
Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Can you tell us what skills you passed on to each child?
Those are my plans. The only child I have so far is Lucina, but I'm working on the supports right now. She got Avoid +10 and Aether since I didn't have anything better to pass down and I knew I would be able to get whatever skills I wanted from grinding. I'll plan inheritance now.

Inigo: Rightful King from Chrom and Galeforce from Olivia. Chrom's son always gets Rightful King, and Galeforce is going to be the default mother skill.
Brady: Renewal from Libra and Galeforce from Maribelle. I don't plan to level Brady as a War Monk since I'm not fond of the class.
Morgan: Counter from MU and Aether from Lucina. Both are skills female Morgan can't learn on her own.
Owain: Luna from Frederick and Galeforce from Lissa.
Kjelle: Axefaire or Counter from Vaike, Astra from Sully.
Cynthia: Counter from Henry, Galeforce from Sumia.
Severa: Astra from Lon'qu, Galeforce from Cordelia.
Gerome: doesn't matter.
Yarne: Astra from Stahl, Swordbreaker from Panne.
Laurent: doesn't really matter, probably Lifetaker and Tomefaire.
Noire: Sol from Gaius, anything from Tharja.
Nah: Aptitude from Donnel(COUNTER IS OPTIMAL, BUT I'M LAZY), anything from Nowi.

So basically, pass down Counter to daughters, Galeforce to sons.


Jun 27, 2006
Counter isn't necessarily optimal. With her crazy defense, it probably wouldn't do much return damage. Underdog might be a good choice, since Manaketes cap at lv 30. or HP+5 for the lulz.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Has anybody else done a female MU and paired it with Chrom? I just got the game today (finally) and I was working on that but all you guys seem to have been pairing Chrom with Sumia. Since I'm thinking I'll just continue doing Chrom/MU, who else would it be smart to pair Sumia with?
I'm trying Sumia'/Gauis, But Chrom/Avatar makes kick-brigand-butt Lucina haha She is virtually unstoppable!
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Who's the best pairing for Chrom? I married him off to a generic maiden
Lucina is going to be crap.

Olivia gives you the most powerful Lucina. Hence why she's the toughest to pair him with. Sumia gives you Chrom 2.0, which is still really damn good.

Nowi/Donnel will give you a monstrous Nah.
Yeah, I totally agree, Olivia/Chrom makes for best Lucina, but Chrom/Avatar is great too.


Mar 14, 2013
AvatarxChrom does give the best Lucina, but Avatar is the best father/mother for every child. However, what's important is that Chrom is not an optimal parent for Male Morgan. Due to those mediocre modifiers, Chrom stunts Morgan as a unit.

Like Chrom as a father doesn't compare to Lon'qu!Yarne who along with Vaike!Yarne is the best father for a physical Morgan.


Mar 14, 2013
Lon'qu!Yarne passes down 3 strength, 6 skill, and 7 speed . Which is 1 strength and 1 speed higher than the widely known Lon'qu!Severa and doesn't come with a -1 defense either.

Vaike!Yarne passes down 6 strength, 4 skill, 5 speed and 2 defense. By losing 1 strength and 1 defense in comparison to Vaike!Gerome, you gain 3 skill, 4 speed and 1 resistance, which is better.

Yarne is surprisingly good. I usually discount Taguel but once reclassed he is the best non Morgan physical unit.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Lon'qu!Yarne passes down 3 strength, 6 skill, and 7 speed . Which is 1 strength and 1 speed higher than the widely known Lon'qu!Severa and doesn't come with a -1 defense either.

Vaike!Yarne passes down 6 strength, 4 skill, 5 speed and 2 defense. By losing 1 strength and 1 defense in comparison to Vaike!Gerome, you gain 3 skill, 4 speed and 1 resistance, which is better.

Yarne is surprisingly good. I usually discount Taguel but once reclassed he is the best non Morgan physical unit.

