
No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2009
No steady biscuits only a few here and there. Would be nice I guess but I was never the one to pursue a steady gf, I've only ever had one. Things are good though, enjoying myself and doing alright


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Oh side note: watching SNL for the first time in years and HO-LY shit can I say cringe. SNL was epic back in the day, this shit is straight garbage now.

SNL has been a steaming pile of shit for at least 3 years, and even before that it was about 3 good skits and Weekend Update. Now Weekend Update is about the only good thing and half of that is bad character interviews.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Agreed with you on some points, especially the maps. Divisions I don't really mind, you can use any gun with the division it's just to give you an extra "perk" for designated weapons in that class it seems. Not to sound too noobish but I feel like there's 6 ways you have to watch on every single point on the map. My shot is really off with these guns and the connection certainly doesn't help.

I know I've lost my touch when I feel like I'm on a roll, only to check the score and see that my big "roll" is 6 kills. Seriously at the bottom almost every single game.

I hear ya. Connection is really bad. They've had server issues near constantly since launch, I really don't understand because they've released the same game for a decade.

Also there is something about this game, or maybe its diminishing skills but I can't seem to put together great games either, and I know ATU has said the same.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 13, 2009
Not gonna spoil Star Wars but I had mixed reviews on it. The cast just felt too separated in their "A" and "B" storylines, and while I really enjoyed what I'd call the "A" story I was so disappointed with the other. A step up from Ep.7 but still not hitting those heights! I'm not sure what it is, maybe I'm just a bit too harsh but so far the past two movies have felt like they decided to play it safe, aside for a few decisions in this most recent film that I was a fan of. All being said, I really want to go see it again lol.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Not gonna spoil Star Wars but I had mixed reviews on it. The cast just felt too separated in their "A" and "B" storylines, and while I really enjoyed what I'd call the "A" story I was so disappointed with the other. A step up from Ep.7 but still not hitting those heights! I'm not sure what it is, maybe I'm just a bit too harsh but so far the past two movies have felt like they decided to play it safe, aside for a few decisions in this most recent film that I was a fan of. All being said, I really want to go see it again lol.

I liked it but unlike Rogue One and 7 I'm in absolutely no rush to see it again. Funny thing is after rewatching both R1 and 7 my love for them faded, I still like both but not nearly as much as I did the first time. So that makes me wonder if I'll like 8 more on a second viewing(since I didn't love it right away like the others) or what.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
NFL playoff predictions?

Dayum still can't believe that college game omg!

Anyways as it stands now I think for NFC the Viks beat the Saints, Falcons beat the Eagles, Viks move to Super bowl

AFC like everyone is picking ill go w the Pats & Steelers and the Pats making the Super bowl

Not too pile on Moose but if the Viks and Falcons play I think the Viks will win for sure. Turds I think your team is gonna beat the Saints but its gonna be a tough one.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
NFL playoff predictions?

Dayum still can't believe that college game omg!

Anyways as it stands now I think for NFC the Viks beat the Saints, Falcons beat the Eagles, Viks move to Super bowl

AFC like everyone is picking ill go w the Pats & Steelers and the Pats making the Super bowl

Not too pile on Moose but if the Viks and Falcons play I think the Viks will win for sure. Turds I think your team is gonna beat the Saints but its gonna be a tough one.

I really wanted to hear some outside MN opinions because everyone here is either drinking the cool-aid or is prepping themselves for heartbreak. Oh and of course now there is conspiracy theories about the NFL rigging games so that the Vikes don't host the SB because they'd lose a ton of revenue, all of which I think is totally non-sense.

I think the D could get us a championship but our kicking game and QB make me nervous. The Aints game makes me hella nervous, I feel like if the Vikes get past them the NFCCG is practically a cake-walk.

My picks going forward (outside of Vikes vs Aints).

This week: Falcons over Eagles. Steelers over Jags. Pats over the Titans.

Next week: Vikes/Aints over the Falcons. Pats over the Steelers.

SB: Pats over the Aints or Vikes over the Pats.

