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  • This article details Armor King II (TK5:DR - T7).
  • For his older brother (TK - TTT), see Armor King.

Armor King (ć‚¢ćƒ¼ćƒžćƒ¼ćƒ»ć‚­ćƒ³ć‚° Āmā Kingu?) is a title that two characters have taken in the Tekken series. A numerical value is sometimes given to them to separate them as different characters, though each is simply called Armor King in their respective games. The two characters are siblings, with Armor King II being the younger brother of Armor King, who is now deceased. Armor King II first appeared as a playable character in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, and returned for Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. He initially was mentioned only by a cameo reference in Tekken 7, where both he and Craig Marduk are mentioned in King's Character Episode. He later became a playable character, introduced in Season 2 as DLC.


Armor King II's past is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that he and his older brother were a wrestling tag team known collectively as 'Armor King', and both sporting the same outfit.[2] Why his brother decided to keep this a secret from King II while he was training him is unknown.

After the third King of Iron Fist Tournament, the first Armor King was killed by Craig Marduk in a bar brawl in Arizona,[3] leading Armor King II to develop an intense hatred for Marduk. King entered the fourth tournament to avenge his mentor, but after defeating Marduk, chose to forgive him and walk away rather than take revenge. Marduk taunted King by wearing the mask of the deceased Armor King and telling him to meet him in the next tournament via a tv broadcast at a Vale Tudo championship.[4] It seems likely that Armor King also saw this broadcast and the dishonor done to his brother's memory.

Armor King turned up to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 and, after King and Marduk's match, assaulted Marduk in the tournament waiting room whilst the lights were down. He departed as soon as the lights came back on, giving Marduk a chance to glimpse him. Marduk then feared that his attacker was the man he had killed, and sought to find out more information.

Marduk and King entered the sixth tournament, hoping that Armor King would attend.[5] It is unclear if Armor King did however, and he seems to have instead been engaged in helping human test subjects who were fleeing G Corporation.[6] In the possibly canonical joint ending in Tekken 6 between Marduk, Armor King, and King, Armor King reveals that he is the younger brother of the deceased Armor King, and that he will never forgive Marduk for murdering his brother.

Armor King and Marduk ended up coming to blows some time shortly before the announcement of the seventh King of Iron Fist Tournament. They critically injured one another and ended up in hospital. A distressed King feared for them both and entered the tournament to try and pay for their medical bills.[7]

On awaking in the hospital, Marduk immediately sought to kill Armor King. He was stopped by King however, who interceded and asked him to wait until Armor King had recovered and fight him fairly. Marduk agreed, but rather than have just any match, Marduk wrote a letter upping the terms - there would be a fight but if he lost, he would retire from the wrestling world, and if Armor King lost, his mask would be taken from him in disgrace and he would have to surrender the title of Armor King for the rest of his life. Armor King accepted these terms.


Armor King II is an enigmatic figure, revealing little of his personality. It is clear though, that he was very close to his brother and that he harbors an unrelenting thirst for revenge after his murder. He also shows a cold and uncompromising attitude toward others, and shows no fear when faced with danger.


Armor King II is always seen wearing his trademark gray jaguar mask, which has one red eye and one green eye and completely covers his face, leaving his real eye and hair color unknown. While his face has never been revealed, some of his body can be seen through his outfits, revealing him to be dark-skinned.


Main article: Armor King II/Outfits

As his name implies, Armor King II is usually seen wearing armor, made up of spiked gauntlets and pauldrons, boots, and plates on his chest and thighs, worn over black pants. His secondary outfits usually see him fight bare-chested while wearing sweatpants, gloves and sneakers.


Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection[]


Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection Armor King Interludes

The mysterious masked wrestler, Armor King...

Just who is behind the steel armor and black jaguar mask and what do they seek? The answer is veiled in mystery.[8]

Summary of In-Game Events
King II, the student of Armor King, had entered both the fourth and fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament in order to beat Craig Marduk, Armor King's murderer. Marduk lost to King both times, but after the match in the fifth tournament, he and King shared a friendly handshake.

Returning to the waiting room, the lights suddenly went out, and Marduk was attacked by Armor King II. When the lights came back on, Marduk was able to glimpse his attacker and mistook him for the dead Armor King that he had killed.


