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Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
If you were looking for the article about the Polish DVD, then see I'm Your Biggest Fan.

"I'm Your Biggest Fanatic" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 2. In this episode, SpongeBob attempts to join the Jellyspotters.



I'm Your Biggest Fanatic 025

The Jellyspotters

As the episode starts off, SpongeBob and Patrick are attending the Biannual Jellyfish Convention. Patrick takes pleasure in touching every display in sight, much to the ire of the security guard. SpongeBob, meanwhile, focuses on the "Jellyspotters," a famous jellyfish enthusiast club, and fawns over its leader, Kevin the Sea Cucumber. At first, Kevin rebuffs SpongeBob's adoration. However, after realizing that SpongeBob will go to any lengths to please him, Kevin decides to let him try out for the Jellyspotters, thinking his antics will make for a good laugh.

Kevin's first test for SpongeBob is to catch a jellyfish, which proves quite simple for SpongeBob as one immediately flies into his net. Kevin smacks it out in annoyance, causing it to sting him. He revises the quota to two jellyfish, and two jellyfish nestle into SpongeBob's net. Even an increase to 20 jellyfish simply prompts more of them to arrive. Kevin angrily kicks the net, inciting the wrath of the jellyfish. He then puts the jellyfish jelly on SpongeBob's mouth to attract the jellyfish, and while the jellyfish were licking SpongeBob's mouth, the jellyfish tickle SpongeBob's nose causing him to sneeze the jellyfish at Kevin's eyes so that Kevin gets stung again. Undeterred, Kevin continues to give SpongeBob many more tests, all of which SpongeBob passes effortlessly while Kevin gets stung relentlessly.

Kevin, covered in stings and extremely frustrated, tells SpongeBob that his final test will be to catch a queen jellyfish. He then ties SpongeBob to a post, provides him a whistle that produces a "Queen Jellyfish call" which sounds much like the word "loser" and leaves him there.

After a great length of time blowing the call, SpongeBob is very tired and prepared to give up before a queen jellyfish finally arrives. SpongeBob's joy is short-lived as he discovers Kevin has gone and the large jellyfish begins chasing him. Eventually, the queen corners him at the edge of a cliff, where it is revealed to be a robot piloted by Kevin and the anchovy club members. Kevin reveals his true intentions to SpongeBob and shows him several other people at the bottom of the pit below, all of whom were his former "biggest fans."

Kevin and his crew start calling SpongeBob a loser. However, before Kevin can force SpongeBob off the cliff, an even larger king jellyfish appears and falls in love with the robot queen. Puckering up for a kiss, the king pursues the contraption until it crashes and reveals its occupants. The furious king chases down SpongeBob, Kevin, and the anchovies, eventually cornering them in a cave. Kevin panics, admitting that he has no actual expertise in dealing with jellyfish and that he was only in it for the fashion. SpongeBob, the only one with actual Jellyfishing expertise, confronts the king jellyfish. He blows for him a giant pie bubble, which the king happily accepts and leaves with. When an incredulous Kevin asks how he was able to do it, SpongeBob simply tells him that everybody loves pie. The anchovies cheer SpongeBob for his heroism, but Kevin denies SpongeBob club membership for not actually catching a queen jellyfish. Fed up with Kevin's attitude, the anchovies forcibly remove Kevin's crown which is actually his feeding tentacles and place it atop SpongeBob. SpongeBob is amazed by his new hat, Kevin painfully informing him that's not what it is.

I'm Your Biggest Fanatic 199

Back at the convention, SpongeBob tells Patrick about his experience and reveals that he turned down the Jellyspotters' offer to join; jellyfishing is, most of all, about the jellyfish themselves. Patrick remarks upon how much SpongeBob has matured regarding hero worship and the episode finishes as the pair depart with the former's own hero, Jeffrey the Jellyfish, tied up in a wagon with a sad look on his face.



Model sheets[]



 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Earls Revenge - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Title card]
  Candy Floss - Peter Dennis [Opening]
  Awakening Memories - Paul Fenoulhet [The Jellyspotters]
  Witty Fellow - Gerhard Trede [Kevin answering questions]
  Comic Walk - Sidney Torch ["Look, I won't let the guy join the club."]
  Thats It ! - Nicolas Carr ["I'd love it!"]
  Alex On The Road - Steven Simmons [Driving through Jellyfish Fields]
  Me for You - George Callert [SpongeBob passing Kevin's tests]
  Earls Revenge - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [Montage of Kevin getting stung]
  Tomfoolery - David Snell [Catching a queen jellyfish]
  The Great White - Gregor F. Narholz [Queen jellyfish appears]
  Action Cut A - Gregor F. Narholz [Kevin's gone]
  Killer on the Run A - Gregor F. Narholz [Queen jellyfish chases SpongeBob]
  Witty Fellow - Gerhard Trede [Kevin inside robot jellyfish]
  Timpani Roll [#48] - Sammy Burdson [King jellyfish appears]
  Rule Britannia (a) - Dick Stephen Walter [King jellyfish appears]
  Good Bye Samba A - Ben Nabor ["Kissy face!"]
  record scratches SFX - Nicolas Carr [King Jellyfish sees Kevin]
  Killer on the Run A - Gregor F. Narholz [Jellyspotters hide in a cave]
  Steel Licks 78 - Jeremy Wakefield ["It's hopeless! We're trapped!"]
  Triumphant Return 1 - Gregor F. Narholz [SpongeBob blows a pie-shaped bubble]
  Witty Fellow - Gerhard Trede [Kevin's scalp ripped off/Transition to next scene]
  Candy Floss - Peter Dennis [Ending]




