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Hwoarang (Hangul: 화랑; Hanja: 花郎 Hwarang; Japanese: ファラン Faran) is a character in the Tekken series who first appeared in Tekken 3 and has returned in all subsequent games. He is the Taekwondo student of Baek Doo San, and Jin Kazama's rival.


Hwoarang is a Taekwondo master and the rival of Jin Kazama.[8] Prior to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Hwoarang doubled as a Taekwondo student of Baek Doo San and the leader of a street fraud team who picked fights and used dishonest tactics to increase wagers made against them; they would feign weakness and ineptitude to encourage people to up their bets, only for Hwoarang to step in when sufficient money was on the line and soundly defeat their opponents. One day, Hwoarang encountered some associates of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Among this group was Jin Kazama. Hwoarang talked them into a match, but was unable to defeat Jin; their fight ended in a draw. This was the first time Hwoarang had ever failed to score a victory against an opponent. A short time after Hwoarang and Jin’s fight, Baek Doo San went missing and was believed to have been killed by Ogre. Hwoarang entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 to avenge his master and settle his score with Jin in a rematch.[9] There is no canonical material that states whether or not Hwoarang fought Jin in this tournament.

After the tournament, Hwoarang returned to South Korea, where he was drafted into the military. He was placed in a Special Operations unit and achieved success on various missions despite his penchant for disobeying authority. Hwoarang found army life dissatisfying, however, and deserted to attend the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 when he heard that it had been announced.[10] Before Hwoarang could fight Jin at the tournament, the military caught up with him and he was arrested.[11] While Hwoarang was in custody, he received a letter from Baek Doo San, who, it transpired, had survived Ogre’s attack. In the letter, Baek asked Hwoarang to return to the military to complete his service.[12]

Two months later, Hwoarang finished his military service and traveled to the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5[11] with his master.[12] He was matched against Jin during the tournament, and succeeded in defeating him; however, Jin’s devil form emerged moments after Hwoarang claimed the win, and savagely attacked Hwoarang, almost killing him. Hwoarang fell unconscious and woke up in a hospital bed three days later after receiving critical care. He begged Baek, who had stayed at his bedside, to train him to be even stronger.[13] Baek agreed, and put Hwoarang through his most extreme training yet.[14]

During the events of Tekken 6, Hwoarang led a group of rebel fighters called The Resistance against the Mishima Zaibatsu (with Jin at its helm, the conglomerate had begun instigating and engaging in war across the globe). Lars Alexandersson and Alisa Bosconovitch encountered Hwoarang during this time, and Alisa noted that his personal feelings about Jin Kazama were compromising The Resistance’s fight against the Zaibatsu.[15]

Some time after Hwoarang's encounter with Lars, Jin Kazama vanished. Hwoarang suspected that there was more to Jin’s disappearance than met the eye, and followed a lead to the Middle East, where he encountered Devil Jin. This time, Hwoarang was able to defeat Devil Jin. Forces from the United Nations, who were looking to apprehend Jin, appeared on the scene, and Hwoarang lost sight of Jin in the interference.[16][8]

Hwoarang returned home and resumed training. Unsatisfied with his victory against Devil Jin, he reflected on what it was he really wanted.[17] He would go on to enter the Asia Preliminaries in G Corporation’s King of Iron Fist Tournament 8, where Jin Kazama was also in attendance. Hwoarang reached the semifinals. Following Jin Kazama’s victory against Reina, Hwoarang entered the ring in defiance of the tournament brackets, challenging Jin there and then. They fought, with Jin eventually claiming the win by tapping into his devil powers without fully transforming or losing control. Hwoarang remarked on Jin’s ‘weird-ass abilities’, but noted that they were ultimately just another part of Jin.[18]

Hwoarang traveled to the Coliseum in Italy to spectate the King of Iron Fist Tournament 8's main tournament. Asuka Kazama asked him if he was there to support Jin; Hwoarang denied that he was, telling her instead that he was just there to take down Kazuya Mishima.[19] When a commotion broke out between various factions in the arena, leading to Kazuya assuming his True Devil form,[20] Hwoarang joined a cohort of fighters in combating Kazuya so that Jin could escape.[21] He survived this encounter, and later accompanied Yggdrasil to Yakushima to assist in the fight against G Corporation's forces.[22]


Hwoarang is hot-headed, arrogant, and impulsive. He values his fighting prowess and likes to boast about how easily he can defeat his opponents. He is rebellious and does not like to obey orders from authority figures; he does, however, respect his master, Baek Doo San. By Tekken 8, Hwoarang demonstrates a willingness to cooperate with and fight alongside others for a greater cause, though his outwardly boastful and dismissive attitude largely remains intact in his personal interactions.

Driven by pride, Hwoarang is determined throughout the series to fight his rival, Jin Kazama. Though his rivalry with Jin originated from them fighting to a draw before the events of Tekken 3, costing Hwoarang an impressive win-streak, his behavior in later games suggests that his desire for a rematch goes beyond the need to just prove he is the better fighter. Hwoarang struggles to find satisfaction and meaning in daily life, even when accomplishing impressive feats: in his Tekken 3 ending cutscene, he appears unmoved by his tournament win and goes to throw the trophy he earned away;[23] his Tekken 4 prologue notes the disinterest and emptiness he feels in the military despite his success in missions;[10] and his Tekken 5 ending cutscene again suggests that he is dissatisfied and bored in the wake of a tournament win.[24] In all of these cases, the potential for another fight with Jin stirs Hwoarang from what he otherwise seems to perceive as day-to-day mundanity. Hwoarang additionally finds little satisfaction in fighting Jin when he has lost control to his devil form; even when Hwoarang succeeded in defeating Devil Jin, he felt discontent,[8] suggesting that he may value his rivalry with Jin on a personal level rather than solely because Jin can provide him with a challenging fight.

Although he usually appears arrogant and self-centered, Hwoarang can be perceptive and demonstrate emotional maturity around people he cares about. He recognizes that his master is upset in Baek's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending cutscene and appears concerned for him; to allow his master to save face, Hwoarang loudly announces his late arrival as though he is talking to himself to alert Baek to his presence.[25] In Tekken 8’s story mode, Hwoarang tells Jin that devil is just another part of him,[18] insight which foreshadows Jin’s reconciliation with his devil form during the concluding act of the mode's narrative.