Tekken 5 DR Armor King Ending

Ending Description
"Armor King" walks away after defeating Jinpachi Mishima, only to cross paths with King II. When King II asks him who he is, "Armor King" responds with a jumping Tombstone Piledriver, before walking into the sunset. When King recovers from the attack, he mentions that he knows the move from somewhere.

Tekken 6[]

Official Strategy Guide
A mysterious wrestler in a black jaguar mask and steel armor who disappeared after suddenly attacking Craig Marduk during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

His true identity remains a mystery...[9]

Armor King, a wrestler in a black jaguar mask and steel armor, continually shrouds himself in mystery.

During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, he suddenly appeared and assaulted Craig Marduk, before disappearing again just as quickly.

No one knows his true identity or what his motives are.[10]

Summary of In-Game Events
Armor King is helping test subjects who have escaped from the laboratories of G Corporation.[11] He is uninterested in responding to the inquiries of Marduk and King, who had entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, hoping to find him there.

At some point however, he and Marduk met and clashed. The two were left hospitalized and critically injured, causing King to fear for them both and enter the seventh tournament in order to pay for their treatment.[12]


Tekken 6 Armor king (Both endings)

Ending Description
"Armor King" is holding a photograph of the two Armor Kings. He stands up and starts to walk away.

In conjunction with King II's and Marduk's endings, King was seen holding a photograph of his dead mentor. When trying to place it back, it slipped and the frame cracked. Behind the photo was another one, shockingly revealing two Armor Kings (the exact same photo the assailant was holding). King stared at it in shock.

The scene shifts to Marduk digging up the first Armor King's grave. He sees the dead body and abruptly stands up, turns around and asks who the fighter was, who stands silently behind him. King arrives at the graveyard last, asking who exactly the fighter is. The man donning the black jaguar mask asserts that he is Armor King and no one else. Marduk deems this foolish, as he killed him with his own hands, plus the fact that he had just seen the body.

The mysterious person then reveals that Armor King is not just one person, and that he is the younger brother of Armor King I, thus making him Armor King II. (A flashback shows the first Armor King walking down a hallway and then stumbling while clutching his chest, confirming that he had a heart condition.) Armor King II then says that he will never forgive Marduk for killing his brother two years ago.

Tekken 7[]


Tekken 7 - Armor King Trailer

Armor King TK7 DLC Trailer.

Official Website Profile (English)
A mysterious wrestler who wears a suit of steel armor and a black jaguar mask. He was presumed to have been killed in a bar fight with Craig Marduk, yet he's returned to fight once again. No one knows his true identity.[13]

Official Website Profile (Japanese)
His fight with Craig Marduk, the man that killed his brother, left them both seriously injured. Upon regaining consciousness, he found a letter on the side of his hospital bed from Marduk, demanding a rematch to finish what had been started.

Marduk stated that, if he lost, he would retire from the fighting scene. But, if Armor King lost, he would have his mask forcibly removed from his face. Confident of his own triumph, Armor King accepted the challenge.[14]

Other Appearances[]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

Armor King II appears as a playable character in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

A mysterious wrestler who wears a suit of steel armor and a black jaguar mask. He was presumed to have been killed in a bar fight with Craig Marduk, yet he's returned to fight once again. No one knows his true identity.[15]


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Armor King Arcade Ending

Ending Description: Armor King is fighting Marduk and King II alongside his partner, Jaycee. Marduk attempts to wear Armor King down by head butting him. He also reverses Armor King's German Suplex. When Marduk is about to do a high five with King, Armor King manages to attack Marduk and knock King out as well. King attempts to attack Armor King, but is knocked down by Jaycee's hurricanrana. Marduk attempts to attack Armor King once again with a cross body drop, but Armor King and Jaycee reverse this into a double neck breaker, knocking out Marduk.

Tekken Revolution[]

Armor King II appears as an unlockable playable character in Tekken Revolution. He was included along with Jun Kazama as part of the Winter Campaign event.


Unlike Armor King I, who acted as a "clone character" of King, Armor King II has his own distinctive moveset. Armor King is a pressure heavy character with an emphasis on inflicting "scare tactics". He has a very solid moveset, with quick mids, good lows, and an above average throwing game. The main charm about Armor King is his crouch dash, using the same inputs as the Mishimas. This allows Armor King to close the distance fairly quickly, and he has a good arsenal of moves out of his dash that includes a special chain throw, an unblockable, and a launcher.

