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Integrated Report (Annual Report)

In our Integrated Report, Capcom’s CEO and COO give detailed explanations of our growth strategy and business model for sustainable growth in a market rapidly undergoing a shift to digital, while the head of R&D explains development organization and management methodologies, all founded on our corporate philosophy of providing happiness to people through game content.


Integrated Report 2023

  • Integrated Report 2023

  • Separate volume: FACT BOOK

View in the following formats:

Integrated Report 2023 (By section)

Value Creation Story

  • PDF download


  • Value Creation Results
  • History of Value Creation
  • Corporate Philosophy and Vision
  • Value Creation Model
  • Major Intellectual Properties (IP)
  • Effectively Leveraging IP
  • ESG Highlights
  • Financial Highlights
  • Business Segments Highlights
  • Medium- to Long-Term Vision

Medium- to Long-Term Growth Strategy

  • PDF download


  • CEO Commitment
  • The COO’s Discussion of Growth Strategies
  • The CHO Discusses Our Human Resources Strategy
  • Financial Strategy According to the CFO

Latest Creative Report

  • PDF download


  • The Head of Development Discusses Development Strategy
  • Street Fighter 6
    Unveiling a new era of fighting games
  • Our Development Environment

Foundation for Sustainable Growth (ESG)

  • PDF download


  • ESG Information
  • Capcom and the Environment
  • Society and Capcom
  • Corporate Governance

Financial Analysis and Corporate Data

  • PDF download


  • An Analysis of the Market and Capcom
  • 11-Year Summary of Consolidated Financial Indicators
  • Segment Information
  • Stock Data
  • Corporate Data


  • PDF download


  • Financial Index
  • Segment Information
  • Market Information
  • Software Shipments
  • Game Series Sales
  • ESG Data
  • Consolidated Statements of Income /Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
  • Consolidated Balance Sheets
  • Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
  • Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements and
Independent Auditor’s Report *Available only online

  • PDF download


  • Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Independent Auditor’s Report


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Physical copies of of our Integrated Report are no longer available.
Please visit our Online Integrated Report page or download the PDF version.