Main article: Hwoarang/Outfits


Tekken 3[]

Manual, NTSC & Manual, PlayStation Classic
Hwoarang entered this tournament after Ogre attacked his mentor Baek, whom Hwoarang respects greatly. He wants to redeem himself by taking revenge against Ogre and defeating Jin Kazama (Hwoarang failed to beat Jin in a previous fight).[2]

Official Strategy Guide
Killing two birds with one stone...A student of Taekwondo who works out at Baek Doo San's dojang, Hwoarang makes a lot of money through dishonest gambling wagers. As part of what's called a fraud team, he and other members pick fights for money. They manipulate the odds by concealing their true strength. Hwoarang escalates the odds against him and makes what appears to be a foolish wager. His opponents soon realize they're the real fools when Hwoarang soundly beats each and every one of them.

One day, members of the Mishima Group came to town, among them Jin Kazama. Hwoarang talks them into his game and is matched against Jin. Hwoarang embarrassingly can only manage a draw. He hangs his head in disbelief at the first blemish in his perfect career. Sickened at the thought of having to tell his teacher, Baek, the bad news, Hwoarang vows to practice every day to guarantee that it would never happen again. Then, terrible news — Ogre claims Baek as yet another victim.

Hwoarang now has a purpose in life. He will participate in the tournament, beat Jin Kazama, and seek revenge against the God of Fighting: Ogre.[9]


Hwoarang ending tekken 3

TK3 Ending

Ending Description
Hwoarang is sitting down at a harbor, holding a gold trophy in the shape of Heihachi's head. He goes to toss it into the water but stops when he notices a wounded Jin being pursued by the Tekken Force. Jin is cornered by the soldiers in an empty warehouse. Hwoarang throws the trophy into the building to cause a distraction, then enters and beats up the Tekken Force. He turns to face Jin, who is on his knees with electricity crackling around him. Jin rises and leaps out of the warehouse, breaking a window in the process. Hwoarang looks down at his hands, then smiles as he stares after Jin.[23]

Tekken 4[]

Manual, NTSC & Prologue
Back in his homeland of Korea, Hwoarang was drafted into the military and assigned to a SpecOps unit. Although his success in various missions was highly regarded, his penchant for disobeying rules and orders gave his senior officers more than a few headaches. Hwoarang felt a strange emptiness within him. He recalled longingly of the days hustling money in street fights, the rush from hand-to-hand combat, and his fight against Jin Kazama. The military could not quell these yearnings.

One day, the announcement of the next Tournament reached Hwoarang's ears. For the first time in years, his blood began to stir. He would defeat Jin, Heihachi Mishima, and anyone else who dared to stand in his way of claiming Mishima Zaibatsu as his own.

Bursting with anticipation, Hwoarang slipped out from the military base and headed for the Tournament.[10]

Manual, PAL
Serving in the Korean army, Hwoarang had been assigned to a special operations division. He chalked up many successful missions thanks to his prowess in Tae Kwon Do and his innate talent for combat. But he wasn't interested in military matters and resisted authority.

During his National Service, Hwoarang began to experience a growing feeling of emptiness. Ironically, army life did little to satisfy his craving for combat and he longed to return to hustling a living as a streetfighter.

When news of the upcoming King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 reached him he realised this could provide another chance to fight Jin Kazama, the first man ever to make him concede a draw. Sneaking out of the army base, Hwoarang set off for the tournament.[26]

Official Strategy Guide
Hwoarang was drafted into the military back in his homeland of Korea and was assigned to a special operations division. Although his successes in various missions were highly regarded, along with his prowess at Tae Kwon Do and combat techniques, his penchent for disobeying rules and orders gave his senior officers more than a few headaches.

Hwoarang was uninterested in military life and felt a strange emptiness within him. He recalled longingly the days of hustling money in street fights and the rush he experienced from hand-to-hand combat. He often thought of one fight in particular, the fight against Jin Kazama. These longings could not be quelled by the military.

One day Hwoarang heard the announcement of the next tournament. Hwoarang's blood stirred. He would defeat Jin, Heihachi Mishima, and anyone else who dared to prevent him from claiming the Mishima Zaibatsu. Filled with excitement he hadn't felt in years. Hwoarang slipped out from the military base and headed for the tournament.[27]

Epilogue Text
Hwoarang won the tournament, and now Mishima Zaibatsu was his to control. But to everyone's surprise, he immediately sold off Mishima Zaibutsu to another company. He then left on another journey--there was one last task he had to finish.

Ending Description


Hwoarang ending tekken 4

TK4 Ending

Hwoarang and Jin meet in a parking lot. "You're finally here," Hwoarang says. Jin asks, shortly, "So, what do you want?" Walking towards Jin, Hwoarang replies, "I never got to fight you at the tournament. I'll take you on right here, right now." Hwoarang stops almost alongside Jin, who responds "There's no reason to fight." Hwoarang does not back down and says, "You ain't got one? Well I do!" An in-game fight is then triggered.

After the player has won the fight, the cutscene continues. Hwoarang and Jin are panting from the exertion of the fight. They are interrupted by a group of armed soldiers from the Korean military. The commander addresses Hwoarang: "Sergeant! Desertion is an offense punishable by court martial! Give yourself up, soldier!" Hwoarang smirks despite being surrounded. Jin interjects with, "Hey..." and begins fighting with the soldiers. Hwoarang joins in, but the two of them retreat when the commander tells his soldiers to fire on them.

Hwoarang and Jin take cover behind a car, where Hwoarang says, "Kazama! Remember, I kicked your ass back there. Hey, you listenin'?! I'll give you the chance to even the score at the next tournament. You better show up!" They exchange smiles. When an artillery shot causes the car they are hiding behind to explode, the military commander calls for his squad to cease fire; however, Hwoarang and Jin have already escaped.

Tekken 5[]


Tekken 5 Hwoarang Interludes

Manual, NTSC
The Korean Army took Hwoarang into custody during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long-awaited fight with Jin Kazama. Two months later, he was finished with his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang is free to pursue a confrontation with Jin Kazama.[28]

Manual, PAL
The Korean Army took Hwoarang into custody during the last round of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, and forced him to return to the armed services where he served a further two months. When his military service came to an end, Hwoarang was free to pursue a confrontation with Jin Kazama and the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 would provide the perfect setting.[29]

Official Strategy Guide
Taekwondo Ace and rival of Jin Kazama, Hwoarang was taken into custody by the South Korean military during the last round of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, keeping him from his long-awaited fight with rival Jin Kazama.

Hwoarang was taken to the Korean embassy, where he was brought before the ambassador.

"You have received an official pardon, granting you immunity from charges related to this incident. Also, we have received urgent military papers addressed to you. Please read them immediately."

