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Kazuya Mishima (三島 一八 Mishima Kazuya?) is one of the main characters in the Tekken series. He appears in all Tekken games except Tekken 3, in which he only made two cameo appearances. Although he is seen as the main protagonist and hero of the first Tekken game, Kazuya became one of the main antagonists of the series ever since Tekken 2. Kazuya is the son of Heihachi Mishima and Kazumi Mishima, the possible love interest of Jun Kazama and the father of Jin Kazama. He is also the adoptive brother of Lee Chaolan, the half-brother of Lars Alexandersson and Reina, and the grandson of Jinpachi Mishima.


Kazuya was born the son of Heihachi Mishima and Kazumi Mishima and raised on the Mishima Estate, the Mishima Clan's enormous aristocratic home in Japan. Kazuya's mother loved and doted on him, as did Kazuya's grandfather, Jinpachi Mishima, who also taught him Mishima Style Fighting Karate from a young age. Kazuya's life took a turn for the worse however when he was five years old. First, his beloved grandfather disappeared (Kazuya would later discover he was imprisoned by Heihachi under the family temple, after Jinpachi failed to retake the Mishima Zaibatsu from Heihachi, who had previously launched a coup against him). Then, Kazuya's mother was killed by Heihachi. Unbeknown to Kazuya, his mother had been tasked with stopping Heihachi from going down a warmongering path at all costs.[12] When her cause seemed lost, she fell into a series of illnesses, and was eventually taken over by a demonic alter ego which attempted to kill Heihachi.

That same year, Kazuya confronted his father after learning of his mother's death, but he was defeated almost immediately by him. Heihachi proceeded to throw five-year-old Kazuya off a cliff.[13] Heihachi claimed that his son was weak and would have to survive and climb back up if he was to be his true heir and successor.[14] Heihachi later revealed he also wished to test if Kazuya had the supernatural ability to survive the fall, fearing he may have the same 'illness' as his mother.[13]

As a result of the fall, Kazuya's latent Devil Gene was awakened, a genetic curse that is activated by a fatal or near-death experience. In early game manuals, this was characterized as making a 'pact with the Devil'.[15] In later games however (Tekken 4-Tekken 7) it was clarified that Kazuya possessed a special genetic make-up passed on through his mother's family, that allows one to host an immaterial creature known only as Devil.[13] As well as granting superhuman power and transformative ability, this creature exacerbates negative emotions in its host, especially anger, hatred, and fear.[16] With the aid of this newly activated power, Kazuya was able to climb back up the cliff he had been thrown down.

After this, Kazuya was raised by Heihachi. According to some sources,[17] Kazuya was actually quite frail and timid as a boy and was the victim of years of abuse at the hands of Heihachi. In Tekken 7, he is more defiant towards Heihachi as a boy, though Kazuya is still small and powerless against him. Little is known about the rest of Kazuya's childhood, though it is clear he continued to be raised by his father. This is evidenced by Kazuya's profile in the first Tekken, which states that, since his father is a rich businessman, Kazuya does not need to worry about money, implying that Kazuya remained a part of Heihachi's household. It is also stated that Kazuya and his adoptive brother, Lee Chaolan, were raised from childhood as rivals, and that Heihachi adopted Lee because he was a skilled scrapper living on his own in the street, meaning Lee would have to be older than four years old when he was adopted.[18] Kazuya and Lee were thus both raised together by Heihachi who taught them both the family fighting style. It is also known that, before the events of the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, Kazuya participated in martial arts tournaments or unofficial fights around the world. In one of these fights, Paul Phoenix fought him to a draw, and Paul subsequently considered Kazuya his rival. When the first King of Iron Fist Tournament was announced, 26-year-old Kazuya took the opportunity to get back at his father, setting the stage for the first game. Revenge would not be his only reason for entering the first tournament, however, as his character profile in the first Tekken stated that his reasons were both to exact revenge, and to use his father's vast fortune to carry out his plans for world domination. The Russian military even learned of these plans and entered the first Jack android into the tournament to stop him.

Tekken 2 saw Kazuya's true nature revealed in full. Kazuya won the Iron Fist Tournament, threw his father off the same cliff he'd thrown him, and then took over as the new CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, the family's economic empire. After killing his father (or so he thought), instead of bringing justice and honor to the Mishima Zaibatsu and righting the wrongs of his father, Kazuya repeated the corrupt practices of his father and turned it into an even much more ruthless and evil organization.[19] His crimes included kidnapping, extorting money from several businesses and many organizations, ordering assassinations, and smuggling endangered animal species. He even seized control of nearly all of Japan's northernmost and second-largest island, Hokkaido, and planned to build his own independent nation and a strong military force there. During this time he also abandoned his nationality,[2] suggesting his earlier plans for world domination were still his end goal. As part of realizing this dream, he attempted to genetically engineer animal soldiers and even genetically engineered a dinosaur from fossils and kangaroo DNA. In order to demonstrate his martial superiority, Kazuya decided to hold another Iron Fist tournament.[20] Before or during the tournament, Kazuya encountered a woman, Jun Kazama, whom he later described as mysterious and approaching without fear.[20] The two became close,[7] as Jun sought to save him from the influence of Devil,[21] and later bore his child. At this time, Kazuya's Devil was trying to completely take over his mind and body, and both Jun and the mysterious entity, known as Angel, struggled to keep it from controlling him entirely. At the final round of the tournament, however, waited none other than the man Kazuya thought he killed two years ago: his father. Conflicted by Jun and Angel's influence, Kazuya was defeated by Heihachi. Heihachi then flew his body over a volcano and tossed him into it, apparently killing Kazuya.[22] Kazuya's Devil was split in two and part of it escaped his body to eventually make contact with his son,[23] who succeeded his father as the series' new protagonist.

This would not be the end for Kazuya, however. Against all odds, a newly established, cutting edge, bio-technology company, G Corporation, located Kazuya's remains days later. After an unknown period of time, G Corporation succeeded in restoring Kazuya to life. They eventually reached an agreement with him to use him as a test subject. Kazuya had learned from his mistakes: the next time he faced Heihachi, he wanted to be in full control of his Devil powers. Of course, this plan did not go as Kazuya intended.[24] Twenty years after Kazuya had been thrown into a volcano, Heihachi heard rumors that G Corporation had some of Kazuya's remains. Heihachi desired to make use of Kazuya's genetic material in order to enhance his own power by creating a synthetic Devil Gene. Heihachi had his Tekken Force invade G Corporation. He launched a dual strike on G Corporation laboratories in Nepal and Nebraska. At the Nebraska facility, however, Kazuya was revealed to be alive and took out Heihachi's Tekken Force squad.[25]

Once Kazuya's existence was revealed, Heihachi set up a fourth Iron Fist Tournament in order to lure Kazuya and his son, Jin Kazama, out into the open. At the end of the previous tournament, Heihachi had shot Jin, revealing that Kazuya's son also possessed the Devil Gene. Jin had fled and been in hiding for two years. Heihachi needed genetic material from one of them for his Devil-Human Integration Program.[25] Kazuya entered the fourth tournament, despite knowing it was a trap set up by his father.[24] He was due to fight his son (and meet him for the first time) in the semi-finals of the tournament, but Jin was kidnapped by Heihachi's Tekken Force before this could happen.[26] They instead met after Kazuya lost the final round of the tournament to Heihachi.[27] Heihachi took Kazuya to where he had imprisoned Jin in Hon-Maru. On meeting Jin, Kazuya became possessed by his Devil. It took over his consciousness without transforming, threw Heihachi aside, and sought to absorb the rest of itself from an unconscious Jin, taunting him as it did. Kazuya was able to fight his Devil for control, however, mimicking Devil's own technique to instead assert total control over Devil himself. Kazuya was able silence his Devil and merge with it. Ever since this event, Kazuya has been able to transform into his Devil form at will. Despite this, he was still defeated by Jin, who attacked him and then Heihachi, before showing mercy and fleeing into the night.[28]

Still at Hon-Maru, Kazuya and Heihachi were subsequently attacked by JACK robots. After initially working together, Kazuya threw Heihachi into the robots and fled as they were detonating. The resulting explosion unleashed the re-animated Jinpachi Mishima from his tomb under Hon-Maru. Jinpachi had starved to death, and a vengeful spirit now possessed him. Struggling against this spirit, with his last remaining human consciousness, Jinpachi took over the Zaibatsu and called a fifth tournament in order to find a fighter stronger enough to kill the vengeful spirit and lay him to rest.[29] Kazuya spent most of the Iron Fist Tournament 5 seeking the perpetrator of the attack on Hon-Maru. When it was revealed that G Corporation had betrayed him and ordered the attack, Kazuya killed the G Corp executives responsible and seized control of the corporation. He became its new CEO between the events of Tekken 5 and Tekken 6.[30] Jin Kazama, however, had gone on to win the Iron Fist Tournament, and with Heihachi still absent, Jin ascended as the Zaibatsu's new CEO.

Jin then declared war on the world, apparently without reason. He later revealed he believed he was avoiding a greater evil, seeking to destroy the Devil Gene, toppling corrupt governments and corporations, and was apparently also influenced by the growing control of his own Devil and Azazel over him.[31] Kazuya found himself in the position of being one of the few powers large enough to challenge the Zaibatsu's warmongering. He militarized G Corporation and declared war on the Mishima Zaibatsu, and at this time was heralded as a hero for his actions. Kazuya followed Jin to a desert in the Middle East, where a source of power linked to the Devil Gene was rumored to reside. He withdrew however after meeting his half-brother, Lars Alexandersson, and instead chose to re-gather his power back in Japan.[32]

After Jin went missing following his confrontation with Azazel in the desert, Heihachi returned from the shadows and took control of the Mishima Zaibatsu in Jin's absence. At the start of Tekken 7, the war between the Zaibatsu and G Corporation thus continued. After waging media warfare against one another, Kazuya and Heihachi finally met in a volcano to confront one another, though not before Heihachi had revealed Kazuya's Devil form in a live broadcast, and dictated his version of past events to a journalist. In their final confrontation, Kazuya defeated his father, and threw his body into volcanic magma. Despite there being no current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation apparently winning the war, the violence continued and Kazuya appeared to be set once more on world domination.

Six months later, Kazuya was confronted by Jin Kazama in New York. The two battled, with Kazuya emerging victorious after transforming into Devil. He then issued an announcement to the world at large: he would be hosting a new King of Iron Fist Tournament, and rather than a battle for money or control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, this tournament would decide the fate of the fighters' country of origin.

Tournament matches were held across the world, with the finals taking place in a coliseum in Italy. Kazuya appeared in-person for these final matches, harnessing the chaotic emotions of the audience in order to enact his plan: to resurrect Azazel. He successfully drew Zafina to the coliseum, and released Azazel, who had been sealed away within her right arm. The two did battle, and Kazuya once again was victorious. He absorbed Azazel's power and became True Devil Kazuya. Jin retreated to Yakushima while Kazuya was held off and eventually forced to withdraw through the combined efforts of Lars Alexandersson, Lee Chaolan, Alisa Bosconovitch, Victor Chevalier, Reina, and Claudio Serafino.

Kazuya sent armed forces to Yakushima in order to stop Jin from regaining control of his Devil Gene, planning to kill Jin with his own hands. When Kazuya himself arrived on the battlefield, he wiped out multiple units from both sides with a powerful laser blast. After finding Jin, who had been unconscious within a shrine for an undetermined amount of time, Kazuya was held off from his attack by Lars.