  • This episode, along with "No Free Rides," was set to premiere on March 24, 2001,[3] but it got postponed to April 14.
  • The title card is similar to that of "The Paper," except it is purple and blue instead of yellow, green, and orange, and is upside down.
  • This episode was originally titled "Fanatics."[4]
  • This is one of four episodes transcribed as a comic into the SpongeBob SquarePants/Tokyopop book Tales from Bikini Bottom. The other three were "Home Sweet Pineapple," "F.U.N.," and "Prehibernation Week."
  • Big Lenny appears in the PC game Operation Krabby Patty as an enemy in the jellyfishing level.
  • Fred can be seen in the bottom of the pit with one of his legs bent out of shape, referencing his frequent "My leg!" line.
  • Both of the gloves SpongeBob uses to punch himself were reused in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie video game.
  • Lists of tests Kevin gave to SpongeBob:
    • Catch a jellyfish
    • Catch two jellyfish at once
    • Catch twenty jellyfish at once
    • Allow jellyfish to eat jelly off your face
    • Catch a jellyfish blindfolded
    • Catch a jellyfish while standing on your head
    • Catch a queen jellyfish
    • At least six other tests.
  • This is the first episode for two things:
  • A statue of Kevin can be seen in the console version of Nicktoons Unite!
  • "Kevin's Ointment" billboards are seen throughout the episode and they are also seen in a few SpongeBob SquarePants video games.
  • When the King Jellyfish hits the billboard and crashes, there is jelly coming out of the bottom, despite the fact that it is a robot.
  • This episode reveals that there is more than one queen jellyfish.
  • Kevin gets stung by the jellyfish a total of 12 times.
  • This is the second episode for two things:
    • The second episode where SpongeBob attends a jellyfish convention after the one held in Ukulele Bottom in "I Was a Teenage Gary." This convention cannot be the one from the latter as the convention held here is biannual, while the Ukulele Bottom convention is annual.
      • SpongeBob wears the same jellyfish-like hat to both conventions.
    • The second episode where Bikini Atoll is shown during a sunset. The first one is shown in "Christmas Who?"
  • Kevin says that he does not use bamboo for the jellyfish nets. However, he and the anchovies use bamboo nets when they are in Jellyfish Fields.
  • In the Bahasa Indonesia version, When Kevin and SpongeBob run away from King Jellyfish, Kevin shouted, "Incoming!" instead of "Kissy face!"[citation needed]
  • When Kevin tells SpongeBob to catch 20 jellyfish, 18 more rush in at once at command. If the screen is paused at the correct time after all the jellyfish comes out to sting Kevin when he kicks SpongeBob's net, there is indeed 20 in total.
  • SpongeBob nearly references the episode title when he says, "I'm your biggest fan."
  • On the July 20, 2018 airing, this episode was paired up with "Jellyfishing."[5]

Cultural references[]

  • "Dr. Manowar" is a play on the name of the Portuguese man o' war, a marine animal often mistaken for jellyfish.
  • A banner in the background of the convention reads "Got Stung?," a reference to the former "Got Milk?" campaign.


Williams Reiss error in I'm Your Biggest Fanatic

Williams Reiss; also, the S in the storyboard director description is capitalized.

  • During the opening credits, when credited as "storyboard artist," he is credited as Williams Reiss, but back to William Reiss without one of the "S" in the "written by" section of the credits. This was corrected on the Fear of a Krabby Patty DVD and in the Amazon Prime release.
    • William Reiss' name spelled correctly in Amazon release

      William Reiss' name corrected in the Amazon Prime release.

      Alongside that the S in the (storyboard director description) next to Jay Lender's name is capitalized instead of in lowercase.
    • This error is corrected on Nicktoons airings.
  • After Kevin is stung by 20 jellyfish, one anchovy saying "wah, wah, waaah" is heard, but none of the five anchovies accompanying Kevin open their mouths.
  • In one shot, the sky is red due to the sunset at Bikini Atoll, but in next shot underwater, the sky is blue.
  • Ancheyes

    An anchovy without eyes

    After Kevin's crown is stung, one anchovy's eyes disappear when the jellyfish swims by it.
  • SpongeBob has five fingers when he is holding an iron boxing glove.
  • When SpongeBob says "Hi" to Kevin for the first time, his left eyelash is layered over.
  • When Kevin tells SpongeBob he has to pass a rigorous test, there are three anchovies in one shot and five in the next.



King Jellyfish ATTACKS! ⚡️ "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic" ft. Kevin C. Cucumber - SpongeBob