After reading the papers, Hwoarang stood up abruptly.

"I can't believe it. Are you sure this is correct?"

Two months later, Hwoarang finished his military service. With nothing holding him back, Hwoarang was free to pursue a confrontation with Jin Kazama.[11]

Hwoarang. Jin Kazama's rival. Near the end of the previous tournament, the Korean Military arrested Hwoarang.

At the Korean embassy, a man claiming to be the ambassador passed him a letter.

"I've received this letter for you from the military. Take a look."

Hwoarang couldn't believe his eyes.

"Get me out of here now," says Hwoarang. Next day, Hwoarang flew to Korea to complete his training. Now done with his military service, Hwoarang is ready to finish Jin Kazama![30]


Tekken 5 - Hwoarang ending - HQ

Epilogue Text
Hwoarang finally defeats his rival, Jin Kazama. What is up next for Hwoarang?

Ending Description
Hwoarang is riding his motorcycle along a highway, driving at a reckless speed and weaving in and out of traffic. "This sucks!" Hwoarang mutters. A moment later, he notices a figure in the road, which the illumination of his headlights reveals to be Devil Jin. Hwoarang performs a powerslide in an attempt to slow his bike down before he collides with Devil Jin, but Devil Jin lifts a hand and uses a telekinetic ability to make Hwoarang's motorcycle explode. Hwoarang is thrown from his bike and has a hard landing on the road. With glowing eyes and fire raging behind him, Devil Jin slowly approaches Hwoarang. From the floor, Hwoarang snarls, "You stupid... Come on!" Despite being injured, he staggers to his feet and assumes a fighting stance. The scene ends with a close up of Hwoarang panting and then smirking, exhilarated.

Tekken 6[]

Official Strategy Guide
Hwoarang succeeded in defeating Jin in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. However, in the next instant, the defeated Jin let out an inhuman roar and Hwoarang was thrown through the air by violent winds. Sprouting black wings, Jin stood before him... looking just like a devil. Extremely outmatched, Hwoarang was prepared for death as he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he was in a hospital bed. After hearing about what happened from Baek Doo San, Hwoarang pushed away the nurse and quickly rushed to his teacher, begging for more training.

After he left the hospital, Hwoarang trained with more vigor than ever before. Intent on defeating his former rival, he left for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.[31]

Hwoarang succeeded in defeating Jin in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. However, in the next instant, the defeated Jin let out a monstrous roar and Hwoarang was tossed through the air by a violent gust of wind. Sprouting black wings, Jin stood before him looking nothing short of a demon. Overwhelmingly outmatched, Hwoarang was prepared to accept his death before slipping into unconsciousness.

When he awoke, he was lying in a hospital bed.

After hearing what had happened from Baek Doo San, who stayed at his bedside, Hwoarang pushed away his nurse and quickly rushed to his teacher, begging for more power.

After leaving the hospital, Hwoarang trained with more vigor than ever. Intent on defeating his former rival, he leaves for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.[13]


Tekken 6 - Hwoarang ending - HD 720p

Ending Description
After defeating Azazel in its chamber, Hwoarang removes a purple orb from the creature's chest and smiles as he observes it. However, the orb begins to transform Hwoarang's physical form, giving him demonic attributes like dark purple skin and fanged teeth. Hwoarang fiercely resists its influence, and has a brief vision of Devil Jin. Hwoarang shouts, "I'm...not like... him!" and throws the orb to the floor. His appearance returns to normal, and he stomps on the orb, shattering it.

Scenario Campaign
Hwoarang and Baek are leaders of The Resistance, a group fighting the Mishima Zaibatsu. They appear to be unaligned with Lars Alexandersson's rebel army despite fighting for the same cause.[15]

Tekken 7[]

Official Website Profile (English)
A young man studying Taekwondo under the guidance of Baek Doo San. While rather short fused, he knows no equal in street fighting. He has immersed himself in training with his master ever since losing a fight to Jin, whom he considers his rival.[32]

Official Website Profile (Japanese)
Hwoarang recognizes one man as his rival: Jin Kazama. Jin had become the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, declared war on the world, and plunged it into war. However, after this, he suddenly disappeared. "That bastard isn’t supposed to go down so easily," Hwoarang thought. Relying on little information, Hwoarang headed to the Middle East in order to find Jin.[33]

Hwoarang sees one man as his rival: Jin Kazama. Jin, CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, declared war against the world, and in the ensuing turmoil vanished suddenly, without a trace. Suspecting there is more to Jin's disappearance than meets the eye, Hwoarang vowed to track him down.

With only a shred of reliable information at hand, he headed to the Middle East. After a series of dead leads, Hwoarang heard word that a demon had appeared in a town. Without a second thought, he got on his motorcycle and hammered down there.

When he arrived, the place had been deserted, save for Jin Kazama in his devil form.[34]


TEKKEN 7 - Hwoarang Ending & Intro (TEKKEN 7 Character Endings)

Ending Description
[35] Jin lies face down on the ground, his devil powers subsiding. Hwoarang appears unsatisfied and frustrated, and yells, "What's the point in beating up a monster like you?" Suddenly, UN soldiers arrive and throw a grenade at them. Hwoarang says, "Dammit!" and grabs Jin, hurling him away from the blast radius. He is caught in the explosion himself and is knocked unconscious.

Hwoarang stirs to see Jin fleeing with the soldiers in hot pursuit. He tries to get up, covering his injured right eye with his hand, but collapses.[16]

Tekken 8[]


TEKKEN 8 - Hwoarang Reveal & Gameplay Trailer

Official Website Profile (English)
A Taekwondo master, Hwoarang has considered Jin Kazama as his rival ever since their first fight ended in a draw. About six months ago, he meets Jin again in the Middle East. The black-winged figure that stood before him was the same that had trounced him in an instant in a previous encounter.

With all the strength he could muster, Hwoarang succeeded in defeating the rampaging Jin. However, due to the intervention of the Union of Nations forces, Jin disappears once again.

"Victory was mine, but..." he said. Hwoarang was left feeling incontent at the unresolved conflict with Jin after returning home, so he threw himself into stoic training in order to find answers.

He quietly looks inward and gradually arrives at the answer — what he wants, and what he must do to achieve it..[17]


Tekken 8 - Hwoarang Character Episode Ending

Character Episode Prologue
The Taekwondo master Hwoarang remained determined to settle the score with his longtime rival, the missing Jin Kazama.

He went to the Middle East in search of Jin, where he found and fought him in his devil form. But UN interference caused Hwoarang to lose sight of him.

