Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dating. Show all posts

September 06, 2023

Role of Digital Yuan in Transforming Online Dating Payment Landscape

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, the financial landscape has witnessed a significant shift towards digitalization.

China's official digital currency, the Digital Yuan, holds the potential to reshape various sectors, including online dating.

This article delves into the role of the Digital Yuan in transforming the online dating payment landscape, exploring its impact on user experience, security, and global accessibility.

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The Digital Yuan Unveiled:

Role of Digital Yuan in Transforming Online Dating Payment Landscape: eAskme
Role of Digital Yuan in Transforming Online Dating Payment Landscape: eAskme

The Digital Yuan, called the e-CNY, serves as China's official Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a digital money introduced and governed by the People's Bank of China.

Distinguishing itself from decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the Digital Yuan stands out for its controlled issuance and regulatory oversight, providing a notable sense of stability compared to conventional digital assets.

This centralized approach ensures a level of confidence and reliability, making it a unique player in the realm of digital currencies.

This innovative currency's implementation spans diverse industries, heralding a new era in the landscape of digital financial transactions.

As the Digital Yuan gains traction, it brings forth the potential to reshape how transactions are conducted, influencing sectors such as retail, cross-border trade, and financial services.

Its integration signals not only technological advancement but also a strategic move by China to modernize its financial systems and adapt to the evolving global economic landscape, setting a precedent for other nations to observe and potentially emulate.

Enhancing User Experience:

Online dating platforms have long grappled with issues related to payment gateways, currency conversion, and cross-border transactions.

The Digital Yuan, with its built-in interoperability and real-time processing, has the potential to streamline these processes.

Users from different countries can make seamless transactions, eliminating the complexities of converting currencies and navigating multiple payment platforms.

This enhanced user experience can foster increased global participation in online dating.

Ensuring Security and Privacy:

Security and privacy are paramount in the realm of online dating.

The Digital Yuan's blockchain-based infrastructure can significantly enhance the security of transactions.

The transparency and immutability inherent in blockchain technology minimize the risk of fraudulent activities and data breaches.

Users can confidently engage, knowing that their personal and financial information is safeguarded, creating a more trustworthy environment for online interactions.

Reducing Transaction Costs:

The prospect of transaction costs frequently serves as a discouraging factor for individuals contemplating using online dating platforms.

Conventional payment mechanisms, particularly for cross-border transactions, often entail substantial charges.

The Digital Yuan's characteristic of minimal transaction fees and its ability to facilitate direct peer-to-peer transfers hold the potential to alleviate this financial impediment.

By doing so, the Digital Yuan can render online dating services more economically viable for a broader spectrum of individuals.

Reducing financial barriers can play a pivotal role in fostering a more varied and all-encompassing online dating community.

Global Accessibility:

The Digital Yuan's capacity to surpass geographical limitations presents significant opportunities for the online dating sector.

As more countries engage in discussions and arrangements with China concerning adopting the Digital Yuan, the possibility of a universally accepted digital currency for transnational transactions becomes conceivable.

Such a development could eliminate the complexities associated with currency exchanges and enhance the user experience for individuals engaging in online interactions across various countries.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the Digital Yuan offers a range of promising prospects, it also gives rise to specific challenges.

Integrating a novel digital currency into online dating platforms necessitates technical adjustments and adherence to regulatory standards.

Additionally, apprehensions regarding data privacy and the potential for heightened government surveillance may come to the forefront.

Achieving an equilibrium between innovative advancements and the protection of user rights will play a pivotal role in effectively leveraging the complete potential of the Digital Yuan within the context of online dating payment systems.


The Role of Digital Yuan in Transforming Online Dating Payment Landscape is an evolving narrative marked by the potential to revolutionize user experience, security, and accessibility.

As China pioneers adopting its CBDC, the rest of the world watches closely, recognizing the potential implications for various industries.

The Digital Yuan's integration into online dating platforms can reshape how users engage with each other, transcending boundaries and fostering a more inclusive and secure virtual space.

Embracing this transformation requires a careful balance between innovation and responsibility, with a commitment to ensuring that the benefits of the Digital Yuan are harnessed for the collective betterment of online dating communities worldwide.

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July 16, 2023

Data Science Hits the Dating World

Anyone who has ever shopped on Amazon has seen and felt the impact of data science.

Once you shop and/or make a purchase, you are immediately provided with lots of other suggestions – data science at work.

You are categorized by Amazon’s algorithms and presented with other choices that those algorithms have decided will interest you.

The same data science is used by almost every sector of our economy – your online behaviors are tracked, and you are presented with all sorts of options – from mortgage and bank loans to cars and clothing items.

These will even appear on your Facebook feed.

As you know, this results from mathematical algorithms that gather and sort information and churn it out to interested parties who want to “sell” you something.

Enter Online Dating Services:

Data Science Hits the Dating World: eAskme
Data Science Hits the Dating World: eAskme

Online dating services are nothing new. They have been around for decades. Singles join them, complete profiles, and then their preferences are matched with similarly inclined others.

In the beginning, matches were made by people looking at profiles and presenting possibilities to their users – pretty inefficient. But then, the user base was pretty small too.

As the user bases increased, establishing databases based on user profiles/qualities allowed a more efficient matching method via a cross-matching system.

But ultimately, as data science and AI garnered attention, dating sites began to see the huge benefit of incorporating this technology into their matching process.

Now, they could take the user information from these databases and develop algorithms to pull far more accurate and precise matches from them.

How Data is Collected?

Most dating services begin the collection of data by questionnaires when users first register on their sites. Some of these are incredibly detailed – the more information collected, the more precise the matches can be. For example, users will not only be asked about their levels of education.

They will be asked about their degrees, favorite courses, what type of school(s) they attended, their living arrangements while in college, whether they were in fraternities or sororities, what clubs and organizations they belonged to, etc.

You are probably getting the idea here. The same detail will be asked about your childhood and adolescence, the size of your family, your favorite memories, and so forth.

Some of these questions can become quite personal, and users can skip questions they are uncomfortable answering.

Many dating services will also access users’ social media accounts and online searches and ask for their favorite shopping sites and purchases. This compiles data on user behaviors, likes and dislikes, etc., to make matching even more precise.

It’s pretty startling for non-techies to understand how all this Data science is entering into the dating services industry. How is Data Collected? There are two sides to the coin: upside and downside. Know everythingata can be compiled, sifted, and sorted, but that’s what data analytics and AI do with oceans of data.

