Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

July 05, 2024

How to Bypass AI Detection: A Comprehensive Guide on Using an Undetectable AI Rewriter!

In the ever-evolving landscape of academic integrity and the tools used to uphold it, both students and educators find themselves at the nexus of technological innovation and ethical considerations.

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in assisting with assignments, essays, and papers, the need for sophisticated methods to ensure authenticity and originality has never been higher.

How to Bypass AI Detection: A Comprehensive Guide on Using an Undetectable AI Rewriter: eAskme
How to Bypass AI Detection: A Comprehensive Guide on Using an Undetectable AI Rewriter: eAskme

This guide provides an in-depth look at navigating the complexities of AI detectors and how an undetectable AI rewriter can serve as an invaluable tool in maintaining the integrity of one's work while utilizing AI assistance.

Understanding AI Detection

Understanding AI Detection: eAskme

The Role of AI in Academic Writing

The inclusion of AI in academic writing has revolutionized the way students and professionals approach their assignments.

These AI tools offer unparalleled assistance in generating ideas, organizing thoughts, and even drafting content.

However, this advancement comes with its challenges, especially concerning plagiarism and the authenticity of the content generated.

How AI Detectors Work

AI detectors are sophisticated tools that analyze text to determine if an AI generated it.

They examine various aspects of the content, including sentence structure, phrasing, and patterns that are commonly associated with AI-generated text.

Turnitin and other similar platforms have incorporated AI detection capabilities to uphold academic integrity by identifying work that may not be entirely the product of human effort.

Bypassing AI Detection: Introducing an Undetectable AI Rewriter

Amidst the growing concern over AI-generated content in academia, tools like uPass have emerged as solutions for students and educators alike.

uPass is not merely a paraphrasing tool but an undetectable AI rewriter designed specifically to convert AI-generated content into text that mirrors human writing styles.

Key Features of an Effective AI Rewriter

Bypassing Multiple AI Detectors

An effective AI rewriter should be able to bypass not just one but several AI detection tools. This includes well-known platforms such as Turnitin and emerging tools dedicated to distinguishing between human and AI-generated content.

Ensuring Content Authenticity

While the goal is to bypass AI detection, preserving the original meaning and integrity of the content is paramount. The rewriter should refine the text without altering its intended message or academic value.

Compatibility Across Disciplines

Academic writing varies significantly across disciplines. An AI rewriter must adapt to different subjects, ensuring that the content remains relevant and accurately reflects the topic at hand, regardless of the field of study.

Navigating the Ethical Considerations

The Importance of Maintaining Academic Integrity

Utilizing AI in academic writing raises important ethical questions.

It is crucial to balance the benefits of AI assistance with the responsibility of ensuring the work submitted is genuinely reflective of one’s knowledge and effort.

The Role of AI Rewriters in Upholding Standards

AI rewriters, when used responsibly, can help students navigate the complexity of using AI tools without compromising academic integrity.

They offer a way to enhance AI-generated drafts by making them more indistinguishable from human-written content, thereby fostering a learning environment that values originality and effort.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using an Undetectable AI Rewriter

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using an Undetectable AI Rewriter: eAskme

Choosing the Right AI Rewriter

The first step in integrating an AI rewriter into your academic workflow is selecting a tool that offers advanced features for bypassing AI detection while ensuring the content remains authentic to the original intention.

Preparing Your AI-Generated Content

Before using an AI rewriter, review your content to ensure it aligns with your assignment's requirements and objectives.

It's important to ensure that the AI-generated text serves as a foundation upon which the rewriter can build.

The Rewriting Process

Upon inputting your AI-generated text into the rewriter, it undergoes a transformation process.

The tool meticulously alters the structure and phrasing of the content, all while maintaining the essence of the original message.

Finalizing Your Document

After the rewriting process, it's essential to review the output thoroughly.

Ensure that the text not only bypasses AI detection but also meets the academic standards and integrity policies of your institution.

Submitting with Confidence

With your content refined and ready, you can submit your assignment with the assurance that it reflects a balance of AI-assisted efficiency and human intellect.

The Future of AI in Academic Writing

As AI continues to evolve, so too will the tools designed to detect and differentiate AI-generated content.

This ongoing development necessitates a proactive approach to understanding and utilizing AI responsibly, ensuring that it serves as an aid rather than a hindrance to academic progress.


The use of AI in academic writing, while beneficial, introduces challenges that require careful consideration and the right tools to overcome.

An undetectable AI rewriter like uPass offers a promising solution, enabling students to leverage AI assistance without sacrificing authenticity or academic integrity.

By understanding the capabilities and ethical implications of such tools, students and educators can navigate the complexities of AI in academia, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge remains both innovative and honorable.

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June 28, 2024

Google AI Overviews: How to Optimize Your Blog or Website to AI Overviews and It's Impact on Your Business.

Google I/O 2024 is all about the launch of AI Overviews. Google searches will now display AI-generated results on top of organic results and paid ads. Search engines will also use ads in AI Overviews to generate revenue.

Since the launch of Gemini AI, Google has been using it on various platforms, such as ads. Gemini is Google's most powerful AI.

Now, Google is using the power of generative AI in search results. And to do so, they have launched AI overviews.

Google AI Overviews, what is it, how it works, what sites AI Overviews links to, Impact of AI Overviews on Your Business, How to Optimize Your Blog or Website to AI Overviews: eAskme
Google AI Overviews: eAskme


What are AI Overviews? How it works? How to access it? How it works? How AI Overviews Source Data? How to Turn on and Off AI overviews? How to Optimize Your Blog or Website to AI Overviews?

Here is everything for you to know.

AI Overviews:

AI Overviews is the quick-answer solution in search results. All you need to do is type the question in Google search, and generative AI Overviews will generate the most suitable answer.

