Showing posts with label GoDaddy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GoDaddy. Show all posts

November 04, 2016

How to Make Money With GoDaddy?

GoDaddy is not just a domain name registrar and hosting website, but also allow you to develop an online business. It allow you to make money by cash parking and affiliate marketing. If you have a reseller hosting then you can earn residual income by selling hosting packages. Today I will show you how you can make money with GoDaddy.

How to Make Money With GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Make Money With GoDaddy : eAskme
Other people are reading : How to use GoDaddy form Mailer

How to Make Money With GoDaddy:

Cash Parking

If you have registered any domain that you are not using then cash parking will help you earn revenue. Cash parking plan of GoDaddy turns your domain into an advertisement page which will generate revenue when people click on the link. In basic plan you will get 60% of revenue. GoDaddy need a monthly fee to set up a cash parking account. After that you can park unlimited number of domains.

Also See : How to upload Videos to GoDaddy

Affiliate Program

You can work as an affiliate. You can earn income by referring customers to the GoDaddy. When you become affiliate then you get access to unique banners, links and advertisements of GoDaddy, which you can put on your blog or website. When a customer come to GoDaddy site through these link and purchase a email address, hosting or domain then you will earn a commission.

Also See : How to Access GoDaddy WebMail

Reseller Hosting

GoDaddy also give you opportunity to make money with reseller hosting. You can purchase private server and sell web-hosting plans. Reseller hosting also benefit you with greater uptime stability and loading speeds as you have your own server. It also provide you complete control for your server. You can also setup your own personalized plans and bill customers accordingly.

Also See : 
How to Start Domain and Webhosting Company
How to find your Port number on GoDaddy

By Selling Coupons

GoDaddy affiliate marketing also give you opportunity to sell coupons for GoDaddy services. GoDaddy coupons allow you to set up your own coupon code and provide discount for hosting, emails and domains. For this you just need to purchase hosting and domain from GoDaddy.

Payment mode:

GoDaddy pay you your earning via Paypal account.

Final words:

If you want to setup your own domain and web-hosting business or you want to work as an affiliate, in both ways GoDaddy help you. You can be affiliate or create your own hosting business and make money with GoDaddy.

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January 12, 2015

How to Install A GoDaddy SSL Certificate Online

SSL, secure socket layer transaction will make your website able to provide 256 bit encryption to make purchases and enter personal and banking details. 

How to Install A GoDaddy SSL Certificate Online : eAskme

How to Install A GoDaddy SSL Certificate Online ?
  1. Login to Webserver control panel.

  2. Select "Domains".

  3. Click "Certificates".

  4. Find SSL file stored near "Send File" and install it.

  5. Choose the name of certificate and select the text and copy it.

  6. Paste certificate content in "CA Certificate".

  7. Select "Up Level" two times.and select SSL certificate on "SSL Certificate" menu.

  8. Select "Service Management". You can start and stop Apache if that is your server. If using windows than can start and stop "DNS". to complete installation of "SSL".


October 29, 2014

How to Transfer a Private Domain From Yahoo to GoDaddy

You can transfer domain from Yahoo to GoDaddy very easily in just 20 minutes. But if your change organization and name than it can take upto 60 days.

How to Transfer a Private Domain From Yahoo to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Transfer a Private Domain From Yahoo to GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Transfer a Private Domain From Yahoo to GoDaddy ?

How to Prepare Your Yahoo Domain for Transfer ?

  • Login to Yahoo Business account to cancel private domain registration. Select "Change Plan", Under "Quick Access Tools". Select a plan without Private Domain Registration.
  • Access domain control panel. Click on "Edit Domain Locking" then select "Unlock".
  • Go to "Domain Registration Information" and update all information. Remember if you change name or organization name than it will lead you to 60 days delay.

  • Note the "View Your Authorization Code".

How to Setup Your Account with GoDaddy and Authorize Transfer ?
  • Create GoDaddy account for the domain name transferring. Pay renewal price and complete checkout process.

  • You will receive email from yahoo showing all details with steps to transfer. Follow that.

  • Authorize domain transfer in GoDaddy Account Manager. Enter authorization code of Yahoo and the security code of GoDaddy. Click "Manage Domains" from "My Products" then click on "Pending Transfers" from Domains menu. Follow the steps and enter the codes.

  • Wait for confirmation email from GoDaddy.


October 19, 2014

How to Upload a Video to GoDaddy

GoDaddy not only biggest domain seller but also domain registrar. You cal publish your website on GoDaddy server and upload your videos and pictures from your desktop to GoDaddy File manager.

How to Upload a Video to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Upload a Video to GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Upload a Video to GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "Hosting".

  • Click on "Web Hosting".

  • Click on "Launch".