The two fought, but before Kazuya could land the final, possibly fatal blow, Jin reawakened to rescue Lars. Kazuya and Jin began to battle in their respective Devil forms, until Kazuya formed a large ball of energy with the intention of destroying the island and all those upon it. In order to stop this attack Jin was able to transform into an angelic form, which he then used to continue his fight with Kazuya.

The two appeared to be evenly matched, with the battle continuing until Jin's Kazama abilities were able to purify both he and Kazuya, ridding them both of their Devil Gene. Kazuya ultimately failed to defeat Jin, left unconscious in the remnants of a comet that had fallen to the earth. Some time after this battle, Kazuya's unconscious form appeared to have been found by Jun Kazama.


Kazuya is driven by his need for control, power, and revenge against his father. After initially appearing to be a sympathetic protagonist in Tekken, from Tekken 2 onwards he has shown that everything comes second to his plans for complete control and power. Since Heihachi's death, Kazuya has continued crusading for power and is driven now by the desire for complete control and world domination, an ambition of his that has been hinted at from the very start.[33]

There are very few individuals that Kazuya is not cold or cruel towards. He often laughs at others' misfortune, talks down to them, and in the course of his quest for complete domination, has amassed a large number of enemies, many of whom have been personally injured by his exploits. A notable exception to this concerns Jun Kazama. It is stated that two became close[7], that Jun believed that there was goodness in Kazuya, and that he could be saved from the devil inside him.[34] The entity Angel is a testament to there being some truth to Jun's beliefs, as this creature is described as an aspect of Kazuya reflecting good still left in him.[35] After he merges with his devil in Tekken 4 however, Kazuya's emotions and desires seem to be more in line with that of his devil and Angel has no more canonical mentions. His methods become noticeably more cruel as well, with human abduction and experimentation explicitly sanctioned under his rule as G Corp CEO and wanton assassination of those who oppose his economic monopoly.[36]

Despite this, Kazuya does initially show respect and affection towards his grandfather in Tekken 5, and in Tekken 7 continues to harbor anger towards Heihachi for killing his mother, whom he loved dearly. He reproaches Heihachi for killing his mother, and laughs at the idea that Kazumi would want to kill him, since he believed she cared for him.[12] Kazuya also seems to have a sense of personal honor. He is insulted by Heihachi's accusation in Tekken 5 that he would order JACKs to kill him, calling such a method crude. This is in keeping with Kazuya's overall approach in the games, where, despite at numerous times having the advantage of corporate backing, his personal feud with Heihachi is always confined to tournaments and fights with his own bare hands. This is noticeably different from Heihachi, who has used a gun, abduction, and blackmail during the course of the Iron Fist Tournaments, and attempted to kill Kazuya with a laser satellite while he was engaged in fighting Akuma. Whilst he is merciless to those who betray him, Kazuya frequently seems to command the loyalty and respect of those under him. Both Anna Williams and Bruce Irvin return to work for him when he takes over G Corporation and both are entrusted with high ranking positions close to Kazuya, where they only answer to him. Kazuya has a practical appreciation for those under him, as evidenced by him calling off his troops when Akuma arrives,[37] telling them they are no match for him and to send Akuma to him instead. Whilst an older Kazuya is more set in his quest for power and use of his Devil Gene, he is also more calculating and less erratic in his decisions than his younger self, allowing him to rely on those close to him and build a firm powerbase from within G Corporation.

Unlike his father or adopted younger brother, Kazuya does not like the limelight. His desire for power seems to stem from an obsession with control and he has little interest in fame. When Kazuya takes over the Mishima Zaibatsu in Tekken 2, he "disappears into the shadows", and likewise, both as an experiment, and later as CEO of G Corporation, he prefers control from the shadows,[38] rather than making public appearances and announcements. This is likely related to his devil form, which he has striven to keep secret from the public. Kazuya, unlike his devil,[39] is invested in using scientific study and advancement. He has a personal stake in understanding his own genetics, and has the patience and long-term planning to see research as a necessary step on his path to control and revenge.[40] He has a cunning streak and, much like his brother and father, is capable of being devious and scheming.


Kazuya has black hair swept into a spike at the back of his head. Since Tekken 4, his left eye constantly glows red, and his body is a patchwork of numerous scars and burn marks after his reconstruction by the G Corporation. His main outfit in the series has consisted of karate pants with red gloves, however in Tekken 7 it changed to a trench coat and suit. As a boss in Tekken 2, he wore a purple tuxedo, which has made sporadic reappearances throughout the series.


Main article: Kazuya Mishima/Outfits



Manual, NTSC
Cold blooded son of a distinguished family. Oldest son of Heihachi Mishima, head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, sponsor of the tournament. His participation in this tournament is for the purpose of causing a world scale coup d'etat after causing the death of his father. The scar on his chest was caused by his father's dropping him into a trench at the age of five.[4]

Manual, PAL
An arrogant loner, Kazuya, is the eldest son of Heihachi Mishima, distinguished head of the tournament sponsors, the Mishima Corporation. His appearance in the tournament is just part of a long term battle of wills with his father.[41]

Version 3
Kazuya is the eldest son of the tournament's sponsor, the Mishima Financial Group's CEO, Heihachi Mishima. Kazuya's purpose for participating in this tournament is to kill his father, and to use the power his father commands to orchestrate a worldwide coup d'état.

He received the scar across his chest when his father dropped him from a ravine at the age of five.[6]

Version 4
Kazuya enters the tournament and makes it to the final against Heihachi. Apathetic towards the tournament's considerable prize money, Kazuya engages his father in a vicious, bloody battle in which Kazuya emerges victorious. Kazuya then proceeds to throw Heihachi's broken body off the same cliff Heihachi threw Kazuya off many years ago and smiles with his revenge completed.[citation needed]


Tekken 1 Kazuya Mishima - A Father's Fall

A Father's Fall

Ending Description, "A Father's Fall"
Having beaten Heihachi, Kazuya picks Heihachi's body up and throws it off the cliff, and smiles in satisfaction.

Tekken 2[]

Official Website Profile (Japanese)
Kazuya defeated Heihachi in the previous tournament, and in doing so inherited all the power of the Mishima Financial Group's head; he now takes pride in surpassing Heihachi's power.

Presently, Kazuya has nearly seized all of Hokkaido for the purpose of building his ideal independent nation, where he's trying to establish a strong military force.[2]

Ending Description, "Evil Smile"
Kazuya is shown to have expelled and defeated Devil, and starts to walk away. However, unbeknown to him, Devil starts to rise from where it has fallen and is about to shoot Kazuya with a laser from its eye. As Devil fires, Heihachi jumps in front of Kazuya and blocks the attack. Kazuya is initially surprised by his father's act of protection, and at first seems to consider taking this to heart, but then he shakes his head, grabs his father, and uses him as a human shield. Devil shoots a flurry of lasers, each causing Heihachi's body to spasm. Kazuya runs toward Devil, holding Heihachi's body to shield him from Devil's attacks. Kazuya throws Heihachi at Devil, who hits Heihachi away. Kazuya then finishes Devil off with a Dragon Uppercut, and smiles with satisfaction, having rid himself of both Devil and Heihachi.

Summary of In-Game Events
At some point, Kazuya encountered Jun Kazama, who was in Tokyo to stop the Mishima Zaibatsu's illegal animal trading. During this time, Jun became pregnant with Kazuya's son. When Jun entered the tournament, she was aware of an evil within Kazuya that she wished to free him from. The confusion within Kazuya that arose from meeting Jun, caused him to lose concentration in his final fight with Heihachi.[citation needed] When Heihachi made it to the final round to face Kazuya, he started to gain the upper hand against him. As a last resort, Kazuya transformed into his devil form and continued the fight, but Heihachi still emerged victorious. In retribution, Heihachi threw Kazuya's body into the mouth of a volcano and escaped on a helicopter as the volcano erupted, leaving Kazuya to be presumed dead.


Tekken 2 Kazuya Mishima - Evil Smile

Evil Smile

Tekken 3[]

Kazuya did not return as a playable character for Tekken 3, as he was stated to be dead at the time and he was replaced by his son, Jin Kazama. Kazuya himself, however, is still briefly seen in the short arcade version opening movie where he appears alongside Jun Kazama, giving a smirk to the camera before their son, Jin Kazama, is seen. Pictures of him are also seen in Eddy Gordo's ending where Eddy learns that Kazuya was the one behind the death of his parents.

Tekken 4[]

Manual, NTSC & Prologue
Twenty years ago, Kazuya lost to Heihachi and was thrown into the mouth of a volcano. A few days later, he was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research.

With G Corporation's aid, Kazuya investigated the biomechanics of the Devil Gene within him by subjecting himself to various experiments. Kazuya believed that once he unlocked and controlled the power of the Devil Gene, he would be powerful enough to defeat Heihachi and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Twenty years later, the Tekken Forces attacked G Corporation's facility and stole their research data. Kazuya was also targeted in the attack.

Kazuya was infuriated by Heihachi's interference once again. He was determined more than ever to exact his vengeance. Kazuya was not fooled by the sudden announcement of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. He knew that it was a trap orchestrated by Heihachi to lure him out.

Despite this knowledge, Kazuya enters the Tournament - this is his chance to defeat Heihachi.[42]

Manual, PAL
Twenty years previously, having been defeated by his father Heihachi, Kazuya morphed into his devil form to narrowly avoid death. Now he has returned...

Interested in the biology behind Kazuya's death-defying ability, biotech firm G Corporation nursed him back from the brink. Kazuya allowed this research to continue, as he sought a personal understanding of the Mishima Family's Devil Gene. He hoped to use this understanding and his elevated position in the G Corporation management to overthrow Heihachi and the Mishima Financial Empire.

When one of G Corporation's research facilities was suddenly attacked, raided and wrecked by Heihachi's Tekken Force, Kazuya's rage resurfaced - it was time to face his father again. It was time for one of them to die...[8]

Official Strategy Guide
Defeated by Heihachi and thrown into the mouth of a volcano 20 years ago, Kazuya was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetic research.

With G Corporation's aid, Kazuya investigated the biomechanics of the Devil Gene within his body by subjecting himself to genetic experiments. Kazuya believed that once he unlocked and controlled the power of the Devil Gene, he would be powerful enough to defeat Heihachi and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Twenty years later, the Tekken Forces attacked G Corporation's research facility without warning and succeeded in stealing research data for the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya learned that he was also a target in the attack.

Infuriated by Heihachi's interference in his plans once again, Kazuya was determined more than ever to seek revenge against Heihachi. Kazuya instantly recognized the announcement of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a trap set by Heihachi to lure him out.

Despite this knowledge, Kazuya entered the tournament. It was his chance to defeat Heihachi.[43]


Tekken 4 Kazuya Ending

Kazuya's ending in Tekken 4

Ending Description
The tournament officials sent Kazuya a message: The winner of Round 7 by default is Kazuya Mishima. Please proceed to the final stage. Though Kazuya sensed Heihachi's hand in Jin Kazama's disappearance, a fearless grin crept upon his face as he headed towards the final stage. Heihachi led Kazuya deep within the Mishima Zaibatsu compound. A massive temple stood in the midst of a forest enshrouded in fog. The two entered the building...