In order to be successful with Armor King, players needs to have a great understanding of Tekken fundamentals, such as spacing, punishing, and movement. Armor King has all the tools to punish almost every mistake, meaning he has to be played in a very particular way depending on the opponent. He is not a beginner friendly character, and rewards those who not only know how to play Armor King, but how to play Tekken in general.

His Rage Art is a contrast to King II's which has him kicking his opponent's gut while he lift and throw his opponent skyward. Armor King II goes for an uppercut on his airborne opponent followed by a Spinning Piledriver.

His Rage Drive has him shoot a mist that acts as an unblockable high. If it hits, it leaves the opponent in a special state where grabs are unbreakable.

Fighting Style[]

Armor King uses Pro Wrestling. Unlike King, his fighting style is more oriented towards the "shoot" style, which has more of an emphasis on strikes as opposed to holds.



Character Relationships[]

  • Armor King I - His older brother and wrestling partner.
  • Craig Marduk - His sworn enemy ever since Craig killed Armor King I.
  • King II - King II considered the first Armor King to be his foster father, he was unaware however of Armor King II's existence. Wary of Armor King attacking Marduk, the two have a more distant relationship, though King does seek to pay for Armor King's medical bills and stopped Marduk from trying to kill Armor King. Armor King in turn seems to have little interest in King, likely because of his friendship with his brother's murderer.
  • Kazuya Mishima - Armor King is working against him in Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign, where he is trying to free G Corporation test subjects.
  • Jaycee - His tag partner in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (non-canon). His rival in CR Tekken 2 (non-canon).
  • Bruce Irvin - His tag partner in CR Tekken 2 (non-canon).



  • The Armor King's are mostly based on the masked wrestler, Black Tiger. The first Armor King was based on British wrestler Mark Rocco's depiction of Black Tiger, and the second was based on the late Mexican wrestler Eddie Guerrero's depiction of Black Tiger. However, their depiction, wearing spiked shoulder pads and spiked wristcuffs, make Armor King I and II look like a combination of Demolition and the Road Warriors.
  • Both King and Armor King resemble Tiger Mask & Tiger the Dark in Tiger Mask W. Just like Armor King, Tiger the Dark would also have a scar on his face. While Armor King has a scar on his eye, Tiger the Dark had a scar between them.
  • Like King, he growls like a jaguar instead of talking.
  • Armor King's throws and holds, along with many of his basic attacks, are adapted from pro wrestling moves.

Tekken 6:

  • Armor King's first item move has him hit his opponent with a spiked bat. Another has him smash them with an empty bottle.
  • Armor King is a boss at the Lost Cemetery during the Scenario Campaign. It is also stated that he released several test subjects and experiments from G Corporation in an attempt to expose Kazuya's true nature.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2:

  • Armor King's item move gives a special K.O. animation when the Muscle Driver is used to finish the opponent, whereupon Armor King's partner arrives to count the pinfall.

Tekken 7:



Main article: Armor King II/Gallery


  1. ^ Katsuhiro Harada @Harada_TEKKEN, Twitter, 4:21 PM Jun 13, 2024. Note that information is not stated in-game and only comes from a database of information provided by series developer Katsuhiro Harada.
  2. ^ See Armor King II's Tekken 6 ending.
  3. ^ See King II's Tekken 4 profiles.
  4. ^ See King II's Tekken 5 profiles.
  5. ^ See King II and Craig Marduk's Tekken 6 profiles.
  6. ^ See Lars Alexandersson/Scenario Campaign Dialogues#Armor King.
  7. ^ See King II's Tekken 7 profiles.
  8. ^ Tekken 5 In-Game Prologue.
  9. ^ Tekken 6 Official Strategy Guide, Brady Games (2009), p.52]; transcribed on Tekken Zaibatsu.
  10. ^ Tekken 6 In-Game Prologue.
  11. ^ See Lars Alexandersson/Scenario Campaign Dialogues#Armor King.
  12. ^ See King II's Tekken 7 profiles.
  13. ^ Tekken 7 Official English Website Profile.
  14. ^ Tekken 7 Official Japanese Website Profile. English Translation: Bandai Namco "Marduk, Armor King and Julia join the TEKKEN 7 roster".
  15. ^ Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U profile.
  16. ^ https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2018/dec/04/armor-king-features-alternate-costume-which-sees-him-become-black-panther-tekken-7/
  17. ^ https://kofallstarx.com/character/armor-king-all-star/
  18. ^ Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - Tekken Series Collaboration Announce