And because AI continues to learn as it operates, it gets better at what it does.

Two Sides to This Coin:

The Downside:

Using data science and AI on dating apps aims to find the most accurate matches for those seeking love and romance.

The idea is that somewhere, in this large pool of possibilities, your perfect match can be found, and you will “ride out into the sunset” for a beautiful life together.

But it isn't easy to reduce humans to products.

First, users can misrepresent themselves to seem more attractive or to attract what they believe will be their perfect match. This is one of the reasons why these sites attempt to gather data on user behaviors from various other sources.

There is also the belief that the more precise matches become, the more users may become disenchanted with those matches.

They may not be looking for “clones” of themselves – they want differences to balance their personality.

The Upside:

Facts are facts, and they don’t lie. And the more facts can be gathered about an individual; the better matches can be presented.

It’s much like Netflix and Amazon make suggestions and recommendations based on previous selections and purchases.

And when customers turn down recommendations and suggestions, that, too, becomes a part of the customer profile.

A scientific approach to dating and romance makes looking for dating partners far more efficient.

Matches are presented, and the user can swipe left or right, choosing those for further consideration and those not desirable.

And as matches are declined, those, too, become a part of the user behavior that is tracked.

The Future of Data Analytics and AI in Dating Apps:

Just like us, data science and AI continue to evolve.

Especially as AI continues to learn from the successes and failures of matches, and the swipes of each user, the process will continue to be refined and improved.

While humans will never become products, the science of dating matches narrows the field of potential to those most compatible.

Then, the human factor may come into play. Users can then establish communication channels on the dating app, get to know one another humanly, and make good decisions about whom to move forward with.

And this is the best outcome of all – a scientific approach to finding the matches and a human approach to exploring the depth of each match.

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July 12, 2023

8 Reasons to Try Video Chat: A Game-Changer for Dating

Are you tired of swiping endlessly on dating apps, hoping to find that special someone? It's time to consider a more authentic and engaging way to meet potential partners: video chat! In a world dominated by digital connections, it's easy to feel disconnected and crave genuine face-to-face interaction.

8 Reasons to Try Video Chat, A Game-Changer for Dating: eAskme
8 Reasons to Try Video Chat, A Game-Changer for Dating: eAskme

That's where video chat comes in. Video chat offers a deeper connection beyond mere text messages or app profiles by allowing you to see and interact with your potential match in real-time.

In this article, we'll explore eight compelling reasons why video chat could be the game-changer you've been waiting for in your dating journey.

Genuine Face-to-Face Interaction:

There's something magical about face-to-face interaction that no amount of texting or app messaging can replicate.

You can experience genuine face-to-face interactions with your potential matches with video chat.

You can see their smiles, hear their laughter, and observe their facial expressions in real time.

This level of connection allows for a deeper understanding and a stronger bond to develop.

We truly convey our emotions and intentions through non-verbal cues and body language.

So why settle for virtual interactions that lack depth when you can experience the joy and intimacy of face-to-face conversations through the convenience of video chat?

Get ready to see sparks fly, and connections grow as you embark on your video chat dating adventure – you can try it.

Better Sense of Chemistry:

Chemistry is the intangible spark that can ignite a romance, and video chat provides an ideal assessment platform.

Unlike dating apps, where chemistry is left to interpretation through messages alone, video chat offers a better connection.

You can hear the nuances in their voice, witness their gestures, and engage in eye contact that establishes a deeper level of understanding.

These subtle cues play a significant role in gauging compatibility and attraction.

With video chat, you can assess chemistry in real time, making it easier to determine if there's a genuine connection worth pursuing.

Convenient and Time-Saving:

We live in a fast-paced world where time is precious, and that's where video chat shines.

One of the great advantages of video chat is its convenience and time-saving nature.

Say goodbye to the hassle of traveling to meet someone for a first date or spending hours getting ready.

With video chat, you can connect with potential matches from your home, eliminating the need for physical travel.

This saves you valuable time and energy, allowing you to focus on getting to know someone before committing to an in-person meeting.

Whether you're a busy professional or seeking efficiency, video chat offers a convenient and efficient way to explore potential connections.

More Authentic Profiles:

Authenticity is crucial when it comes to dating, and video chat provides a refreshing solution to the issue of misleading profiles.

While dating apps may be filled with carefully curated profiles, video chat lets you see the person behind the profile in real-time.

You can hear their voice, see their mannerisms, and observe their natural behavior. This level of transparency reduces the chances of encountering fake profiles or exaggerated information.

By incorporating video chat into your dating journey, you can make more informed judgments and establish connections based on genuine interactions.

Say goodbye to the uncertainty of online personas and embrace the authenticity that video chat brings to the table.

Broadening Your Horizons:

Looking for love knows no boundaries, and video chat opens up a new world of possibilities.

With dating apps, you may be limited to your local area, but video chat allows you to broaden your horizons and connect with people from different cities, states, or even countries. Imagine exploring diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, all from the comfort of your own home.

You can embark on exciting virtual journeys through video chat, expanding your dating pool to include individuals you might never have encountered otherwise.

So get ready to break down geographical barriers and embrace the adventure of connecting with like-minded people from all over the globe.

Overcoming Social Anxiety:

For many, social anxiety can be a major hurdle in dating.

However, video chat provides a comfortable and gradual way to overcome this challenge.

It offers a less intimidating environment compared to face-to-face meetings, allowing individuals with social anxiety or shyness to ease into social interactions.

With video chat, you can build confidence at your own pace without the immediate pressure of physical presence.

This gradual exposure can help alleviate anxiety and create a sense of comfort in connecting with others.

If you find traditional dating settings overwhelming, video chat can support finding meaningful connections.

Fun and Engaging Experience:

Dating should be an enjoyable and memorable experience, and video chat brings fun and engagement.

Beyond just talking, video chat allows for creative virtual backgrounds, interactive games, or shared activities during calls.

You can show off your personality through playful gestures, share your favorite hobbies, or even plan virtual dates like cooking together or watching a movie simultaneously.

With video chat, you can inject excitement and spontaneity into your dating interactions, making them more dynamic and entertaining.

Get ready to break away from the monotony and embrace the joy of video chat as you embark on a dating journey filled with laughter, shared experiences, and unforgettable moments.