It says that Google will do Googling for you.

For example, if you ask Google, "Why Does My Candle Burn Unevenly?" It will generate an AI overview with a detailed answer in a paragraph.

Google has tested AI overviews more than a billion times in Search Labs.

You will also get steps or a day plan for Google.

For example, if you ask Google to give you a seven-day meal plan, AI Overview will generate a result with a meal plan for each day.

For some queries, Google AI Overviews will give you answers in 3 different formats such as:

  • Original
  • Simpler
  • Break it down.
Google AI Overviews will give you answers in 3 different formats: eAskme

Who can Access AI Overviews?

AI Overviews have been rolled out in the USA only. Google plans to launch AI Overviews for a billion users by the end of 2024.

To access AI Overviews, you need:

  • You must be 18 years or older to access AI Overviews.
  • A Laptop, Desktop, Android, or iOS device with internet connection.
  • Open the latest Chrome or Firefox browser app.

How to Get AI Overviews?

Go to or Open the Google search app.

How Google AI Overviews Works?

  • AI Overviews for Some Searches: AI Overviews is available for limited searches or queries.
  • AI Overviews for other searches: AI Overviews not available for every search.
  • Listen to the Overview: You can list AI Overviews results.
  • Read AI Overviews: For most results, you can read in English and Hindi.

AI Overviews will display three types of results:

  • AI Overviews on the top without organic results.
  • Below AI Overview of generative content, the user will use shopping ads.
  • AI Overviews will display targeted ads.

Google AI Overviews are triggered when a user types a question and query in a Google search. If the Google system believes that there is no better organic result to answer the user's query, then AI overviews will generate the best solution. In doing so, AI overviews also link to other sources or articles.

Sites that Google AI Overview Link To:

Google AI Overviews is expected to display links to eCommerce sites, business websites, or question-answer sites like Quora and Reddit.

Google already made a deal with Reddit, which may give Reddit a boost in AI Overviews. Users will see links to sources and other informational content.

How AI Overviews Source Data?

Google is using Gemini and large language models to create generative results. It automatically sources data. A webmaster or SEO needs help including its site in AI Overviews.

According to the Google document, it is sourcing information like the Knowledge panel.

What will the Impact of AI Overviews on Your Business?

If your business solely depends upon organic traffic, then you may see a drop in organic traffic only if AI Overviews generates results for the same queries.

Industry experts and SEOs are already raising concerns over the drop in organic traffic due to AI-generated content on Google searches. Washington Post published an article explaining how Google AI Results bring carnage to publishers.

ZipTie's report states that AI Overview will cover 80% of queries, which is a serious concern if your website needs to be included in AI Overviews.

How to Optimize Your Blog or Website to AI Overviews?

Content creators, publishers, SEO experts, and marketers are already looking for ways to make the content and links discoverable in AI Overviews.

Here are a few things that you can do:

Structured Data:

The structure of your content is one of the significant things that impact user experience. It will also affect your presence in AI overviews. Google wants to make results more engaging, and structured content is the way to make your content engaging in the eyes of Google and its users.

Expert the Topic:

Create content that covers multiple queries without making the user the user go through multiple pages. Make the customer's journey easy.

Build Authority:

Building authority is the only way to move forward. Reddit and Quora's presence in AI Overviews is the best example of that. Create collaborative content with subject-matter experts or industry experts.

Improve SEO:

Fix technical SEO issues. Make it easy for Google crawlers to crawl your website. Optimize on-page, on-site, and content SEO.

Search Queries:

Keep an eye on search queries that trigger AI Overviews. Track those queries. Use them in your content with relevant information and the best answers.

What is coming next?

Here is what you will see in the future of AI Overviews:

  • Google will launch adjustable features in AI Overviews.
  • AI-generated reasoning in results.
  • Planning for scheduling your day or work.
  • Generate ideas.
  • Get answers for visual queries like images and videos.

How to Turn on or Off AI Overviews?

You can Turn on or Turn Off AI overviews in Search Labs.

  • Open your browser.
  • Sign in using Gmail ID.
  • Go to the "Manage" settings of your browser.
  • Click on the Toggle button to turn on or off the "AI Overviews."

Important Note: There is no option to turn off AI Overviews completely. They are not part of Google search and will be there like the Knowledge Panel.


Google's AI Overviews will expand to more queries in the coming days. Google is expecting to bring 1 billion users to AI overviews. Soon, it will become a habit for users to rely on AI Overviews. It is best to understand what is coming and be ready with content optimization and user-engagement strategies.
Be open and adapt new technologies to stay effective in Google search.

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June 21, 2024

Bluehost WonderSuite AI WordPress Website Creator to Make Wonderful Sites

Bluehost launched an AI website builder tool to create multiple websites with the power of artificial intelligence. There are many website builders like Divi, Astra, etc., that have already launched AI website builders to automate the WordPress website building process.

Bluehost WonderSuite AI WordPress Website Creator to Make Wonderful Sites: eAskme
Bluehost WonderSuite AI WordPress Website Creator to Make Wonderful Sites: eAskme


AI Website creator is an automated feature from Bluehost to launch websites with ease. With new BlueHost AI feature help users to build professional websites, blogs, and eCommerce sites. Website builders make developer’s life easy.

Bluehost AI WordPress Website Builder:

Bluehost AI WordPress website builder offers a WinderStart tool to accelerate website setup, quick publishing, and personalized development.

  • Accelerate WordPress setup
  • Quick publishing
  • Easy personalization
  • Step-by-step guidance
  • Clean dashboard
  • Payment integration

Bluehost WordPress builder comes with tons of features such as advanced caching, PHP, MYSQL, Free CDN, SSL Security, etc.


