
Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
The only skill that gets passed down is the last one on the parents' equipped skills. Only one skill per parent gets passed down.


Jun 27, 2006
Which means if Lon'qu passes down Astra, Cordelia gives Galeforce, and Severa can get the other two by reclassing to Myrmidon->Assassin.


Nov 19, 2012
I still haven't unlocked Noire, Yarne, or Gerome.............. Priam's Paralouge is SO hard.......
Priam is a cakewalk mu is so well rounded and takes like no damage from his units and then my lucina kicks ass with her many skills and gale force walhart is practically immune to magic ( DREAD FIGHTER RES 10+ FTW).


Feb 25, 2013
kellam and miriel may not together make a great laurent but they are a rather over powered couple atleast for me


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 4, 2007
Sylin (Avatar - I forgot exactly what I did but I think it was +Mag -Str, or maybe -Def) + Lissa - Super-Avatar Morgan, CAN'T TOUCH THIS OWAIN with mage stats for Ignis
Miriel + Gaius - Alright I've only recently started to work on the awesome potential that is a Dark Knight Laurent with Lethality, but their dialogues are fantastic
Chrom + Sumia - Lucina is pretty great for my main party, but HOLY SHIZZLE WHERE YOU AT WOMBO COMBO Cynthia!!!
Virion + Sully - Love the dialogues, plus they make an extremely strong pair in combat. All COME GET SOME and all.

I have a bunch of others, but damn I love those


May 27, 2013
So. Reading through some of the posts, I saw that most of you either paired Ricken or Henry to Maribelle.

Which one is better?

lul. Kellam x Sully would make it possible to get for Kjelle to get Pavise and Aegis in her paralogue.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
So. Reading through some of the posts, I saw that most of you either paired Ricken or Henry to Maribelle.

Which one is better?

lul. Kellam x Sully would make it possible to get for Kjelle to get Pavise and Aegis in her paralogue.
I'll have to say Henry. I changed Brady from a Priest to a Sage, invoking Henry's Mag. Ricken has good mag. stats too but not as good as Henry..


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
So. Reading through some of the posts, I saw that most of you either paired Ricken or Henry to Maribelle.

Which one is better?

lul. Kellam x Sully would make it possible to get for Kjelle to get Pavise and Aegis in her paralogue.
Henry is the ideal choice, with Libra being a runner-up. Brady will be a damn good unit on his own merits no matter who the father is as long as you pass Galeforce from Maribelle. He has Luna, Tomefaire, and Galeforce from his own class pool. All he needs is Dark Mage inheritance from Henry or Libra and he'll be golden.

I typically pair Libra with Lissa for a caster Owain (the only good Owain imo), and Henry is Cynthia's ideal non-Chrom father. Ricken is a bad choice because he doesn't give Brady anything useful.

EDIT: Kellam is only good as Nah's father for the bulkiest of bulky manaketes. Donnel is better as Kjelle's father.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Apr 20, 2011
Old thread but I'm giving this a go...
First time ever playing a Fire Emblem game, currently on chapter 14 (casual and normal)

Current marriages:
Chrom x Sumia
Lon que x Panne
Ricken x Maribelle
Gaius x Cordelia

My current plans/ideas for the ones that I have left
Gregor x Cherche
Virion x Olivia
Stahl x Miriel
Frederick x Sully
Donnel x Nowi
Henry x Lissa
MU x Tharja (going back and forth on whether to marry MU to tharja or lissa)

Everyone else is so underleveled they can't be used unless paired with someone I've actually been using.
Jul 31, 2014
My Pairings are (so far):
Chrom + Maribelle = Good strength and magic Lucina and Brady
Male MU + sully = All classes for Kjelle and Female Morgan (so they can learn galeforce)
Olivia + Donnel = VERY high luck and strength Inigo
Cordelia + Ricken = Same as lucina but for severa
Libra + Tharja = noire with better strength than usual
Lissa + Lon'qu = High strength Owain

I'm going to pair up:
Nowi + Gregor Powerful Nah
Frederick + sumia = Powerful Cynthia
Kellam + Miriel = high defense Laurent
Panne + Vaike = high strength Yarne
Gangrel + Aversa (Needs DLC & no kid)