A Real Alternative to Dating Apps:

Video chat offers a refreshing alternative to dating apps, providing a more authentic, engaging, and meaningful way to connect with potential partners.

From experiencing genuine face-to-face interactions to better gauging chemistry, video chat allows for a deeper understanding and connection.

It saves time, offers enhanced security and privacy, and opens up new possibilities by broadening your dating pool.

Moreover, it helps overcome social anxiety and adds an element of fun and excitement to the dating experience.

So, why not step out of your comfort zone and try video chat?

Embrace the power of virtual communication, and may you find fulfilling connections and lasting love along the way.

Good luck with your video chat dating adventure!

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November 08, 2021

The Tendencies of Female Activeness in Hookup Sites

We are in an unprecedented time in human sexuality history. More adults are having casual sex and exploring other fantasies.

The hookup culture is becoming more ingrained, reflecting evolved sexual and social scripts.

These casual encounters often occur without the desire common in a romantic relationship.

The Tendencies of Female Activeness in Hookup Sites: eAskme
The Tendencies of Female Activeness in Hookup Sites: eAskme

Although hookup sites and apps redefined online dating in the past decade, hookups began in the 1920s. This was primarily due to the upsurge of automobiles and entertainment spots like movie theaters.

By the 1960s, young adults were more sexually liberated due to the rise of feminism and the growth of sex-integrated college parties.

Recent data shows that 60% to 80% of North American young adults have had a hookup experience.

So why are women more active on hookup sites?

Keep reading!

It’s About Sex

Many women have had bad relationships, and many don’t want to go back to such experiences.

However, they have sexual needs, and they need someone to fulfill them without demanding the conditions of a relationship.

Enter hookup sites and apps such as Adult Friend Finder and Tinder. Adult Friend Finder is a hookup site that allows male and female users to find short-term sexual encounters.

With over 45 million users in the US, Adult Friend Finder makes it easy to find like-minded individuals for casual sex. All the great websites can be found in the MYSA article.

All you need to do is sign up and start looking for like-minded people in your area. The site offers a paid subscription which opens more features for you.

A lot of women prefer casual sex over an emotionally draining relationship, and this is true, especially for a sexual person.

To Overcome Boredom

Moving to a new city where you don’t know anyone is extremely depressing.

This is true, especially if you’re introverted, and you can’t sit at the bar by yourself or start talking to strangers on the street, in movie theaters, or even the bar.

One of the best places where you can make friends today is online.

Hookup sites are so popular there is no way you can’t find other adults in your area with similar interests.

For example, it’s on the weekend, and you don’t have any plans.

However, you’re horny. Just open your laptop, launch your favorite browser and search AdultFriend

Other hookup sites to check out include:

  • Ashley Madison
  • No Strings Attached
  • Together2Night
  • Onenightfriend

These super-hot hookup sites will serve you in the best way. Just search in your area for casual sex, and the sites will return results that you will surely find interesting.

There is no need to beat around the bush on these sites or try to impress someone emotionally.

You can match with a potential, chat directly where and when to hookup. These hookup sites give women a chance for some steamy encounters.

The people you meet on these hookup sites are only interested in getting laid.

Therefore, you don’t have to romanticize the encounter.

That’s the best thing about hookup sites - they allow women to have casual sex without an emotional connection.

Satisfying Experience

With hookup sites, lovemaking has become smoother and more satisfying.

But, let’s face it, love is overrated.

When you date, it takes a long time to know the true intentions of a person. This is true, especially when it comes to sex.

People do not share their sexual fantasies and fetishes when they are dating.

It’s even worse once they get married. As such, few women have a satisfying sexual experience in a long-term relationship, and however, casual sex offers a much satisfying sexual experience.

Hookup sites such as Adult Friend Finder provide a collage of potential matches. As your golden ticket to instant communication, the site requires only your email and password. Once you sign up, notifications will start popping up even without you adding any juicy info.

But it helps to add more info about you, making it easier for the site’s algorithm to match you with like-minded people in your area.

Chances of you finding someone who shares a super-specific fantasy like you is very easy.

You can always refine your results by choosing your preferred gender, age range, race, body type, and sexual orientation.

With casual sex, women can have multiple orgasms, which makes them happy. This is because hookups put women in their zone where they are happy.


Women enjoy hookups better when they take the initiative. When a woman takes the initiative, she sees the man or woman as an attractive sexual partner. 

Such women have healthy sexual psychology, and they are comfortable with their sexuality.

As such, they feel less reason to feel regret after a casual encounter.

Regret is an unpleasant emotion.

Without it, women can make autonomous decisions when it comes to sex. If you want satisfying casual sex, choose the best hookup sites.

If you’re a newbie, try to read online reviews. Focus more on the real-life reviews.

We recommend checking reviews on app stores.

Check the membership activity base. The higher the number of active members, the more chances of meeting like-minded fantasy mates.

Best of luck!

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September 21, 2021

What Happened to Backpage? Alternatives for Erotic Classified Ads in the UK

Backpage was one of the largest classified advertising websites that were taken down in 2018.

Nowadays, AdultWork and Vivastreet are two popular alternatives for erotic classified ads in the United Kingdom.

What Happened to Backpage? Alternatives for Erotic Classified Ads in the UK: eAskme
What Happened to Backpage? Alternatives for Erotic Classified Ads in the UK: eAskme


As of 2021, prostitution is illegal in the United States, except for some counties in Nevada. In addition, it is legal to sell sex in Canada but illegal to purchase sex services and communicate to buy sex.

Prostitution in the United Kingdom exists in a legal grey area (except for Northern Ireland).

What Happened to Backpage? was founded back in 2004 and soon became Craigslist's biggest competitor.

Both websites are classified advertising sites that let users upload short ads in various categories (rentals, jobs, automotive, and adult). There were plenty of sections that had nothing to do with sex, but the 'adult' category that features 'male escorts', 'phones and websites', 'dom and fetish', and much more, of course, garnered the most attention.

Soon, Backpage became the second largest website of that kind in the United States. Then, in 2010, when Craigslist was forced to close its 'adult services' section, an enormous amount of traffic migrated to other websites (primarily, Backpage).

The site's CEO admitted that it was both a challenge and a fantastic opportunity for Backpage and that they have to make sure that all content is not illegal.