Nice! I'll have to try that. =)
Mar 6, 2013
United States
These are the match-ups I'm working on now:

Sully-My Avatar

I'm still thinking about the others and I don't have my 3DS right here so I don't even remember! =D
Mar 6, 2013
United States
I paired Tharja with Lon'Qu and created an absolute beast of a Noire.
My Noire (sniper class) has Lethality, Lifetaker, Pavise, Bowbreaker, and Bowfaire. With Lon'Qu as a dad paired with Sniper class, her skill is insane, allowing for Lethality to kick in a LOT. And Pavise helps halve any damage she takes from anyone who gets in close.

Paired Chrom with Sumia, making a killer Lucina that I'm customizing. When finished, she'll have Aether, Galeforce, Rightful King, Pavise, and Aegis. Her skill level is around 50 so the combo of Pavise and Aegis means not a single attack does more than half damage.
Nice, those are great skills. I've never really used Tharja much. My compliments on your pairing, I've got Chrom-Sumia too but I've only got a few of those skills....
Mar 6, 2013
United States
On my first playthrough I made sure I picked up every kid, so the last few pairings were kind of forced. Consequences be damned. The first half were awesome, the second half were complete garbage.

Chrom-Sumia: Lucina and Cynthia were basically carbon copies of their respective parents. I didn't have a problem with it. Both got Aether.
MU-Cordelia: Morgan was a sort of inverse of my MU. Faster, but not as strong. Defense was equal, meaning pretty good for a Dark Flier. Severa was a damn monster. Paired up, they were untouchable. Both had Ignis.
Lissa-Frederick: Owain could hardly stand on his own at first, but in pairs he was really good. It took a while before he gained traction though he turned out ok in the end.
Sully-Virion: Kjelle turned out ok. She was a faster Sully, with decent defense. Not completely over powered, but not unusable.
Miriel-Lon'Qu: Laurent had a hard time to start, but once I found him a good partner, he was alright. Good defense for a mage. Plus Astra was shenanigans.
Vaike-Panne: As I was building their Support, they made a good pair. They handled Chapter 12 entirely by themselves. I figured their kid would be good too. Wrong. Yarne was a piece of crap. Weaknesses of both. Strengths of neither. Growth rate sucked.
Stahl-Maribelle: I kind of slapped this one together. Brady wasn't optimized, but wasn't entirely useless. Just not as good as he could have been. Demoiselle? Really?
Kellam-Cherche: I figured I would get a defensive unit with good speed. Instead I got a slow piece of flying tissue paper. Gerome was a disaster. If he survived long enough to hit anything, his damage output was awful.
Olivia-Henry: I used Henry just once before I started working on his support. I didn't use Olivia at all until then, either. Now I see why people pair up Olivia with Chrom. Even without proper training or an optimal paring, Inigo turned out to be pretty good. Strength was a little low, but no one could hit him. Plus he had Anathema. Paired with Owain, they could stand with my main units.
Libra-Tharja: Like a few of the other kids, Noire had a hard time to start. Paired with Laurent, though, she was alright. No replacement for any of my main units, but they worked.
Nowi-Gregor: Nah was completely ruined. Had worse stats than Nowi did when she was recruited. I couldn't get her off of the ground. She just wasn't good for me.

Notice I didn't pair anyone with Gaius. Well, I didn't know I could recruit him at first. Destroyed him in a single hit. It wasn't until three chapters later did I learn he could be recruited. At which point it was far too late to turn back. [face_beatup]

I wish I had checked here before I decided to pair Gregor-Nowi.. I couldn't even finish Nah's paralouge......


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Gregor!Nah is actually pretty good. I would go as far as to say Gregor is the second best father for Nah, just barely behind Donnel. She has the potential to be an offensive powerhouse. Just from a glance, I see Astra/Renwal, Sol, or Lifetaker/Lancebreaker/Axebreaker/Swordbreaker.

The only way to mess up Nah is to recruit her without actually leveling Gregor and Nah.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Yeah. I jumped the gun on that call. That Nah turned out alright. I just hadn't used Nowi very much. It took a lot of babysitting, but Nah was alright in the end.

