
Aug 31, 2001
This Blues/Avs game is highly entertaining. Winner gets final West playoff spot.

Actually, Colorado needs to win in regulation. If they win in shootout, they tie in points but lose the row tiebreaker. If they win in ot, they tie in points and row but lose the h2h tiebreaker. If this game is tied in late regulation Colorado will pull their goalie because they need to be ahead before the third ends or their season is over.


Oct 28, 2000
Caps haven't played the Jackets but we've played Torts 5 or 6 times I think. Should be fun. Flyers/Pens is almost always entertaining...

Deleted member 4121907

Original poster
bunch of great matchups but Knights vs Kings might be the best one

potential for a rivalry to be born


♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
So, I would think Hart trophy has to be Hall, MacKinnon, Giroux, Kucherov, Malkin.

Hall or MacKinnon to win.

From what I watched, McDavid got most of his points after his team was out of contention and they started loading up his line specifically to get him points. Media bending over backwards for him, though.


Aug 31, 2001
I think Kopitar is in the mix too. I’d put him in the top 5 over the Russians from teams with multiple superstar forwards. Of those six teams, the ones that flounder the least if their top scorer were taken away, are the Pens and Bolts.
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Nov 24, 2005
mcdavid will get the lindsay and hall will win the hart.

no way malkin wins. i doubt he's even top 5 tbh.

hall, mckinnon and giroux all basically dragged their teams into the playoffs.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
Bergeron gets the Selkie, as is tradition.

I think the Vezina trophy goes between Rinne, Hellebuyck, and Vasileskey. Though I'd give it to Hellebuyck cause he was more consistent throughout the year. Rinne got hot after the ASG after a slowish start and Vasileskey fizzled out the last month and a half.


♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
I'm not surprised, Malkin gets treated like a second class citizen by the league and media, so that just gets pushed down and parroted by the fans. Guy is the reason Pittsburgh is in the playoffs this year. Crosby has coasted the entire year and Kessel has been hurt and floating since before the trade deadline.

But, hey, just stat watch or whatever.
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Oct 28, 2000
Yes the Penguins would not be in the playoffs without Malkin's 98 points compared to Crosby's 89 and Kessel's 92. All 16 playoff teams have 3 players in the top 10 in points, no wait the Pens are the only one with 2+ and they have 3.

Come on man, its a ridiculous argument to try and make. It's not parroting the media, I don't follow any hockey coverage for media, just watching extended game highlight videos (not just the goals but chances, hits, odd plays etc). Sure Malkin is the best player on the Pens and played the best down the stretch on that roster, but Kessel was better before the all-star break and most of the crying was about him being robbed of a spot in favor of Crosby. The reason the media aren't making cases for him is just because the arguments for him are all better made for someone else.

Plenty of players on the list are "the reason" their team made the playoffs and they don't have a supporting cast of people that just "coasted" and were still outperforming every other supporting cast out there.

For Malkin to have a serious case at winning the Hart he would have had led the Pens to 1st place in the East or league or won a scoring title or had something different about him compared to other players around him.


♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
First of all, I didn't say Malkin would or should win the award. But it isn't laughable for him to be considered. He's been on most lists in the top 6. He absolutely carried the Pens to the playoffs, no matter which stat-watch exercise you want to wrestle with. But I only watched 82 of their games this season, so I can't be sure.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
I agree that Malkin should get more consideration than he normally gets. I do feel Malkin gets overlooked by Crosby first off and a lot of other players.

Should Malkin win? I'd say he would get 4th or 5th. Issue is that Kuch, McKinnon, McJesus are just ahead of him in my book this year


Oct 28, 2000
Pfft. Every team played 82 games. Did you watch all 82 games of the Capitals? Did you watch all 82 games of the Avalanche? Sorry to me top 6 isn't serious consideration unless its a really close race and the 6th place person is getting a lot of 1st and 2nd place votes (which to my knowledge has never been the case).

I'd be like saying Crosby had serious consideration the year Kane won it when Kane had like 90% of the first place votes. Yeah Crosby finished 2nd in voting but someone had to get 2nd, the voters submit a list of 5 names. Same thing last year with McDavid or the years before with Price and Crosby again getting 90%+ of the vote. The last time there was multiple people with serious consideration to me would be the 2012-13 vote (and this year - just don't see Malkin as one of the guys with a shot to win it).

Could Malkin finish reasonably higher on the list? Yeah he could, but do I think he is going to get enough first place votes for it to be remembered as a year he could have won it? No. Not really. I think he could also fall further down the list pending on how the voters do things. If they start throwing in stat leaders or players that were good at other things then their guy (oh hey my list doesn't have a goalie, defender, goal scorer better add one, player from 1st place team, player from top surprise team) for 4th and 5th place votes (very normal), then Malkin could be left off a lot of people's ballots.
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No Longer a Noob
Jan 14, 2004
I feel it's the exact opposite, i.e. Malkin gets way more 'talk' because he's in the east and on the pens. it's a PHWA voted award, he'll get some 4th and 5th place votes because PHWA, imo, weighs stats too heavily in their voting on this award. but he is absolutely not in the top five of most valuable to his team.


♪ Your delusions are yours, and not mine ♪
Oct 14, 2001
Parts Unknown
I feel it's the exact opposite, i.e. Malkin gets way more 'talk' because he's in the east and on the pens. it's a PHWA voted award, he'll get some 4th and 5th place votes because PHWA, imo, weighs stats too heavily in their voting on this award. but he is absolutely not in the top five of most valuable to his team.
Malkin wasn't even in the NHL 100 list. That was absurd, nothing more than a farce, and is a great example of him not getting the recognition he should have. How could you have the opinion he gets plenty of credit? When Washington/Pittsburgh play, he actually has outperformed Crosby and Ovechkin, but doesn't get the pre-game run.

Problem is the definition of the Hart. Because it is defined as "most valuable to his team", which opens it to all kinds of interpretations....but in reality, it is spoken in the same breath as "best player in the league". Since the media doesn't vote for the Lindsay, you can be sure several vote it as best overall player, while others are trying to break down who has less to work with. Kind of convoluted and flawed.

Crosby and Malkin have always counted against each other, we could argue several Harts.


Aug 31, 2001
This year, for the first time ever, the phwa will be releasing their votes publicly. No longer will the homer-vote or the ever more famous homer-supporting rival-snub be hidden by anonymity.

I think this will skew votes towards ‘defensible’ picks. No longer will the Pittsburgh writer be able to cast multiple votes for Pittsburgh players and zero votes for Philly players and then hide saying ‘wasn’t me, musta been someone else’.

Malkin is an indefensible top 3 vote and even suspect as a top 5. And now that the voters are accountable it’ll actually end up that way.


Aug 31, 2001
This year, for the first time ever, the phwa will be releasing their votes publicly. No longer will the homer-vote or the ever more famous homer-supporting rival-snub be hidden by anonymity.

I think this will skew votes towards ‘defensible’ picks. No longer will the Pittsburgh writer be able to cast multiple votes for Pittsburgh players and zero votes for Philly players and then hide saying ‘wasn’t me, musta been someone else’.

Malkin is an indefensible top 3 vote and even suspect as a top 5. And now that the voters are accountable it’ll actually end up that way.