He returned home and resumed training, only to hear of the Mishima Zaibatsu announcing the next entry in The King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Jin was still nowhere to be found, but Hwoarang joined the tournament without a hint of hesitation.[8]

"Come on out, Jin Kazama. You can't keep running forever..."

Ending Description
Disappointed to have never encountered Jin in the tournament, Hwoarang speeds down a road on his bike. Jin suddenly appears and accelerates past him. Hwoarang takes chase and rides up alongside Jin, where the two begin trying to fight one another while driving. After a brief exchange, the pair are forced to separate when Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law drive between them, heading in the opposite direction. Though Jin pauses, apparently having recognised them, Hwoarang immediately disregards the distraction to resume their fight.

Summary of In-Game Events
Hwoarang enters the Asia Preliminaries in G Corporation’s King of Iron Fist Tournament 8, where Jin Kazama is also in attendance. Hwoarang reaches the semifinals. Following Jin Kazama’s victory against Reina, Hwoarang enters the ring in defiance of the tournament brackets, challenging Jin there and then. They fight, with Jin eventually claiming the win by tapping into his devil powers without fully transforming or losing control.[18]

Hwoarang travels to the Coliseum in Italy to spectate the King of Iron Fist Tournament 8's main tournament.[19] When a commotion breaks out between various factions in the arena, leading to Kazuya assuming his True Devil form,[20] Hwoarang joins a cohort of fighters in combating Kazuya so that Jin can escape.[21] He survives this encounter, and later accompanies Yggdrasil to Yakushima to assist in the fight against G Corporation's forces.[22]

In the good ending, he is last seen riding his bike in New York.

Other Appearances[]

Tekken Card Challenge[]

Hwoarang is a playable character in the non-canonical game Tekken Card Challenge.

Tekken Tag Tournament[]


Tekken Tag Tournament - Hwoarang Ending

Hwoarang is a playable character in the non-canonical game Tekken Tag Tournament.

Ending Description
Hwoarang taunts Jin Kazama, getting in his face and motioning for Jin to take him on. Jin shrugs and regards him with indifference.[36]

Special Alliance Partners

Street Fighter X Tekken[]

Hwoarang is a playable character in the non-canonical crossover game Street Fighter X Tekken. His tag partner is Steve Fox.

A young man who usually fights with a cool composure, but in reality is a hot-blooded man looking for a good fight. In the past, he was prone to hustling people into street fights, but under the guidance of Baek, he is now fully devoted to his training.[37]

Hwoarang and Steve are fighting at a tournament, only for their fight to be cut short when a battle between Shadaloo and the Mishima Zaibatsu crashes through the arena. Angry at having had their fight interrupted, they team up and 'set off on a quest for revenge'.[38]

Rival Fight
Hwoarang and Steve come across Poison and Hugo, who are arguing about what to eat. Steve attempts to break up the fight by holding Poison back, and calls on Hwoarang to help him. Hwoarang initially refuses to get involved, but reluctantly joins in and deals with Hugo when Steve threatens to tell Baek about his inaction. Poison angrily calls Steve's attention away from Hwoarang, and he realizes his hands are on her chest. Mortified, Steve backs off as Poison's fury intensifies. Hugo shoves Hwoarang away and reconciles with Poison, preparing to fight Hwoarang and Steve alongside her.[39]

Ending Description
Hwoarang taps Pandora and brags to Steve about his power. Steve reminds him that their victory was 'a two-person effort', but Hwoarang brushes off his contributions. Steve asks Hwoarang if he'd be able to handle a new opponent on his own, and Hwoarang responds by saying he could take on a hundred opponents 'without breaking a sweat'. Pandora grants Hwoarang what it understands to be his wish, and Steve and Hwoarang turn to see a hundred Akumas gathered, ready to fight. Steve and Hwoarang look on in horror, and the screen fills with a graphical depiction of Akuma's Raging Demon attack.[40]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]

Hwoarang is a playable character in the non-canonical game Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

A young man studying taekwondo under the guidance of Baek Doo San. While rather short fused, he knows no equal in street fighting. He has immersed himself in training with his master ever since losing a fight to Jin, whom he considers his rival.

"Come at me! I'll take you down!"[41]


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Hwoarang Ending

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Hwoarang's Ending.

Ending Description
Hwoarang waits at a red light on a highway during a motorcycle ride. Jin Kazama pulls up beside him on his own motorcycle. The two acknowledge one another through exchanged looks, and Hwoarang begins revving, ready for a race. As soon as the light in front of them turns green, the two begin tearing down the highway, swerving between cars and trucks. Jin uses a ramp on the back of a truck to make a jump and get ahead of Hwoarang. While Jin is in the air, Hwoarang pushes his own bike to go faster, unknowingly passing Lei Wulong as he does so. Lei immediately apprehends Hwoarang for speeding. At the side of the road, Hwoarang argues with Lei, saying "Wait! It's not what you think!" Jin drives past them at a reasonable speed, making Hwoarang point and splutter, "He's the one--! You gotta believe me!" to which Lei replies, "No lying now!"[42]

Special Alliance Partners

Tekken Revolution[]

Hwoarang was an unlockable character in the now defunct game Tekken Revolution.

Tekken Card Tournament[]

Hwoarang was a playable character in the now defunct game Tekken Card Tournament. His main ability was his focus on being able to morph his cards into stronger ones, or his opponent's cards into weaker or non-ability-based ones often at the cost of morphing his own cards into standard ones with no special abilities. While somewhat tricky to master, this was a common annoyance since it could easily frustrate players with how recurring his ability was at morphing cards that were not drawn yet, especially since it could also morph SR cards.

Tekken: Bloodline[]

Hwoarang appears in the non-canonical animated series Tekken: Bloodline. He initially appears in Jin's training montage, where he is shown fighting with Jin on a street. When the third King of Iron Fist Tournament is called, Hwoarang is among the participants. He briefly squares up to Jin before the journey to the venue, and it is established that he wants a rematch. On the journey, they ride in the same van. Hwoarang sees Jin watching a video of Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi Mishima's fight at the last tournament, and divulges some information that his master told him about the nature of the fight. He is at the same table as Jin during the tournament's opening ceremony.

Following Jin's match against Leroy Smith, wherein Jin broke Leroy's leg, Hwoarang expresses concern and remarks that Jin was unnecessarily heavy-handed in the way he ended the fight. Hwoarang tells him that every fighter has their own reason for entering the tournament, and that they will also not give up so easily.