God damn, if the Vikings win the SB I'll die a happy man, even if it means they never even reach the playoffs again.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Turds you ain't getting a like cause what kind of pics are those???? You can't go fourth calling the Saints/Vik game a toss up and make further pics on either team winning. You gotta make a pic, that simple. No Fear!

I didn't make my Super bowl pic on my last post but I will before these weekend games. I like the Vikings soley for the defensive. Having a hard time picking them overall tho


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
I hate football.

The turning point of that game was in the 2nd half after Tua made that horrible freshman mistake and threw the pic. Dude it was all Georgia at that point. Not only did they have momentum off that 80 yard Hardman TD they just got the ball back in Alabama territory. Make a couple plays and just get a FG and the landscape of that game changes.

The score at that point (only w a FG) would of been 23-7. That was the game, that would make the game almost out of reach cause here's what Alabama would be facing......

1: make it a two possession game needing two TDs and two 2 point conversions
2. (more likely) 3 possession game which would of been tough w the time, scoring twice and kicking a FG.

All this was here for Georgia, all they needed after that pick was like 15 yards and they were golden. Instead........a fluke play and Fromm throws the ball off dudes helmet, bama recovers the ball and kicks a FG. My god!

So instead of 23-7 with more time off the clock, it was 20-10. The rest after well.........


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Turds you ain't getting a like cause what kind of pics are those???? You can't go fourth calling the Saints/Vik game a toss up and make further pics on either team winning. You gotta make a pic, that simple. No Fear!

I didn't make my Super bowl pic on my last post but I will before these weekend games. I like the Vikings soley for the defensive. Having a hard time picking them overall tho

I'm biased thou.

If you want legit picks, I'm going with Vikings all the way. I'll be drinking purple cool-aid by the gallon.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
Yea that was one of the plays that changed momentum a ton.

So here is one for yall, in the past 11 months the Falcons and the Dawgs both lost Championship games that they never trailed in even for one second. F me.

Predictions, here ya go. Falcons beat Philly. Aints beat Minn (sorry bro) setting up the NFCCG in New Orleans. Falcons Saints in NO with the Super Bowl on the line would be a bloodbath.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Yea that was one of the plays that changed momentum a ton.

So here is one for yall, in the past 11 months the Falcons and the Dawgs both lost Championship games that they never trailed in even for one second. F me.

Predictions, here ya go. Falcons beat Philly. Aints beat Minn (sorry bro) setting up the NFCCG in New Orleans. Falcons Saints in NO with the Super Bowl on the line would be a bloodbath.

Doubting the Vikes D?


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Not really doubting their D but just knowing what Brees and that offense can do.

I didn't even mention the AFC cause I can't wait to see what kinda bullshit happens that allows the Pats to walk to the SB.

So you're doubting that D.

I'll answer this question....... he is.

Mike Zimmer puts together a defensive system that OFC's shit their pants at. Brees won't be sitting back sipping cocktail's while the Viks are running new blitz packages that they haven't seen tape on.

The Viks are winning this game.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Not really doubting their D but just knowing what Brees and that offense can do.

I didn't even mention the AFC cause I can't wait to see what kinda bullshit happens that allows the Pats to walk to the SB.

You think the Pats have it easy with the Steelers? That's no cake walk. However I hear ya cause everyone has those two playing each other unlike the NFC. The NFC is a total sweat fest. You know my picks but I wouldn't be totally shocked if the Eagles or the Saints won. Y'all loving it doe on the road as favorites with the starting QB out!!!!!! Dayuuuuuuum son!!!!!!!. Lucky bastard, you get another playoff win!
Last edited:


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
I just know how the Pats games always go. Especially with them being at home they gonna get some home cookin and it's gonna be over.

And as far as the Falcons as soon as I knew we weren't going to win the division I wanted the 6 seed. I told everyone the LA > Philly would be the easiest route the NFCCG. I would much rather go that way than the New Orleans > Minn way. And once you in the Conf Champ game anything goes, it's on.