At first, the creators of Backpage were able to win the fight with the critics that claimed that the site facilitates sex trafficking and prostitution. However, in 2017, the website gave up and closed its adult section.

A little more than a year later, on April 6, 2018, Backpage was seized and taken down.

The former owners and executives were charged with money laundering, conspiracy, and facilitation prostitution.

Backpage was accused of hosting, amongst others, child sex trafficking ads. The prosecutors also mentioned that the website's team would assist advertisers in wording their posts so that it wouldn't look like they are offering sex for sale.

The police claim that since Backpage has been taken down, the number of prostitution arrests had noticeably decreased in the Lehigh Valley.

How Did the Situation with Backpage Affect the Sex Workers?

Plenty of sex workers across the United States and Canada were devastated by the news. For them, Backpage had been a reliable income stream for years.

The sex workers that we're able to advertise online had an opportunity to screen their clients beforehand, thus making the whole process safer.

After the takedown of Backpage, many sex workers were forced to work the streets and the bars, which is more dangerous.

Placing ads on smaller websites wasn't effective most of the time. Moreover, even such platforms might be under threat.

Many experts agree that such measures would only push the industry underground, making it even riskier for the workers and more challenging for the authorities to track.

AdultWork; Vivastreet - the Two Alternatives for Erotic Classified Ads in the UK

The Benefits of Vivastreet

Vivastreet is the world's largest classified advertising site. It has 15 years of experience and is available in many countries worldwide (UK, USA, Morocco, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, etc.).

Vivastreet's main aim is to be able to provide a safe platform for legal advertising.

The platform is operated responsibly and does everything possible to protect the privacy of those who advertise.

The website is also known for its incredible Support Service Hub.

Anyone can find links to specialist organizations and charities that can provide support and advice on a wide range of topics (starting from safety and ending with employment issues).

Vivastreet had provided over 135.000 pounds to non-profit organizations to help those who have suffered from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the company is working with a specialist third-party provider to help its advertisers with personal financial advice.

Finally, Vivastreet funds a program made especially for those willing to transition out of adult services.

The Benefits of AdultWork

As the name suggests, focuses on adult products, services, and content. The website works in dozens of countries throughout the world.

The website launched back in 2003 and was first an advertising platform exclusively for escorts. 'The eBay of Sex' has, since then, transformed into a unique adult-business ecosystem that offers a rich set of tools and features that allow the members to have complete control over their online presence.

The website has over 4 million members that can advertise and communicate in a safe space. However, people that look young or like they are from a country with trafficking or exploitation problems will find it practically impossible to become a member. Moreover, the company is a regular contributor to initiatives that support sex workers and exploitation victims.

Of course, all content is carefully moderated.

Other platforms

Krypton Escort was recently started in the UK. It is a platform more for amateurs who want to work only occasionally. There is a plenty of information on the site on how to become an escort on Krypton and what to expect.

Before, the platform was availabe primarily in Germany and Austria. It is questionable whether they will be able to keep up with big competitors such as adult work and vivastreet.

AdultWork ; Vivastreet Against Human Trafficking

Both websites take the issue of human exploitation seriously. They work closely together with the Home Office (the lead government department for drugs policy, immigration, crime, and so on) to develop an effective approach to help identify and prevent online trafficking.

To make a difference, all websites have to engage with this process.

By the way, the platforms use a wide range of measures to detect and remove any material that can be considered inappropriate. Any suspicious content is reported to the police.

Moreover, Vivastreet has established a long-term partnership with National Ugly Mugs – a UK-wide charity working with sex workers to end all forms of violence against them.


Throughout the years, both Vivastreet and AdultWork have become popular websites for erotic classified ads in the United Kingdom.

Many sex workers find such platforms to be a safer alternative to working the streets or bars. Moreover, the majority of adult services can be fully provided online and becoming a member of the

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May 06, 2021

Skokka Keeps Growing as one of the Most Influential Networks of Erotic Classified Ads

Helping people get in touch with each other, so nobody is left alone, is one of the goals that humanity has always strived towards. And said goal has grown much more with the technological advances of the last couple of years amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to their nature, human beings need to have relationships, either in a friendly, sentimental or merely physical way with one of the escorts in London. None of them is to be blamed for.

Skokka Keeps Growing as one of the Most Influential Networks of Erotic Classified Ads: eAskme
Skokka Keeps Growing as one of the Most Influential Networks of Erotic Classified Ads: eAskme

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Skokka was born with the intention of letting people get in touch with other people who are looking for secure and safe sex.

It was in 2010 and right off the bat, Skokka tried hard to become a worldwide network of erotic contacts, even though such an important task isn’t achieved overnight.

What is Skokka?

Skokka was born with the purpose of helping people who want to offer erotic services, for free and voluntarily, to get in touch with those who are looking for sexual services, discreetly and safely.

Skokka Keeps Growing as one of the Most Influential Networks of Erotic Classified Ads: eAskme

With this idea in mind was the website created, which at first only worked in Italy.

The creation of an easy and friendly site, both for users who wished to advertise and offer their services, and for people looking to find something particular in a specific place, was what made its popularity grow quickly.

The huge growth of Skokka

The method worked, since Skokka covered a service that made it easy for users to find and get what they needed quickly and easily.

The global expansion, that came by improving the already effective method, started in 2016. Ever since Skokka has become the leading force of erotic classified ads in 27 countries of different continents all over the world. And it keeps growing.

New Zealand has been one of the latest additions to the list of countries in which Skokka is available (

With a starting set of 6 cities that the users can choose between, they can contact someone looking for the same as them, like the professional Wellington escorts.

This new opening confirms all previous conceptions regarding what this portal was meant to be, a big success.

Another good example of the growth is Australia, where the amount of ads and users has been steadily increasing ever since it was first opened in 2016.

Skokka in New Zealand. New Cities

Even though Skokka is just a medium to reach a goal, that is, helping users get in touch, it has a team of experts working day and night to make sure that there is no sign of exploitation or underage users within the ads.

In Skokka the ads are sorted by categories and cities, and the website opens new cities according to the demand of its users regularly.

Why do most users prefer Skokka over others?

Skokka is the preferred website for most of the advertisers that want to offer sexual services and of those looking to hire them.


Advantages of advertising on Skokka

What a user that decides to offer sexual services on the Internet truly desires is:

Being able to do so independently, without any intermediary that specifies a working schedule, which clients to accept or which services to offer.