BlueHost WonderTheme generate a lot of website examples with fonts, colors, and styles. You can choose theme and further customize it to make it unique.


BlueHost AI WonderBlocks are the WordPress blocks to customize webpages and theme.

  • WordPress Block editor
  • User-friendly designs
  • HD designs

How to Access Bluehost WordPress AI?

You must get premium WordPress hosting plan. The Bluehost WordPress hosting plan starts at $2.95/month. After purchasing premium hosting plan, you get access to unlimited WordPress hosting features including AI development.

Bluehost AI website builder works with installations, updates, customization, block editing, content optimization, etc.

Future of WordPress AI Website Builders:

AI is becoming a part of every website builder. BlueHost AI website builder, Elementor AI Website Builder, ZipWP Astra AI website builder, 10web WordPress Ai website builder, Divi AI, are already in the arena.

WordPress AI plugins are also making WordPress website development easy.


BlueHost WonderSuite AI WordPress website builder is helping Bluehost Premium users to develop websites with ease. There is not way to use Bluehost AI for free. You must get WordPress hosting to develop websites and blogs using WonderSuite.

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June 19, 2024

AI-Powered Social Media Management for Affiliate Marketers

Social media has become a crucial component of affiliate marketing strategies, allowing marketers to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. However, managing social media campaigns can be a time-consuming and laborious process, requiring constant monitoring, content creation, and engagement.

AI-Powered Social Media Management for Affiliate Marketers: eAskme
AI-Powered Social Media Management for Affiliate Marketers: eAskme


This is where an AI-driven tool for ad comes in, leveraging machine learning algorithms to streamline and optimize social media campaigns for affiliate marketers.

AI-Powered Content Generation:

One of the primary benefits of AI-powered social media management tools is their ability to generate high-quality, engaging content at scale.

AI-powered content generation tools can analyze consumer preferences, trends, and industry best practices to create content that resonates with the target audience.

This includes generating social media posts, tweets, and other content that is optimized for search engines and tailored to the target audience.

AI-Driven Social Media Analytics:

AI-driven social media analytics tools can provide the following:

  • Valuable insights into social media performance.
  • Enabling affiliate marketers to track engagement.
  • Conversions.
  • Other key metrics.

These tools can analyze vast amounts of data, including user behavior, preferences, and demographics, to identify areas for improvement and optimize social media campaigns for greater success.

Seeking a guide on how to monetize your blog? Here it is -

AI-Powered Social Media Automation:

AI-powered social media automation tools can streamline social media management, automating tasks such as content scheduling, posting, and engagement.

These tools can analyze consumer preferences and trends to create personalized content and engagement strategies, ensuring that social media campaigns are more effective and efficient.

AI-Driven Social Media Optimization:

AI-driven social media optimization tools can optimize social media campaigns for greater success, analyzing performance metrics and providing actionable insights to improve engagement, conversions, and other key metrics.

These tools can identify areas for improvement, such as content optimization, ad targeting, and engagement strategies, and provide recommendations for optimization.


In conclusion, AI-powered social media management tools have revolutionized the way affiliate marketers approach social media campaigns, enabling them to streamline, optimize, and automate social media management for greater success.

By leveraging AI-powered content generation, analytics, automation, and optimization tools, affiliate marketers can create high-quality content, track performance metrics, and optimize social media campaigns for greater engagement, conversions, and revenue.

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May 17, 2024

OpenAI-Reddit Partnership: Reddit Content in ChatGPT Results

After Reddit and Google collaborated, Reddit found another collaboration with OpenAI. The OpenAI-Reddit collaboration allows ChatGPT to use Reddit content in results. Even though Reddit is making high-end collaborations, the expert community is worried about the concerns about UGC content.

OpenAI is known for using open-source content or content available on the internet to train its datasets. Now, OpenAI’s collaboration with Reddit helps ChatGPT produce results using Reddit content.

OpenAI published announcement on 16th May, 2024. It will use Reddit’s API, Data, and comments to provide real-time results.

OpenAI’s access to Reddit data can raise authentication worries as not every user-generated content is valid.

Reddit OpenAI Collaboration: eAskme

Expert Community’s Concern Over Accuracy:

Reddit is a platform where user-generated content shines. Google’s partnership allowed Reddit content to rank higher in search results, but experts are already back-lashing this strategy.

Now, OpenAI is following the same path.

OpenAI will use Reddit content in real time to empower ChatGPT, which will use Reddit data to produce real-time results.

Reddit is a platform for experts and inexperienced users. Most users have no experience. Lack of subject matter expert content causes issues like accuracy, relevancy, etc.

Reddit’s policy is also against the commercial use of Reddit content. But the partnerships say otherwise.

Public Content Policy and a New Subreddit for Researchers

What will be the Impact?

OpenAI’s collaboration with Reddit can impact the results generated by AI tools. ChatGPT and other OpenAI tools will access Reddit discussions to create real-time content.

It will impact ChatGPT’s performance as some non-relevant data will be a part of every discussion.
Will OpenAI detect and remove non-experienced content from its results? This question will soon be answered.

Why Reddit Content Raises Eyebrows?

Reddit content is user-generated content. Most of it is shared by inexperienced users. UGC content often needs more credibility, accuracy, and facts. Experts worry that Reddit content in ChatGPT will increase misleading results.

What’s Coming Next?

Reddit content in generative AI tools like ChatGPT can cause misleading results. It is best to check every piece of content or fact-check content from AI tools like Gemini, OpenAI, or Bing Chat.


Reddit is the biggest platform for user-generated content. It has discussions on every topic, and subreddits are the way to access these discussions. Integrating Reddit content in ChatGPT will produce real-time data but with concerns like accuracy and relevance.