Most of the kids will have galeforce.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 25, 2003
My Pairings(2nd run through, wow were they ever bad the first):
Chrom & Sumia = Lucina and Cynthia are silly. Aether and Galeforce all day. If only Cynthia could get Rightful King.
MaleMU (+spd;-HP) & Tharja = An experiment. Noire gets Galeforce, Armsthrift, and Ignis. Maybe not the best Morgan, but Morgan's always strong.
Donnel & Sully = Kjelle gets Aptitude, Galeforce, Armsthrift... everything. I had an awful Kjelle first playthrough, but the character seemed cool. Fixed.
Stahl & Cordelia = Severa is hard to ruin. Stahl gives her Aegis and Luna over Lon'Qu, who could have given Sword/Lancebreaker.
Henry & Maribelle = Strong Sorcerer Brady with Galeforce.
Gregor & Lissa = Not the best class access, but Armsthrift and high strength matches Owain's character to me.
Ricken & Miriel = Dual Support+ makes Laurent a good supporter. Has high magic and Luna if he needs to be primary.
Gaius& Nowi = Galeforce for Nah, and she doesn't really need armsthrift if she's going to be a manakete.
Virion & Olivia = Surprisingly powerful Inigo (great spd/skl), good class choices, and when you read the supports it all makes tons of sense.
Vaike & Cherche = GEROME SMASH PUNY FOOLS. Good support unit with Dual Support+ and crazy strength.
Frederick & Panne = Running out of options. Not a big fan of the whole bunny thing (couldn't they have been werewolves?). Great class options.

Feel like I wasted Lon'qu. Maybe could have found a use for Libra too. Still working on finding the best setups and uses for support characters, but my second generation characters all seem pretty powerful.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2013
My Pairings(2nd run through, wow were they ever bad the first):
Chrom & Sumia = Lucina and Cynthia are silly. Aether and Galeforce all day. If only Cynthia could get Rightful King.
MaleMU (+spd;-HP) & Tharja = An experiment. Noire gets Galeforce, Armsthrift, and Ignis. Maybe not the best Morgan, but Morgan's always strong.
Donnel & Sully = Kjelle gets Aptitude, Galeforce, Armsthrift... everything. I had an awful Kjelle first playthrough, but the character seemed cool. Fixed.
Stahl & Cordelia = Severa is hard to ruin. Stahl gives her Aegis and Luna over Lon'Qu, who could have given Sword/Lancebreaker.
Henry & Maribelle = Strong Sorcerer Brady with Galeforce.
Gregor & Lissa = Not the best class access, but Armsthrift and high strength matches Owain's character to me.
Ricken & Miriel = Dual Support+ makes Laurent a good supporter. Has high magic and Luna if he needs to be primary.
Gaius& Nowi = Galeforce for Nah, and she doesn't really need armsthrift if she's going to be a manakete.
Virion & Olivia = Surprisingly powerful Inigo (great spd/skl), good class choices, and when you read the supports it all makes tons of sense.
Vaike & Cherche = GEROME SMASH PUNY FOOLS. Good support unit with Dual Support+ and crazy strength.
Frederick & Panne = Running out of options. Not a big fan of the whole bunny thing (couldn't they have been werewolves?). Great class options.

Feel like I wasted Lon'qu. Maybe could have found a use for Libra too. Still working on finding the best setups and uses for support characters, but my second generation characters all seem pretty powerful.
Damn. Gaius doesn't deserve the Nowi treatment. He's way too cool a character for that fate.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 25, 2003
I did actually end up changing a few things from my original plan. Namely:

MaleMU & Aversa: I'm fascinated by Shadowgift even if it isn't the best skill ever. Nostanks/mire-snipers of other classes seem cool.
Lon'Qu & Cordelia: Like I said, hard to ruin Severa.
Gauis & Tharja: They both sort of end up back in a life of crime. He can kinda dodge her curses. Noire loses armsthrift but is a great Sniper.
Vaike & Nowi: Sorry, Vaike. Nah just isn't my favorite. I guess as a bloodthirsty, axe-wielding child she's funny though.
Frederick & Cherche: Gerome loses berserker but gets the Aegis/Pavise combo if he feels like tanking.
Stahl & Panne: Still don't like Yarne. Slightly worse than Freddy Yarne, but whatever.
Apr 7, 2015
So, I just started FE:A, and I thought it would be fun to matchmake without really thinking about how well the kids would turn out. I have a list of who I want together, anybody have suggestions? I don't know a thing about stats and stuff, and my list is probably not very good.
Lucina: Chrom + Avatar
Owain: Lissia + Lon'qu
Inigo: Olivia + Donnel
Brady: Maribelle + Ricken
Kjelle: Sully + Virion
Cynthia: Sumia + Frederick
Morgan: Avatar + Chrom (I'm not actually sure how to make Morgan haha)
Yarne: Panne + Gregor
Severa: Cordelia + Henry
Gerome: Cherche + Gaius
Mar 18, 2016
When I first started out, I was a little clueless and missed out on a couple of opportunities. For example, I never saved before battles, so I thought if an ally like Tharja died, that was it; I wouldn't be able to get her. I missed out on Tharja, Lauren, Tiki, and a couple others. Anyway, my pairings are as follows:
Chrom-Maiden (I didn't really know about Support and how it worked; shame)
Virion-Sully (I kinda regret this but hey)
Most of my pairings, if not all of them, were because I wanted to have couples and to read the conversations. I wasn't in it for the stats. I grind and abuse Second Seals to get them up. Like MU, he has a rating of 358, and he's a Grandmaster. He has Ignis, Limit Breaker, Aegis, Pavise, and Counter for Skills. This probably didn't help but hey, it is what it is.