  • Click on "File Manager".

  • Select folder to upload videos.

  • Click on "Upload".

  • Click on "Browse" and select the file to upload.

  • Click on "Open".

  • Click on "Upload" again to upload on GoDaddy server.

August 29, 2014

How to Access GoDaddy Webmail

GoDaddy not only a domain registrar but also they provide email and web hosting features. You can easily access GoDaddy webmail email from GoDaddy and also from other email clients where you configure it.

How to Access GoDaddy Webmail : eAskme
How to Access GoDaddy Webmail : eAskme
How to Access GoDaddy Webmail ?

How to Access Email through GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "Products".

  • Click on "Email".

  • Click on "Email Management".

  • Click on "Manage Account" besides email address.

  • Click on envelop icon under "Actions" and your emails will open.

  • Click on the email you want to read.

How to Access GoDaddy Webmail Email Through Other Email Clients ?
  • Open your email client and enter your GoDaddy email address and password there.

  • Setup outgoing and incoming email servers. If  you have secure connection enable then add port no "143" into incoming port if using IMAP, or "110" into incoming port if using POP and if you have secure connection enable then for IMAP port no is "993" and for POP port no is "995". For outgoing port if you have secure connection then use port no "465" or if you do not have secure connection enable then use "25," "80," "787" or "3535".

  • Enter Password of your outgoing mail then click finish.


How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy

If you want to receive emails of Your Domain registered on GoDaddy in a email client like Outlook Express or some other than you need to enter outgoing and incoming email port number in port number boxes. 

How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy: eAskme
How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy: eAskme
How to Find Your Port Number on GoDaddy ?
  • Open email server port settings of your email client.

  • See if "This sever requires a secure connection" is enabled or not. 

  • If  you have secure connection enable then add port no "143" into incoming port if using IMAP, or "110" into incoming port if using POP and if you have secure connection enable then for IMAP port no is "993" and for POP port no is "995".

  • For outgoing port if you have secure connection then use port no "465" or if you do not have secure connection enable then use "25," "80," "787" or "3535".

  • Click on "Apply" then click on "OK"


How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy

Joomla is a free, open-source CMS (Content Management System). A Content Management System organizes and tracks all information on website, including videos, photos, documents, music, text and presents in an easy-to-use interface. Go Daddy is world`s top web hosting provider and domain registrar. Joomla requires a Linux server that is already available on GoDaddy so you can upload your site to your Go Daddy and host on Linux server. 

How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Upload a Joomla Site on GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Click on "Hosting".

  • Click on "Manage".

  • Click on "Content".

  • Click on "GoDaddy Hosting Connection".

  • Click on "Content  Management".

  • Click on "Joomla".

  • Click on "Install Now".

  • Select the domain name and click on "Continue".

  • Enter database password two times then click on "Next". Your SQL database will create automatically.

  • Enter name of directory for Joomla installation then click on "Next".

  • Enter username for "Superadministrator". Enter password and and email account.

  • Click on "Install Joomla Sample Content".

  • Click on "Finish".

  • Click on "My Applications".

  • When installation finish then installation status will change to "Installed".


How to Create an MX Record at GoDaddy

GoDaddy is one of the largest domain seller and web hosting service provider. MX (mail exchange) record, that you can create in GoDaddy. MX record identifies server mail server. You can edit it in MX records in DNS page of Godaddy.

How to Create an MX Record at GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Create an MX Record at GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Create an MX Record at GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "Domains" and click on "My Domains".

  • Click on domain name.

  • On "Detail" page click on "Total DNS Control and MX Records".

  • In "MX" click on "ADD New MX Record".

  • Enter details and click on "OK".

August 26, 2014

How to Set Up a GoDaddy Email Account With a WordPress Domain Host

GoDaddy is one of the biggest domain seller.You can easily set a GoDaddy email account with a WordPress domain host. For that all you need to do is to that you redirect MX record to WordPress account.

How to Set Up a GoDaddy Email Account With a WordPress Domain Host ?

How to Set Up a GoDaddy Email Account With a WordPress Domain Host : eAskme
How to Set Up a GoDaddy Email Account With a WordPress Domain Host : eAskme
  • Login to

  • Click "My Blog".

  • Click on "Dashboard".

  • Click on "Upgrades".

  • Click on "Domains".

  • Click on "Edit DNS" to find MX records.

  • Replace all code with this without quotation marks

  • line one: "MX 10".

  • line two: "MX 0".

  • Click on "Save DNS Records".

  • Login to

  • Go to email control center.

  • Select new email address then click "OK".
Read More : How to Uninstall Wordpress From GoDaddy


August 25, 2014

How to Transfer a Domain Name from One GoDaddy Account to Another

You can easily have two different email accounts for one website on GoDaddy. You can easily transfer you one registered domain from one GoDaddy account to another.

