Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

"Larry the Floor Manager" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 11. In this episode, Mr. Krabs takes a vacation and makes Larry the Lobster the temporary manager of the Krusty Krab.



The episode begins with all of the customers in line, complaining as Bubble Bass makes an extremely long order. They eventually start to leave, and Mr. Krabs tells Bubble Bass to eat a normal Krabby Patty and shoves one down his throat. SpongeBob then reminds Mr. Krabs of a rule in the Krusty Krab Manual: "The customer is always right! When they have money." Mr. Krabs then thanks SpongeBob for reminding him.

Next, SpongeBob accidentally spills a drop of ketchup, which makes Mr. Krabs furious. He loses his temper and harshly yells at SpongeBob, calling him a "Ketchup waster," which makes SpongeBob upset. Mr. Krabs apologizes and promises that he will not make any other outbursts. Squidward then drops Bubble Bass' napkin and makes Mr. Krabs even more furious. Mr. Krabs screams again, calling Squidward a "waster" and tries to beat him up. He chases Squidward with the register boat until he eventually crashes into Larry. Larry decides to calm Krabs down with a hug. After the hug, Squidward realizes that Larry let Mr. Krabs go and started running again and crawls into the kitchen and gets burned by the grill that was still on and slips into water that SpongeBob splashed onto him and crashes onto the table that Mr. Krabs and Larry were sitting in.

Mr. Krabs explains to Larry that he was angry because the Krusty Krab has been so busy lately. Larry then suggests that Mr. Krabs should take a vacation. SpongeBob says that he can leave himself and Squidward in charge while he is gone. Mr. Krabs thinks about it, while the scene cuts to a flashback where SpongeBob and Squidward are in charge and the Krusty Krab is all burned down. Mr. Krabs rushes over and tells them that he needs a strong man to take care of the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob points to Larry and Mr. Krabs leaves him in charge.

Larry the Floor Manager 067

Larry in charge of the Krusty Krab.

Later on, SpongeBob is cooking Krabby Patties, when Larry comes in asking why the customers eat their meals like slobs. Larry decides to whip them in shape because he feels bad for them. Squidward is taking Fred's order. Larry puts him on a treadmill. He falls off and Frank comes to take his order. Larry gives a customer Octavius Rex's Krabby Patty order and his side salad on a very strong plate. He takes it to his table and passes out because he is so tired of pushing it. Larry takes away Krabby Patties and replaces them with Protein Power Shakes. SpongeBob tries one and spits it out because he does not like it.

Larry and the strong fish change the name of the Krusty Krab to the Healthy Krab and put gym equipment for the customers to exercise. Larry orders SpongeBob and Squidward to give the customers their protein power shakes. SpongeBob gives one to Nat Peterson, who is on the rock climbing wall. The protein power shake drops on his head and he falls off the rock climbing wall. Squidward tries to give one to Incidental 37B, but he needs to jump over the hurdles. Bubble Bass trips on one of them and falls on him. It soon dawns on Squidward and SpongeBob that Larry has turned the whole restaurant into a Gym. They try to escape by climbing the cargo climbing net, but Squidward gets tangled and stuck on it.

After Squidward's escape plan fails, he gives SpongeBob a plan to sabotage Larry's training sessions. SpongeBob does his plan, but forgets to untangle Squidward. SpongeBob puts butter, lard, and mayonnaise into a mixer and fills it into the protein power shakes. He gives them to Larry and his friends. Instead of drinking them, Larry rubs it on his chest. That plan fails, so Squidward gives him another plan, which is to sabotage the weight machines so they will leave. SpongeBob goes to do his plan, but once again, he forgets to untangle Squidward. SpongeBob sabotages the weight machines. Frank goes over to work out at the weight machine that SpongeBob just destroyed. He tries it and then he eventually gets himself tangled. He breaks out and loves it. SpongeBob goes to Squidward and says that he gives up. He leaves, yet he forgets to untangle Squidward.

SpongeBob leaves and sees all of the customers waiting outside starving. SpongeBob asks why they are not leaving. Harold says that they will not leave because they need Krabby Patties and they do not have any at home. Because of this, SpongeBob declares war. SpongeBob and the customers get their weapons and walk out of the kitchen. They start the war, and SpongeBob's team is winning by making Larry's team eat Krabby Patties. They get everybody except Larry. Since he is too good at dodging, they have to distract him by getting Bubble Bass to try to lift weights. Larry gets distracted and SpongeBob slingshots a Krabby Patty in his mouth. Larry swallows it and thinks they are so delicious that he and his chest start crying because he could have been making Krabby Patties instead of trying to make people exercise. SpongeBob comforts him, telling him it is just because he wanted them to get in shape. Larry and his friends take their equipment back to his gym, with Squidward still stuck on the cargo climbing net. Mr. Krabs comes home and sees everything is exactly how he left it, as the episode ends.