After claiming victories against Steve Fox and Anna Williams off-screen, Hwoarang faces Jin in the semi-finals. Jin struggles with whether to follow Heihachi or his mother's teachings as he fights, and begins attacking with increasing intensity. Exhilarated, Hwoarang matches Jin and releases a strong barrage of attacks. Despite this, he is defeated by a strong uppercut from Jin. Hwoarang falls to the ground and Jin approaches him, grabbing his dobok and raising a hand as though to finish Hwoarang off. However, Jin chooses to place his hand behind Hwoarang's head and carefully lower him to the ground instead, defying Heihachi. He smiles and tells Hwoarang he will buy the beers. When Jin helps him to his feet, Hwoarang says he wants another rematch.

Hwoarang spectates Jin and Xiaoyu's remaining matches. Following Jin's defeat of King II, Heihachi informs Jin that he will now have to fight against him, which Hwoarang protests, as Jin is exhausted from the previous fight. Jin fights anyway however, and manages to prevail.

Following Ogre's arrival and transformation into True Ogre, Hwoarang, Xiaoyu, and Paul Phoenix attempt to help Jin fight against the creature. Hwoarang and Paul are knocked out when a tail swipe launches them into the arena's rubble. Hwoarang is shocked when Heihachi emerges after the fight and proceeds to shoot Jin with a pistol. When Jin transforms into Devil Jin and begins savagely beating Heihachi, Hwoarang and Xiaoyu call to him. Devil Jin pauses, recognizing them, and then flies off into the night.

The King of Fighters: All Star[]

Hwoarang is a playable guest character in the mobile gacha game The King of Fighters: All Star. There are two variants of Hwoarang in the game, each based on one of his outfits in Tekken 7: 'Hwoarang' depicts him in his Player 1 outfit, whilst 'Hwoarang (Classic)' has him wearing his Default 3 outfit.

Profile Text
A young man studying taekwondo under the guidance of Baek Doo San. He's hot-headed, impulsive, and doesn't know how to lose in a street fight. He's been training hard ever since losing to his rival, Jin. "Come at me! I'll take you down!"[43]


Despite having a flashy and agile moveset, Hwoarang’s speed is quite average. He makes up for it with a powerful arsenal of kicks, and is rivaled only by Baek in terms of damage and range. His kicks are also relatively safe to perform punishment-wise, their only major drawback being their vulnerability to counters.

His punches are best used as quick pokes or as filler during juggles. The raw damage of Hwoarang’s punches is minimal, and they should be only used with good strategic planning.

Hwoarang is one of the most complex characters in the series due to his multiple stance transitions and massive movelist. As a result, he is not very beginner-friendly. Hwoarang specializes in a very aggressive playing style and many of his moves leave him in an advantageous state, even on block. Having poor defensive capabilities, he is best-suited in applying constant pressure to the opponent.

Though he is not a grappler by any means, he does have a large variety of throwing techniques, a total of eleven. Of particular note are a crouching throw, a floor-breaking throw that can also be used from Left Flamingo stance, a throw that is used against airborne enemies, and a throw used from right foot forward stance, which deals unusually high damage for a throw.

One of his largest weaknesses as a rushdown character is his lack of elbow or knee strikes. As a result, he is somewhat weak against characters with Attack Reversals. Hwoarang's full throw game does somewhat mitigate this fact.

His Rage Art works somewhat differently from those of other characters. It can only be used from a Flamingo stance, which makes it slightly slower to activate than the Rage Arts of other characters. On the other hand, it can make it easier to activate in the middle of a combo. His Rage Art is a mid kick with a heavy knockback, making it one of the most difficult-to-punish Rage Arts in the game, as it cannot be punished by blocking or ducking.

Fighting Style[]

As a Taekwondo practitioner, Hwoarang relies heavily on speedy, flexible kicks and, if allowed, he can easily keep his opponent on their toes and unable to retaliate. In terms of technicality, Hwoarang's style of Taekwondo is modern and more akin to the style used by the International Taekwondo Federation, which is considered to be self-defense based, unlike the more popular sports-based World Taekwondo.

True to this, in comparison to Baek, Hwoarang has more aggressive tools that benefit from him rushing into his opponent's face, leading with a barrage of attacks as he comes forward.



Character Relationships[]

  • Baek Doo San - His Taekwondo teacher and master. Baek is the only person whom Hwoarang does not address with his usual cocky and brash attitude, as he respects him greatly.
  • Jin Kazama - Hwoarang's rival since they fought to a draw in events preceding Tekken 3. For some time, Jin veered between seeing no reason for them to fight to acknowledging their rivalry but being unable to indulge it due to more pressing matters.[44] Hwoarang defeated Jin in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, but Jin subsequently transformed into his devil form and nearly killed Hwoarang. Despite this, Hwoarang continued pursuing Jin, attempting to draw his attention via The Resistance in Tekken 6 and tracking him down and defeating his devil form in Tekken 7. In Tekken 8, the two fight in a King of Iron Fist Tournament 8 preliminary; their match serves to awaken desire in Jin that allows him to reactivate his Devil Gene without losing control. Jin is able to win the fight, and Hwoarang expresses to Jin that his devil abilities are just another part of him. Thereafter, he fights for Jin's side against Kazuya Mishima. In the non-canonical Tekken: Bloodline animated series, Hwoarang and Jin have an amiable relationship alongside their rivalry, though they vehemently deny that they are friends when they are asked outright.
  • Eddy Gordo - His enemy in Tekken 6. As captain of Tekken Force, Eddy is aware that Hwoarang leads The Resistance.[45]
  • Ogre - Hwoarang entered the third tournament to get revenge on Ogre for its attack on Baek.
  • Miguel Caballero Rojo - Hwoarang's ally in The Resistance in Tekken 6's Scenario Campaign mode.
  • Steve Fox - The two share a unique dialogue in Tekken 8, in which they appear to be friendly rivals. Hwoarang and Steve fought one another in Tekken 5's intro. Steve is also Hwoarang's partner in the non-canonical Street Fighter X Tekken.
  • Ling Xiaoyu - Hwoarang has a unique dialogue with Xiaoyu in her Tekken 8 Character Episode. In the non-canonical Tekken: Bloodline animated series, Hwoarang and Xiaoyu are friends.
  • Asuka Kazama - Hwoarang and Asuka converse briefly at the Coliseum of Fate in Tekken 8's story mode. Hwoarang is aware that Asuka is related to Jin.
  • Emilie de Rochefort - Hwoarang sits with Lili and Asuka at the Coliseum of Fate in Tekken 8's story mode.