As I already mentioned, Marketers should not rely on AI-generated content. It is always best to check all content for accuracy and facts.

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May 14, 2024

OpenAI launched GPT-4o Omni

OpenAI launched GPT-4o Omni, a new GPT that works in real-time with audio, images, and text. The new GPT accepts and generates text, photos, and audio results. The new name of GPT-4o Omni indicates that it agrees to and delivers everything.

There were speculations about OpenAI using real-time data to deliver results.

GPT-4o Omni: eAskme
GPT-4o Omni: eAskme

GPT-4o (Omni):

OpenAI GPT-4o Omni is the latest version, released on 13th May 2024. With the new GPT omni, OpenAI is targeting improved results with both machine and human interactions. With the new GPT, it is possible to deliver results as fast as human interactions. GPT-4o Omni is a turbocharged version of older GPTs. It also performs better than ChatGPT 4 Turbo.

The OpenAI team has improved large language models and GPT API. The new format has increased the generative AI speed by 50%.

GPT-4o (Omni) takes 232 milliseconds to respond to audio. It is similar to human response time.
The earlier version of GPT 3.5 took 5.4 seconds to respond.

GPT-4o (Omni) is a trained OpenAI model with audio, video, and text, inputs, and outputs.

All-in-One AI:

GPT-4o (Omni) has clubbed the multiple GPT options, such as GPT 3.5 and GPT4. It also allows different content formats, such as text, images, and audio, in one single GPT. Input and outputs are possible in one go.

GPT4 needed to gain more information. It was also not the best GPT to process voice and audio impressions.

With GPT-4o (Omni), OpenAI has clubbed the features of three different GPTs into one. Even now, OpenAI is testing the features and capabilities of this new GPT.

GPT-4o (Omni) limited release:

GPT-4o (Omni) was released with text and image inputs only. Audio features will be accessible with the Alpha release of ChatGPT Plus API.

Who can access GPT-4o (Omni)?

Every free and premium ChatGPT user can access GPT-4o (Omni). ChatGPT Plus users will get a 5 times faster response with GPT-4o (Omni).


GPT-4o (Omni) is an all-in-one AI that covers text, images, and audio. Faster input and output capabilities make it 50% less expensive than other versions. OpenAI is still exploring the capabilities of GPT-4o (Omni).

Here is the official announcement.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, there will be more updates on GPT-4o (Omni).

Stay tuned for more updates.

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GPT-4o (Omni) FAQs:

What is GPT-4o Omni?

GPT-4o Omni is a multi-dimensional or all-in-one AI from OpenAI. It supports text, images, and audio inputs and outputs.

Is GPT-4o Omni Expensive?

GPT-4o Omni is 50% less expensive than its predecessors.

Is GPT-4o Omni free?

GPT-4o Omni is available for both free and premium users.

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April 30, 2024

9 Best ChatGPT Alternatives in 2024

ChatGPT alternatives are popular because of their unique capabilities.

ChatGPT has overturned the AI industry, shaping a better AI future. With the rise of ChatGPT, multiple companies have invested millions of dollars in generative AI tools. Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Snapchat, Opera, Mixtral, Meta, etc., are investing billions of dollars to create AI technologies and Large Language Models.

ChatGPT Alternatives: eAskme
ChatGPT Alternatives: eAskme

OpenAI ChatGPT:

OpenAI has revolutionized AI with Large Language Models and GPTs. More than 100 million users are using ChatGPT.

ChatGPT also offers custom GPTs. Users can quickly develop custom and unique GPTs. It is the most popular AI text writer tool with content suggestions.

You can either consider a custom GPT or ChatGPT alternative.

It takes time to learn the ChatGPT. Users can either invest time learning Large Language Models and prompt engineering to build AI tools or use alternatives to ChatGPT.

Many ChatGPT alternatives exist for research, development, writing, etc.

If you cannot use ChatGPT in the best way, then you can use ChatGPT alternatives according to their features. There are many Large Language Alternatives available.

But, before you choose a ChatGPT alternative, here is what you must know.

Why ChatGPT Alternative:

ChatGPT is undoubtedly the most popular Generative AI tool. Yet, many other AI text generators are easy to use and offer a better user experience.

Some ChatGPT alternatives generate videos from text, and some write content with prompts. You can choose the tool based on the features.

The most common reasons why you may use ChatGPT alternatives are:

  • Easy to use.
  • User experience.
  • Unique features.
  • Prompt tutorials.

Responsible Use of Generative AI Tools:

Generative AI tools are helpful when used responsibly.

Note: Generative AI tools can produce biased, outdated, and inaccurate results. Most generative AI tools deliver results based on the datasets and algorithms.

The training datasets and Large Language Models define the use of Generative AI Tools. AI Tools use user interactions and content from various sources to understand text.

Most popular generative AI tools work as AI text writers. They are different than traditional content writing tools. They analyze human behavior and create a writing process to generate meaningful content.

No matter how good a Generative AI tool is, responsible behavior is necessary to use AI tools to protect the users.

You should know that a person can start a health blog with the help of the Generative AI tool without having any healthcare skills. Such content can harm the audience and create additional health-related issues.

eAskme does not recommend you should not use Generative AI content.

YouTube has also made AI disclosure a requirement for publishing AI-generated videos, text, or audio.
Meta also labels AI-generated content to help users identify it.

Use AI tools responsibly to ensure user security and privacy.

Test generative AI tools and text generators to find the best tool.

Here is the list of ChatGPT alternatives that you should test before using them.

1. Google Gemini/Bard:

Google Bard was renamed as Google Gemini.

Google has released Gemini Pro 1.0.

Gemini is the most capable alternative to ChatGPT.