How to Transfer a Domain Name from One GoDaddy Account to Another : eAskme
How to Transfer a Domain Name from One GoDaddy Account to Another : eAskme

How to Transfer a Domain Name from One GoDaddy Account to Another ?
  • Note Down the customer number where you want to transfer the Domain.

  • Login to with your id from which you want to transfer domain.

  • Go to "My Products".

  • Click on "Domain manager".

  • Click on Checkbox to select domain name that you want to transfer.

  • Select "Account Change".

  • Enter requested information with customer id of your other account where you want to transfer the domain.

  • Click on "next".

  • Click on "I have read and agree to the Domain Name Change Registrant Agreement", then click on "Finish".

  • Logout from GoDaddy.

  • Now Login to email address of your other id where you have transfered domain.

  • Click on link in email that you have received from GoDaddy and then enter secure id and transaction code.


How to Backorder a Domain Name on GoDaddy

Domain Alert Pro is a Backorder feature of GoDaddy that allow you to check the specific domains that you want to see when they are going to expire so if the owner of that domain do not renew that than you can do it on your own.
How to Backorder a Domain Name on GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Backorder a Domain Name on GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Backorder a Domain Name on GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Click on "My Account".

  • Click on Domain Monitoring/Backordering.

  • Click on "Add Backorders".

  • Choose "Public" or "Private" backorder request.

  • Click on "Next".

  • Enter domains you want one per line.

  • Click "Next".

  • Enter your email id for notifications.

  • Click on "Next".

  • Enter contact information and click on "Next".

  • Select number of credits you want to use.

  • Review shopping cart order.

  • Click on "Continue to Checkout".

  • Choose payment method and click on "Place order now".


How to Upload SQL to GoDaddy

Go Daddy's Hosting Control Center allows you to upload SQL files into your MySQL database. You should test your database before uploading. The file size limit is 1 GB.

How to Upload SQL to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Upload SQL to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Upload SQL to GoDaddy ?
  • Login to 

  • Go to "Products".

  • Click on "Web Hosting".

  • Click on "Launch".

  • Click on "MySQL" in "Databases".

  • Click on "Manage via phpMyAdmin".

  • Login to your "database".

  • Click on "SQL".

  • Click on "Import Files".

  • Click "Browse" and select files to upload.

  • Click on "GO".

How to Add MIME Types to the Godaddy Web.Config

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a specification for displaying file formats. On browser`s request, Internet Information Server sends the MIME information and the requested file. Each file must have a defined MIME type that to be served from IIS to a browser .

How to Add MIME Types to the Godaddy Web.Config : eAskme

How to Add MIME Types to the Godaddy Web.Config ?

How to create Web.Config File to Allow .xltx Files ?

How to Save Web.Config File to GoDaddy Server: 
      you can easily save web.config file to server by following these steps :
  • Click on "Start"

  • Open "Documents" from windows.

  • In address bar of windows explorer enter FTP address of your website.

  • Enter username password and login.

  • Right click task bar and select "Windows explorer".

  • Drag the web.config file and drop it in FTP server.

  • Now close Both windows.

How to Configure Zend with Godaddy

GoDaddy is a famous web host and biggest Internet domain registrar. Zend is actually a PHP-based Web application. Zend Optimizer is an application enables script execution. 

How to Configure Zend with Godaddy : eAskme
How to Configure Zend with Godaddy : eAskme
How to Configure Zend with ?
  1. Open text editor.

  2. Enter "<?php phpinfo () ; ?>" .

  3. Save it as "test.php".

  4. In GoDaddy account, make a new folder in web space root then save it with name"zend".

  5. Go to http://<yoursitename>/test.php and note operating system, PHP version and full path.

  6. Register with Zend.

  7. Downlaod Zend Optimizer.

  8. Uncompress Zend Optimizer.

  9. Search for "/data folder".

  10. Go to folder that has PHP.

  11. Upload content to Zend Folder.

  12. Rename php.ini as xphp.ini.

  13. Copy xphp.ini and rename this Php5.ini.

  14. Now add Zend code in this file. Click on open Zend Code

  15. Replace PATH in zend code with the path you have saved.

  16. Upload  file in GoDaddy in Web root.


How to Get Rid of GoDaddy

GoDaddy is a famous domain registrar and web hosting service provider. If because of any reason you want to cancel your GoDaddy account than you just need to follow these steps:

How to Get Rid of GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Get Rid of GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Get Rid of GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Go to Account manager.

  • Go to "My Products".

  • Click on "Hosting".

  • Click on hosting account that you want to cancel.

  • Choose "Cancel Account".