In Skokka it is possible to do so. Just by posting an ad explaining your services, conditions and a couple of pictures is enough.

Furthermore, Skokka does not mediate between the client and the advertiser, it just offers a safe platform to get in touch. Reaching an agreement is only on them.


Posting an ad in Skokka means getting clients fast.

The amount of traffic the website receives is immense and the users like to place their bets on the winning team.


Advertising in Skokka is free.

Regardless, it is true that due to the fact that there are thousands of ads inserted on a daily basis in the website the platform offers its clients a paid promotion that makes the ads appear on top of the free ones, making them visible at all times.

The advertisers have available a 24 hour client support in case that any problem with any of the ads surges. Despite the easiness of posting an ad, which is one of the strong points of the platform.

Benefits that the clients of the services enjoy

The clients that look for sexual services or escorts see in Skokka the ideal place for it. The reasons are:

The huge amount of ads available in the website allow the user to choose between an extensive array of possibilities.

The easy way of filtering that the website provides so the user can only see those ads it is really interested in is a strong point of Skokka, and the users love it.


The users don’t need to go to brothels or to the streets looking for a service, instead they can go straight to the person and arrange a booking with her as if it was a normal date, with the only difference of the economic exchange at the end of it.

The fact that someone wants to hire a professional for a sexual service doesn’t mean that said person supports human exploitation.

Thus one of the reasons behind the popularity of Skokka is, without a doubt, that the clients hiring services from the advertisers know that whoever is working with them is doing so willingly, without any undesired pressure.

Skokka will keep on growing, and soon will be available in more cities within the country. Said growth and expansion will also affect other cities and countries. Most certainly there will be news soon regarding new openings.d

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March 12, 2021

Ukrainian Brides – The Epitome of Perfection!

Marrying a girl with both internal and external beauty is rare these days. But when it comes to Ukrainian brides, it is possible! If one has set their mind to marry a woman from Ukraine, let me tell you, it is not easy.

With so many obstacles to get over, one needs to know their pain and gain points.

Ukrainian Brides – The Epitome of Perfection!: eAskme
Ukrainian Brides – The Epitome of Perfection!: eAskme

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Knowing about them in deep will help a person look around the Ukrainian world from a different perspective.

With every detail about these women and a strong motivation to win their hearts, one is sure to select the best Ukrainian bride.

It will help to have the best partner, and one will be able to flaunt in front of everyone!

What makes Ukrainian women so incomparable?

Women from all around the world are distinctive and have several characteristics that make them distinct.

The following are the qualities that everyone must know are unique to Ukrainian women:

  • They are strong, physically and mentally. It helps to face every problem with ease.
  • They are very eager and enthusiastic about bring up family and kids in the most appropriate way.
  • They are loving and caring and have their ways of expressing the same before everyone.
  • They love to have a big family and are very respectful to the elders of the family.
  • They are well-educated and have their ways of passionately achieving the goals they have.
  • They effortlessly are born to cope with all the indoor, outdoor, and professional work.
  • They are stubborn and persistent when it comes to achieving the goal or status.
  • They are very straightforward and love to keep things transparent and to the point of hiding them.

Types of Ukrainian women

Women's come in different types, and everyone has their way of looking around the world.

One must know what they want to find the best as per their preferences.

The following are the types:

Feminine Brides:

These are the typically traditional women.

Their main motto is to raise a family and take good care of their husbands and kids.

They are very dedicated and work hard to pass the culture, customs, and tradition to have great kin.


These are women who look around for more external beauty.

They have both money and love as a prime objective.

They are very selective in choice, beautiful and look around the same when it comes to them.

Working Brides:

Women in Ukraine are self-sufficient with home chores but are also great at working.

They are independent financially, smart, and are very smooth when it comes to supporting the kin.

They are great at balancing life works.

Where to find the best Ukrainian women?

Ukrainian women are the best in several ways. Regardless of it, finding the gem can be very difficult and intimidating.

One can go to Ukraine and have the best talk with girls personally Ukrainian brides or go to international dating sites.

These sites will help with help in knowing the women better and choosing the best fit. Online and offline dating both have their own set of rules and also their perks and disadvantages.

It helps to look through and come across different women who can be a great prospect, but one of them can be the best to fit in and help with leading a life most peacefully.

With so many never to miss Ukrainian brides around, one must still be cautious of having a true lady and not fall into the trap.

One must know the background of the girl if personally. When dating online, one must go for searching apps that are reliable and trustworthy.

How to win the hearts of Ukrainian women?

To win the hearts of Ukrainian women can be overwhelming at times.

The following are the tips and tricks that can help with winning the heart smoothly:


The self-confidence that one carries with oneself is essential. It helps to win hearts.

The Ukrainian brides love men who trust themselves and have in them the essence of being leaders.

They love men who can abide by their words.


Presentation is vital for Ukrainian women.

It helps to judge a person better and also holds them upright as a personality.

Apart from it, the body language of the person also plays a vital role in winning hearts.


Ukrainian women are very independent when it comes to working or managing different works.

Even though sufficient, they love to have men as partners who work with them to finish various house chores.

It helps to build a better bond.


Ukrainian women love men who have a great sense of humour. It helps them feel that the man is easy-going and will help to make life enjoyable and fun.

It makes them realize that married life will be full of excitement.


Ukrainian women love to be around truthful men and to the point.

They appreciate transparency concerning the very beginning.

As per them, honesty can help them build a long-lasting relationship with the person forever.


Every woman around the world love to be understood.

Here, Ukrainian women are no exception.

They love it if their partner understands them in every aspect.

They also expect the man to appreciate and stand with them in every decision they make.


Ukrainian women, like every other woman, love to have kids and family.

They search for men who are immeasurable around kids, love to be with elders of the family.

By showing love for the vital elements in life, one is sure to win their hearts.


Ukrainian women are the most independent, trustworthy, and down to earth brides. They, too, have their own set of checklist that helps them pick the right match for them.

Some would want a hot spicy relationship, while others will look for a calm, quiet, and peaceful relationship.

Regardless of their lookouts, one has to be very keen in observing their likes and dislikes to suit them better.

Once a person wins the hearts of the Ukrainian brides, no one can stop them from being the luckiest man in the world.