Google Gemini is free to use. Gemini's free version can deliver unlimited results.

As the tool comes from Google, it can deliver real-time results.

Google Gemini Free:

  • Free.
  • Unlimited results.
  • Faster than ChatGPT.
  • Google Apps integration.
  • Use with Google apps such as Gamil, Docs, etc.
  • Check Gemini's response.
  • Quick image generation.

Gemini Advanced:

  • $19.99/month
  • Two months risk-free trial.
  • 1TB cloud storage.
  • Most advanced generative AI 1.0 Ultra.

You must read the Gemini Privacy Policy document. Google has stated that human reviewers can record and use your conversations to improve the Gemini.

Do not enter personal information, passwords, logins, APIs, etc. Gemini can store conversation for up to 3 years.

Even if you turn off Gemini App Activity. It saves conversations for up to 72 hours.

2. Microsoft Copilot/Bing Chat AI:

Bing Chat AI, renamed Microsoft Copilot, is now part of Microsoft tools such as Office, Edge, etc.

You can ask questions and get relevant answers. You can use it for PDFs.

Text-to-image generation is another popular feature of Microsoft Copilot. But it is only available in the Copilot Plus plan.

Copilot is best at delivering authentic answers. Like many other tools, Copilot tends to provide misleading results.

ChatGPT is better than Copilot for delivering authentic answers. Gemini can answer the best result or direct you to Google search.

Copilot is best for users looking for a Chatbot with Microsoft tools.

There are three versions of Copilot available.


  • Free
  • Three chat modes.
  • Text to image generation.
  • Microsoft product integration.
  • Available with Edge.

Copilot Pro:

  • $20/month.
  • GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo.
  • Integrated with Microsoft Office 365.

Available in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Australia, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and Switzerland.

Copilot Enterprise:

  • $30/month
  • Integrated with Microsoft products.
  • Privacy feature.
  • For commercial use.

3. Mistral AI:

Mistral IA is a French company founded by Ex-Google DeepMind and Meta employees.

Mistral is known for its open models Mistral 7B and Mixtral 8X7B.

Mistral 7B:

  • Customizable.
  • Available in English
  • 32k context.
  • Pache 2.0

Mixtral 8X7B:

  • 7B sparse Mixture-of-Epxerts.
  • 12 billion parameters.
  • Available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
  • 32k context.

Mistral Small:

  • Input: 2$ / 1M tokens
  • Output: 6$ / 1M tokens
  • Low-latency workloads

Mistral Large:

  • 8$ / 1M tokens
  • 24$ / 1M tokens
  • High complexity

4. Jasper AI:

Jasper AI is best known for AI conversations. It uses multiple Large Language models from Anthropic, Google, OpenAI, etc.

It is best for marketing, SEO, and sales-related results. It works in a similar way to ChatGPT.

Fact checks AI-generated answers to ensure that you are using accurate facts and correct stats.

Jasper AI:

  • $30/month
  • 7-day free trial.
  • Brand voice.
  • Marketing campaign generator.
  • Easy to use editor.
  • 50+ templates
  • Plagiarism checker.
  • Available in 30 languages.
  • Chrome extension.

5. Claude:

Anthropic's Claude is a free AI chatbot like ChatGPT. It is helpful for text generators and conversations.

Anthropic builds its own generative AI tool. It took a lot of time researching how to develop a Generative AI tool.

Claude is best for conversations, search, coding, research, etc. You can access Claude API and chat.

Claude provides relevant and factual results as compared to ChatGPT.

But ChatGPT is better than Claude for coding work.

Claude 2:

  • $32.68/million tokens
  • Accurate results.

Claude Instant:

  • $5.5/million tokens.
  • Best quality results.

It is possible that Claude can collect user data, including personal and private data.

6. Perplexity AI:

Perplexity is another ChatGPT alternative for conversations, research, etc.

Ten million users are using Perplexity. Perplexity is using Claude and GPT-4 API to deliver the best result.

It is best at research and can be used as a Google search alternative.


  • Free
  • GPT-3 and Copilot.
  • Follow-up questions.

Perplexity Pro:

  • $20/month, $200/year.
  • Unlimited access.
  • GPT-4.
  • Real-time result.

7. Elicit:

Elicit is a popular ChatGPT alternative for research and conversations. Harvard, Stanford, UNICEF, Microsoft, NHS, etc., are using Elicit.

The literature review is the best feature of the Elicit generative AI tool. You can use it to summarize content and conduct research.

Elicit can deliver misleading results with false information.

Elicit plan:

  • Free plan with 5,000 credits.
  • $1/1000 credits.
  • Best at research and data extraction.

8. Learn AI:

As the name suggests, Learnt AI is for education enthusiasts. Powered by GPT models, it is best for human conversations such as learning new things, assessments, lessons, etc.

Learn AI:

  • Free for educationalists.
  • $9/month to $99/month quickly delivers educational results.

9. Otter:

Otter is helpful for virtual meetings and in-person results.

Integrate with Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. You can record summaries, notes, audio, and sliders.

Otter will answer questions in a meeting.

  • Free plan.
  • $10/month.
  • $20/month corporate plan.
  • Video transcription.
  • Real-time conversations.
  • Insights and content generation.
  • Otter AI Chat.

Which is the Best ChatGPT Alternative:

The answer to the best ChatGPT alternative depends upon the usability. According to the use, a user can find Gemini better than many. Otter is better for educational purposes; Copilot is best for working with Microsoft Products, Perplexity delivers authentic results, etc.

You must test and find out which works best for you.

ChatGPT and AI Future:

ChatGPT and other generative AI tools are making things easy for writers, marketers, researchers, etc. The rise of ChatGPT has made brands invest in generative AI tools.