  • Hwoarang's name is derived from hwarang, a group of young, beautiful nobles who were trained in Buddhist values and elite combat in Silla, an ancient Korean kingdom. While the literal translation of hwarang is "Flower Boy", it is also translated as "Flower of Youth". The name 'hwarang' has had subsequent importance in South Korea, being used in the military and elsewhere in society to connote grace and physical strength.[46]



  • During the Tekken 3 era, Hwoarang was known to some players by the pseudonym 'BoB' (not to be confused with Robert 'Bob' Richards, the character introduced in Tekken 6), allegedly because western gamers had difficulty in writing his name correctly. It is also possible that the pseudonym was derived from pre-release Tekken 3 art by Namco where he is seen on a motorcycle; as no name was available at the time, he became known simply as Boy on Bike.
  • Hwoarang, Jin, and Steve are the same age, and are the youngest human male characters in the current roster.
  • Hwoarang can be seen practicing Hwa-Rang Tul of I.T.F. Taekwondo in Tekken 3's demonstration video[47]. Many of his win animations in the series are taken from various tul from the I.T.F. Taekwondo style.
  • Hwoarang's movements are motion-captured. His motion capture actor was Hwang Su Il, anI.T.F. 7th Dan Black Belt and lightweight champion of Japan.
  • Harada has stated that 'Hwoarang' is a street name.[48] Hwoarang's given name and family name are unknown.
  • Hwoarang has the most win animations in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and Tekken 6, with a total of ten win animations in each game. One of his win animations in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection only appears when his defeated opponent is Jinpachi Mishima.
  • Hwoarang is the only character to win an official tournament match against Jin Kazama.[13]
  • So far, all of Hwoarang's prologues and epilogues feature Jin Kazama. In Tekken 5, Tekken 6, and Tekken 7, Hwoarang's endings feature Devil Jin.
  • Yun-Seong from the Soul Calibur series has some of Hwoarang's kicking moves. Additionally, several more of his attacks, such as Backlash, are available in custom character movelists in Soul Calibur 3.
  • Hwoarang has featured in all of Baek Doo San's endings from Tekken Tag Tournament onwards.
  • In Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag Tournament, Hwoarang's taekwondo belt contained four tags, indicating he was 4th Dan, but from Tekken 4 to Tekken 7, his belt is instead customized to have his own name, and shows only two tags, meaning he had been demoted to 2nd Dan. In Tekken 8, he now has 8 tags, showing that he had been promoted to 8th dan.
  • Hwoarang's military storyline in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 has its basis in the mandatory military service that has existed in South Korea since the Korean War.
  • Hwoarang shares some similarities with fellow Tekken mainstay Paul Phoenix:
    • Both are bikers.
    • Both consider a member of the Mishima Clan to be their rival (Kazuya for Paul, Jin for Hwoarang).
    • Both are hot-headed and arrogant individuals.
    • Both wear Player 2 outfits with biker motifs.
    • Both have an ending wherein they are caught by a traffic patrol for speeding (see Paul's Tekken 3 ending and Hwoarang's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending).
  • Hwoarang shares a few similarities with Street Fighter character Juri Han:
    • Both originate from South Korea.
    • Both are practitioners of Taekwondo.
    • Both are into motorcycles.
    • Both have primary outfits in one game that involves an eyepatch, which would be omitted in the next game. The only differences are the eyes that were damaged, and the reason as to why it was damaged.

Tekken 3:

  • Hwoarang's bosses in the Tekken Force side game are (in order of appearance): Eddy Gordo, Forest Law, Jin Kazama, and Heihachi Mishima.
  • In the "Tekken 3 Symphony Orchestra" calendar by Namco, Hwoarang is seen rollerblading while wearing formal black clothes and carrying a cello in its case.
  • A render of Hwoarang in his Player 2 outfit can be seen on the cardback of an action figure that was available in Namco arcades in Japan around the time of Tekken 3's release.[49] This render is not present in the game itself; it is possible that it was an early pass at a Character Select portrait for Hwoarang.

Tekken Tag Tournament:

  • Hwoarang's Stage 7 sub-boss is Ogre. If Ogre is not yet unlocked, then it is Jin. If neither Ogre nor Jin are available, then it is Baek.
  • If Baek performs his tag throw with Hwoarang, but the first part of the throw is all that is required to knock the opponent out, a glitch occurs; despite Hwoarang failing to tag in, the opponent's body will animate as if Hwoarang is performing his part of the throw in the knockout screen. This glitch is present in both the arcade and PlayStation 2 versions of the game.[50]

Tekken 4:

  • This is the only game where Hwoarang’s Player 2 outfit reflects a theme that differs from his usual biker/street style (it is also notable for being his only default outfit where he has short hair). Additionally, his Player 1 dobok has a markedly different design to his dobok in all other games: the bordering on his clothing is blue rather than black; he wears a v-neck vest rather than a long-sleeved jacket; and he wears black shoes rather than footguards.
  • In his ending, Hwoarang speaks English when he confronts Jin for a fight, with Jin responding in English as well. This is the only time that either character speaks English in a canonical game.
  • In the arcade and Asian console versions, Hwoarang speaks either Japanese or English in his intro and win quotes.[51] In the western localizations, he speaks Korean instead, albeit without matching lip-sync.
  • He and Lei Wulong have recorded voice lines, some of which are unused, in both Japanese and English in the arcade version.[52]
  • A render of Hwoarang in his Player 2 outfit can be seen on the outer box of an official Hwoarang action figure released by Epoch.[53] This render is not present in the game itself; it is possible that it was an early pass at a Character Select portrait for Hwoarang.

Tekken 5 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection:

  • In the Tekken 5's opening cutscene, Steve Fox and Hwoarang can be seen fighting one another. They later appeared as partners in Street Fighter X Tekken, and also received a special tag throw in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
  • The Heihachi trophy that was seen in Hwoarang's Tekken 3 ending is available as one of his customization items in Tekken 5.
  • Hwoarang's sub-bosses are Baek Doo San and Jin Kazama.
  • Hwoarang is one of the few characters in Tekken 5 that does not fight Devil Jin in the eighth battle of Story Mode.
  • In the trailer for Tekken 5, Hwoarang has an extra unused grunt that is not present in the released version of the game.[54]

Tekken 6 and Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion:

  • In the non-canonical Tekken 6 E3 2006 Trailer, Hwoarang fights Devil Jin alongside Lili.[55]
  • Hwoarang's name is pronounced incorrectly as "How-rang" rather than "Hwa-rahng" by the character select announcer.
  • Hwoarang's "Item Move" feature is a soccer ball which Hwoarang kicks at his opponent. Another has him hitting the opponent with a baseball bat. The baseball bat later became a generic item move in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
    • If Hwoarang uses his baseball bat item move on Alisa, rather than being swatted away, she collapses and her head flies off.
  • In the Tekken 6's Scenario Campaign mode, Hwoarang is a boss at the Industrial Highway 357 stage and is fought at Urban War Zone.
  • In Scenario Campaign, Hwoarang does not have any dialogues with fellow Resistance members Baek and Miguel.
  • Hwoarang's Stage 1 and Stage 2 opponents in Scenario Campaign's "Arena" mode are Steve Fox and Baek Doo San.
  • In one of his win animations, Hwoarang can be seen performing the first three moves from the Won-Hyo tul.
  • Hwoarang's picture is used for the trophy/achievement "Locate the Target".