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February 16, 2021

5 Ways to Overcome a Rough Patch in Your Relationship

There’s nothing more euphoric and exhilarating than falling in love with someone. The joy of getting to know your S.O. and cherishing every moment of your journey together is one of the best feelings you’ll experience.

You think you’ve found your soulmate and nothing could come in your way.  But then the zeal and excitement of discovering each other gradually fizzle out. As the curtain falls on the honeymoon phase of your relationship, you start seeing your partner for who they really are.

You start noticing their quirks and flaws and often have fights about the banalest things.

5 Ways to Overcome a Rough Patch in Your Relationship: eAskme
5 Ways to Overcome a Rough Patch in Your Relationship: eAskme

Other people are at: How Nerd Dating Got Easier In The Online World

From this point onward, you have two choices. You can either call it quits and vow to never see each other again.

Or you can make a conscious effort to go through the rough patch with your partner and emerge in flying colors.

Here’s the thing - relationships take a lot of time and effort, even when you think you’ve found your soulmate.

Rough patches are common in every romantic relationship and can happen due to a plethora of reasons.

But that doesn’t mean you should give up on your relationship.

How to Power Through a Rough Patch in your Relationship

First things first - not every relationship rough patch is salvageable.

Sometimes, it’s best to amicably end things with your partner than constantly struggle to be with them.

It’s up to your partner and you to decide whether you still want to make it work.

The good news is that there are various ways to pull your relationship back from a rough patch.

It can be something just as simple as having a real conversation with your partner about your insecurities and vulnerabilities.

In some cases, it could take a bit of extra work.

Here are a few useful tips to help you triumph over a rough patch in your relationship:

1. Be a Good Listener

You don’t need someone to tell you that transparency and communication are essential for making a relationship work.

But communicating with your partner isn’t only about venting your anger and frustration.

You need to give your partner an equal opportunity to express themselves.

The key to overcoming a rough patch is to ensure constant to and fro communication with your S.O. Talk to them and motivate them to talk to you.

Try to understand whether your actions, words, or behavior are fueling their insecurities.

Pay attention when they’re talking about their feelings for you.

2. Make Time for Each Other

Our modern fast-paced lives aren’t particularly conducive to lasting relationships.

It’s easy to get caught up in the rigmarole of client meetings, sales pitches, grocery runs, and household chores.

This could be one of the main reasons behind the growing distance in your relationship.

Sometimes, all you need to do is spend quality time with your S.O. and reminisce about the good old days.

Plan a cozy movie night at home or a romantic candlelight dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Going on a vacation with your partner is also a great idea if you have the time for it.

3. Get Help from a Psychic

No. A psychic reading isn’t all about voodoo and black magic.

Also, a psychic reader won’t tell you whether your relationship will last.

Instead, they’ll provide you with an insight into your past and present to help you make sense of why your relationship has hit rock bottom.

It’ll also help you identify patterns in your behavior that cause you to take certain actions and decisions in your relationship.

Make sure you discuss with your partner and find out whether they’re comfortable with the idea of reaching out to a psychic.

It’s also crucial to ensure that you only consult a trusted and certified psychic reader.

Online platforms, such as Kasamba, let you connect with vetted psychic readers across various modalities.

The best part is that Kasamba’s refund policy is pretty customer-friendly and they even offer free consultations.

4. Take a Break

Yes. It’s important to make time for each other in a relationship.

But when you’re going through a rough patch, it’s often wiser to take a temporary timeout.

It’ll give your partner and you sufficient space to think things through and look at your relationship objectively.

You’ll be able to understand whether it’s worth fighting for the relationship.

Pamper yourself with a rejuvenating spa day or a solo trip to the mountains.

It might be just what you need to organize your thoughts and understand whether you still have the same feelings for your partner.

5. Focus on the Big Picture

There’s a reason you’re willing to work things out with your partner despite all the challenges. It’s because you love them and want to build a future together.

Make sure you never lose sight of the big picture and always remember why you chose to be with your partner in the first place.

Do you have any other useful tips for couples struggling with a rough patch?

Share your suggestions in the comments section below.

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January 29, 2021

How Nerd Dating Got Easier In The Online World

For quite a long time, a nerd was considered a bit of an outcast when it came to the dating world. It all starts at an early age, though.

Teenagers are far more likely to “fall in love” with a person who has a smoking hot body, regardless of the fact that they have zero brain cells left and that engaging in conversation with them is as painful as it is embarrassing.

On the other hand, a nerd could have the perfect body and the most adorable face, but he or she would still be a nerd with a big brain that’s somehow making them unappealing.

How Nerd Dating Got Easier In The Online World: eAskme
How Nerd Dating Got Easier In The Online World: eAskme

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So, nerds realize at a young age that their brains are a bit of a turnoff and they enter adulthood with that kind of an impression.

Even though the impression is completely wrong and based on some very scarce and unreliable data, it’s somehow difficult for these people to actually use their brains in order to prove to themselves that intelligence is quite sexy, as explained here.

Instead, they keep on believing that they have no luck in love due to their smartness and, surprisingly enough, every single step they take proves that they are actually right about not having luck.

Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy, huh?

Given these strong beliefs in their own ineptness and lack of skills when it comes to finding a partner, nerds have always had it quite difficult on the dating scene.

I’m not here to try and change that with one article, because I’m sure that a lot of people have already tried to explain to you how intelligence is actually sexy and that you should use it to your advantage instead of blaming it every single time you failed to get a date.

There’s even scientific proof of smartness being hot, so there’s no need for me to try and convince you in believing something that you have definitely decided not to believe in despite the proofs.

You are now probably wondering why on Earth I am here if not to convince you that your big brain is actually an asset and that people will find it sexy and attractive.

Well, that’s a secret! Okay, okay, stop rolling your eyes, I’m joking.

It’s definitely not a secret and I was just waiting for you and your big brain to figure it out all on your own.

Since you still consider yourself clumsy when dating is in question, though, there’s a fair chance that figuring it out on your own is not going to happen.

Since there’s no need for me to wait any longer, let me tell you exactly what my aim is here today. I’m here to explain you just how nerd dating actually got easier.

Yes, you have heard that right. Instead of convincing you that you can, in fact, succeed on the traditional dating scene, I’m here to get you acquainted with an alternative that will make your romantic endeavors much easier and thus help you score, which is probably what you were hoping for all along.

