Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
If you were looking for the article about the Italian DVD, then see Squidward's Day Off.

"Squid's Day Off" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 2. In this episode, Squidward secretly tries to take the day off.



As the episode begins, Squidward laments having to work at the Krusty Krab on a Sunday, a day where the restaurant is utterly devoid of customers. His nerves are further frayed by SpongeBob continually testing the service bell. Squidward reminds SpongeBob that he will ring the bell to call in orders, of which there will be none because there are no customers. His frustrated pounding of the cash register causes it to burst open and several coins spill out. Mr. Krabs hears the noise and comes storming out of his office.

Squidward attempts to pick the coins up, but Mr. Krabs shoves him out of the way and hurriedly scoops them up to wash under the tap. However, SpongeBob comes up, startling Krabs, and a dime drops down the drain. Mr. Krabs quickly sticks his claw in the pipe to catch the dime and grabs hold of it, but his claw gets stuck. Refusing to relinquish the dime, he has SpongeBob assist him in pulling it out. After yanking too hard, Mr. Krabs is detached from his arms, flies backward, and slams against the wall. The impact knocks a shelf lose, causing several items to fall onto his head, knocking him unconscious.

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The Krusty Krab on fire.

As Mr. Krabs is being taken away to the hospital, he leaves Squidward in charge of the restaurant. Squidward seizes the opportunity to take the day off, with the excuse of running a few "very important boss-like errands," and leaves SpongeBob in charge of both the grill and the cash register, giving his employee hat to him. As he happily walks home, his mind turns to SpongeBob, imagining him foolishly giving Patrick enough cash to bankrupt the establishment as change for a quarter. This sudden fear causes Squidward to hurry back to the Krusty Krab. After witnessing SpongeBob's impeccable ability to make precise change, Squidward resumes his "errands."

Returning home with the intent to relax, Squidward next envisions SpongeBob accidentally setting the Krusty Krab on fire. He rushes towards the restaurant, realizes the scenario he has thought up is absurd and walks back home. By sheer coincidence, however, a fire truck passes by, making Squidward think the Krusty Krab is actually on fire. Upon rushing back with a fire extinguisher, he finds things quite un-charred and everything in fine shape with SpongeBob eagerly awaiting the completion of Squidward's errands. Squidward goes home once more, vowing he will not return to the Krusty Krab, but visions of SpongeBob's increasingly destructive behavior send him back again and again, each time finding the Krusty Krab unchanged from his previous frantic visit, and being asked each time by SpongeBob if he has completed his errands.

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Squidward has gone crazy.

On the brink of insanity, Squidward finally resorts to welding his own door shut so he cannot get out. While attempting to relax with a bath, Squidward thinks he hears SpongeBob's laugh outside, but sees it is merely a branch of coral scratching against his house. He thinks that he sees SpongeBob behind the shower curtain, but it is just his toilet with two toilet paper rolls on top. Then, he hallucinates SpongeBob in the bath asking him if he is finished with the errands yet, then escapes down the drain. In a feat of hysterical strength, Squidward bursts out of his welded door, naked apart from a mass of bubbles. While dashing toward the Krusty Krab attempting to beat SpongeBob there, he passes Sadie, her son, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs, just as the latter left the hospital recovered. The sight of Squidward running without either his clothing or his sanity causes Mr. Krabs' arms to come loose again.

By the time Squidward derangedly bursts into the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob is "already" there — as he never left. Squidward slowly winds down and regains his sanity, relenting that his errands are finally complete, just in time for the last of his bubbles to pop. SpongeBob lends Squidward his pants and notices that in all this time, nobody came to the Krusty Krab because they never switched the "Closed" sign to "Open" and that they very easily could have taken the whole day off. As SpongeBob laughs at this, Squidward's nose falls off and his head slowly deflates, thus ending the episode.




