Encyclopedia SpongeBobia


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia

Captain SpongeHab is the 1830s counterpart of SpongeBob SquarePants who appears in the episode "Dopey Dick."



Ian Vazquez's drawing of Captain SpongeHab, largely inspired by Benjamin Arcand's rough boards for the episode.

Much like his modern-day counterpart, he is a yellow sea sponge with dark yellow pores, red cheeks, yellow and buck teeth, and black eyelashes. For clothing, he wears a top hat with a dark black square outfit with long sleeves and a black shoe as well as a spatula leg and a fake beard. He also has a dark yellow scar on his eye. He also owns a pineapple boat named Ye Olde Pineapple.

Role in episode[]

When Pat-Buck notifies Fishmael about Captain SpongeHab's ship Ye Olde Pineapple, they are sent to hunt down Dopey Dick. Captain SpongeHab then appears and says to his sailors to hunt down Dopey Dick. Fishmael asks if Dopey was the one that took SpongeHab's leg off, but it is revealed that his leg was squeezed through his spatula because he loves the sound of his spatula.

He blows the shape of Dopey out of bubblegum to tell the sailors about Dopey, and then the bubblegum Dopey pops after hitting a nail which causes bubblegum to shoot all over Fishmael. The others then spot Dopey Dick when SpongeHab does not notice. The sailors proceed to help SpongeHab spot Dopey and then he spots him. He gives Fishmael a special job to catch Dopey and then he lands on Dopey and tries to catch it.

The boat then chases Dopey. Fishmael plays his music which soothes Dopey Dick, allowing him to be caught. SpongeHab then releases Dopey Dick but he is captured by Capn' A. Krabs and Planky as they refuse to release it. Planky uses a cannonball to send nematodes to destroy Ye Olde Pineapple.

When Krabs' crew is sleeping, SpongeHab's crew sneaks onto Krabs' ship. They find Dopey Dick's jelly being put into jelly jars. They then release Dopey Dick, but Krabs and his crew notice SpongeHab and his crew release Dopey Dick. Dopey Dick saves SpongeHab, Pat-Buck, and Fishmael from Krabs' crew but then Dopey Dick destroys their ship after attempting to capture him again. In the end, they are all at The Jelly Squirt Inn where Dopey Dick is seen squirting jelly at everyone.


  • Captain SpongeHab is a mix of SpongeBob and Captain Ahab from Herman Melville's novel, Moby-Dick. Unlike Captain Ahab, he doesn't have a grudge against Dopey Dick like Ahab has of Moby Dick. Instead, he wants to catch Dopey Dick just for the excitement and let him free like SpongeBob always does during jellyfishing. SpongeHab would later save Dopey Dick after being captured by Capn' A. Krabs (who is more like Captain Ahab) and Planky. Also unlike Ahab, SpongeHab never really lost one of his legs, although he does pretend that he lost one.