When Kazuya sees Jin, he is overpowered by his devil, who takes control of his body, though without transforming. Devil's eyes glow red, and it steps forward and says, "So you were with him after all, my half..." Heihachi immediately knows something was wrong, turning to Devil and asking, "Who are you?!" Devil gives a huff of amusement and says, "I am what you refer to as 'Devil'. Twenty years ago, I lost a part of myself when you nearly killed me. Now, I'll retrieve what's rightfully mine from him! The time has come for my resurrection!" Heihachi gasps and steps back. "You saved me the trouble of having to search for him," Devil says. "For your troubles, I'll give you a taste of my power!" He then shoots a laser from his eyes, throwing Heihachi back and knocking him unconscious. Devil laughs: "What's the matter? Didn't your precious science provide all the answers you needed... about my power?"

Devil then turns to Jin and stretches out a hand. An aura glows around Jin, then his devil markings appear. Devil draws back his hand, confused. "What?!" it says. "Why won't you change?" After a moment of thought, Devil says, "Is it because of that Kazama blood?!"

Devil suddenly cries in pain and bolts of blue electricity roll up its body. It writhes in agony and says "Kazuya! What are you do-...?!" Devil falls to its knees. "No! It can't be!"

Kazuya's eyes stop glowing red, and his voice no longer has Devil's otherworldly timbre: "I see... Didn't know about this method of unifying our power." Kazuya stands, his electricity fading. "This is the end of you..." he says to his devil. "Now you'll become... a part of me." He looks up at Jin, "All I need to do is destroy you, then everything will be mine! Rise! Jin Kazama!"

Jin suddenly wakes up. He looks at his chains, and struggles to free himself. He breaks out and falls to the floor. Jin gasps and struggles with against his devil. He says to Kazuya: "You! If only you were dead... Once I kill you, it'll all be over!"

Kazuya defeats Jin, then stands over Jin's fallen body. Kazuya stretches out a hand and another aura glows around Jin. The aura draws up into Kazuya's hand as Kazuya begins to laugh. "Finally, everything is mine!" Kazuya throws back his head and laughs maniacally. As he does, there is a flash and he transforms fully into his devil.

White text comes up on a black screen that reads: That day, the Mishima Zaibatsu compound and the area surrounding it vanished without a trace. The truth behind the incident never came to light.

Summary of In-Game Events
At the seventh stage, Kazuya was slated to fight Jin, but Jin disappeared. He had been abducted by Tekken Force soldiers under Heihachi's command. Kazuya was declared the winner by default and sent to the final round, where he met Heihachi and demanded to know his son's whereabouts.

After losing his tournament fight against Heihachi[44], Kazuya was taken by his father to Hon-Maru, a temple within the Mishima compound in the woods, where Jin was being held captive. Kazuya was initially surprised to see Jin chained up, but was then overpowered by his devil, who took control of his body. Devil explained that it lost half of itself when Kazuya was thrown into a volcano and that its other half resides within Jin. Devil knocked Heihachi out with a laser and then unsuccessfully attempted to draw the Devil Gene from Jin. Devil speculated that it must be Jin's Kazama blood that was preventing the assimilation. While Devil was distracted, Kazuya was able to take back control of his body, fighting down Devil and then merging their power. Kazuya then called for Jin to awaken. Once Jin woke up however, they fought and Jin succeeded in defeating Kazuya, who was then knocked unconscious.

Tekken 5[]


Tekken 5 Kazuya Interludes

Manual, NTSC
Kazuya suffered a defeat at the hands of Heihachi and was later defeated again by Jin at Honmaru. Kazuya escaped from Honmaru when the enemies were off guard. He morphed into a devil before taking flight just as Honmaru exploded. He entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament to exact revenge.[45]

Manual, PAL
Having been beaten by both Heihachi Mishima and Jin Kazama in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Kazuya fled Honmaru during an invasion by a battalion of JACKs. Leaving his father at the mercy of the brutal robots, Kazuya took flight just as Honmaru exploded. When the announcement that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 was to be held, revenge filled Kazuya's veins and his decision to enter the competition was swift.[46]

Official Strategy Guide
During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Kazuya Mishima, son of Heihachi Mishima and the one who possesses the devil gene, suffered a defeat at the hands of Heihachi, and later Jin at the Honmaru.

When he finally regained consciousness he was surrounded by a JACK-4 squad.

"G Corporation! So they plan to take me out, too."

Kazuya teamed with Heihachi to fight off the successive waves of JACKs, until he saw his chance and left the Honmaru without Heihachi.

He morphed into a devil and takes flight just as the Honmaru exploded. Kazuya, determined to exact revenge on those who betrayed him, decided to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.[47]

Kazuya Mishima, knocked unconscious by Jin in the battle of Honmaru.

As he came to, he was attacked by JACKs.

"Damn! Are they after me too?!" says Kazuya.

For a while, Kazuya and Heihachi fought as father and son. But Devil Kazuya flew away, leaving Heihachi to die alone.'

Kazuya enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, to make the traitors pay.[48]

Summary of In-Game Events
Following their defeat by Jin, Kazuya and Heihachi are ambushed by a squad of Jack-4s, who have been sent by G Corporation to destroy Kazuya and Heihachi. The father and son are forced to work together to fight the Jacks until Kazuya throws Heihachi into a group of them and leaves him to die in the ensuing explosion. Heihachi is pronounced dead, but someone has mysteriously taken over the Mishima Zaibatsu and announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Kazuya enters to track down those who betrayed him and discover the sponsor's identity.

During the tournament, Kazuya crosses paths with Raven, who recognizes him after seeing him flying away from Hon-Maru. Kazuya defeats Raven and interrogates him. When he makes Raven talk, Kazuya discovers that he was betrayed by G Corporation, and that something was awakened from under Hon-Maru. Kazuya realizes what Heihachi has done, and speculates that, in fact, it is his grandfather Jinpachi Mishima, who is somehow controlling the Zaibatsu now. In a (non-canonical) interlude with Heihachi, he accuses Heihachi of imprisoning his grandfather under Hon-Maru and explains to him that he's now been released. It is unknown how far Kazuya progressed through the tournament, but he likely departed for revenge against G Corp shortly after his match against Raven. Kazuya was reunited with Bruce Irvin during the tournament, who left with him to help him exact his revenge, though it is unknown if the two fought each other in the tournament itself.


Tekken 5 Kazuya Ending

Kazuya's ending in Tekken 5

Ending Description
After initially greeting his grandfather with respect, Kazuya fights and defeats him. He holds the dying Jinpachi in his arms and tries to wake him up. Jinpachi barely regains consciousness, Kazuya then smiles softly at his grandfather, as he remembers one of the few happy moments of his childhood, spent affectionately training with his beloved grandfather. After a few moments, Kazuya's expression suddenly changes, one of his eyes turns red, alerting Jinpachi, who is too exhausted to react, and he punches through Jinpachi's chest, destroying him and turning him to dust. Kazuya grins and looks over one shoulder, eye glowing red, and begins to laugh maniacally.

Tekken 6[]

Official Strategy Guide
After he had killed the G Corporation officials who betrayed him, Kazuya Mishima succeeded in taking control of the corporation from behind the scenes. In the meantime, the world was quickly slipping into chaos due to the activities of the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by Jin Kazama. Kazuya could never accept a world controlled by anyone but himself, and he set out to use the military power of the G Corporation to suppress the Mishima Zaibatsu. At this point, the G Corporation was praised by the nations of the world for its heroic actions.

When the G Corporation's public influence had become great enough, Kazuya used it to announce a hefty bounty for anyone who could capture Jin alive. In reply, the Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. This was just as Kazuya had predicted, and it put a satisfied smile on his face.[49]

Killing the G Corporation officials who had betrayed him, Kazuya Mishima succeeded in taking control of the corporation from behind the scenes. However, in the meantime, the world was quickly slipping into chaos due to the activities of the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by Jin Kazama.

Kazuya could never accept a world controlled by anyone but himself, and so he set out to use the military power of the G Corporation to suppress the Mishima Zaibatsu. At this point, the G Corporation was praised by the nations of the world for its heroic actions.

Judging that the G Corporation's public influence had become great enough, Kazuya utilized public opinion to its fullest to announce a hefty bounty for anyone who could capture Jin alive.

In response, the Mishima Zaibatsu quickly announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. This was just as Kazuya had predicted. He smiled in satisfaction.[50]

Summary of In-Game Events
Kazuya left the fifth tournament early having discovered the information he needs on those who tried to betray him. Kazuya had found out that G Corporation officials tried to have him assassinated, believing him to be too much of a threat. In retaliation, with the help of his former employee, Bruce Irvin, Kazuya has the officials murdered, and seizes sole control of G Corporation. He then begins to grow G Corporation's military power in order to rival the Mishima Zaibatsu. The Zaibatsu, led by Jin, has already begun world conquest and declared war on the world to destroy a greater evil. At this time, the world's population sees G Corporation as its only savior, though, in reality, Kazuya has more sinister motives of world domination. Kazuya utilizes the company's newfound popularity to his advantage and issues a bounty to be placed on Jin's head.

After learning about Azazel, the presumed source for the Devil Gene, Kazuya along with G Corporation arrive at Azazel's Temple, somewhere in the Egyptian desert. Kazuya seeks to obtain Azazel's power for himself, but he is stopped, however, by Lars Alexandersson, a rogue Tekken Force captain whom he discovers to be his half-brother. The battle ends without an outcome with Kazuya merely leaving and warning his half-brother about the cursed fate of Mishimas to betray one another.


Tekken 6 - Kazuya Mishima ending - HD 720p

Ending Description
Tekken Force are lined up before Azazel's temple and point their guns towards the temple entrance. Kazuya emerges from within the temple and holds up the body of Devil Jin for all to see. On seeing the body of their leader, Tekken Force slowly lower their weapons. They then quickly stand to attention and salute Kazuya, recognizing him as the new leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya smirks and gives a maniacal laugh.

Tekken 7[]

Official Website Profile (English)
Kazuya was raised as the heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu but rebelled against his father Heihachi. After awakening the power of the devil within him, he's finally able to control it.[3]

Official Website Profile (Japanese)
Kazuya Mishima – the son of Heihachi Mishima, head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and King of the Iron Fist. Although he once defeated Heihachi and took over the Mishima Zaibatsu, he lost to Heihachi in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, and was thrown into the crater of a volcano. At that time, Kazuya was able to save his life by becoming Devil. He allowed his body to be studied by G Corporation, a new company who were continuing to make breakthroughs in the field of genetics, and succeeded in being able to control the power of the devil freely. After that, Kazuya succeeded in taking over G Corporation. He controlled G Corporation from behind the scenes, and fought a fierce war with the Mishima Zaibatsu, led by his son Jin Kazama. Now, the war is gradually starting to tilt in G Corporation’s favor.[13]

Summary of In-Game Events
Several decades ago, Kazuya confronted his father Heihachi over the murder of his mother. He desperately tried to fight his father, but Heihachi easily overpowered and defeated the boy. Kazuya was then tossed off a cliff.

In the present day, Kazuya watches from G Corporation's Millennium Tower as Heihachi announces his return and the a new King of Iron Fist Tournament. Kazuya is unsurprised that his father is still alive. Learning that his father is searching for Jin, Kazuya tells his subordinates to hasten the preparations for his plans.

Later, Kazuya sends his Jack-6 army to spy on and kill Heihachi. Heihachi at this time happened to be the target of Akuma, an assassin sent long ago by Kazumi Mishima. After learning that Akuma was sent by his mother to kill both Heihachi and himself, Kazuya laughs, disbelieving that his mother would ever order such a thing.