Even though ChatGPT and its alternatives are helpful in multiple jobs, they cannot replace the human brain. Writers, SEOs, and marketers still need to work a lot.

AI tools are not 100% reliable. They produce misleading and biased results. It is necessary to fact-check results before following the AI-generated content.


ChatGPT alternatives are another generative AI tool. They can work better or in a similar way to ChatGPT tools. It is a must to understand the responsible use of generative AI tools.

If you are unsatisfied with ChatGPT, try these alternatives to find out which best suits your needs.

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April 28, 2024

ChatGPT Team: New ChatGPT Subscription for Teams of All Sizes

OpenAI has launched a new ChatGPT subscription plan, “ChatGPT Teams,” for the workspace. With this new plan, your whole team can access premium ChatGPT features and work collaboratively.

What is ChatGPT Teams? How it works? What is the cost? Is it the best ChatGPT for businesses?
You may have many questions about the ChatGPT teams. Today, you will get every answer.

OpneAI has tested the ChatGPT Enterprise plan with industry leaders such as:

  • Canva
  • Block
  • PwC
  • Zapier
  • The Estée Lauder Companies
  • Carlyle

Now, the company has launched “ChatGPT Teams” as a self-served plan.

ChatGPT Teams:

ChatGPT Teams is a premium ChatGPT subscription suitable for teams and organizations. It supports collaborative work with the ChatGPT tool.

With a new plan, ChatGPT is offering more to the teams to work together. It has no plan to replace the human workforce. With the help of the new ChatGPT Teams plan, you can organize and visualize your data.

Main features of ChatGPT Teams:

ChatGPT Team: New ChatGPT Subscription for Teams of All Sizes: eAskme
ChatGPT Team: New ChatGPT Subscription for Teams of All Sizes: eAskme

Here are the 6 main features and benefits of ChatGPT Teams:

  1. Collaborative access to advanced GPT models.
  2. Access to custom GPTs.
  3. Use GPTs in private workspace.
  4. 25% faster.
  5. 40% higher quality results.
  6. Access to GPT Store

Is ChatGPT Teams an AI Assistant?

The purpose of ChatGPT teams is to work like an assistant for the whole team. Each team member will get help from the tool without disturbing the process.

ChatGPT teams is best at data visualization. Just add text or Excel sheet data, and it will convert that data into charts and lines.

Other uses of ChatGPT Teams:

  1. Coding assistant
  2. Data Analysis
  3. Email Automation

Early Access to New Features:

ChatGPT Teams allow you to access features before they launch. Organizations can access Dall-E, GPT-4, Browsing, Custom GPT collaboration, data training, admin panel, etc.

Cost of ChatGPT Teams:

ChatGPT Teams plan will cost $25/team member. The time and effort it saves is worth the cost.


ChatGPT Teams will not replace the need of people at work. It will increase the productivity and save time with collaborative efforts.

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March 25, 2024

Google Launched Side Panel Chat AI Feature for Developers

Google has launched "AI chat" in "Google for Developers." Developers can access "Side Panel Chat" at Google developer's page.

Google's developer AI chat feature is intended to help developers code better or fix common issues. But it also answers business-related questions like SEO, ranking, etc.

Google Launched Side Panel Chat for Developers: eAskme

Google Developer's Side Panel Chat:

Google's side panel chat is available in the Beta version. Click here to access the AI Chat Panel.

"Side Panel Chat" is available in selected regions. It is available in multiple languages.

Developer Profile is a Must for Side Panel Chat:

You must have an active Google developer profile to access the "Side Panel Chat" feature.

It is super easy to create.

  • Go to and sign up with your Gmail account.
  • Fill in information such as name, photo, title, bio, gender, etc. After creating a Google developer profile, you get the "Google developer profile badge."
  • "Side Panel Chat" is available for desktop users only.

You can find it on the right side of your browser.

Google's "Side Panel Chat" offers personalized responses. It is also a great place to display your badges and achievements.

Side Panel Chat Answer Any Question:

"Side Panel Chat" answers developer questions and questions related to business, SEO, marketing, ranking, etc.

But for some queries, you will get no results.

I have tested that.

When I asked "how to start a lifestyle blog," it gave an error result with "I'm sorry, but I can only answer about Google Developer topics."

But when I searched "how to rank in search," it displayed the detailed answer with the "source."

Where is the "Side Panel Chat" button?

The "Side Panel Chat" AI feature button is available on the sidebar of the development page.

Side Panel Chat with Limits:

Side Panel Chat provides limited answers. It is strictly limited to developer-related questions only. For anything else, it gives an error response: "I'm sorry, but I can only answer about Google Developer topics."


The Google developer's "Side Panel Chat" feature is in beta. It is expected to provide limited answers or off-topic answers because of testing mode. Google is collecting developer's feedback to improve AI chat features.

Side Panel Chat FAQs:

Why does the Side Panel Chat can't answer my question?

Side Panel Chat can't answer questions if it is not related to the development topic.

How can I give feedback about the Side Panel Chat?

You can click the "feedback" icon to leave your feedback.

How much does it cost to access Side Panel Chat?

Side Panel Chat is a free feature.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask me via comments.

March 16, 2024

Marketing in 2024: AI, Voice and Automation Trends Your Business Should Follow

2023 was the year that made the whole world pause, creating a difficult time for many businesses. Despite the challenges, there were some benefits; the hiatus provided space for many employers and service providers to consider whether they could change how they operate.

The pandemic underlined the importance of having a digital presence and doing more than just paying lip service. The companies that flourished in the harsh economic conditions were primarily the ones that had a robust relationship with technology and were already leading the field in innovation.