  • Select "Save Changes".

How to Log in to MySQL on Godaddy

How to Log in to MySQL on Godaddy : eAskme
How to Log in to MySQL on Godaddy : eAskme
Godaddy is a popular domain seller and web-hosting company. When you create a hosting account, you get a certain number of MySQL databases. 

How to Log in to MySQL on Godaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Open Account Manager.

  • Click on "Products".

  • Click on "Web Hosting".

  • Click on "Launch".

  • Click on "Database".

  • Click on "MySQL".

  • Choose "Manage via phpMyAdmin" then Login.

  • Now you are able to access MySQL databases.


How to Set Up an iMap on Godaddy

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a Internet standard protocols for sending and retrieving emails from the server. allows you to send personalized emails. You can send and retrieve emails through its site. Setting up an iMap on Godaddy is very easy.

How to Set Up an iMap on Godaddy : eAskme
How to Set Up an iMap on Godaddy : eAskme

How to Set Up an iMap on Godaddy ?
  • Open Outllok Express.

  • Click on "Tools".

  • Click on "Account Settings".

  • Click on "New".

  • Select "IMAP".

  • Click on "Next".

  • Enter Name, user id, and enter password twice.

  • Select "Internet Email".

  • Click on "Next".

  • Enter Name, Email Address and select "IMAP" in account type.

  • Enter "" in incoming mail server.

  • Enter "" in outgoing mail server. 

  • Enter email address in "Username" and password of your email address.

  • Choose "More Settings". 

  • Select "Outgoing Server"

  • Click on "My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication". 

  • Click on "Advanced". 

  • if you have selected SSL then use port 993 for your incoming server otherwise use port 143. 

  • For outgoing server use port 25 or 80 or 3535.

  • Click "OK". 

  • Choose "Test Account Settings".

  • Click on "Next".

  • Click on "Finish".

Who Owns GoDaddy?

Bob Parson was the founder of the GoDaddy. He was CEO of company till 2011. Now Blake Irving is the CEO of GoDaddy.

Who Owns GoDaddy Bob Parson :
Who Owns GoDaddy : Bob Parson :

Who Owns GoDaddy ?

Bob Parson is award wining business leader. He founded Domain registrara and web hosting company GoDaddy in 1997. He became the CEO and remain CEO of GoDaddy till 2011. In 2007, Bob Parson was selected as Business Leader of the year. In 2008, Parson was rewarded with honorary doctorate by the University of Baltimore. In 2010, the University of Baltimore honored Bob Parson as distinguished entrepreneur.

Bob Parsons has started first software company called Parsons Technology, in 1984. In 1994 he sold Parsons Technology to Intuit for $64 million. Then he starter Jomax Technology. In 1999 Jomax was renamed as GoDaddy.

From November 2010 to 2011 Parsons was the CEO and founder of Go Daddy Group Inc. 

August 24, 2014

How to Approach a Girl on the Dance Floor

Many relationship begin at dance floor. many people go do dance clubs to find someone special. If you see someone and you want to approach her than be quick before someone else will ruin your chance.

How to Approach a Girl on the Dance Floor : eAskme
How to Approach a Girl on the Dance Floor : eAskme
How to Approach a Girl on the Dance Floor ?
  • Go to the Girl when she is not talking to anyone else or if she is with group than approach her when song change. Be welcoming rather than being an intrusion.

  • Make eye contact, smile at her and say "hello". Be confident and your hello with smile give a good impression on her and if she say "hi" than you are ready to begin the conversation.

  • Compliment her in good manner, you can compliment about her smile or her eyes or dress. but do not loose smile and always notice her interest.

  • Ask her to dance or if she don't enjoy dancing you still have chance to converse and interact.

How to Set Permissions in GoDaddy

By default all content under GoDaddy is set to Public. It is good choice but if you want to change the permission than you can do it by following steps.

How to Set Permissions in GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Set Permissions in GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Set Permissions in GoDaddy ?

How to Set Permissions On a Linux Server in GoDaddy ?
  1. Login to

  2. Click on "My Account".

  3. Go to "Products" and click on "Web hosting".

  4. Click on "Launch".

  5. Click on "File Manager".

  6. Select directories and click on "Permissions" then click on "Advanced".

  7. Uncheck "Read" box.

  8. Uncheck "Write" box.

  9. Uncheck "Execute (Directory)".

  10. Click "OK".

How to Set Permissions On a Windows Server in GoDaddy ?
  1. Login to

  2. Click on "My Account".

  3. Go to "Products" and click on "Web hosting".

  4. Click on "Launch".

  5. Check "IIS" settings".

  6. Select directories and click on "Edit".

  7. Uncheck "Anonymous Access".

  8. Click "OK".