Hey Turds how about a Falcons Vikings Conf Champ game in Minnesota???? I remember the last time that happened.... I will be honest that game is still one of my top 3 sports moments of all times. It might be number 1. The Falcons and Dawgs have let me down here recently. That '98 Champ game, the Braves in '95 (only cause that was a Championship, they have let me down too) and the Rose Bowl from this year.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
I just know how the Pats games always go. Especially with them being at home they gonna get some home cookin and it's gonna be over.

And as far as the Falcons as soon as I knew we weren't going to win the division I wanted the 6 seed. I told everyone the LA > Philly would be the easiest route the NFCCG. I would much rather go that way than the New Orleans > Minn way. And once you in the Conf Champ game anything goes, it's on.

Hey Turds how about a Falcons Vikings Conf Champ game in Minnesota???? I remember the last time that happened.... I will be honest that game is still one of my top 3 sports moments of all times. It might be number 1. The Falcons and Dawgs have let me down here recently. That '98 Champ game, the Braves in '95 (only cause that was a Championship, they have let me down too) and the Rose Bowl from this year.

Of course I remember that missed FG, people still talk about it all season long every season.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
So have I mentioned lately I hate football.....

Remember what I said about the Pats just walking to the SB???? So the have to beat the Titans and Jaguars at home to advance to the Super Bowl. What a joke.

One more game today so lets see what your Vikes can do Turds.....


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
So have I mentioned lately I hate football.....

Remember what I said about the Pats just walking to the SB???? So the have to beat the Titans and Jaguars at home to advance to the Super Bowl. What a joke.

One more game today so lets see what your Vikes can do Turds.....

I'm dead. I had a heart attack and died.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
I can't believe you are alive.... I love the Vikes so much for doing that to the Saints. I hate them so damn much and have heard nothing but stupid 28-3 jokes for the past 11 months. This is sweet karma all wrapped into a 24-23 with :10 to go package...


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
And I apologize for ever doubting the Vikings, they tried to give it away but came through. So please accept my apology and go enjoy some purple kool-aid.

I drank quite a few beers to help with the nerves, it didn't help. I had fully accepted defeat, my wife says (with 24 second lefts) "they'll throw a hail-mary, score a TD and win, it could happen" to which I replied "yeah right" and then it did.

Man the D fell apart in the second half though. I knew 17 points wasn't going to be enough to hold off Brees even if he looked old and washed up going into halftime.

I'm very glad they beat the Saints, I hate few teams more than them.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Last weekend was wild. The Steelers losing was the biggest shock, almost everyone took them. The Falcons/Eagles was kind of a toss up along w the Vikings/Saints. I'm no fan of either but I talked some shit about the Vikings no doubt winning that game, wow there was def some doubt what a bizarre ending.

Speaking of bizarre 3/4 of the remaining QB's are pretty trash. I'll give Case some credit doe, he has gotten it done but seriously.........2 months ago if anyone told you there would be four remaining teams left and Case would be the 2nd best QB you'd laugh.

Viks over Eagles

Pats over Jag

Pats Super bowl winners.

Oh and for real Moose........ what a joke of a ride the Pats get to the Super bowl


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Last weekend was wild. The Steelers losing was the biggest shock, almost everyone took them. The Falcons/Eagles was kind of a toss up along w the Vikings/Saints. I'm no fan of either but I talked some shit about the Vikings no doubt winning that game, wow there was def some doubt what a bizarre ending.

Speaking of bizarre 3/4 of the remaining QB's are pretty trash. I'll give Case some credit doe, he has gotten it done but seriously.........2 months ago if anyone told you there would be four remaining teams left and Case would be the 2nd best QB you'd laugh.

Viks over Eagles

Pats over Jag

Pats Super bowl winners.

Oh and for real Moose........ what a joke of a ride the Pats get to the Super bowl

Vikings SB winners.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 22, 2009
And I apologize for ever doubting the Vikings, they tried to give it away but came through. So please accept my apology and go enjoy some purple kool-aid.

This fucking douche bag mocking MN fans with our Skol chant......moments before his defense collapsed and lost. Fuck that team.