On October 5, 2016, Vincent Waller posted four storyboard images from the episode.[2]

The episode was confirmed by Vincent Waller on July 6, 2017.[3]



 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Aloha Bikini Bottom - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Title card.]
  The Frycook's Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [Opening.]
  Nude Sting - Nicolas Carr [Krabs shoves a patty in Bubble Bass's mouth.]
  Vibe Q Sting - Nicolas Carr [Krabs looking stunned at SpongeBob.]
  Ahhh Luve - Nicolas Carr ["Such wise and beautiful words."]
  Drama Link (B) - Hubert Clifford [Ketchup spilled on the floor.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 4B - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob starts to cry.]
  New Vibe Hits - Nicolas Carr ["Your napkin."]
  Grass Skirt Chase - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [“Waster!”]
  Aloha Lui Lui - Nicolas Carr, Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Larry calms Krabs down.]
  Dramatic Cue (G) - Ronald Hanmer [Squidward panicking.]
  Solo Steel and Vibes 1 - Jeremy Wakefield, Nicolas Carr [Larry suggests Krabs to take a vacation.]
  Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford [Krabs imagines the Krusty Krab on fire.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 13D - Jeremy Wakefield [Larry lifting Krabs.]
  Thats It ! - Nicolas Carr ["That's it!"]
  Salty Krab Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [Krabs leaves Larry in charge.]
  Lap Steel - Nicolas Carr [Transition to next scene.]
  Slippery Sid - Roger Roger [Customers eating messily.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 35 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob eating messily.]
  Gypsy Jazz March - Sam Spence [Customers ordering food on treadmill.]
  Big Ed's March - Sam Spence [Food served on weights.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 4A - Jeremy Wakefield ["No, Larry, no."]
  Close Combat - Philippe Falcao, David Benaroch [Larry flexing.]
  Pell-Mell - Sam Spence [Larry turns the Krusty Krab into an obstacle course for the customers.]
  Wargames - Keith Mansfield [SpongeBob cowers behind some weights.]
  Wargames Linking Section (f) - Keith Mansfield [Squidward gets tangled into the rope net.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 28B - Jeremy Wakefield ["He's messing up the Krusty Krab!"]
  Mounting Metal Mayhem - Nicolas Carr ["Feel the burn!"]
  The Donut Dilema w Triangle - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob and Squidward decide to sabotage Larry.]
  Surfmania - Eric Spencer [SpongeBob makes a greasy heart-stopping shake.]
  The Donut Dilema w Triangle - Nicolas Carr [Squidward gets an idea to sabotage Larry.]
  Watusi Beach (a) - Steve Goomas, Doug Perkins [SpongeBob sabotages the weight machine.]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 8A - Jeremy Wakefield ["Oh, I don't know what to do."]
  Eight Dramatic Bridges - Ronald Hanmer [SpongeBob sees hungry customers.]
  Drowsey Reef - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Customers begging for Krabby Patties.]
  Thats It ! - Nicolas Carr ["Krabby Patties...That's it!"]
  Hot Steel and Slide Licks 13D - Jeremy Wakefield ["Those gym guys have forgotten the simple greassy pleasure of munching on a Krabby Patty."]
  Hot Like Chili (a) - Ty Ardis, Jimi Palermo [SpongeBob and customers feeding the bodybuilders with Krabby Patties.]
  Karate Action 1 - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob and customers trying to give Larry a Krabby Patty.]
  Impress Me - Nicolas Carr [SpongeBob blows the slingshot.]
  M'Wanna - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Larry's pecs start crying.]
  Salty Krab Jig - Michael Bolger, Nicolas Carr [Ending.]




  • This episode shows that Bubble Bass does not know how to pronounce "Gouda" as he says, "how-uda" instead of "goo-dah."
  • Larry opens his own gym despite having his own gym, as seen in "Larry's Gym."
    • He does mention that he already runs a gym, however.
  • "My leg!:" Fred falls off the treadmill.
  • This is the first episode for two things:
  • This is the second episode for a couple things:
    • The second episode where Larry works at the Krusty Krab. The first was "The Check-Up."
    • The second episode where Mr. Krabs goes on vacation from the Krusty Krab. The first was "Bucket Sweet Bucket."
    • The second episode where the Krusty Krab is shown to serve salad. The first was "Bossy Boots."

Dub facts[]

  • In the German dub, this episode is called "Hunger und Hantelbänke," which translates to "Hunger and Weight Benches."

Episode references[]

  • Bubble Bass once again makes an elaborate order, a reference to his debut in "Pickles."


  • When the long line at the beginning is seen from the outside, it consists of Incidental 7, John, some unknown fish, Incidental 29, Sandals, Incidental 153, Incidental 47, and Incidental 2. However, when seen from the inside, the people in the line change behind Incidental 7. Incidental 49A, Incidental 3, and Incidental 67 appear, Incidental 29's moved forward, and John, and the unknown fish disappear.
  • When Fred is first seen in the line at the start of the episode, he is wearing a watch on his right fin. However, when he and the other customers complain about Bubble Bass taking too long to order, the watch disappears.

Incidental 40's blue left eyebrow.

  • When Incidental 40 says, "We can't go home. There's no Krabby Patties at home," left eyebrow turns blue.