 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Surfin Summer Girls [#28] - Ian Henry Marsh, Phil Pickett [Title card]
  Enchanted [#68.02] - Gregor F. Narholz [Opening]
  Grass Skirt Chase - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield ["That sounds like me money dropping."]
  Shock (F) - Dave Hewson [Dime falls down drain]
  Flight In Panic 1 - Gregor F. Narholz ["It's stuck!"]
  Shock (U) - Dave Hewson ["Me arms!"]
  Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill [Krabs puts Squidward in charge]
  Hilo Rag - Guy Fletcher [Squidward gives SpongeBob a promotion]
  Heavenly Voices (A) - David Farnon ["The cash register..."]
  Orchestral Flourish 6 [#39.02] - Gregor F. Narholz ["I can't believe this is really happening."]
  The Drunken Sailor - Brian Peters [Played backwards during Squidward's daydream]
  Lovely Scenery C - Mladen Franko ["I forgot to tell him how to make change!"]
  The Rake Hornpipe - Robert Alexander White [Change for a dollar]
  Aloha - Dick Stephen Walter [Squidward sunbathing]
  On Fire - Gregor F. Narholz [Squidward imagines SpongeBob setting the Krusty Krab on fire/Squidward runs to the Krusty Krab]
  The Tip Top Polka/The Cliff Polka - Chelmsford Folk Band ["May I help you, sir?"]
  Hawaiian Link (A) - Richard Myhill [Exterior of Squidward's house]
  Vibe & Harp Hits - Nicolas Carr ["I will destroy the Krusty Krab!"]
  Tales From The Swamp (A) - Ron Goodwin [Squidward throws mirror against wall]
  El Dementia - The Surfdusters [Squidward running back and forth]
  Shock - Cornelus Joh Bolten [Squidward locking his front door]
  Dangerous B - Mladen Franko [Squidward hears SpongeBob laughing/Squidward sees SpongeBob's silhouette]
  Shock Horror (A) - Dick Stephen Walter ["Aha!"]
  Death Trap [#27.02] - Gregor F. Narholz [Squidward as a real octopus; SpongeBob in the drain]
  12th St Rag - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Squidward running to the Krusty Krab]
  Stack of Leis - Kapono Beamer [Ending]



  • "Squid's Day Off" was ranked #32 during the Best Day Ever event from November 9–10, 2006.
  • "Squid's Day Off" was ranked #71 during the SpongeBob's Top 100 event in the UK and Ireland from June 4-8, 2012.



  • In "SB-129" and "Krusty Krab Training Video," the Krusty Krab is said to be closed on Sundays, but in this episode and "Born Again Krabs," the restaurant is open that day.
  • The objects that fall on Mr. Krabs' head include:
    • Pot
    • Glass
    • Frying pan
    • Lunch box
    • Treasure chest
    • Anchor
    • Buoy
    • Deep-sea diver costume
    • Dime
  • The ways SpongeBob mentions to make change for a dollar are:
    • Four quarters
    • Ten dimes
    • Twenty nickels
    • One hundred pennies
    • One quarter, three dimes, seven nickels, and ten pennies
    • There are 237 other different ways to make change for a dollar not mentioned, 288 if one includes the rare half-dollar.
    • SpongeBob also mentions that he knows multiple ways to break a five-dollar bill.
  • Squidward's skin takes on a grayish hue and his eye that is closest to the audience turns bloodshot when he goes insane.
  • Squidward wears the same outfit while sunbathing as in "I Was a Teenage Gary."
  • Squidward mentions the episode title when he says, "Let Squid's day off begin."
  • SpongeBob asks Squidward if he has finished his errands a total of 20 times.
  • The following scenes have become internet memes:
    • SpongeBob continuously asking "Have you finished those errands?"
    • SpongeBob saying "I will destroy the Krusty Krab".
    • Squidward's face after he has gone crazy.
  • Squidward was having too many thoughts at once throughout the episode and ran back to the Krusty Krab each time he thought of something. This can be a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder and intrusive thoughts.
  • When the scene shows the full area of the Krusty Krab on fire, SpongeBob is not seen at the cash register, unlike in the previous shot.
    • SpongeBob is most likely completely incinerated by the time the full area of the Krusty Krab is shown. In addition, this occurs entirely within Squidward's imagination.
  • This was Andrew Overtoom's first episode as an animation director.
  • This episode was the first time the track "Hilo Rag" plays.
  • During the Best Day Ever marathon, this episode was paired with "No Free Rides."[2]

Episode references[]

  • This is the second episode in which the Krusty Krab and a building in general is seen on fire, the first being "Nature Pants." However, in this episode, the Krusty Krab is only on fire within Squidward's imagination.


  • In recent Nickelodeon airings, this and its sister episode, the network's screen bug is outside of the 4:3 aspect ratio. However in previous airings, even after the network switched to widescreen, this error did not occur.[3][4]
    • This also occurred in Nick@Nite and Nicktoons airings with their screen bugs in the 4:3 aspect ratio.
Squid's Day Off 010

The animators forgot to draw these one of the bag of grains that are between the pipe...

  • During a wide shot of the interior of the Krusty Krab where Squidward notes the lack of customers, one of the bag of grains that are between the pipe is missing. It appears however, when Mr. Krabs grabs the dime from Squidward.
Squid's Day Off 012

...and the bell.

  • At the beginning of the episode, SpongeBob rings the bell, but when Squidward complains that there are no customers, the bell disappears. However, when SpongeBob says, "One Krabby Patty coming up," the bell reappears. When the register drawer shoots open and hits Squidward, the bell disappears again and is not seen for the rest of the episode.
Squid's Day Off 006

The animators accidentally uncolored about his Squidward's legs.