Just in case you would like me to boost your self-esteem a little bit by telling you why geeks are sexy, here’s a nice article for you:

How Nerd Dating Got Easier

How Nerd Dating Got Easier: eAskme

Now we have come to the best part.

You might have grown up with the predetermination that finding a person to date and love will be extremely difficult for you, but it’s time to change such a harmful point of view.

Of course, changing this point of view is actually possible and doable for one particular reason. The dating scene has also changed!

If you have no idea what I am talking about, let me make it simple.

People have started dating online and that has definitely made a lot of things a lot easier.

You can join in on the fun and watch yourself get better and better at dating while actually sitting back home with your piles of books scattered everywhere around and your latest project probably on hold, because, let’s face the facts here – intelligent people tend to procrastinate.

What’s that?

You have tried online dating already and it didn’t quite work?

Well, first of all, I advise you to check if you have actually tried it or decided to give it a try and then resorted to procrastination once again.

Then, even if you did give it a go, you should definitely keep on reading, because I have an ace up my sleeve, as I’m not talking about traditional online dating.

There’s nothing traditional about online dating, that’s true.

But, given the fact that I have something even more radical to get you familiar with, it seems that traditional is the proper term for all those websites connecting all kinds of people together, regardless of their preferences and even regardless of their location.

So, brace yourself, because you are about to learn something amazing!

Meet Nerd Dating Sites

Meet Nerd Dating Sites: eAskme

When I told you that dating just got easier for you, I wasn’t lying. Since you thought that I was probably talking about simple online dating, I have a surprise for you.

I was actually talking about online dating for geeks, which appears to be a slightly different concept.

Now I’ve got you interested, haven’t I?

Let us take a closer look at what it is that I am actually talking about, so that you can finally understand just how simple it can be for you to score a date, even though you are used to thinking that your brain is getting in the way of that.

What I am about to share with you actually requires you to have a brain.

In other words, if you aren’t intelligent, you certainly shouldn’t join this new world that I am referring to.

But, let us not get ahead of ourselves, because I still owe you an explanation on what it is that I’m actually talking about. Nerds all over the world, gather around! It’s time for you to meet geek dating websites.

Yes, you have heard that right. Instead of joining those traditional sites that I have already mentioned above, you can now find and join a website that is created specifically for the purposes of connecting nerds and other people who like dating nerds together.

If you only try telling me that this doesn’t raise your chances of getting a date and a partner, I swear, I’ll flip.

Okay, I might not actually flip, but the point is that things have definitely become much easier upon the appearance of these sites.

These are filled with geeky people who would like to meet a just as geeky partner, which automatically increases your chances of actually scoring.

If you are, however, one of those geeks that don’t really like dating other geeks, there’s no reason for you to worry.

On these websites, you will also be able to find people who aren’t that nerdy, but who simply love dating nerds and are looking for them.

In any case, it is definitely a win-win situation for you, so I dare you not to take advantage of it!

Use Your Brain To Score

These platforms are the perfect place where you can actually use your brain to score a date instead of trying to somehow tone down your intelligence in order to be likeable.

Trust me, intelligence is certainly likeable here, so there’s no need to done it down at all.

Yet, before you start thinking that you are the Adonis that all the people on these sites have been waiting for, let me make one thing clear.

You’ll need to put some effort into getting a date here, because, if nothing else, you’ll have nerdy competition.

This means that you’ll need to use your brain and you’ll need to use it right from the start.

First of all, you have to make sure that you are picking one of the very best nerd dating websites out there, so that you don’t end up on a platform that won’t quite work.

So, take your time to do the necessary research and use that brain of yours to figure out which sites are worth your time and which ones should definitely be avoided.

Choosing the perfect platform, however, is only your first step. Additionally, you’ll need to create a nice profile, which shouldn’t be too complicated.

Just make sure you keep it honest and simple and don’t exaggerate by emphasizing your intelligence, because that only shows your sense of superiority and your arrogance.

Don’t forget to add a nice photo and you’ll be good to go.

The last thing that you’ll need your brain for is this.

You will actually have to spark up some conversations and communicate with the people on those sites in order to score yourself a date.

After all, it’s not like the right person will just appear out of nowhere.

Once again, keep the conversation simple and natural and, most importantly, forget those cheesy pickup lines.

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November 30, 2020

Best Places to Enjoy a Date Night Wine

You don’t want to be someone who wants to repeat the old date experiences. Whenever you date a new guy or girl, you need to understand that the person with you is different from the person you have dated till now. So, you need to think differently every time you go on a date, even if you want to enjoy the same date night wine strategy.

Best Place to Enjoy a Date Night Wine: eAskme
Best Place to Enjoy a Date Night Wine: eAskme

Other people are at: 6 Unique Dating Ideas

No matter where you are, you can still create a memorable date experience with date night wine. All you need is to make sure that wine is allowed where you are taking your date.

To enjoy a date night wine, you need a few things;

  • Date
  • Wine
  • Place

Today, I am sharing some ideas to help you understand how you can enjoy a date night wine.


Hiking to a breath-taking view is a romantic idea to enjoy your date night wine. All you need is to make sure that you carry a bottle of wine and reach the point before sunset.

You can do this on a summer evening. Make sure that the sunset view is not too far. Most likely, you should reach the place within an hour.

Homemade farm-to-table brunch:

Every weekend you will see the clubs, hotels, parks and meeting points flooded with people. It is not a wise idea to take your date there.

Instead, you should grab the bottle of wine and plan a homemade brunch date.

Under Steal Bridge:

Steel bridges over a lake can be the spot you do not want to miss to enjoy a romantic date night.

All you need is to make sure that there is a safe place for you and your date to spend date night or some time together under the steel bridge.

The sound of water, shining stars, a bottle of wine, and your date will make the moment memorable.

Game Night:

Organize game night at your home and invite your date there. It will be a perfect wine date idea for you and your lover.

Both of you can stay home, play board games, and enjoy date night wine.

If Also, it will give you more time to spend together. You can also record it with Mavic 2.

Outdoor Movie:

Watching movies outdoor is fun. Bring a wine bottle, some meal, and meet your date for an outdoor movie experience.

This way, you will save yourself from the crowded area.

But you can only enjoy outdoor movies in the summer.


Enjoying a date night wine is itself a great idea. But mixing it with a unique date idea will bring charm and romance to your date night experience.

No matter what idea you choose, always make sure that your partner is interested.

Do not just shock her with your date idea.