Edit: I had Gregor already reclassed before I even began his support with Nowi. Nowi was still a lvl 8 Manakete (no reclass).
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Mar 14, 2013
Lon'quxMiriel makes the best 2nd generation Sorcerer besides Morgan, StahlxCordelia makes a more balanced Hero Severa.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Gregor!Nah is actually pretty good. I would go as far as to say Gregor is the second best father for Nah, just barely behind Donnel. She has the potential to be an offensive powerhouse. Just from a glance, I see Astra/Renwal, Sol, or Lifetaker/Lancebreaker/Axebreaker/Swordbreaker.

The only way to mess up Nah is to recruit her without actually leveling Gregor and Nah.
I never use Donnel even if he actually levels up during the paralouge, but I've been hearing that he's actually a good father. So I'll try it
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Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Donnel is a very good unit in his own right, and he is a valuable pairing asset for daughters since his Villager class becomes the Pegasus tree if inherited by a daughter. Only Donnel and Gaius can "grant" a daughter a Peg tree without pairing with a mother that already has it, but Donnel also passes down the Merc tree which is better than Gaius' Thief. This can only be utilized by Kjelle, Nah, and Noire, but Noire
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Donnel is a very good unit in his own right, and he is a valuable pairing asset for daughters since his Villager class becomes the Pegasus tree if inherited by a daughter. Only Donnel and Gaius can "grant" a daughter a Peg tree without pairing with a mother that already has it, but Donnel also passes down the Merc tree which is better than Gaius' Thief. This can only be utilized by Kjelle, Nah, and Noire, but Noire
I didn't know that, thanks for telling me! =)


No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
If there isn't already, I doubt there will be later. Usually how these things work. That site did teach me a lot, however. Probably covers more than a run of the mill guide will anyway.
May 24, 2012
I focus so much on getting the perfect skills for the kids, sometimes I forget the parent units are beasts in their own right.

I've worked a Tharja that is ridiculously powerful, and nigh impossible to kill. She's Sorcerer class, and has Lifetaker, Luna, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, and Anathema.

Combine Lifetaker with a basic Nosferatu card, and Tharja is constantly generating health. Her high skill lets Luna kick in and cause serious damage with the black magic, especially against physical units with low resistance anyway. I use Tomebreaker to help make up for her lower Resistance in mage battle.

She's a ridiculous beast in a fight against anything non-mage. She has great defense for a Mage, but if she takes damage she'll dish it right back out almost every time with Vengeance, and regenerate her lost health to boot with Nosferatu and Lifetaker. Throw in Luna and she barely ever fails to kill a non-mage in one battle. Tomebreaker saves her butt in mage battles.
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Nov 19, 2012
Sumia just felt to let you know the only reason chrom likes you is because your pies. His children could have so many better skills without you just saying.


Nov 19, 2012
If I were to have olivia marry someone who would be the best choice? (Chrom virion lonqu henry not a choice


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
If I were to have olivia marry someone who would be the best choice? (Chrom virion lonqu henry not a choice
Frederick is the best choice, Gregor is the absolute worst. Inigo has a killer offensive class set naturally with Myrm/Merc/Barb, so Frederick's Cav/Knight/Wyvern gives Inigo a full defensive suite with every breaker, Pavise+Aegis, Defender, and Deliverer. Make sure to pass down Galeforce from a Dark Flier trained Olivia and Inigo will be one of your most well-rounded units.

I say Gregor is the worst since Inigo has everything Gregor can pass down naturally from Olivia.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
So I'm trying Lon'qu-Cordelia because Severa is a Myrmidon, has anyone tried this and how did it work?
Lon'qu/Cordelia is one of the best pairings in the game in my opinion. Severa will have all of the breakers, Armsthrift, Sol, Astra, Lethality, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Pass, and Acrobat to work with. Severa will also have absurdly high skill and speed caps.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
So I'm trying Lon'qu-Cordelia because Severa is a Myrmidon, has anyone tried this and how did it work?
Lon'qu/Cordelia is one of the best pairings in the game in my opinion. Severa will have all of the breakers, Armsthrift, Sol, Astra, Lethality, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Pass, and Acrobat to work with. Severa will also have absurdly high skill and speed caps.
=) that's what I like to hear, thanks!


