Titans Wiki

Elko's Diner or Elko Joe's Diner is a metaphysical plane taking the form of and accessible via a chain of restaurants situated across the United States, with locations in Nevada and Metropolis.


Elko's Diner first appeared to Koriand'r in the form of a commercial. Upon arriving there, Kory ordered jelly donuts that an employee, Jan, claimed they did not serve. After melting the counter's bell, Kory was shocked by the arrival of Dawn Granger, Donna Troy and Rachel Roth, all of whom had different accounts of how they came to be at the diner.[1]

Kory, Rachel, Dawn, and Donna in Nevada

Kory listens as Rachel Roth talks about her dreams and tries to convince Donna Troy and Dawn Granger to help her save Dick Grayson

The four women were then interrupted by the arrival of Bruce Wayne, who imparted advice onto them that Donna refers to as 'mansplaining'.

When later asked of their encounter at Elko's Diner, the real Bruce Wayne had no recollection of the encounter; thus revealing that Elko's Diner is not a real place.

After being petrified in stone by a cursed object, Kory arrives in the diner and is confronted by an old mentor Zadira. The illusion of Zadira advises Kory on the prophecy of the red moon, and tells Kory that Dick Grayson plays a part in her destiny.[2]

While escaping with Sebastian Sanger, Rachel's phone auto-navigates to Elko's in Metropolis, so the two, along with Kory, drive there. Kory interfaces with a jukebox, returning the trio to the metaphysical plane where they are met by Zadira. She tries to remind Kory of her destiny and asks her to kill Sebastian, though Rachel dismisses Zadira's logic, since Kory was also supposed to kill Rachel to stop Trigon, but they were able to defeat him without killing her. Kory refuses to kill Sebastian, claiming that her past was a lie, and that she doesn't know if she can trust Zadira now, prompting her to portal away from the diner. Soon after, though, May Bennett, fueled by Trigon's power, appears in the diner. Kory attempts to hold her off, but May is able to subdue to the three, and Sebastian surrenders himself to his mother. May transports herself and Sebastian away, also sending Rachel and Kory to a booth in the real-world diner.[3]




Season 2[]

Season 4[]


  • The red moon shown to Kory by Zadira is the same one shown to Gar Logan by The Red.