Its not even calling him a douchebag because you dont like him, he literally is a piece of shit


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Last weekend was wild. The Steelers losing was the biggest shock, almost everyone took them. The Falcons/Eagles was kind of a toss up along w the Vikings/Saints. I'm no fan of either but I talked some shit about the Vikings no doubt winning that game, wow there was def some doubt what a bizarre ending.

Speaking of bizarre 3/4 of the remaining QB's are pretty trash. I'll give Case some credit doe, he has gotten it done but seriously.........2 months ago if anyone told you there would be four remaining teams left and Case would be the 2nd best QB you'd laugh.

Viks over Eagles

Pats over Jag

Pats Super bowl winners.

Oh and for real Moose........ what a joke of a ride the Pats get to the Super bowl

Vikings SB winners.

Now you make your pick ha. Anyways my pick might be somewhat lazy cause I'm having a hard time buying Kennum, Foles, or Bortles winning it all. The Patriots aren't some juggernaut this year, I actually like the Vikings and the Eagles more overall but can't pick them


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
In other news besides the NFL wtf did IGN do?? That new homepage is awful. I rarely go on it but I think this new version is ass

It really is awful. Someone in one of the threads compared it to one of those photo/list websites where every other page you click on his a full page ad.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
Fuck the Pats. Fuck Tom Brady. Fuck Bill Belichick. Fuck Patriots fans. Fuck New England. Fuck Massachusetts. Fuck Gisele Bundchen. My Goodness. Now we have to suffer through 2 more weeks of every sports media outlet slobbering all over Brady and the Pats. This game is already over. Just give them the damn trophy already.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 4, 2010
Covington, Georgia
I can't root for the Pats. I just can't. My wife was born in Philly (she not an Eagles fan tho) but all her family that lives here and there are all huge Eagles fans. And they all rode with the Falcons all last year through the playoffs so I need to return the favor. The only thing I will hate about an Eagles win is that will make another team to win their first Super Bowl before the Falcons do and take another off the list.

I am torn on the Eagles fans though. Look I don't like the throwing full beer cans at people and punching people for liking another team, I hate that bullshit. But some of the other stuff they do is hilarious, dude driving up the Rocky steps, I can't stop watching the video of that guy running next to subway and hitting that pole. That shit is great. I know you probably didn't but I thought them trolling Millie was funny too, I do love some smack talk.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
I can't root for the Pats. I just can't. My wife was born in Philly (she not an Eagles fan tho) but all her family that lives here and there are all huge Eagles fans. And they all rode with the Falcons all last year through the playoffs so I need to return the favor. The only thing I will hate about an Eagles win is that will make another team to win their first Super Bowl before the Falcons do and take another off the list.

I am torn on the Eagles fans though. Look I don't like the throwing full beer cans at people and punching people for liking another team, I hate that bullshit. But some of the other stuff they do is hilarious, dude driving up the Rocky steps, I can't stop watching the video of that guy running next to subway and hitting that pole. That shit is great. I know you probably didn't but I thought them trolling Millie was funny too, I do love some smack talk.

It was a shitty thing to put on a banner and march around with but I had no idea who Millie was 3 weeks ago so I don't really care. I care the other shit and then trying to excuse it.

Honestly I have no issue with the Pats in general, yeah it would be nice to see someone else win (not the Eagles) but I like watching Brady. I've watched football my entire life and have seen many greats play but this dude is on another level and I find that fun to watch.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2008
Jesus it's been a while. I'm still alive, I just stopped posting...for some reason.

As a Cleveland fan, I just don't care anymore. I work most weekends during football season, so I haven't seen a lot of it. I wish Wentz was still on, because then it would be a real battle. For right now, I'm rooting for the Eagles, only because I want a new team to be champs.

And I hated the new Star Wars. Too many damn plotholes.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2008
Got into college basketball. D3 and Junior College. It's fun, but driving 4 hours to Nowhere, USA blows sometimes. Other than that, my life is alright.

I do like that in the 5 months I was gone, only 3 pages were added.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 15, 2016
Got into college basketball. D3 and Junior College. It's fun, but driving 4 hours to Nowhere, USA blows sometimes. Other than that, my life is alright.

I do like that in the 5 months I was gone, only 3 pages were added.

These COD boards are so dead.