Corporate Governance Structure and Initiatives | Information on Shareholdings

Shareholders and investors have made the effective functioning of internal control into a key issue amidst an epidemic of corporate misconduct in Japan and overseas. In this section, Capcom will explain the corporate governance structure and systems that it has initiated so far based on the key concepts of “effectiveness and visibility” in terms of the results of third party assessment.
(Assessment areas are highlighted in yellow.)

  • Capcom Corporate Governance Guidelines (June 21, 2024)


  • Corporate Governance Report (June 21, 2024)


Information on Shareholdings

(1) Policy and standard for investment securities classes

Regarding investment securities held for purposes other than pure investment, Capcom maintains holdings having comprehensively considered their merits and demerits from a medium- to long-term perspective, in order to strengthen and deepen ongoing business relationships and determine if they will contribute to improving future relationships or building sustainable corporate value, while also eliminating such practices as conventional cross holdings or personal favoritism.

(2) Investment securities held for purposes other than pure investment

A. Method for verifying the policy and rationale for holdings as well as the results of verification carried out at board of directors meetings, etc., regarding the suitability of individual securities

Based upon the nature and monetary amount of business transactions, the board of directors considers the business merits and strategic significance of maintaining or developing a business relationship with the company in question while regularly assessing and verifying the long-term outlook and counterbalance of risk versus return to the cost of capital from a medium- to long-term perspective.

Accordingly, as the standard for continued investment, should it be judged that there is poor economic rationale for continuing to hold a given security due to the book value falling more than 50%, or the value of the company in question being dramatically damaged, we will carry out discussions with said company and either reduce or completely sell off our holdings at an appropriate time after having given due consideration to factors including economic conditions, etc.

B. Number of securities and amount on balance sheet

Number of securities
(stock listings)
Balance sheet amount total
(million yen)
Privately owned company
Other companies 3 698
Securities holdings which have increased in the current fiscal year (FY2022)
Number of securities
(stock listings)
Total acquisition cost related to increase in securities holdings
(million yen)
Reason for increase in securities holdings
Privately owned company
Other companies 1 17 In order to participate in the issuer’s shareholders’ meeting
Securities holdings which have decreased in the current fiscal year (FY2022)
Number of securities
(stock listings)
Total amount realized related to decrease in securities holdings
(million yen)
Privately owned company
Other companies

C. Information on the number of shares and amounts recorded on the balance sheet for each specified investment security and deemed holdings securities

Specified investment securities
Stock name FY2022 FY2021 Purpose of holdings,
summary of business alliance, etc.,
quantitative effect of holdings and reason for increase in number of shares
Capcom shareholders
Number of shares (shares) Number of shares (shares)
Balance sheet amount
(million yen)
Balance sheet amount
(million yen)
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. 466,630.00 466,630.00 The Company has financial transactions with MUFJ Bank, a subsidiary of the issuer, which is one of its primary financial institutions, and holds these shares in order to facilitate financing, etc. Yes
395 354
AEON MALL Co., Ltd. 130,231.12 119,997.93 The Company has business transactions with the issuer in its Arcade Operations business and holds these shares in order to maintain a smooth business relationship. No
226 195
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. 408,870.00 408,870.00 The Company has financial transactions with Mizuho Bank, a subsidiary of the issuer, which is one of its primary financial institutions, and holds these shares in order to facilitate financing, etc. Yes
76 64


1. It is difficult to list the quantitative effects of holdings. Capcom has verified the rationale for its holdings through examining factors such as the purpose of holdings, the economic rationale and the status of business transactions.

2. As the Board of Directors has decided to sell all such shares, and this being agreed upon with all such companies, the Company will implement the sale as appropriate going forward.

Deemed holdings securities
Stock name FY2022 FY2021 Purpose of holdings,
summary of business alliance, etc.,
quantitative effect of holdings and reason for increase in number of shares
Capcom shareholders
Number of shares (shares) Number of shares (shares)
Balance sheet amount
(million yen)
Balance sheet amount
(million yen)

(3) Investment securities for pure investment

Class FY2022 FY2021
Number of shares(stock listings) Balance sheet amount total(million yen) Number of shares(stock listings) Balance sheet amount total(million yen)
Privately owned company 4 0 4 0
Other companies
Class FY2022
Total dividends received
(million yen)
Total gain or loss on sales of investment securities
(million yen)
Total unrealized gain or loss on investment securities
(million yen)
Privately owned company
Other companies

*Note: Because unlisted securities have no market price, we have not included a total unrealized gain or loss on investment securities.

(4) Investment securities whose purpose for holding has changed from pure investment to a different purpose during the current fiscal year

Stock name Number of shares (shares) Balance sheet amount (million yen)

(5) Investment securities whose purpose for holding has changed to pure investment during the current fiscal year

Stock name Number of shares (shares) Balance sheet amount (million yen)