Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

The Patty Whip is a food item that appears in the episode "The Goobfather."


It is shown to be a green smoothie made out of a crushed Krabby Patty with lettuce, onions, sesame seeds and a pickle slice mixed with a kelp shake.

Role in episode[]

The Patty Whip was first created after Bubble Bass's order of Krabby Patties and his smoothie were dropped and mixed by the ceiling fan after SpongeBob tripped on a nail. Bubble Bass, as well as the other customers, enjoyed the drink. Mr. Krabs names the drink Patty Whips, and adds them on the menu. After they were served, a man from Goofy Goober's visits and demands Krabs to take the new drink off the menu. Krabs refuses, so the Goobfather orders his goons to smash the Patty Whip machine.

Krabs then repairs the machine overnight and continues selling the Patty Whips in spite of the Goobfather's orders. When the Goobfather shows up again, Krabs sends out Old Man Walker and Jenkins, as his hired goons, to fight the Goofy Goober goons off. The Goofy Goober goons then defeat the old men, turn them into Patty Whips themselves, and destroy the Patty Whip machine once again. So Mr. Krabs decides to fight back to Goofy Goober's instead.

Sleepy Time 057
"I can turn into a skyscraper!"
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