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6 Unique Dating Ideas

Are you going on a date? Do you want to make your date impressive? If yes, then you must know some of the crazy or unique date ideas. Your dating idea will help you make the first impression, which is essential for taking the next step.

6 Unique Date Ideas
6 Unique Date Ideas: eAskme

Other people are at: 3 Reasons eHarmony Is Better Than Match

To make your date memorable, you need to know these dating ideas.

Trekking Date:

If you both are adventurous people then going on trekking will be fun.

But, the same time you will not all alone as you will be trekking with the group.

The best thing about trekking date is that you will not only get the chance to be with nature but also have time with your date in the most exotic or romantic natural place.

You can also find unique places or situations to record your dating experience during trekking such as snowfall, temporary bridge, etc.

Go for Drinks:

If you want to take your date to the safest and most used place, then Bar or Jazz club will be your choice.

It will be an adventurous date where you both will be sharing the moment with drinks and talk.

You can grab some best red wine and bottled water.

Visit a tourist hot spot:

Visiting a tourist hot spot is quite fascinating. But not everyone likes it when it comes to date.

You need to make sure that your date is comfortable with your idea.

Then decide the place where you can make things romantic between you.

Visit a Psychic:

Do you both want to know your future?

If yes, then psychic reading is something that will be interesting for you. Visit a psychic to know about your future or future prediction.

Go for a Ride:

Do you have a car? If yes, then you can take your date on a long ride. This can be a hot, sexy and romantic date that you both will remember.

But don’t rush.

Make sure that you both want to go on a long ride.

You can also choose a destination where you want to visit or enjoy the nightlife. This will help you explore more about each other.

Play Video Games:

If you both are indoor people who love video games, then choose video games to be your unique dating idea.

Choose a game or a couple of romantic games.

Don’t choose competitions which are rough or trigger anger. You can choose racing games, adventurous, etc.


These are unique dating ideas. But there are more.

I have also shared various dating advice to make your date or relationship better. You can find everything here.

If you still have questions? Share via comments.

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November 09, 2020

3 Reasons eHarmony Is Better Than Match

Online dating is becoming an increasingly popular option among men and women who want to change things up, try something different and possibly meet the right person while doing all of that.

There’s no denying the fact that the whole dating process has changed over the years and people are certainly going with the flow.

3 Reasons eHarmony Is Better Than Match: eAskme
3 Reasons eHarmony Is Better Than Match: eAskme

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Initially, there might have been some concerns about the practice of dating online, but those have been properly answered to and now people talk more about the benefits of the idea.

You could find the love of your life this way. You could also find someone to spend your lonely nights with while getting over a nasty breakup.

The truth is, you might even get your heart broken after connecting with someone this way.

To put things simply, there are absolutely no differences in relationships formed this way and the traditional way. The only thing is, the meeting part is much easier when it comes to online dating.

I am pretty sure that you already know why people resort to meeting people this way.

It’s certainly much easier and it doesn’t require you to waste your time on some blind dates just because you want to be polite. When you don’t like someone, you can easily stop communicating with them.

Setting up a date in person is reserved for those people who will “click” and like each other enough so that they don’t feel like wasting their time on the date.

No matter what kind of a relationship you are looking at the moment, there is one thing you will need to do if you are thinking about online dating.

You’ll need to find the perfect website for you. Now, when you start searching, you will probably be surprised with how many sites like these are out there, but let me warn you against registering on just any of those.

You should take your time to find the one that will be amazing.

EHarmony vs. Match

Among other sites, eHarmony and Match stand out as probably the two most known places.

A huge number of people are using these two websites and their legitimacy has definitely been thoroughly checked and determined, meaning that you don’t need to worry whether you are safe on one of these two sites or whether you will be able to actually find someone to date.

Both things are guaranteed.

So, these are the two online dating websites that you should certainly take into consideration when you decide to try your luck out this way.

The only thing is, you will most likely have to choose one of those, and that can be a bit tricky.

You might not be able to decide which one is better and that’s exactly why I am here. After doing some research, it turns out that eHarmony is actually far better than Match. Let’s see why.

#1 Larger Dating Pool

Both of these websites have been around for a while and nobody can say anything against their success.

If you are looking for a legitimate place to meet people and form relationships, then these two will both be perfect.

There’s one huge difference between them, though, and it can play a huge role in your decision about where to actually create your profile.

The truth is that eHarmony has a larger dating pool, meaning that you will have more chances of finding the right person for you.

Apart from the fact that a huge number of people trust eHarmony enough to create their profiles, there is actually one more reason why the dating pool is larger.

Simply said, eHarmony is used in over 190 countries around the world, while Match is popular only in 50 countries.

I suppose you can see why this is an advantage, especially for those people who aren’t confined to one area and who believe that the right person for them might be living outside their particular country.

This gives you an opportunity to search for love all over the world, which is exactly what some people need.

#2 Higher Success Rates

While it’s true that both of these places can boast about amazing success rates, it’s also true that eHarmony could beat Match with the statistical data.

Now, we cannot ignore the fact that Match has been around for 25 years and that it has been responsible for connecting a huge amount of people, with countless of those connections resulting in serious relationships and even marriages.

That is often the ultimate goal of people meeting on websites like these.

If, however, you take a look at the eHarmony success rates, you will see that it is responsible for around 4% of all marriages in the United States of America.

That is a pretty huge number when you think about it closely.

There’s one more thing that speaks in favor of eHarmony and marriages, though. The divorce rate seems to be pretty low, meaning that the people that meet this way and get married tend to stay married, which is certainly a huge plus.

#3 Detailed Profiles And Helpful Analytics

You might be inclined to think that the sites on which the registration process takes no more than a couple of minutes are great, but the truth is that sites like those don’t offer you any valuable insight into the profiles of other people.

With eHarmony, it will take around an hour to actually have your profile completed, meaning that you will get to see detailed profiles of other people when you click on them. This is definitely something to look forward to.

And, yet, that’s not the only reason why the profiles on eHarmony are better.

In fact, there are analytics and graphs that will immediately calculate your compatibility with another person once you click on their profile and that’s not offered on Match.

While you can’t know if you’ll be 100% compatible before seeing whether there’s chemistry, the truth is that these analytics can be rather useful and helpful in wasting your time on people that you definitely won’t “click” with.

Have you used any of these apps?

Do share which one you like and why?

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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