

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
Alderaan mountains

The snow-capped mountains of Alderaan

A mountain was a mass of land that stood significantly above its surroundings. A diverse range of terrestrial planets throughout the galaxy and known universe featured mountains, including Asmeru,[1] Carida,[2] Moraband,[3] Serenno,[4] Ryloth,[5] Geonosis,[6] Oba Diah,[7] Oosalon,[8] and Lothal;[9] they also existed on the extragalactic world of Peridea,[10] and in the ethereal realm of Mortis.[11] Those of Alderaan,[12] Vandor,[13] and Scipio were capped with snow,[14] and Coruscant's only uncovered mountain peak was located in Monument Plaza.[15] A mountain from which lava emerged was referred to as a volcano.[16]

Bad Batch Finale Planet

Mount Tantiss on Wayland served as a secret base for the Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division.

Mountains could be inhabited, as is the case with both the Galactic Empire's base at Mount Tantiss, carved from a mountain on the planet Wayland,[17] and the mountains on the planet Dathomir, in which operated a witch clan.[18] A range of blue mountains on Vagadarr Prime were both inhabited by warring tribes and themselves giants made of living stone.[19] A mountain on the desolate planet Skara Nal entombed an ancient superweapon kept inert via an artifact known in pirate legend as the Heart of the Mountain.[20]

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