Street Fighter X Tekken:

  • Hwoarang's name is pronounced incorrectly as "How-wrong" rather than "Hwa-rahng" by the character select announcer.
  • Hwoarang's Super Art is the "Heel Explosion Combo", consisting of a short string of heel kicks and a dramatic midair heel drop finish.
  • Hwoarang does not speak Korean in this game; instead, he can be set to speak either English or Japanese by the player.
  • Hwoarang is one of only three Tekken characters to appear in their Player 2 outfit instead of their Player 1 outfit. The other two are Asuka and Lili.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2:

  • Hwoarang has special tag throws with Baek, Steve, and Jin.
    • In his throw with Baek, Hwoarang performs a Human Cannonball to push his opponent to his master; Baek performs a short string of kicks on the opponent, and both characters deliver a synchronized kick to end the throw. An identical version of this move can be initiated with Baek as the lead character.
    • In his throw with Steve, Hwoarang performs a Human Cannonball to push his opponent to Steve, who delivers a jab. The throw ends with Steve and Hwoarang delivering a synchronized Hellfire and Sky Rocket, respectively, to the opponent.
    • Jin initiates with Shun Ren Dan, but partway through Jin's string, Hwoarang rushes in and delivers two kicks to the opponent. The throw ends with Jin and Hwoarang performing a synchronized kick on the opponent.
  • Hwoarang has two special win poses with Baek Doo San. If Hwoarang is the character to land the knockout, he walks back towards his master, at first appearing casual but quickly standing to attention when he notices Baek. If Baek is the character to land the knockout, he will walk back to Hwoarang, who bows respectfully.
  • Hwoarang has two special win poses with Jin. If Hwoarang is the character to land the knockout, he walks back to Jin and assumes a fighting stance, motioning for Jin to take him on; however, Jin walks right past him. If Jin is the character to land the knockout, he walks back to Hwoarang, who assumes a fighting stance; rather than engage, Jin stares at him blankly.
  • Hwoarang has two special win poses with Devil Jin. If Hwoarang is the character to land the knockout, he walks back to Devil Jin and cracks his knuckles, smirking, as if preparing for a fight. If Devil Jin is the character to land the knockout, Hwoarang lunges to punch Devil Jin as he returns to him; Devil Jin evades this by flying away.
  • His Taekwondo uniform is incorrectly named "Karate uniform" in the customization mode.
  • Hwoarang's item move replaces his Falcon Dice Kick if the opponent's health is low enough for the item move to knock them out. Instead of the standard throw, Hwoarang will launch a barrage of kicks before sending the opponent flying with a Talon Sky Rocket.
  • Hwoarang is portrayed by Daren Nop in the Short Live Action Movie.
  • The conclusion of his ending cutscene is similar to Paul Phoenix's Tekken 3 ending, in that they are both caught by a traffic patrol for speeding.
  • Hwoarang's partners in Ghost Battle (in order from lowest to highest rank) are Violet, Miguel, Steve Fox, Anna Williams and Baek Doo San.

Tekken 7 and Tekken 7: Fated Retribution:

  • After Hwoarang defeats Devil Jin in his Character Episode, the English subtitles in the ensuing cutscene read: "What's the point in beating up a monster like you?"[16] However the Korean (괴물 상태인 너한테 이겨봤자 의미 없다고) better translates to: "It's meaningless to win against you if you're in a monster state!" implying not that Hwoarang considers Jin to be a monster, but that Jin's devil form is not truly Jin, so beating him whilst he is Devil Jin holds no meaning for Hwoarang.
  • One of Hwoarang's customization costumes is Baek's suit.[56]
  • Hwoarang must be in his Flamingo stance in order to execute his Rage Art. It is safe on block as a result.
  • In the initial release of Fated Retribution, Hwoarang was the only character to have more than one Rage Drive. Other characters with multiple Rage Drives emerged in later seasons.
    • His first Rage Drive is an i12 frame unseeable low followed by a fast toe kick. The move ends with a right-leg version of Flying Nerichagi. It is primarily used as a wall combo ender or pressure. If the last hit is not delayed, it is not possible to interrupt the move.
    • His second Rage Drive is based on the Ogres' Twin Hell Axle, and gives a second screw. On certain stages, wall to wall combos are possible. It is primarily used when breaking all four breakable walls in the Howard Estate stage. It is impossible to duck the move.
  • Hwoarang, King, Bryan, and Steve are the only characters who are not wearing their new main outfits in their Character Episodes.
  • His item move involves him summoning a mini biker to crash into the opponent.
  • Given the series of events in The Mishima Saga story mode, it can be extrapolated that Hwoarang's Character Episode cutscene takes place after Jin escapes UN custody and before Lars Alexandersson arrives to rescue Jin. Additionally, the damage Hwoarang sustains to his right eye during this cutscene is reflected in his Player 1 Fatal Retribution outfit.