  • When Squidward says, "SpongeBob, stop ringing this bell," his legs was uncolored for a frame.
Anchor error

The animators was erroneously duplicated anchor for a frame by accident.

  • When Mr. Krabs gets hit on the head repeatedly, the audio goes down.
    • Also, the anchor that hits Mr. Krabs' head becomes accidentally duplicated for one frame.
  • In one shot, while Squidward says, "You get to run the cash register now," the workstation boat seems way closer to the left side of the Krusty Krab, way past Mr. Krabs' office.
    • Also, during this shot, the door to Mr. Krabs' office is missing.
  • When Squidward is about to leave the Krusty Krab, both the Chum Bucket and the road cannot be seen.
Squid's Day Off 134

The animators accidentally colored the Squidward's neck is the same as his Squidward's shirt but it's messed up.

  • When SpongeBob says, "I'm sure you are!" Squidward's neck is the same color as his shirt.
    • Also, in another shot, his neck is the same color as the Krusty Krab window.
  • When Squidward checks on SpongeBob for the first time, the tables and chairs are missing.
Squid's Day Off 148

The animators forgot to draw the Krusty Krab's flags.

  • In some of the shots where Squidward runs toward the Krusty Krab, the five flags on the restaurant disappear.
  • When Squidward is seen walking out the Krusty Krab front doors for the third time, after SpongeBob sticks his spatula to his forehead, Squidward cannot be seen passing by the window to the left of the doors.
  • When Squidward imagines SpongeBob burning the Krusty Krab, one of SpongeBob's legs is behind the seat; the other is in front.
  • When Squidward leaves his house the first time after he says, "I will not go back to that restaurant!," he leaves the front door wide open, but when he returns, the door is closed.
    • Also, when he leaves, the hinges on his door are on the right side of the doorframe, but when Squidward returns, the hinges are on the left side of the doorframe.
Squid's Day Off 167

The animators drawn Squidward's with two legs but it's weird.

Squid's Day Off 115

SpongeBob was gone in the cash register.

  • When Squidward says, "I know what you're up to. Forcing me to come back here every time you mess up!" he has two legs instead of four.
  • When Squidward finally cracks from running back and forth from the Krusty Krab to his house, while he reinforces the door, one of his eyeballs is bigger, from the right side, bigger than his left. When he runs back to the Krusty Krab because he thinks that SpongeBob is in his house spying on him, as soon as he runs to the cash register where SpongeBob is standing, the bigger eyeball is swapped to the left side and the right side is smaller.
  • In the part where Patrick appears in the Krusty Krab in one of Squidward's imagine spots, his eyebrows are unevenly shaped; his right eyebrow is M-shaped and his left eyebrow is Z-shaped and unusually thick. In the next frames, they are uneven.
    • In the shot where Squidward is running crazy to the Krusty Krab, Patrick has the same eyebrow error where his eyebrows are thicker than normal.
  • When Squidward reminds himself of his mistake of not telling SpongeBob how to make change, he has four fingers on his hands for a split second, which he does not usually have.
Squid's Day Off 205

The animators forgot to draw the SpongeBob's house's chimney...

  • When Squidward runs past Conch Street, SpongeBob's house is missing its chimney.
Squid's Day Off 210

...and misspelt "Emergency" as "Eneerency".

  • When the purple doctorfish lets Mr. Krabs out of the Bikini Bottom Hospital, the "emergency" sign is misspelt as "enereency."
  • When Squidward runs past Mr. Krabs at the hospital, his nose is smaller.
  • When Squidward makes it to the Krusty Krab for the final time, the road and the sand outside switch colors as he barges through the doors.
  • After the screen shows the bubbles popping that is on Squidward's body, the screen shows SpongeBob holding his clothes up above Squidward. The leg holes in the pants are missing.
  • When SpongeBob gives Squidward his pants, a zipping sound is heard. Normally, SpongeBob's pants are slip-on and do not have a zipper.
  • Nick on Demand en Español incorrectly aired this and its sister episode, "Your Shoe's Untied," in English.[5]
  • Throughout the episode, whenever the exterior of the Krusty Krab is shown, the open/closed sign cannot be seen, despite the episode's twist being that the sign had its "closed" side visible to onlookers.
  • Squid's Day Off 113

    The animators forgot to draw the anchors on SpongeBob's hats.

    When SpongeBob says, "I will destroy the Krusty Krab," in Squidward's imagination, the anchor on his two hats is missing.
  • When Squidward was screaming at SpongeBob it noticed that he has 2 legs instead of 4.