Heihachi's 'death' at the hands of Akuma is announced, though Kazuya doubts that this is true. Kazuya then becomes Akuma's next target. After telling his G Corp soldiers to stand down, as Akuma is too strong for them, Kazuya tells his soldiers to direct Akuma to G Corp's helipad. The two fight, and due to Akuma's strength, Kazuya is forced to transform into his devil form to try and best him. Unbeknown to him, this was the set up Heihachi had hoped for, as he is broadcasting Kazuya's transformation live to the world, thus exposing his devil form. After having done so, Heihachi interrupted the fight by obliterating Millennium Tower with the Zaibatsu's space laser.

Kazuya survives the attack, though public opinion has now turned against G Corporation due to Kazuya's devil form being exposed to the world. Intent on reversing the tide of public opinion, Kazuya shoots a Devil Blaster at Heihachi's satellite, causing it to plummet down to Earth and destroy an entire city. The world mistakenly believes that the Mishima Zaibatsu lost control of its own satellite, and public opinion sways back to G Corporation's side once again.

A few hours later, Kazuya finally confronts Heihachi inside a volcano. As they fight, Kazuya changes into his devil form and nearly defeats his father. But Heihachi musters all of his remaining strength and strikes back, causing his son to revert back to his human form. Even though the two of them have become severely weakened at this point, they continue to exchange blows. Heihachi headbutts Kazuya, knocking him to the ground. Looking up at the man he has always hated ever since he was a small child, Kazuya finally kills Heihachi with a deadly blow to the chest, stopping his father's heart. Kazuya takes Heihachi's corpse and tosses him into volcanic magma. As he does so, he repeats his father's teaching that 'All that matters is who's left standing, nothing else'.

Shortly afterwards, Kazuya is once again confronted by Akuma, who has also survived the attack at G Corporation tower. Transforming into his Devil once again, Kazuya fights Akuma in a heated battle. In the end, Kazuya fires a powerful Devil Blaster at Akuma's Hadoken, and the collision destroyed the volcanic surroundings.

Although the final outcome of the battle is unknown, Kazuya's influence over the world is still present, as G Corporation has not ended the war and various nations face an incoming invasion.

Tekken 8[]


TEKKEN 8 - Kazuya Gameplay Trailer

Official Website Profile (EU English)
Kazuya Mishima used the full extent of his devil power and G Corp to try and take over the world. After defeating his father Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya doubled down on his efforts to take down the leaderless Mishima Zaibatsu. This brutal war divided the world in two, and in the end G Corp came out on top. However, the conglomerate showed no signs of relenting, and continued to dominate the world with an iron fist.[51]

Official Website Profile (Japanese; US English) & Closed Alpha Test Character Profile
Using the full extent of his devil power and G Corporation, Kazuya Mishima went on a conquest for world domination. After defeating his father Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya intensifies his offensive to eliminate the leaderless Mishima Zaibatsu. This brutal war divided the world in two, and in the end G Corporation came out on top.

However, G corporation showed no signs of relenting, and continued to dominate the world by force. The Union of Nations was appalled by these actions, and they gathered various world leaders in New York to discuss how to impose sanctions against G Corporation. But then, Kazuya himself showed up to the meeting and announced that he would continue to wage war. He then unleashed G Corporation's army on New York, setting the entire city ablaze.[52]


Tekken 8 - Kazuya Character Episode Ending

Character Episode Prologue
Kazuya Mishima defeated Heihachi Mishima, the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, and put an end to their protractive rivalry.

Heihachi disappeared after losing the match against Kazuya and, without a head, the Mishima Zaibatsu spiraled into crisis.

To elect a new head of the organization, the group announced it was holding a new entry in The King of Iron Fist Tournament.

This was the chance that Kazuya had been waiting for: the chance to achieve total world domination.

"I'll carve my name into history as the overlord of this world."

Character Episode Ending
After triumphing, Kazuya sits down to have an interview. For his first question, he is asked of his thoughts and reasons for conquering the world, but Kazuya dismisses the question as irrelevant and moves on. For the second question, he is asked of his significant other. Kazuya responds that his path was filled with combat and hardship, and that he and Jun first met on the field of battle. He says that he has no use for weaklings, and that Jun was strong. For the final question, Kazuya is asked for personal hobbies. Rather than answer directly, Kazuya opens a room behind his desk, revealing shelves upon shelves of sneakers, proudly declaring that "Anything and everything will be mine!".

Summary of In-Game Events
Kazuya is seen on a helicopter during G Corporation's attack on Manhattan, until a helicopter was brought down by Jin Kazama with his motorcycle, forcing Kazuya to come out of the helicopter. Then, Kazuya taunts Jin by telling him that he was the one who started the war. Kazuya and Jin fought each other once more, and Jin had the advantage by transforming into his devil form. However, Kazuya transformed into his own devil form and got the upper hand, overwhelming and utterly defeating Jin with a giant laser. Soon after, Kazuya made an announcement to all around the world in order to rewrite the rules. He then destroys all the satellites from space and officially announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament held in Italy, this time with his new rules: Those who lose in the tournament will perish along with their respective country.

Back to the G Corporation HQ, Kazuya is watching the Preliminaries of the tournament, including the Asian B Block Preliminaries in Japan where Jin participated and won. After that, Kazuya was informed by his new bodyguard, Nina Williams, that Zafina was located in Italy with the Sirius Marksmen, Claudio Serafino. The following day, The King of Iron Fist Tournament has officially begun at the Coliseum of Fate in Italy, and after the first round of the tournament is finished, Kazuya appears and announces that the winning country shall receive due compensation for their achievements. Suddenly, the tournament was stopped by an assault from Yggdrasil and the United Nations. Kazuya expected this to happen, however, as he transforms into his devil form and attacks Zafina after arriving at the center of the coliseum. Then, Kazuya released Azazel from Zafina's left arm and threw her away. Soon after, Kazuya fought and defeated Azazel by absorbing him, transforming Kazuya into his true devil form. After Jin was taken to Yakushima, Kazuya fought the other fighters and took them down at ease. Then, he was confronted by a new girl named "Reina", who learned the Mishima Style Martial Arts. Kazuya easily overwhelmed Reina, but then he was distracted and caught by Claudio. However, Kazuya avoided Claudio's Spear of Kephalos and dealt a finishing blow on Claudio, but not before Claudio redirected his own fatal blow back at Kazuya. Soon after, Kazuya was wounded on his left shoulder and was forced to retreat. After returning to the G Corporation HQ, Kazuya was informed once again by Nina that Jin is located at Yakushima. Not wanting anyone else to interfere, Kazuya tells her that he will be the one to kill Jin by his own hands. Still feeling the pain on his left shoulder, Kazuya makes sure that Azazel does not escape from him.

During the war on Yakushima, Kazuya arrives on the battlefield and obliterates everyone from both armies, including Reina who just stood there to face her own death, though Kazuya was unaware that Reina possessed her own Devil Gene. Then, he found out where Jin is at and he landed in front of the shrine. However, Kazuya was interfered by Lars Alexandersson who is trying to protect Jin. Kazuya is overwhelming Lars, but he was then hit by Lars' headbutt, the same way Heihachi Mishima hit Kazuya with his head. Kazuya then shoot his giant laser to kill Lars, until Jin came back to save Lars at the last second. Kazuya and Jin fought each other once again in their respective devil forms, though Jin's devil form has a white wing. Then, Kazuya launched a devastating attack that can destroy all of Yakushima, but then he was shocked that Jin transformed into his angel form and stopped that devastating attack. Upon that attack, Kazuya and Jin were thrown upwards into space and continued their fight. Kazuya's true devil form was evenly matched with Jin's angel form, and when they collide their attacks, it purifies them both from the Devil Gene completely, and destroying Azazel for good.

Even with the Devil Gene gone, Kazuya will stop at nothing from fighting Jin as the fight continues one last time. During the final battle, Kazuya has the advantage by knocking Jin down, until Jin got up and Kazuya was countered by Jin, forcing Kazuya to unleash his true power to fight back against Jin. Soon after, Kazuya and Jin dealt their finishing blows on each other's faces.

In the good ending, Kazuya was defeated by Jin and was left unconscious, being spared by his son. Some time after, Kazuya's unconscious body is approached by what appears to be Jun.

In the bad ending, Kazuya finally defeats Jin and threw him off the cliff, the same way he threw Heihachi off the cliff. Back at the G Corporation HQ, Kazuya decides that he will keep fighting and dominate the entire world, even without his Devil Gene.

Other Appearances[]

Tekken: The Motion Picture[]

Kazuya appears in the non-canon Tekken: The Motion Picture as one of the movie's main characters, exploring his relationship with Jun Kazama and his motivations for entering the King of The Iron Fist Tournament.

Tekken Tag Tournament[]


Tekken Tag Tournament - Kazuya Ending (1P outfit)

Kazuya is a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament. He retains his moveset from Tekken 2 with many new moves added. Many moves were added because of his absence in Tekken 3.

Ending Description
Jin kneels defeated on the floor and Kazuya folds his arms. He scoffs and looks unimpressed, then turns and starts to walk away. Kazuya stops suddenly, apparently sensing something. He turns and Jin has started to rise from the floor, still hunched over. Jin throws back his head and roars whilst ripples of red electricity course over him and his devil markings start to appear, with his third eye opening on his forehead. Kazuya turns fully to him, still with a wince of distaste, but apparently interested as he raises his fists to fight.

Kazuya in Jin's Ending: Jin picks up the unconscious body of his father, Kazuya. Jin is about to finish him with a single punch, only to pause and drop Kazuya's body back to the ground. He is then seen with his hands shaking as he falls to his knees. This restraint is possibly due to "Kazama blood" influence or his mother's influence reminding him of the peaceful tenets of his upbringing.

Kazuya in Angel's Ending: Angel stands over Devil Kazuya's unconscious body, and puts a hand over his forehead. This transforms him back into his human form. He then regains consciousness and wakes up, but Angel is nowhere to be seen.

Tekken Tag Special Alliance Partners:

Tekken (2010 movie)[]

In the 2010 live-action film Tekken, Kazuya is the main antagonist and is portrayed by American actor Ian Anthony Dale. At the end of the film, he is defeated by his son, Jin Kazama. The depiction of Kazuya in the film deviates significantly from canon, including having facial hair and bearing none of the video game character's bodily scars. Kazuya is also Heihachi's right-hand man in Tekken Corporation, wishing to take over his father's company out of greed rather than being focused on revenge against his father's cruelty. Rather than being a hand-to-hand combatant, Kazuya in the film relies on melee weapons such as axes and Eskrima sticks. Any reference to the Devil Gene is also absent from the film.

Street Fighter X Tekken[]

Kazuya appears in the crossover game Street Fighter X Tekken. He was first revealed as one of the first few playable characters at San Diego Comic-Con International in 2010, along with Nina Williams, Ryu, and Chun-Li.

In the game, Kazuya (who is still the head of G Corporation) learns of the mysterious box known as the Pandora, which crash-lands in the Antarctic. He then plans to use the box's power to increase the power of his Devil Gene, defeat his son, Jin, and take control of the Mishima Zaibatsu in his quest for power over the world. At that moment, an old foe appears from the shadows: Nina Williams. Nina decides to accompany Kazuya on his trip to the Antarctic. Kazuya accepts her assistance, but due to her relationship with the Mishima Zaibatsu and Jin, she has to do everything Kazuya tells her to despite the fact that she hates him.