Marketing in 2024: AI, Voice and Automation Trends Your Business Should Follow: eAskme
Marketing in 2024: AI, Voice and Automation Trends Your Business Should Follow: eAskme

No matter what industry you work in, artificial intelligence and automation are key to moving forward.

Here’s a look at some of the critical trends for 2024 that your business should be adopting.

Leading By Example:

Before drilling down into the specifics, it’s worth pausing for a moment to take a look at a company that’s demonstrating how successful you can be by embracing new tech.

Wegmans is a supermarket chain that has forged a reputation for being a leader in its field when innovating and adopting cutting edge technology.

Marketing in 2024: AI, Voice and Automation Trends Your Business Should Follow

You may be more familiar with them through the Wegmans monthly flyer, where you can find the best bargains and latest offers. However, they’re not just a big value brand, and behind the scenes, they’ve worked hard to offer customers the choices they demand in 2024 and beyond.

One of the priorities for Wegmans was developing a delivery app. Using their passion for technology, customers could enjoy browsing the monthly ads in the same way as usual but having the benefits of home delivery.

Not content with this, Wegmans became the first supermarket chain in the US to be AIRA-enabled. Artificial Intelligence Remote Access - AIRA - is a system that was designed to support users who are blind or have sight restrictions.

Using either wearable tech or a smartphone, customers can receive assistance from a trained professional who can help them using a combination of live camera, GPS, map  s and online information.

Voice Control:

Voice control hasn’t advanced as much in the workplace as other types of automation, but the wide use in the home, such as Siri and Alexa, has proven that there’s an enormous capacity to explore.

It’s not just convenient; in the post-COVID world where people are anxious to avoid infection, voice control can resolve some concerns about using public services.

For example, all types of voice control tech will enable workers to avoid touching surfaces and allow shoppers to buy what they want without fear of picking up the virus.

Business experts believe that voice control is likely to feature in every type of workplace, from supermarkets to offices, right through to call centers. And it’s not expected to be a fad; it will become one of the most important marketing trends that every business will be keen to adopt.

As well as providing convenience, voice control can help personalize interaction with a company or a brand.

By carefully selecting the voice on their technology, developing an almost-human relationship between the end-user and the tech will be possible.

Next Generation Automation:

Automation of mundane tasks has already been happening for some time, freeing workers to concentrate on areas that deliver real value. 

It’s expected that next-generation automation is likely to expand the range of tasks that are possible for machines, with non-routine and more complex demands being automated.

It’s not anticipated that AI will replace jobs as doom-mongers have predicted, but almost every role will include some elements of automation.

AI will either take over the bulk, common elements of a task or provide human workers with better insights and accuracy to perform their tasks more efficiently.

Just like voice control, automation has become more popular since the pandemic. AI has allowed workers and customers alike to minimize their physical interactions, slashing the opportunities for infection.

Automation could make it easier for employees to work remotely or for delivering online services to customers. Using a combination of automation, AI and chatbots, many businesses have overhauled the fundamentals of their strategy, eliminating vulnerabilities and creating a more robust model.

In the past, there was a growing concern that too much was being automated and that there should be an emphasis on the manual completion of tasks.

However, since the pandemic, there has been a wider acceptance of automation and a new appetite to integrate AI alongside human workers to provide more protection without compromising service standards.

Using Zoom and other digital technology has provided many with fresh insights into a new way of doing things, and the use of AI and machine learning will be critical to allowing this to continue and develop further.


These changes are expected to close the skills gap and enhance productivity, with an estimated one billion expected to utilize AI virtual assistants by 2025.

This will enable human employees to upskill, deliver greater job satisfaction, and emphasize personal development in the future.

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March 15, 2024

LinkedIn Launched 250 AI Courses for Free

LinkedIn released 250 Free AI courses to improve critical AI skills. The focus of a professional network is to empower users with AI skills. AI skills will become the need of 51% of jobs by 2030.

It is necessary to learn AI skills to understand AI technologies. The growth of Generative AI tools also requires AI professionals to work on different projects.

SEO experts are already using AI tools to save time. SEO AI tools are helping in research work.

LinkedIn’s 250 AI courses: eAskme
LinkedIn’s 250 AI courses: eAskme

LinkedIn Free AI Courses:

LinkedIn’s professional AI courses are free till 5th April 2024.

Free LinkedIn AI courses cover topics like General AI literacy, GAI for different roles, GAI for tech and power users, GAI for specialized training, etc.

LinkedIn has listed free AI courses in 4 categories. 4 AI course categories are divided into 28 sub-categories.

Here is the complete list of LinkedIn’s Free AI Courses:

Free General AI literacy for all:

LinkedIn has listed AI courses that will help you to learn responsible AI and generative AI.

GAI for different roles:

Professionals can learn GAI skills related to their roles.

GAI for tech and power users:

If you want to learn Large Language Models or AI investment, then complete these courses.

GAI for specialized roles:

LinkedIn has divided specialized AI courses into two sections, such as Maintaining and Training.

Marinating frameworks, MLOps, security, and cloud with AI.

Training networks, Fine-tuning, and model optimization.

Why AI Courses?

LinkedIn’s AI courses are the result of the high demand for AI professionals. LinkedIn has reported that 5 out of 4 people are already interested in AI skills.

By 2030, 50% of professionals are required to understand AI technologies.

AI Skills for Job Security:

Companies are interested in talent with AI skills. Candidates are also looking for ways to empower their skills with the latest technologies.

AI is the biggest change in technology. It is productive, responsive, and responsible.

Not only SEO professionals but professionals from every industry can learn AI skills to add more quality to their resumes.