Nov 19, 2012
So I'm trying Lon'qu-Cordelia because Severa is a Myrmidon, has anyone tried this and how did it work?
Lon'qu/Cordelia is one of the best pairings in the game in my opinion. Severa will have all of the breakers, Armsthrift, Sol, Astra, Lethality, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Pass, and Acrobat to work with. Severa will also have absurdly high skill and speed caps.
=) that's what I like to hear, thanks!
Hey my 3rd playthrough i did MUXcordelia but instead i changed Mu to an dark knight so she could obtain slow burn cordelia gave her galeforce then i changed her to a mymidron, and she kills most things easily.


Nov 19, 2012
If I were to have olivia marry someone who would be the best choice? (Chrom virion lonqu henry not a choice
Frederick is the best choice, Gregor is the absolute worst. Inigo has a killer offensive class set naturally with Myrm/Merc/Barb, so Frederick's Cav/Knight/Wyvern gives Inigo a full defensive suite with every breaker, Pavise+Aegis, Defender, and Deliverer. Make sure to pass down Galeforce from a Dark Flier trained Olivia and Inigo will be one of your most well-rounded units.

I say Gregor is the worst since Inigo has everything Gregor can pass down naturally from Olivia.
Now I'm glad frederick didn't marry sully, thanks for the info


Nov 19, 2012
I never really used frederick he hinders the begining of the game to be challenging to noobs of the game like me.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
I never really used frederick he hinders the begining of the game to be challenging to noobs of the game like me.
Frederick has the honor of being a pre-promote in a game that's all about resetting classes for skills and stats. I usually give Frederick the second or third Second Seal I get early on and reset him to a Cavalier or Wyvern Lord so he can get some levels, and he quickly becomes just as usable as any other unit.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Lon'qu/Cordelia is one of the best pairings in the game in my opinion. Severa will have all of the breakers, Armsthrift, Sol, Astra, Lethality, Galeforce, Vengeance, Lifetaker, Pass, and Acrobat to work with. Severa will also have absurdly high skill and speed caps.
=) that's what I like to hear, thanks!
Hey my 3rd playthrough i did MUXcordelia but instead i changed Mu to an dark knight so she could obtain slow burn cordelia gave her galeforce then i changed her to a mymidron, and she kills most things easily.
I hadn't thought of that but it sounds like a great match-up, I'll have to try that.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
=) that's what I like to hear, thanks!
Hey my 3rd playthrough i did MUXcordelia but instead i changed Mu to an dark knight so she could obtain slow burn cordelia gave her galeforce then i changed her to a mymidron, and she kills most things easily.
I hadn't thought of that but it sounds like a great match-up, I'll have to try that.
Frederick, Lon'qu, and Stahl make solid fathers for Severa already, so honestly I think wasting MU on Cordelia is a bad idea. Severa can't make use of the full spectrum of class choices that MU gives her.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Hey my 3rd playthrough i did MUXcordelia but instead i changed Mu to an dark knight so she could obtain slow burn cordelia gave her galeforce then i changed her to a mymidron, and she kills most things easily.
I hadn't thought of that but it sounds like a great match-up, I'll have to try that.
Frederick, Lon'qu, and Stahl make solid fathers for Severa already, so honestly I think wasting MU on Cordelia is a bad idea. Severa can't make use of the full spectrum of class choices that MU gives her.
Yeah, I've never tried Avatar-Cordelia, and honestly I don't plan to.