During their journey, Kazuya and Nina run into Ryu and Ken Masters. Nina suggests to leave them be, not wanting to bother them, but Kazuya takes an interest in the two warriors and their power. Realizing that he could "use a warm-up" before arriving at the Antarctic, he challenges them both to test his devil powers and their strength, much to Nina's dismay.

Ending Description
After defeating Akuma, Pandora's box opens. Kazuya and Nina then walk up to the box. Suddenly, Nina walks ahead of Kazuya and stands before him, much to his confusion. She then tells him that he can't have the box and that someone else wants it more. Knowing her true intentions and that she means his son, Kazuya summons his soldiers from G Corporation, who had camouflaged themselves in the snow in case something like this happened. Nina then runs and the screen immediately turns black with gunshots fired. It is revealed that all the soldiers have been defeated quickly, presumably Nina's doing. Despite her treachery, Kazuya still obtains the box, knowing that this is all that truly matters, he plans to take it back to his company in order to fully restore his body as well as the Devil Gene resting inside him.

Tekken: Blood Vengeance[]

In Tekken: Blood Vengeance, Kazuya is one of the film's main antagonists. He is the head of G Corporation, as well as the boss of Anna Williams, whom he orders to recruit Ling Xiaoyu as a spy (knowing that Jin would never harm Xiaoyu) to gather information on Jin's old school friend, Shin Kamiya. He later arrives in Kyoto at Kyoto Castle, where he finds Xiaoyu, Shin, Jin, Alisa Bosconovitch and a surprisingly alive Heihachi. After Heihachi ruthlessly kills Shin, Kazuya, Jin, and Heihachi have an epic three-way brawl and he's rendered unconscious by his father. After Heihachi's seemingly defeated, Kazuya confronts his son. After Jin declares to him that Kyoto will be his grave, Kazuya transforms into Devil Kazuya and smashes his son through the wall, taking the battle outside. Jin attempts to fight back, but his father easily defeats him. Devil Kazuya then urges him to transform into Devil Jin. Xiaoyu begs Jin not to, but Alisa puts her out of harm's way by declaring to take down Devil Kazuya by herself. However, Jin shuts her down immediately afterwards. Annoyed that Jin has been using a "doll" to do his work, Devil Kazuya stamps on Alisa and, with one single stomp crushes her in half, throwing Xiaoyu into despair. Afterwards, Jin finally transforms into a Devil, though his form is not yet complete as he battles his father. Devil Kazuya then tells his son that he's left with no choice but to finish him if he wants to end the Mishima Bloodline. He then easily defeats him and immediately believes that he's victorious. But suddenly, Jin finally takes control of his new form, surprising Devil Kazuya. His Devil powers now activated, he finally defeats Devil Kazuya, telling his father that the Devil's power is his and sending him plummeting into a nearby waterfall. Devil Kazuya then tells his son that this isn't over before doing so.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

Kazuya returns as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. He retains his moveset from Tekken 6 with new moves added, as both of his normal and devil form are now one as opposed to having separate character slots as they did in the first Tekken Tag Tournament. This is in line with the current story of Kazuya attaining full control of his Devil after the events of Tekken 4.

Kazuya was raised as the heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu, but rebelled against his father Heihachi. After awakening the power of the devil within him, he's finally able to control it.

"Pitiful. Leave my sight."[53]


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Kazuya's Arcade Ending

Ending Description
After Kazuya defeats Unknown, he absorbs her power (represented by the signature purple ooze on her body vanishing and washing over Kazuya instead). Kazuya transforms into his Devil Form from Tekken: Blood Vengeance, laughing maliciously as he flies into the night. The absorption is similar to how Devil Jin absorbs Jinpachi's powers in Tekken 5.

Tekken Tag II Special Alliance Partners:

Tekken Revolution[]

Kazuya appears in Tekken Revolution as a playable character.

Tekken Card Tournament[]

Kazuya appears as a playable character in Tekken Card Tournament. As his in-game information reads, he becomes more powerful and his cards' abilities activate when his health is at a set amount, which is a drawback since his best cards require very low HP in order to activate. He also specializes in dealing relatively powerful attacks, and can drain his opponent's health and draw quickly, but sometimes at the cost of his own health. He can also take away parries, and can weaken and parry his opponent's attacks, ideally punch attacks, and can strike without worry thanks to his cards that give him protection when striking. He also obviously has little to no basic cards that grant him healing abilities. Overall, he has good strength and great abilities, and a slightly roughly average draw ability, but he's recommended for anyone that doesn't mind losing HP to tap into his more powerful abilities.

Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge[]

Kazuya is the main protagonist of the prequel to the 2010 live-action film.

King of Fighters: All Star[]

Kazuya, alongside Jin and Heihachi, appears as part of Tekken's guest characters in SNK's mobile game.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Kazuya appeared as a downloadable character in the Fighters Pass Vol 2 and was first revealed at E3 2021. Kazuya plays significantly different from the rest of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate cast. Many of his moves are performed with simplified directional inputs, and there is no hitstun on his more powerful attacks, reflective of the Tekken series. He also has access to his 10 Hit Combo as his Normal flurry attack. All of his Special and Smash attacks cause him to transform into his Devil form, with some of his Smash attacks in particular having superarmor. His unique Fighter Ability is the Rage status wherein he gains an attack boost after accumulating 100% damage, while also upgrading his grab and Down Special into his Rage Drive. His Final Smash is Final Blaster, based on his Rage Art in the final battle against Heihachi in Tekken 7's Story Mode, even turning into the upgraded Devil form from this scene. Despite being a heavyset character, Kazuya has surprisingly good recovery options due to being able to use his air dodge even after using his Up Special.[54]

Tekken: Bloodline[]

Kazuya is only in the Tekken: Bloodline series by reputation and in flashbacks. Jin Kazama asks his mother about him, but Jun is silent on the topic. Heihachi however makes no secret of calling Kazuya 'pure evil', despite berating Jin for not showing similar merciless brutality in his training. Kazuya's dark reputation is confirmed for Jin by fellow tournament competitors. Jin is warned by Heihachi's secretary not to advertise his relation to Kazuya who was the subject of many assassination attempts as a result of his cruelty. Hwoarang remarks to Jin that the end of a video clip showing Heihachi and Kazuya's fight at the end of the second Iron Fist Tournament was taken down at the request of the Mishima Zaibatsu. After researching his father through old newspaper articles and asking the other competitors, Jin confronts Heihachi, asking him if he killed Kazuya. Heihachi answers that he did, and that he did so because Kazuya was evil and in possession of the Devil Gene.

Fist of the North Star LEGENDS ReVIVE[]

Kazuya was one of four featured characters in a Fist of the North Star X Tekken 7 crossover, along with Heihachi Mishima, Ling Xiaoyu, and King.


Kazuya's playstyle favors waiting to punish opponents. While this gameplan as well as the level of execution required creates a high barrier for entry, he is one of the most simplistic characters in the series. His moveset favors powerful single strikes, with the caveat that many are slow or leave him vulnerable if blocked. His most rewarding method of play is centered around block and whiff punishment. His Electric Wind Godfist is one of the best, if not the best punisher in every game he is in. In summation, he is overall best used as a defensive character, and good timing is required to main him.

Despite his rather heavy reliance on good timing and strong defense, Kazuya is a formidable force of steady aggression in the hands of an experienced player. With an important sense of both movement, blocking, and punishment, Kazuya's onslaught is virtually unstoppable. This is very much a high-risk tactic, and even then his approach, especially his crouch dash options, can falter from well-timed sidesteps from the opponent.

Starting with Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Kazuya gains the ability to morph into his devil form at will, though needs to use Rage to do so in Tekken 7. His devil form gives him some demonic powers, like the ability to fly and shoot laser beams. This also slightly changes his moveset, giving him access to Elkeid, Devil Fist, and most notably the ability to perform Twin Pistons from a standing position, which can be used as a solid launcher. However, he lost most of D/F+1 follow-ups in Devil Form.

In Tekken 8, Kazuya retains many of his moves from the previous games, and his ability to morph into Devil is now a part of his Heat state.

Fighting Style[]

Kazuya fights using Mishima Style Fighting Karate. His version of it is inspired by elements of Shotokan karate with hip-turning swing blows.


Character Relationships[]

Heihachi Mishima[]

His now-deceased father and archenemy. Kazuya hates Heihachi more than anything or anyone else. His hatred was caused by Heihachi's murder of his mother, Kazumi. After this, Heihachi threw Kazuya off a cliff when he was five years old, causing the huge scar across his chest. This caused his Devil powers to activate, turning him away from his peaceful nature to become ruthless and cold. Ever since that event, Kazuya has wanted to kill Heihachi. Kazuya was subsequently raised by Heihachi and endured years of his ruthless training and cruelty, alongside his adopted brother Lee Chaolan.

Although Kazuya successfully defeated his father in the first tournament, Heihachi survived, and later, during the events of the second tournament, defeated him and threw his body in a volcano. This caused Kazuya's body immeasurable damage, further scarring him, and lost him a considerable amount of his Devil power.

Twenty years later, after he had recovered, Kazuya vowed to kill his father once and for all. While Kazuya was still researching his own devil genetics, Heihachi launched a strike on G Corporation, disrupting Kazuya's work. Heihachi intended to capture Kazuya at the end of the fourth tournament, but their losses to Jin and G Corporation's betrayal of Kazuya forced them to briefly work together, before Kazuya turned on Heihachi and left him to fend for himself. In Tekken 7, Heihachi reveals Kazuya's devil form to the world via broadcast and tells his story to a journalist. Kazuya successfully killed Heihachi in their final battle, aptly also in a volcano.

Jinpachi Mishima[]

His deceased grandfather. Jinpachi trained Kazuya in the Mishima Karate when he was a child and before Jinpachi was imprisoned under Hon-Maru by Heihachi. Unlike Heihachi, Kazuya liked his grandfather very much and Jinpachi enjoyed spending time with him too, this being one of Kazuya's few happy childhood memories.

In his Tekken 5 interludes, Kazuya is polite and respectful towards his grandfather. In his ending, Kazuya smiles affectionately as he looks down at his grandfather. A flashback is seen where Jinpachi and Kazuya spend time training Mishima Karate together. However, Kazuya's Devil side suddenly kicks in, causing him to finish off his weakened grandfather and laugh menacingly.

Jinpachi's affection for his grandson is also hinted at in their Tekken Tag Tournament 2 intro pose, where Jinpachi says Kazuya's name sadly, apparently regretful of what Kazuya has become.

Kazumi Mishima[]

His deceased mother. Kazuya loved and was fond of his mother, and Kazumi was always devoted to him when he was a baby. In Tekken 7, a young Kazuya is furious with his father when he finds out he killed Kazumi, and attacks him despite the hopelessness of his position. Later, an adult Kazuya was surprised to hear that Kazumi was trying to kill both him and Heihachi, and thought it was absurd, causing him to laugh in disbelief. He was also confused about how Akuma knew Kazumi and his first questions to Akuma were about his mother, though Akuma dismisses his queries in favor of just fighting him.

Jun Kazama[]

His son's mother. Kazuya and Jun became close during the second King of Iron Fist Tournament.[7] Kazuya describes Jun as a "mysterious" woman "approaching without fear".[20]

Jun originally wanted to arrest Kazuya for his experiments on animals but she also saw the mystic powers surrounding him and wanted to free him from his devil. Sometime before the final confrontation between Kazuya and Heihachi, Jun and Kazuya became intimate, resulting in Jun's pregnancy. She later gave birth to Jin on Yakushima.