Tekken 8

  • His new Rage Art, Sky Burial is a modified version of his Heel Explosion Combo Super Art in Street Fighter X Tekken.
  • Hwoarang's new outfit in Tekken 8 is reminiscent of his outfit from Tekken 4 with changes that denote a progression in his rank since the fourth tournament. Most notably, Hwoarang gains multiple new tags on his belt.
  • Hwoarang can be customized to wear Jin's Player 1 outfit from this game.
  • One of Hwoarang's intro animations shows him sliding to a stop sideways on his motorcycle, a reference to the 1988 animated film Akira. This motion is commonly referred to as the "Akira Slide".
  • Hwoarang has a special intro with Jin Kazama and Steve Fox, as well as special intro dialogue with Devil Jin and Ling Xiaoyu. Hwoarang's Rage Art dialogue also changes against Jin.
    • Jin tells Hwoarang to 'come at [him] with everything he's got'; Hwoarang smirks in response, and then they rush in and collide with a kick.
    • Hwoarang steps up to Steve, claiming that he will not lose in terms of landing punches. Steve responds to Hwoarang's boast by stating he wouldn't lose at running his mouth. The pair then attack each other before the round begins.
    • Against Devil Jin, Hwoarang remarks that Jin has been taken over by his devil powers again. Devil Jin does not have a special dialogue in return, and there are no unique animations that accompany this interaction.
    • Against Xiaoyu, Hwoarang brings up how she is also looking for Jin, while Xiaoyu remarks that she will not lose until both of them find him.
  • Hwoarang appears in Bryan Fury's Character Episode ending cinematic.
  • Hwoarang's ending may have taken place before Paul Phoenix's ending, thus making them connected, since both endings take place in the same highway and Marshall was still asleep when he and Paul appeared. Additionally, before meeting Jin, Hwoarang passes by the same van which Paul and Marshall avoided with all tires stable.


  • Though Hwoarang is not a significant character in Tekken: The Motion Picture, his picture can be seen near the beginning of the movie alongside some other fighters' pictures.
  • Hwoarang's rivals in Tekken Card Challenge are Jin Kazama, Forest Law, and Heihachi Mishima.
  • In Tekken: Blood Vengeance, Hwoarang's dossier is briefly seen when Anna Williams opens a file containing dossiers of other fighters.
  • A character named "Iron Surfer", played by Stephen Fung, in the Hong Kong Martial Arts movie "The Avenging Fist" bears a strong resemblance to Hwoarang, and the movie itself is known for its many allusions to Tekken. The character resembles Hwoarang in both looks and fighting style.
  • Hwoarang is a playable character in the mobile game The King of Fighters: All Star.


Main article: Hwoarang/Gallery


  1. ^ Tekken 8 Hwoarang Gameplay Reveal Trailer
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Tekken 3 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p20.; Tekken 3 Playstation Classic Manual, p.14.
  3. ^ a b In-game Tekken 8 profile
  4. ^ See Jun Kazama's Tekken 8 Official Japanese Website Profile, which states that Ogre's attack took place 'seven years ago'. The Tekken 3 story write up states that this attack happened four years prior to the events of Tekken 3.
  5. ^ Katsuhiro Harada @Harada_TEKKEN, Twitter, 4:21 PM Jun 13, 2024. Note that information is not stated in-game and only comes from a database of information provided by series developer Katsuhiro Harada.
  6. ^ Tekken 3 Official Japanese Website Profile.
  7. ^ Toshiyuki Morikawa profile
  8. ^ a b c d Hwoarang's Tekken 8 Character Episode.
  9. ^ a b Tekken 3 Official Strategy Guide. Prima (1998), p32.
  10. ^ a b c 'Tekken 4 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.36; Tekken 4 In-Game Prologue.
  11. ^ a b c Tekken 5 Official Strategy Guide, Brady Games (2004), p.86.
  12. ^ a b Baek's Tekken 5 Prologue (English)
  13. ^ a b c Tekken 6 In-Game Prologue.
  14. ^ Baek Doo San's Tekken 6 prologue.
  15. ^ a b Lars Alexandersson's Scenario Campaign dialogues.
  16. ^ a b c Hwoarang's Tekken 7 Character Episode.
  17. ^ a b Tekken 8 Official EU English Website Profile; Tekken 8 Official US English Website Profile.
  18. ^ a b c Tekken 8: The Dark Awakens Story Mode, Chapter 3: A Ghost From The Past.
  19. ^ a b Tekken 8: The Dark Awakens Story Mode, Chapter 5: A Fate Decided By Fists.
  20. ^ a b Tekken 8: The Dark Awakens Story Mode, Chapter 6: The Devil Progenitor.
  21. ^ a b Tekken 8: The Dark Awakens Story Mode, Chapter 7: Despair.
  22. ^ a b Tekken 8: The Dark Awakens Story Mode, Chapter 10: All-Out Assault.
  23. ^ a b Hwoarang's Tekken 3 ending cutscene.
  24. ^ Hwoarang's Tekken 5 ending cutscene.
  25. ^ Baek Doo San's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending cutscene.
  26. ^ Tekken 4 PAL Manual, p.22.
  27. ^ Tekken 4 Official Strategy Guide, Prima (2002), p..
  28. ^ Tekken 5 PlayStation NTSC Manual, p.40.
  29. ^ Tekken 5 PlayStation PAL Manual, p.22.
  30. ^ Tekken 5 In-Game Prologue.
  31. ^ Tekken 6 Official Strategy Guide, Brady Games (2009), p.126; transcribed on Tekken Zaibatsu.
  32. ^ Tekken 7 Official English Website Profile.
  33. ^ Official Japanese Website Profile.
  34. ^ Tekken 7 Character Prologue.
  35. ^ This ending was confirmed as canonical in Hwoarang's Tekken 8 profile.
  36. ^ Hwoarang's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending.
  37. ^ Hwoarang's Street Fighter X Tekken Official Website profile.
  38. ^ Steve and Hwoarang's Street Fighter X Tekken prologue.
  39. ^ Steve and Hwoarang's Street Fighter X Tekken Rival Fight cutscene.
  40. ^ Steve and Hwoarang's Street Fighter X Tekken ending cutscene.
  41. ^ Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U profile.
  42. ^ Hwoarang's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending cutscene.
  43. ^ The King of Fighters: All Star Hwoarang profile
  44. ^ Jin Kazama's Tekken 5 interludes.
  45. ^ Eddy Gordo's Scenario Campaign dialogues.
  46. ^ The Flower Boys of Silla, Richard Rutt, 1961, p.8.
  47. ^ Hwoarang Tekken 3 demonstration video
  48. ^ Harada_TEKKEN Tweet, Dec 17, 2020, 7:57am.
  49. ^ Namco Tekken 3 action figure cardback
  50. ^ TAS Tekken Tag Tournament - Baek / Hwoarang, YouTube.
  51. ^ TAS Tekken 4 - Hwoarang, YouTube
  52. ^ Tekken 4 - Character Voice Samples (Namco System 246 Ver.)
  53. ^ Epoch Tekken 4 Hwoarang figure box art
  54. ^ Tekken 5 Beta Trailer and Gameplay Rare Harada Interview TGS 2004, YouTube.
  55. ^ Tekken 6 E3 2006 Trailer
  56. ^ Tekken 7 Character Outfits