Takeaways for SEO Professionals:

LinkedIn AI Courses for SEO Professionals:

  • Learn AI fundamentals with the “Building AI Literacy” course.
  • Learn the benefits of responsible AI with the “Responsible AI Foundations” course.
  • Learn prompt engineering with the “Develop Your Prompt Engineering Skills” course.
  • Learn how to build AI apps with the “Hands-On Projects for OpenAI-Powered Apps” course.

Benefits of AI Skills:

  • Companies are interested in candidates with AI literacy.
  • Empower resume with AO skills.
  • AI literacy helps in employee retention.
  • Learning AI skills will help in the future.

Prompt Engineering and SEO:

While it is best not to use AI SEO tools for writing content, the best use of AI SEO tools is to find content suggestions, research new topics, and find supporting content.

  • Prompt engineering saves time in research.
  • Prompts help in finding topic ideas.
  • The prompt can help in finding quality results.


LinkedIn’s 250 AI courses are free but only for a few weeks. So don’t be late. Start your AI skills journey today with LinkedIn AI courses.

Even when the AI courses are not free, it is still worth learning AI technologies, how they work, and how you can use them.

Do you want to learn AI skills?

Let me know via comments.

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March 12, 2024

Crafting the Ultimate Slot Machine Experience with AI Algorithms

Within the realm of gambling and entertainment, slot machines have long been the reigning kings, drawing players in with flashing lights, captivating sounds, and the chance to win a life-changing sum of cash.

As technology continues to evolve, the traditional slot machine experience is being transformed through the integration of AI algorithms, which are revolutionizing the way slot games are developed, played, and enjoyed with a heightened sense of immersion and thrills.

Crafting the Ultimate Slot Machine Experience with AI Algorithms: eAskme
Crafting the Ultimate Slot Machine Experience with AI Algorithms: eAskme

Mechanical to Digital: The Evolution of Slot Machine:

Slot machines have evolved from simple mechanical devices with spinning reels and basic symbols to electronic platforms with advanced graphics, sound effects, and interactive features.

Nonetheless, despite significant advancements, the majority of traditional slot machines remained dependent on random number generators (RNG) for determining game outcomes, thereby limiting the extent of gameplay innovation.

The Integration of AI algorithms within slots machines with the introduction of AI algorithms, however, slot machines of both the developers designing them and the players spinning the reels are now infused with unprecedented possibilities.

Through their analytical capabilities that leverage machine learning and predictive analytics, AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data to discern player preferences, patterns, and behaviors so that developers can create slot games that are more personalized and engaging by innovation.

As such, the gameplay mechanics are made to change dynamically with the use of AI algorithms that modify game parameters on the go in accordance with the interaction and feedback they receive from the player, assuring that each spin leaves the player guessing and anticipating anew.

Benefits of Integrating AI Algorithms into Slot Machines:

One of the main advantages of integrating AI algorithms into slot machines is that they serve to enhance player engagement and, ultimately, retention; by tailoring the gaming experience to the specific likes of each player, AI-powered slot machines are more likely to keep the player entertained for more extended periods translating over time to better retention rates and thus increased player lifetime value (PLV) across the board.

Moreover, AI algorithms can optimize and tailor game features such as jackpots, bonus rounds, and rewards designed to enhance the overall player experience as well as to incentivize continued play and create opportunities for better profit margins for operators, as both bots go on about today in regards to revenue.

Moreover, AI algorithms aid in improving fairness and transparency in relation to slot machine gameplay; unlike traditional slot machines, which leverage pre-fixed RNGs, AI algorithms have the flexibility to adapt and change with time, ultimately ensuring that game outcomes remain genuinely random and fair at all times.

Finally, AI algorithms drilling deeper into the parameters of machine learning allow invaluable insights to be drawn out regarding both player performance and behavior that pertain directly to the needs of the operator, thereby enabling the latter to catch better and address issues that pertain to problem gambling and fraudulent activity.

Those above ultimately create a better bond of trust between the player and the gaming provider, as the player is able to play with utmost peace of mind and serenity.

Challenges and Considerations:

With numerous benefits and opportunities, the integration of AI algorithms into slot machines also presents unique challenges and considerations.

Responsible use of AI must be a priority, and developers and operators should ensure they mitigate any potential risks of AI-powered slot machines, from addiction to player harm and exploitation.

There are also many tech challenges in the development and implementation of AI-driven slot machines, from data privacy and security to regulatory compliance.

The use of AI should be carefully considered and deployed with fairness, player safety, and responsible gaming measures in mind.

This is best achieved through a team-based development approach between developers, operators, regulators, and stakeholders to ensure AI-powered slot machines are fun, fair, and safe for everyone.

The Future of AI-Powered Slot Machines:

Finally, the future of AI-powered slot machines has never been brighter.

With ongoing advancements in machine learning, predictive analytics, and data science, we are poised to see even more sophisticated and increasingly immersive slot experiences in the coming months and years.

From fully personalized gaming experiences that leverage player demographic and historical data to gameplay mechanics and bonus games that change, taking into account the meta gaming and strategic elements used by many players, to fully transparent game dynamics that make effective use of artificial intelligence for balance and fairness, AI-powered slot machines are leaping to the next level of slot gaming on the casino floor, and beyond.

AI-powered slot machines will create the ultimate slot experience for slot players everywhere.


The slot machine industry is being revolutionized by the algorithms that it runs on. As machine learning advances the experiences available to players on the casino floor, innovation and engagement are beginning to mean a significant uptick in player engagement and, thus, an increase in revenue as well.

With the increased reliance on machine learning and predictive analytics, the experiences on the casino floor are starting to change.

We will look back on these last few years where we were, in fact, in the infancy of accurate artificial intelligence — along with the plethora of brand new opportunities that this technology promises — having only scratched the surface of the potential of the next generation of slot gaming experiences.

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