In their Tekken Tag Tournament 2 win pose, Kazuya and Jun look at each other while they have their backs turned, with Jun looking sorrowful, perhaps expressing sadness at her failure to save Kazuya from Devil. In Devil Kazuya's Tekken Tag Tournament ending, he comes across Jun unconscious on the ground and carefully lifts her into his arms before flying away, implying Kazuya has some degree of care for Jun.

In their Tekken 8 intro and outro poses together, Kazuya expresses surprise at seeing Jun alive, while Jun expresses a desire to save him. In his non-canonical Tekken 8 character episode, Kazuya expresses a continuing fondness for Jun, seemingly flustered when asked of her, and possessing her photograph on his mantelpiece. He states that he admires her strength.

It is possible that Jun named their son, Jin (仁), after Jinpachi (仁八), the grandfather Kazuya respected and admired.[55] If so, this would imply a degree of intimacy in Jun and Kazuya's relationship, as Kazuya was able to relate some of his past to her and chose to tell her of his care for his grandfather. This respect would thus seem to be mutual, as Jun chose the name for their son after Kazuya was thrown into a volcano, honoring his respect for his grandfather.

Devil Kazuya[]

His Devil form. When Kazuya was thrown off a cliff when he was five years old, his latent Devil powers activated, allowing him to survive and seemingly corrupting his personality. For some reason, in Kazuya's non-canon Tekken 2 ending, he is shown defeating Devil Kazuya who appears as a completely separate entity from Kazuya.

After Tekken 2's events and the loss of a part of his devil power, Kazuya started working with G Corp to try to unlock the full power of the Devil Gene, something that Devil itself finds laughable.[56] In the first part of his Tekken 4 ending (which is canon, as it precedes Jin's ending), Kazuya is taken over by his Devil and fights with it for control of his own body. Devil is initially more dominant, but Kazuya is able to win back control and fully fuse with his Devil self and they become a single, fully unified entity. Devil and Kazuya have some noticeable differences of character, such as the former's dismissal of science, which Kazuya places great value in, and their rivalling desires for power over one another. After the fusion, it is seemingly only Kazuya's will that is present.[57]

Jin Kazama[]

His son and enemy. Kazuya wants to extract Jin's portion of the Devil that left Kazuya's body after the second tournament. Kazuya and Jin first met in Tekken 4 but their duel did not take place in the tournament because Tekken Force had kidnapped Jin, allowing Kazuya to win his official tournament match against him without confronting him. After losing his fight to Heihachi, Kazuya was taken to the temple of Hon-Maru, where Jin was imprisoned. Initially shocked by Jin's imprisonment, Kazuya was taken over by his Devil and tried to absorb back Jin's half of the Devil power, but failed, as seemingly Jin's Kazama blood prevented this. After merging with his Devil, Kazuya tried to defeat Jin to take the other half of his Devil, but failed to do so.

In Tekken 6, Kazuya was unable to accept a world dominated by anyone but himself, and took over and militarized G Corporation in order to oppose Jin's Mishima Zaibatsu. In Tekken 7, Kazuya learned that after Heihachi took over the Zaibatsu, he was searching for Jin. Kazuya seemed uninterested in pursuing his son, though he had other things to deal with, such as Akuma coming to kill him and claiming to have been sent by Kazuya's mother, as well as Kazuya's feud with Heihachi being of utmost most importance to him. At the end of Tekken 7, after seeing what the world looked like under Kazuya's control, Jin agreed with Lars that it was up to him to kill Kazuya. In Tekken 8, Kazuya initially faces off against Jin in New York. After defeating him and sensing his hesitance to accept his Devil form, Kazuya instead turns his attention towards the eighth King of Iron Fist tournament to lure Zafina and acquire Azazel's power. After obtaining his True Devil form by absorbing Azazel, Kazuya focuses his efforts on defeating Jin once and for all as his son is the only one that could potentially stop him.

Whilst it is clear Jin resents Kazuya for the megalomaniacal path he has chosen and his commitment to utilizing the Devil Gene, it is unclear what Kazuya thinks of his son personally. In Devil Jin's Scenario Campaign dialogues, Kazuya is disappointed that Jin's Devil is able to seize hold of him, stating "Look at you. So you've given yourself over entirely to the power of the devil. You weren't half the man I thought you were, Jin Kazama." He seems to expect something of Jin, or admire some quality in him, possibly in his capacity as Jun's son, or as an inheritor of his own blood and perseverance. This sits alongside his desire to take Jin's Devil from him. During their final battle in Tekken 8, he admitted that Jin's refusal to give up was "almost admirable."

Lee Chaolan[]

His adopted brother and rival. Kazuya and Lee despise each other, with Lee always wanting to beat him since they were forced to be rivals by Heihachi since childhood. Kazuya has a low and mostly indifferent opinion toward Lee, seeing him as nothing more than a nuisance unworthy of his time. While he doesn't hate him as much as Heihachi, enjoys humiliating him. Kazuya made Lee his secretary during his tenure as CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, a position he seems to have given his brother to humiliate him, though it is noticeable that he did still accept to have Lee working for him, despite their differences. Whilst often demeaning towards Lee, Kazuya seems to maintain some rivalry and mild respect towards him, as he is concerned by the growth and strength of Violet Systems, at least in his Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign Dialogues. He and Lee bicker with one another and are quick to anger in their Tekken 5 interludes with one another, forgoing each of their more reserved manners of speech in favor of familiar insults.

Other Relationships[]

  • Angel - A mysterious benevolent entity that wanted to free Kazuya from Devil in Tekken 2. According to Angel's Tekken 2 profile, Angel's existence was entwined with Devil's, and is one of the appearances that Kazuya takes, in addition to a Devil when people look upon him.
  • Devil Jin - His son's Devil form and rival. Devil Jin and Kazuya dislike each other, as they compete for power and show their hate in their winning poses. Kazuya wants to reabsorb this part of Devil back into himself. In their Scenario Campaign dialogues, Kazuya is disappointed to see Devil's complete hold over Jin in this form. Devil Jin in turn states that it is surprised Kazuya has held out this long himself, and says that Kazuya is "still a whimpering little human" who has no chance against it.
  • Lars Alexandersson - His younger half-brother and enemy since Tekken 6. Kazuya recognized Lars's Mishima heritage when he witnessed his electric-enhanced attacks, during their second encounter at Azazel’s Temple. Kazuya warned him about being a Mishima by blood, always fated to betray and kill one other. Despite leaving things on cool terms, Kazuya doesn't seem to fully focus on his half-brother the way he does on Jin and Heihachi.
  • Paul Phoenix - Paul considers himself to be Kazuya's rival, as they once fought to a draw, but Kazuya himself seems to consider Paul a nuisance at best.
  • Anna Williams - His bodyguard and secretary in Tekken 2, Tekken 6 and the non-canonical Tekken: Blood Vengeance. Anna and Kazuya seem to get on well together, as Anna willing enters his employment for a second time and leaves on amiable terms in Tekken 7.
  • Bruce Irvin - His bodyguard and second-in-command in Tekken 2 and Tekken 6. In his Tekken 5 profile, Bruce deliberately seeks Kazuya out again and works to help him take power before Tekken 6. Assuming that the first half of his Tekken 5 interlude with Kazuya is canon, the two have a distant personal relationship. On taking over G Corporation, Kazuya made Bruce the head of his armies, with Bruce answering directly to him.
  • Violet - His brother's alter-ego.
  • Ganryu - His bodyguard in Tekken 2. In the Scenario Campaign, Kazuya refers to him as "that bumbling rikishi."
  • Dr. Bosconovitch - Kazuya kidnapped him and ordered him to work for him in Tekken 2, including ordering him to remodel Prototype Jack, and create genetically-engineered animal soldiers.
  • Roger & Alex - Kazuya ordered Bosconovitch to create them before Tekken 2.
  • Eddy Gordo - Before Tekken 3, Kazuya had Eddy's parents killed and framed Eddy for their murder.
  • Leo Kliesen - Kazuya is responsible for Leo's mother's death and is Leo's enemy. Leo found out about Emma's previous work with the Mishima Zaibatsu, but is still hunting for details on the exact nature of Kazuya's murder of Emma.
  • Lei Wulong - Lei attempted to arrest Kazuya in Tekken 2, and also in Tekken 6 and Tekken 7. Kazuya was trying to have his work silenced in Tekken 6 and ordered an attack on Interpol HQ by G Corporation.
  • Michelle Chang - Kazuya kidnapped her mother before Tekken 2 in order to gain access to the mysterious pendant Michelle possessed, giving Michelle cause to enter the second tournament. Kazuya also defeated her in Tekken: The Motion Picture (non-canon).
  • Ling Xiaoyu - Xiaoyu does not seem to hate Kazuya, instead, she would like to stop the conflict between Kazuya, Jin, and Heihachi in an attempt to reconcile them. In her Tekken 5 profile, she even recognizes that the current Mishima feuding begun with Heihachi's cruel treatment of Kazuya as a child. She tried to save Kazuya in her (non-canon) Tekken 5 ending. In Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign, Xiaoyu calls Kazuya 'Father' and tells him to stop fighting with Jin so that she and Jin can elope. Xiaoyu is Kazuya's former employee in Tekken: Blood Vengeance (non-canon).
  • Armor King II - In the Scenario Campaign in Tekken 6, Kazuya wants to get revenge on him for helping G Corporation's test subjects escape.
  • Wang Jinrei - Wang disapproves of Kazuya and tried to convince Lee to turn against him prior to Tekken 2. Wang has known both Lee and Kazuya since their childhood. In his Scenario Campaign playthrough, Kazuya shows he's very well acquainted with Wang's habits and actions.[58]
  • Jack-series - The original Jack was sent to the first tournament by the Russian military to stop Kazuya's plans for world domination. Many years later, in Tekken 5, when G Corporation now had control of the robots, the company tried to kill both Kazuya and Heihachi with an army of Jack-4s. When Kazuya then later took control of G Corporation in Tekken 6, he also gained control of the Jack series, and later utilized then to spy on Heihachi in Tekken 7. In Jack-7's ending, there is a letter from Kazuya granting it a small personal allowance that the robot is very excited by.
  • Prototype Jack - Prototype Jack begged Kazuya to let it be upgraded so that it could rival the Jack series in Tekken 2. Kazuya agreed in order to shut it up, and told Dr. Bosconovitch to give the robot upgrades.
  • Nina Williams - Kazuya was her assassination target during Tekken 2. During the tournament, Kazuya managed to capture her and forced her to undergo a cold sleep experiment, where she would then remain frozen for the next 15 years. In Tekken 8, Kazuya recruits Nina as his direct subordinate and grants her title of commander of the G Corporation forces. Also his "partner" in Street Fighter X Tekken (non-canon).
  • Emma Kliesen - One of Kazuya's victims during his takeover of G Corporation. Kazuya sent out orders that key researchers working on the Devil Gene who were no longer needed were to be killed. Emma was included in this number. Leo believes that Kazuya had Emma killed when her research was no longer of use. It is possible however that since Emma was a G Corp executive, that she was among the executives executed for her betrayal of Kazuya.
  • Jane - She helped Kazuya create Jack-6 and Jack-7.
  • Akuma - Kazumi ordered Akuma to kill Kazuya and Heihachi should she fail to do so in Tekken 7. They fought each other twice, their first fight at the Millennium Tower was interrupted by Heihachi. They fought each other again at a volcano in a bonus episode after the final story battle, but the final outcome of the battle (and if it is canon) is unknown, though Kazuya lived afterwards.
  • Lucky Chloe - His employee. She is an idol working to raise G Corporation's public image.
  • Shaheen - Kazuya was responsible for the death of Shaheen's close friend, Salim. In his ending, Shaheen makes a decision to spare Kazuya instead of taking revenge, but when Shaheen sees him transform into his devil form and fly away, he vows to keep pursuing Kazuya.
  • Reina - Reina appears to be familiar with Kazuya in some way, but Kazuya does not know about her existence.
  • Mrs. Chang - Kazuya kidnapped her to ensure Michelle entered the second King of Iron Fist tournament.
  • Salim - Kazuya was involved in his death, and G Corporation took over Salim's oil company.
  • Baek Doo San - He defeated him in the Tekken: The Motion Picture (non-canon).
  • Shin Kamiya - Kazuya hunted him down, until he realized he is just a veteran of the M-CELL experiment in Tekken: Blood Vengeance (non-canon).
  • Ryu and Ken Masters - His rivals in Street Fighter X Tekken, enemies in Namco x Capcom (to Devil Kazuya), and situational allies in Project X Zone 2 (non-canon).