Nov 19, 2012
I never really used frederick he hinders the begining of the game to be challenging to noobs of the game like me.
Frederick has the honor of being a pre-promote in a game that's all about resetting classes for skills and stats. I usually give Frederick the second or third Second Seal I get early on and reset him to a Cavalier or Wyvern Lord so he can get some levels, and he quickly becomes just as usable as any other unit.
Yeah i changed him to wyvern lord. I prefer it more than great knights.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
I never really used frederick he hinders the begining of the game to be challenging to noobs of the game like me.
Frederick has the honor of being a pre-promote in a game that's all about resetting classes for skills and stats. I usually give Frederick the second or third Second Seal I get early on and reset him to a Cavalier or Wyvern Lord so he can get some levels, and he quickly becomes just as usable as any other unit.
Yeah i changed him to wyvern lord. I prefer it more than great knights.
Hmm.. due to fliers' extreme vulnerability to archers I don't really use them a whole lot. Since Sumia, Cherche, Cordelia, and Cynthia all start as fliers I just leave them be and upgrade them to Falcon Knights, Dark Fliers, Wyvern Lords, ect. I like my mounteds (Cavalier, Great Knight, Paladin) though and my Great Knights are usually my best asset.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
So what's everyones' favorite battle in FEA? Mine is the one on Carrion Isle in Plegia it's Chapter #13
The only really outstanding chapter in Awakening is Chapter 10, which is the battle against Mustafa after SPOILERS. Digging up a post in the CT:
MAN. Chapter 10 is still heartbreaking the third time I've played through it. It's the only chapter where I felt like the mechanics enhanced the atmosphere of the mission. At that point all you can do is fight your way out, even if you don't really want to. And they make you not want to. Best chapter in the game in my opinion.
My most memorable parts of the series are the ones that integrate the story and mechanics to influence how you as the player feel about the situations. Thracia 776 is so good because it uses the chapter objectives, mechanics, and enemy strength to show you just how weak your army is compared to the empire, and just as you feel like you're getting to the point where you can do some real damage to them, you get two massive kicks to the teeth and spend a few chapters escaping and regrouping. That's good game design. Radiant Dawn and to a lesser extent Path of Radiance also have meaningful chapters that tie story and gameplay, and it's one of the reasons why I consider Radiant Dawn the pinnacle of the series.
Awakening took away that sense of urgency and cohesiveness to allow the player a larger breadth of character building options, and I took to it like a meth addict takes to a pie filled with meth and skittles. But the only chapter that felt meaningful was 10, where every main character was in despair, and the BGM reflected that despair perfectly in a way that made me feel empathy for characters that until then had been cardboard cutouts or bags of unrelatable quirk. Mustafa is one of the few enemies in the series that I felt absolutely terrible about killing, and that's more than I can say about the other bosses that are nothing more than the generic enemy portraits with different heads.
Chapter 10. ISS GOOOOOOD.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
So what's everyones' favorite battle in FEA? Mine is the one on Carrion Isle in Plegia it's Chapter #13
The only really outstanding chapter in Awakening is Chapter 10, which is the battle against Mustafa after SPOILERS. Digging up a post in the CT:
MAN. Chapter 10 is still heartbreaking the third time I've played through it. It's the only chapter where I felt like the mechanics enhanced the atmosphere of the mission. At that point all you can do is fight your way out, even if you don't really want to. And they make you not want to. Best chapter in the game in my opinion.
My most memorable parts of the series are the ones that integrate the story and mechanics to influence how you as the player feel about the situations. Thracia 776 is so good because it uses the chapter objectives, mechanics, and enemy strength to show you just how weak your army is compared to the empire, and just as you feel like you're getting to the point where you can do some real damage to them, you get two massive kicks to the teeth and spend a few chapters escaping and regrouping. That's good game design. Radiant Dawn and to a lesser extent Path of Radiance also have meaningful chapters that tie story and gameplay, and it's one of the reasons why I consider Radiant Dawn the pinnacle of the series.
Awakening took away that sense of urgency and cohesiveness to allow the player a larger breadth of character building options, and I took to it like a meth addict takes to a pie filled with meth and skittles. But the only chapter that felt meaningful was 10, where every main character was in despair, and the BGM reflected that despair perfectly in a way that made me feel empathy for characters that until then had been cardboard cutouts or bags of unrelatable quirk. Mustafa is one of the few enemies in the series that I felt absolutely terrible about killing, and that's more than I can say about the other bosses that are nothing more than the generic enemy portraits with different heads.
Chapter 10. ISS GOOOOOOD.
I totally agree, if I can, I go out of my way to spare the two lancemen near Mustafa, and make sure I kill the wyvern rider...... Mustafa was the only Plegian that I actually held an amount of respect for.... I wish I didn't have to kill him..... (kinda, I mean he IS a Plegian after all........) If I could say one thing to him before he dies it would probably be: "Yes, I will spare your men." Chapter 10 is depressing you know 'cause it's all rainy an' muddy and sad, with Emmeryn's death still hanging over everyone......


