every week they post their favourite kills in Black Ops and shooters and western games in general receive much of the press. There is seriously no reason to pity your useless, uninformed mind if you love IGN that much.

That said, the game is fun to play and serves as a decent 'button masher', however, voice acting is laughably repetitive (one quote was repeated around thirty times in a singly level) and the plot is undeniably cheesy.
Apr 23, 2010
hmm while I see the point of critics they sometimes rate un fairly

there are quite a few things wrong with it, but on the twist side of things, there is alot wrong with say COD black ops, so why is that well liked? even with those issues ( its a example)


Apr 21, 2011
you really you be fired you obvioulsy arn't objective in this matter nor do you seem to care about the history of the 3 kingdoms

out of 10 Click here for ratings guide
6.0 Presentation
Dynasty Warriors 7 totes an expansive story and myriad characters. But it all comes off a little muddled. you obviously didn't bother reading
5.0 Graphics
Though it looks old, the graphics of Dynasty Warriors 7 are the least of this game’s problems. The animations are bad at times, as are the draw distances. the graphics are better then black ops and that got a better rating
5.0 Sound
Do you like sword-fighting to gnarly guitar rock? I sure hope so, because there’s a whole lot of that here. There’s a lot of voice acting, too, though most of it is over-acted and overused. sound what a stupid thing too put in a review seeing as peoples preferencee to sound changes greatly
4.0 Gameplay
Dynasty Warriors 7 can be a lot of fun in five to ten minute bursts. Try playing it for five to ten hours and you’ll likely launch your controller through a nearby window. you have no objective ness at all and such a varing area as gameplay is rediclous
6.0 Lasting Appeal
There’s a hell of a lot of content stuffed into Dynasty Warriors 7, which is great news for fans of the game. It’s an equally good reason for everybody else to look elsewhere for their gaming fix.

wow this is one of the worst reviews ever you a don't care about the history 2 if you cant tell the graphics of dynasty warriors 7 is better then cod black ops then you don't see to get the point

scoring system is terrible and if someone who is this moronic can write a review then it just proves how bad you are at this job you should get fired now


Jul 4, 2008

umm.... have you actually play Dynasty Warrior 7? If you have then I have no problem with your opinion. But personally, I played halo, resistance, and gears. They did have a good story in at the start but then the story really just bombed when it got to the last edition of the game(Halo 3 and Resistance 2, fine with Gears of War 2 story though), though the other parts about the halo, resistance, and Gears franchise adding something to their gameplay is a valid point. Dynasty Warrior 7 did add things, but they are things only fans will notice. Like the return of the charge system(DW6 changed this to renbu system), new story mode, weapon switch system, etc. I personally think DW7 story presentation is pretty good.
Apr 25, 2011
I started the series on DW6, and despite how most people hated it, I absolutely loved it. Then I went back to DW5 and found it enjoyable but not as good as DW6, mostly because the graphics are not as good. And then I played the latest DW7 and loved it more than DW6, because the story has such a wonderful pace now, hurling you down the historical timeline, and the weapon systems are just so entertaining. I had a blast trying out all those thirty-pdd types of weapons. I think for me that's more than enough to show the series is fun and constantly improving. As for repetitiveness, I really hope the reviewer realizes that DW2 to DW7, 6 games in total, tell exactly the same story? As in, you are not picking up where you left off last game and keeps going with new stuff, the story is what it is. Which also makes me wonder: has the reviewer actually figured out what the story is and what happens beginning to end yet? Because frankly, the sell point of DW for a lot of its "niche" fans is the story, as stale as it is, but expansive beyond most people's imagination. I was really pleasantly surprised by DW7, because in conquest mode, when you get quizzed by scholars about the Three Kingdoms stories in general for gold, I was actually stumped a few times. That, totally surprised me. Which is great, because it really shows that you can actually learn about history in this game, lol.
Jul 23, 2010
Man it's so easy to piss these people off.

These games get low ratings for obvious reasons. Any game series would that spits out the same crap over and over again.


Apr 26, 2011
I'm a big fan of the series but I can understand why other gamers would stay away. It all just comes down to wether you enjoy the series or not. Your going to hear the same issue with any Madden or FF game.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ive been playing DW since 3 part 3 was the best for me its my favorite type of game cause i love ancient war part 6 they messed up the weapons and added an amazing unlimited combo system and had real time duels part 7 they gave everyone there weapons back and now u can switch between any type of weapon they had the right idea but they tryed to make the move sets like part 3 with little upgrades like moves and such my opinion of DW7 as one of the biggest Koei fans out there if they want to be successful in makin a good DW KOEI SHOULD KEEP story mode as it is co-op keep add freemode make unlimited renbu system back also duels weapon switch is nice special attacks are def better add customize character/create and PLZ WORK ON OFFLINE LAGG PART 7 LAGGS LIKE ITS RUNNING ON THE PART 4 ENGINE ITS HORRIBLE if u play part 6 ull see the difference this will BE THE DYNASTY WARRIORS GAME WE ALL WOULD WANT TO SEE If u dont agree u havent played DW enough and ur no good in the game


Nov 29, 2010
Crappy review is crappy.

...see what I did there? Nice "unbiased" review here Colin. What a surprise coming from you... *ROLLS EYES AS DEEPLY AND PASSIONATELY AS POSSIBLE*