  • Kazuya () is literally "one eight" in English.
    • (one) has numerous readings, one of which, when in a male given name, can be kazu.[59]
    • (eight) can be read as hachi, hatsu, ya, yattsu or .
      • All Mishima given names end with the kanji "八": Jinpachi (仁八), Heihachi (平八).
    • Both the kanji in Kazuya's given name come from his parents' given names and he was likely named after them. 一 (kazu) from Kazumi (一美) and 八 (ya|hachi) from Heihachi (平八).
  • Mishima () is the family name of all Mishimas and means "third island".



  • Kazuya's fighting style is heavily based on Shotokan style of karate.
  • Possibly because of the Devil Gene, Kazuya's left eye glows red. However, it is also possible that Kazuya gained this red eye during the process of being reconstructed by G Corporation, especially since the red eye first appeared in Tekken 4. However, Devil Jin's eyes glow red at times too.
  • Despite fan misconception, Kazuya does not consider Jun Kazama his wife. There has never been any confirmation on his civil status either.[60]
  • In Kazuya's Tekken 4 prologue, it states that his body was recovered by G Corporation days after he was thrown into the volcano. Despite this, however, it likely took at least fifteen years to resurrect Kazuya, since Devil's other half was still attempting to make contact with another Devil Gene host all through this time, and was only able to brand Jin Kazama once his mother went missing when Jin was fifteen. If Kazuya had been successfully resurrected before this time, it is highly likely that Devil would have returned to its original intact host, especially since its primary goal is to reunite its two halves.
  • In Kazuya's Tekken 4 prologue it states that he willingly subjected himself to G Corporation's experimentation. It is possible that some of these experiments maybe have been psychologically traumatic, however, as implied in the Devil Within (Mode) of Tekken 5. Deep in G Corp's underground facilities there are testing chambers of a child's bedroom, populated with clones of Heihachi Mishima.
  • In Tekken 7, the Journalist claims that Kazuya's takeover of G Corporation first involved an explosion at a G Corp lab causing heavy casualties, followed by the deaths of number of G Corp executives in a series of separate incidents. Following this was a possibly separate event of a huge fire in a privately owned G Corp building. The Journalist claims that Kazuya disposed of the "guilty parties" (implying a number of separate parties beyond just G Corp's executives) "without even dirtying his hands".[61] It is known that Bruce Irvin helped Kazuya undertake his revenge against G Corporation, and shortly thereafter was immediately placed in control of a budding military wing that directly answered to Kazuya.[62]
  • In Kazuya's youth (Tekken; Tekken 2) it is stated that he collects sneakers. Harada confirmed that this is still a passion of his even now in his later years.[63]
    • Kazuya's extensive collection of sneakers was depicted for the first time in a Tekken 8 trailer. The walk-in wardrobe filled floor to ceiling with shoes is estimated to contain around 3,540 pairs.
  • Some of Kazuya's techniques are performed by the same motion actor as Jin Kazama, Ryu Narushima (成嶋 竜 Narushima Ryū)[64]
  • In Heihachi's Tekken 2 ending, Kazuya is wearing his purple tuxedo outfit (his extra outfit). However, in the Tekken 4 intro recapping these events, he is shown wearing his gi bottoms instead (1P outfit).
  • Kazuya is playable in every Tekken game with the exception of Tekken 3 as he was believed to be dead, at the time.
  • Kazuya is the only Tekken character that has appeared in all motion pictures based on the game franchise.
  • Kazuya is the character that has been portrayed the most as a live-action character. He has been portrayed by four actors: Ian Anthony Dale, Mark Musashi, Kefi Abrikh, and Kane Kosugi.
  • After his crossover debut as an NPC in his Devil form in Namco x Capcom, Kazuya (with his ability to change into his Devil) finally made his playable debut in Project X Zone 2, paired with his son, Jin.
  • Some of Kazuya's character design may have been inspired by the late Japanese author and writer Yukio Mishima who also shares his family name,[65] though Harada confirmed that no characters were physically modeled on any living people.[66]
  • Kazuya is infamous for laughing maniacally or smirking in many of his endings. An exception is Tekken Tag Tournament, and Tekken 7, though these mannerisms can still be found within Tekken 7's Story Mode itself.


  • His sub-boss is Lee Chaolan.
  • He is Lee Chaolan's sub-boss.
  • He is the only character with a third costume.
  • He has the same voice and grunts as Lee Chaolan.

Tekken 2:

  • He acts as the penultimate boss of Arcade Mode for all characters except himself, Devil, and Angel.
  • Roger and Heihachi Mishima are his sub-bosses.
  • He is still the only character with a third costume.
  • He has the same fighting stance as Baek, Devil, and Angel.
  • To unlock him, the player has to beat Arcade Mode with every default character, then one hidden character.

Tekken Tag Tournament:

  • He can be unlocked by beating the game with seven different characters.
  • Kazuya's sub-boss is Heihachi Mishima. If Heihachi is not available, then it is Jin Kazama.
  • When paired up with Devil, they will morph into each other instead of tagging out.
  • Strangely, Kazuya's Tekken 2 Player 2 costume is not available in this game, unlike other Tekken 2 characters who received both their Player 1 and Player 2 costumes from their previous appearance. Instead, his Player 3 costume from Tekken 2 fills that spot.

Tekken 4:

  • He is the boss of the third level of the Tekken Force mini-game.
  • Kazuya beat Lee Chaolan in this tournament, who was in his alias as Violet at the time.[67]
  • According to his Tekken 5 profile, Kazuya lost his final match against Heihachi in this tournament.
  • In the original 2001 trailer, Kazuya can be seen performing Jin's Double Chamber Punch. Kazuya was not given this move in the final version of the game.[68]

Tekken 5:

  • His sub-bosses are Raven and Heihachi.
  • He is a sub-boss of Eddy, Heihachi, Bruce, and Lee.
  • His five-year-old self appears in Xiaoyu's animated ending before being thrown off a cliff by his father, Heihachi.
  • He also appears in Heihachi's ending where he is bound in chains along with his grandfather, Jinpachi, and his son, Jin, on a rocket.
  • In Tekken 5, Kazuya can be Customized to resemble Devil's appearance in Tekken Tag Tournament by adding the Third Eye, Devil Wings, Devil Horns, and Devil Tail to his 2P costume.

Tekken 6:

  • His opponents in Arena Mode in order are Lars Alexandersson, Heihachi Mishima, Azazel, and Devil Jin.
  • He could arguably be considered one of the antagonists, along with Jin and Azazel, due to the fact that he is one of the two "Evil Stars" alongside Jin and responsible for the unsealing of Azazel.
  • Kazuya has a console-exclusive third outfit which appears to be G Corporation body armor. This outfit was designed by the creators behind the Online Tekken Comic, where it was also seen for the first time.
  • In the Scenario Campaign mode, he is the boss of the second half of the G Corporation, Millennium Tower Heliport and the first half of Azazel's Temple, Central Corridor.
  • During Scenario Campaign mode, Kazuya wears his purple military gear from the arcade and console openings of Tekken 6 where he jumps from a G Corp helicopter. This outfit and color variations of it are also available through customization.
  • In Tekken 6, if one customizes Kazuya with "Neo Sunglasses" and presses u+1+2, he will take off the glasses and attack his opponent using Devil's eye beam. His second Item Move alters Gates of Hell, and if it depletes the opponent's remaining health, Kazuya will place a pistol on his opponent's head at the end of the throw.
  • Kazuya appears in numerous other characters' endings in Tekken 6. He appears in Heihachi's, Kuma's, Lee's, and possibly in Bruce's as a voice over his comms.

Street Fighter X Tekken:

  • Kazuya's Super Art is the "Devil Beam", which shares a name with Jin's Super Art. His Cross Art, however, is his 10 Hit Combo from Tekken 2, with blue lightning coming from his punches along with his Dragon Uppercut.
    • In Tekken 7, his Super Art became his Rage Art but with minor changes as he only hits his opponents twice and briefly transforms into Devil Kazuya to fire a yellow laser before reverting back to normal. The purple miasma coming from his fists is also absent.
  • Kazuya is voiced in English by Jordan Byrne, as his Tekken: Blood Vengeance voice actor, Kyle Hebert, voices Ryu in this game.
  • In the first trailer of this game, Kazuya wears his CEO outfit from the arcade opening of Tekken 6 but the color of his outfit is black instead of white. He also wears this outfit against M. Bison and Jin when they are about to engage in a three-way fight in the fourth and final episode of the cinematic PS Vita trailers.
  • Kuro's moveset was based on Kazuya's, similar to how Toro's moveset was based on Ryu.
  • In Street Fighter X Tekken, both Kazuya and Jin's karate belts hang above the knee, while in the normal games, they are below the knee.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2:

  • His iconic purple suit is available through customization, unlocked by defeating gold-plate enemies in either Arcade Battle or Ghost Battle.
  • He appears in Lars's ending and the last part of Angel's ending wearing his primary outfit.
  • His item move has him repeatedly headbutt the opponent with Stonehead before proceeding to hammer them into the ground with a final headbutt.
  • Kazuya makes a cameo appearance in the short Tekken Tag Tournament movie by Wild Stunts Europe in association with Bandai Namco, where he is depicted by Kefi Abrikh.
  • Kazuya has an alternate costume as Link in the Wii U Edition of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

Tekken Revolution:

  • In the E3 2013 Debut trailer for Tekken Revolution, Kazuya is quoted as saying, "With the power I have obtained, overwhelming and absolute." (俺は手に入れた、圧倒的な力を Ore wa te ni ireta, attō-teki na chikara wo). This was taken from his lines from the Scenario Campaign prologue in Tekken 6.
  • His critical arts are Rising Uppercut, Abolishing Fist, Spinning Demon to Left Hook, and Left Splits Kick. His special art is Kumo Kiri.
  • His DLC costumes are his iconic purple suit (2P costume), his military gear from Tekken 6 (using the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Armored Gear models), and a hakama similar to his father Heihachi's with a tiger design emblazoned on them.

