Backpack Hero

Backpack Hero

Mo' Potions
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Update: Sep 17, 2023 @ 1:59pm

Added Archangel Potion, Gem Residue, Ingredient Flask and Skeleton Fluid.
Hercuri changed to grant at least 1 HP.
Hercuri changed to grant at least 1 Freeze.

Update: Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:28am

Caustic Potion recolored with red hue shift, saturation and darkening.
Mutadone Tube rarity increased to Uncommon.
Mutadone Tube given additional functionality to destroy all Hazards and Curses in Backpack.
Mutadone Tube granted Alternate Use that causes the same effects as regular use, allowing non-combat use.

Update: Sep 11, 2023 @ 11:34am

Added Rezadone Bottle, Pure Mannitol, Potassium Iodide, Ephedrine Bottle, Mutadone Tube, Leporazine Bottle, Phlogiston Phial, Napalm Dropper, Flash Powder, Sonic Powder, Liquid Dark Matter, Sorium Bottle, Teslium Jar and Carpet Potion alongside Carpet variants.

Update: Sep 10, 2023 @ 8:33pm

Uploaded with 27 potions and 1 structure.