Nov 19, 2012
So what's everyones' favorite battle in FEA? Mine is the one on Carrion Isle in Plegia it's Chapter #13
The only really outstanding chapter in Awakening is Chapter 10, which is the battle against Mustafa after SPOILERS. Digging up a post in the CT:
MAN. Chapter 10 is still heartbreaking the third time I've played through it. It's the only chapter where I felt like the mechanics enhanced the atmosphere of the mission. At that point all you can do is fight your way out, even if you don't really want to. And they make you not want to. Best chapter in the game in my opinion.
My most memorable parts of the series are the ones that integrate the story and mechanics to influence how you as the player feel about the situations. Thracia 776 is so good because it uses the chapter objectives, mechanics, and enemy strength to show you just how weak your army is compared to the empire, and just as you feel like you're getting to the point where you can do some real damage to them, you get two massive kicks to the teeth and spend a few chapters escaping and regrouping. That's good game design. Radiant Dawn and to a lesser extent Path of Radiance also have meaningful chapters that tie story and gameplay, and it's one of the reasons why I consider Radiant Dawn the pinnacle of the series.
Awakening took away that sense of urgency and cohesiveness to allow the player a larger breadth of character building options, and I took to it like a meth addict takes to a pie filled with meth and skittles. But the only chapter that felt meaningful was 10, where every main character was in despair, and the BGM reflected that despair perfectly in a way that made me feel empathy for characters that until then had been cardboard cutouts or bags of unrelatable quirk. Mustafa is one of the few enemies in the series that I felt absolutely terrible about killing, and that's more than I can say about the other bosses that are nothing more than the generic enemy portraits with different heads.
Chapter 10. ISS GOOOOOOD.
I totally agree, if I can, I go out of my way to spare the two lancemen near Mustafa, and make sure I kill the wyvern rider...... Mustafa was the only Plegian that I actually held an amount of respect for.... I wish I didn't have to kill him..... (kinda, I mean he IS a Plegian after all........) If I could say one thing to him before he dies it would probably be: "Yes, I will spare your men." Chapter 10 is depressing you know 'cause it's all rainy an' muddy and sad, with Emmeryn's death still hanging over everyone......
Best chapter in my opinion would have to be 10 or 20 i could care less about validar dying WE ALL SAW IT COMING.


Nov 19, 2012
Has Anyone else noticed that
in most of the children's pre-battle quotes with the Deadlords on this map, they are reminded of their parents when battling the Deadlords. This may imply that the Deadlords on this map are the fallen parent characters from the future.Coincidentally, there are 36 first generation/parent characters to support this.
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Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
The Deadlords (Dark Warlords in the Japanese versions), were introduced in FE4, and explained somewhat in FE5. In FE4, they were tough enemies in the final chapter, guarding Valhalla castle. In FE5 they were created in the final chapter by Veld using the visage of important units that weren't recruited or dead and Leidrick. Basically they're the strongest servants of the Lopt Sect, created using the dead bodies of powerful warriors. They're pretty much the same as Nergal's morphs.

Infinite Regalia happens in the Outrealm, so canon can bend whichever way it wants. They're probably dead characters from all of the Fire Emblem games, locked away in an alternate dimension after you reset your console. Shame on you.
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