Project X Zone 2:

  • In Project X Zone 2, Kazuya maintains his behavior from the main games. He also shows interest in the other characters' performance such as Estelle's skills in writing a book about parents and children, and monster hunting when they speak to Natsu about the broken curse. Kazuya also recognizes Ryo Hazuki's father who is the master of Hazuki-ryu Ju-Jutsu when he encounters Ryo Hazuki much to his son's confusion. Like Jin, Kazuya is also confused when Segata Sanshiro says how he is a big fan of Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada's games, only for Jin to say how the name somehow sounds familiar.
  • If Kazuya and Jin are paired with the solo unit Axel Stone from Streets of Rage, they have a special win quote where Axel says that Kazuya truly is the "Cold Blooded Leader" people are talking about, which leads to Kazuya questioning how can he know that title as he hasn't been called that "in ages." This is followed by Jin saying that Axel will probably call him "Fatal Lightning" next. These were the titles Kazuya and Jin had on their Tekken Tag Tournament (released in 1999) profiles.
  • Kazuya's theme is a remix of the Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion arcade opening theme.

Tekken 7 and Tekken 7: Fated Retribution:

  • Kazuya is one of the main characters of the Tekken 7 story, along with Heihachi Mishima.
    • This could be considered to be Kazuya's first protagonist role since the original Tekken.
    • Kazuya alongside his Devil form is the main antagonist and final boss of the story mode.
  • Kazuya's new default outfit seems to be inspired by the outfit he is seen wearing in the Tekken Tag Tournament intro, as they are almost exactly the same, even including the grid-like design on the tie. The only major differences between the outfits are that the shirt and tie are a different color and that the coat in the intro does not feature shoulder buttons.
    • It is also somewhat similar to the costume from his Tekken Tag Tournament 2 artwork by Shunya Yamashita.
    • His 2P color theme resembles the color of his iconic purple tuxedo.
    • One of his other default outfits is his purple shirt and grey vest first seen in Tekken: Blood Vengeance.
  • During the opening sequence in his fight with Heihachi, Kazuya glows in a purple miasma instead of his usual blue lightning.
  • Near the end of the opening sequence, Kazuya gains a third eye and hits his father with a yellow laser without fully transforming into Devil. This is also seen in the second battle of The Purpose of Battle, the final chapter of the story mode.
    • Interestingly, this is similar to his son, Jin, in Tekken 6 as the final boss of the Scenario Campaign mode where he shoots a red laser without fully transforming into his devil form. Kazuya has already been shown to have similar abilities to this before, however, since he gained devil abilities without fully transforming when he merged with his devil in his Tekken 4 ending.
    • His third eye was later added as a customization item in the anniversary update of Tekken 7, called "The Evil Eye". The Evil Eye was also a customization item in Tekken 5.
  • His "Wind God Fist" was improved to have the same recovery as the electric variant in this game. As a result, one of his standard combos (f,n,d,d/f+2, f,n,d,d/f+2, b+4, (1,2),4,3, f+3) can be done with neither Wind God Fist being electric.
  • When encountered as a special boss in Treasure Battle as Devil Kazuya, he will receive many new variations to his moves. Some examples are: his hellsweep can now be done twice before allowing him to finish the string with the left hook to Heaven's Door, he regains the ability to follow-up his "Glorious Demon God Fist" with his "Soul Thrust" (which was removed in Tekken 6) as well as performing this string to follow-up the "Abolishing Fist". He has a new, unlisted Rage Drive which is an enhanced "Glorious Demon God Fist" and will re-splat an opponent at the wall while his Rage Art can be canceled to leave the opponent in an unrecoverable stun.
  • Kazuya appears in the Tekken 7 Season 4 trailer with light shining onto him with the words "There's hope in the darkness" written over him. A later shot of him in the trailer also reads "There's always light after every darkness". [69]

Tekken 8:

  • The Devil voice tone, which only appeared in the Tekken Tag 2 Prologue demo and the Super Smash Bros. series, is now properly being included when Kazuya transforms into his Devil form.
  • His special Rage Art KO outro does not occur against Jun.


  • In Astro's Playroom, there is a reference to Kazuya's rivalry with Heihachi, with the Astro Bots even donning their likeness. This was done as a tribute due to Tekken being formerly exclusive to PlayStation.[70]
  • In Square's fighting game, Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring, Ken "Godhand" Mishima is similar to Kazuya in terms of his physical appearance and the fighting style which was inspired by the Mishima Fighters in Tekken.
  • According to Xenosaga Episode I's bonus e-mails, Kazuya is friends with Shion Uzuki, the primary protagonist of the Xenosaga series. Kazuya sends Shion an email advertising Tekken 4 as a sort of Namco universe Easter egg at one point in the first game.
  • Kazuya is a playable character in the mobile game The King of Fighters: All Star.
    • Kazuya's birthday was first revealed in his profile for this game.[71]
  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, eight palette swaps of Kazuya are available. He can be customized in his Tekken 7 player 1, player 2, preset 5, and metallic gold DLC, his Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection player 1 and player 2, and two further colorations of his gi pants, one based on his Tekken player 2, and the other with a black coloration likely based on either his Tekken 4 player 2, or his Tekken 7 preset 3.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, unlike other characters, Kazuya lacks a victory jingle, with the usual announcer being replaced by the Game Announcer from Tekken 7.
  • Kazuya's reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, in which he carries and drops several fighters off a cliff, references the two times he did the same to Heihachi in Tekken and Tekken 7 after defeating him in battle.


Main article: Kazuya Mishima/Gallery


  1. ^ Tekken 8 Kazuya Gameplay Reveal Trailer
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Tekken 2 Official Website Profile. English Translation: Tekken Zaibatsu "Tekken & Tekken 2 Character Profiles".
  3. ^ a b Tekken 7 Official English Website Profile.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Tekken PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.12.
  5. ^ In-game Tekken 8 profile
  6. ^ a b c [https://web.archive.org/web/20110716203331/http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=100103 Tekken Zaibatsu "Tekken & Tekken 2 Character Profiles"
  7. ^ a b c d Jun Kazama's Tekken 8 Official English Website Profile.
  8. ^ a b Tekken 4 PAL Manual, p.18.
  9. ^ See Jun Kazama's Tekken 8 Official Japanese Website Profile, which states that Ogre's attack took place 'seven years ago'. The Tekken 3 story write up states that this attack happened four years prior to the events of Tekken 3.
  10. ^ Katsuhiro Harada @Harada_TEKKEN, Twitter, 4:21 PM Jun 13, 2024. Note that information is not stated in-game and only comes from a database of information provided by series developer Katsuhiro Harada.
  11. ^ Official Tekken Stragegy Guide
  12. ^ a b Tekken 7 Story Mode, Chapter 8
  13. ^ a b c d Tekken 7 Official Japanese Website Profile.
  14. ^ Tekken 6 Scenario campaign prologue. Also found in Ling Xiaoyu's Tekken 5 ending, where Heihachi asks Kazuya if he is scared, and after Kazuya tells him to let him go, Heihachi says internally that Kazuya must have no fear if he is to be his successor.
  15. ^ In the non-canon Tekken: The Motion Picture, this was explained as Kazuya, on the brink of death, making a deal with the Devil in order to survive to solely murder his father. In the NTSC manual of Tekken 2, it was also said that "there is a rumor that Kazuya has made a deal with the Devil".Tekken 2 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.4.
  16. ^ See further: Devil Gene
  17. ^ Such as a brief scene in Ling Xiaoyu's Tekken 5 ending.
  18. ^ See both Lee Chaolan's Tekken profiles, his Tekken 2 version 1 profile, and both of his Tekken 7 profiles. This is also reiterated in Chapter 7 of Tekken 7 Story Mode where the journalist notes that "As a child, Lee had been adopted by Heihachi Mishima, so he Kazuya of G Corp [...]".
  19. ^ Kazuya's Tekken 2 profile.
  20. ^ a b c Tekken 6 Mishima Story.
  21. ^ See Jun Kazama's Tekken 2 profiles.
  22. ^ See Heihachi's Tekken 2 ending, and Tekken 4 opening movie.
  23. ^ Kazuya's Tekken 4 ending.
  24. ^ a b Kazuya's Tekken 4 prologue.
  25. ^ a b Heihachi's Tekken 4 prologue.
  26. ^ See intermediary text in Jin's Tekken 4 playthrough.
  27. ^ Kazuya's Tekken 5 profile.
  28. ^ Tekken 4 Story.
  29. ^ Tekken 5 Story.
  30. ^ Kazuya's Tekken 6 profile.
  31. ^ Lars Alexandersson/Scenario Campaign Dialogues#Cutscene 31: The Truth
  32. ^ Lars Alexandersson/Scenario Campaign Dialogues#Cutscene 27: Bound by Blood
  33. ^ See Kazuya's Tekken 8 profile and Jack's Tekken profile.
  34. ^ Jun Kazama's Tekken 2 profile.
  35. ^ Angel's Tekken 2 profile.
  36. ^ See Shaheen's Tekken 7 profile.
  37. ^ Tekken 7 Story Mode, Chapter 11.
  38. ^ Tekken 7 Story Mode, Chapter 2.
  39. ^ Devil mocks Heihachi's attempt to analyze and replicate the power of the Devil Gene through science, in Kazuya's Tekken 4 ending.
  40. ^ He spends a significant amount of time allowing himself to be experimented on by G Corporation in order to better understand his Devil Gene. It is also noticeable that Kazuya is one of the first ones to work out that Jinpachi Mishima is the sponsor of the 5th Iron fist Tournament. His cool-headedness is also apparent when he temporarily sets aside his vendetta against G Corporation, who have just betrayed him, in order to reason through who is behind the 5th tournament.
  41. ^ Tekken PlayStation PAL Manual, p.8.
  42. ^ Tekken 4 In-Game Prologue.
    Tekken 4 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.28.
  43. ^ Tekken 4 Official Strategy Guide, Prima (2002), p.62.
  44. ^ See Kazuya's Tekken 5 prologue.
  45. ^ Tekken 5 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.39.
  46. ^ Tekken 4 PAL Manual, p.21.
  47. ^ Tekken 5 Official Strategy Guide, Brady Games (2004), p.112.
  48. ^ Tekken 5 In-Game Prologue.
  49. ^ Tekken 6 Official Strategy Guide, Brady Games (2009), p.152; transcribed on Tekken Zaibatsu.
  50. ^ Tekken 6 In-Game Prologue.
  51. ^ Tekken 8 Official English Website Profile.
  52. ^ Tekken 8 Official Japanese Website Profile; Tekken 8 Official US English Website Profile; Closed Alpha Test Character Command List
  53. ^ Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U profile.
  54. ^ https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/kazuya-from-tekken-is-coming-to-smash-bros-ultimate/
  55. ^ This is a common tradition in Japan, and also common in the Mishima family, with Kazuya being named with his parents' kanji.
  56. ^ See Devil's conversation with Heihachi in Kazuya's Tekken 4 ending.
  57. ^ Although in his Scenario Campaign Dialogues, Azazel claims that Kazuya is unknowingly working for him and that this is due to the devil influence over him.
  58. ^ Kazuya Mishima/Scenario Campaign Dialogues#Wang Jinrei
  59. ^ Alternate readings of ichi kana in male given names.
  60. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/305190144057688065
  61. ^ Tekken 7 Story Mode Chapter 2
  62. ^ See Bruce Irvin's Tekken 6 profile.
  63. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1445344038614233091
  64. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/362838926160969729
  65. ^ https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/detail.php?sn=55975
  66. ^ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/420023613404631040
  67. ^ See Lee's Tekken 5 prologue.
  68. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5-bQpztbSk&t=71
  69. ^ Season 4 Announcement Trailer
  70. ^ https://youtu.be/dZQAXtDz9tc?t=278
  71. ^ https://kofallstarx.com/character/kazuya-mishima-all-star/

