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""Make way for Mr. KOF! He's the true successor to the ancient Kusanagi style! KYO KUSANAGI."
The King of Fighters XV

Kyo Kusanagi (草薙くさなぎ きょう) is the titular protagonist in SNK's The King of Fighters series. He was first introduced in The King of Fighters '94 as the leader of the Japan Team. He is the rival of Iori Yagami.

Kyo is a cocky delinquent high school student who is the heir of the Kusanagi Clan, one of the three clans that sealed the legendary snake entity, Orochi, 1800 years ago. His clan wields pyrokinetic powers, an inherited power that few members obtain. They, along with the Yasakani and Yata clans, keep one of the Three Sacred Treasures used to contain Orochi long ago. His family's treasure is the Kusanagi Sword (草薙くさなぎつるぎ), and his family crest is the sun, represented in a stylized halo of fire.

His official nickname is "Scion of the Flame" (ほのお貴公子きこうし) [1][2] or "The Cleansing Exorcising Flame" (火炎かえん はらう ゆす).[2][3]

Aside from the main series, Kyo also has a spin-off manga story based on his adventure in The King of Fighters '96, entitled The King of Fighters: Kyo. A video game under the same name was also created to further expand his character. In addition, a number of image songs and audio dramas featuring Kyo's character have been released, including the contents of his own character image album consisting of all of his theme songs. He is a member of SNK's character image band, The Band of Fighters and also co-star alongside Iori in one of SNK's promotional series, Part Time Stories: Kyo & Iori.


KOF94 Kyo ConceptArt

Concept artwork from The King of Fighters '94, including sketches for Syo Kirishima (left)

When designing characters for The King of Fighters '94, developers wanted a new hip hero who would easily rival the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting characters in style.[4] Through most of his development, Kyo was meant to be called Syo Kirishima, and was dressed in martial arts clothing common with fighting games at the time. But late in production, his name became Kyo Kusanagi, likely due to the KOF story's change in direction towards the Yamata no Orochi legend. When designing Syo, Shinichi Morioka (Kyo and Iori's creator) used Shotaro Kaneda from the Akira manga as inspiration. When Syo appears as a striker in KOF 2000, he would be voiced by Mitsuo Iwata who also voiced Kaneda.[5] The idea for his flames -as well as the other elemental powers for the rest of the Japan team- was derived from the anime Getter Robo; in the show, there were three featured heroes who served as the inspiration for the KOF trio: the protagonist had a "fiery" persona, his friend was "edgy and daring", and the third hero was the "down-to-earth giant". It is also a homage to a Japanese phrase of giving birth to fire (roughly translated as "lighting strikes the earth which sparks the flame").[6] Other influences include Jo Yabuki and Akira Fudo from the respectively series Ashita no Joe and Devilman.[4] While in charge of designing the character, Yuichiro Hiraki sought to contrast Kyo with Street Fighter character Ryu, he considered the character to be an "overwhelming rival or a wall." [7] He believed the latter was a popular character that couldn't be surpassed in the same field, so he made Kyo's characterization and design contrast Ryu so he could benefit from appealing to a broad demographic. He wanted Kyo to be a character who "dislikes training and was strong due to natural talent." [7]

His change in fighting style was also made as a part of the series' overhaul in The King of Fighters '96. To appease all fans, they also included an older version of Kyo from The King of Fighters '94 into The King of Fighters '97 and placed the The King of Fighters '95 version of Kyo in The King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends, which made both versions of Kyo popular during location tests. The idea of having two versions of Kyo at once lead to the concept of his clones; during the early development stages of The King of Fighters '99, SNK planned to avoid adding any version of Kyo altogether, or Iori, to the game, as the story's focus was meant to center on the new protagonist, K'. However, they retracted this decision, as "they couldn't leave these popular characters in limbo".[8] Since then, veteran developers for the series admit that Kyo's repeated appearances in the series is due to the marketers and the main planners' insistence to add him, Iori, and other SNK regulars in every game, making it a challenge to decide the story for each title. Kyo's voice actor, Masahiro Nonaka, related greatly with his character as being young and reckless until he "grew up" in his later appearances. He then expressed some difficulty accepting Kyo on the same level.


Kyo's appearance and sketch in The King of Fighters XIII, by Ogura

According to Nobuyuki Kuroki, the staff wanted to provide a new design that would captivate new fans.[9] Despite Kyo being the main character, they decided to drastically change his hair and outfit. Fearing fans would not like Kyo's new appearance, the staff commented that they aimed it as a challenge, they also mention that old players from the series would understand he is still the same character despite cosmetic changes.[10] This new design, alongside Iori's, provoked major controversy during the time it was revealed. However in an interview, The King of Fighters XIV director Yasuyuki Oda said the team wanted the characters to carry a new look due to the game being set in a new story arc.[11] Oda also notes that Kyo became more macho as the games progressed, so they decided to alter his physique so he won't look as aggressive as he did in KOF XIII.[12]

Kyo, along with his rival, Iori, has been noted by several of the series' designers as being one of the most difficult characters to illustrate because of his popularity amongst fans.[13][14] In Gamest Mook Vol.197, Nona comments that he found it difficult to draw Kyo in a heroic image, since he draws Kyo in the image of Devilman's Akira Fudo.[15]


Kyo kusanagi

Kyo in his "classic" school uniform. Worn in KOF '94 to KOF '98, as well as in a few crossover games, such as the SNK vs. Capcom series.

Kyo is often depicted as a young adult Japanese male with an athletic physique and a brown curtain haircut. Since in his debut in KOF '94, Kyo sported a modified black gakuran, a Japanese male school uniform, as it appeared with his unbuttoned coat with the sleeves rolled up to his biceps and a vest, each with gold buttons, a tucked-in white shirt, a brown/gold belt and white buckled shoes. He often wears a large white headband to compliment this attire, along with a pair of his uniquely designed black fingerless gloves. Originally in KOF '94, each of his gloves were cut at the length of his wrists, with a single gold stripe marked around the areas of his palms. In KOF '95, while his gloves remain the same of his in-game sprites, his portraits marked a significant update, as the cut extends to midway of his forearms, another gold stripe added near the end of the cut, and an eclipsed sun crest near the area of his wrist. The sun crest is best known to represent the Kusanagi clan, which it also marked on the back of his coat since KOF '94. This outfit is considered Kyo's most recognizable look, often deemed this as his "classic" to the fans that it even makes the most appearances on crossovers featuring him. In-canon, Kyo prominently wears this outfit in the entirety of the Orochi Saga from KOF '94 up to KOF '98. Beyond in the main KOF series after KOF '98, some of Kyo's clones tend to wear this exact outfit in various colors, including Kyo-1 for a navy blue variant and Kyo-2 for a reddish-brown variant. This classic outfit also appears as an alternate costume in most KOF games such as KOF Maximum Impact, KOF XIII, and KOF XIV.


Kyo in his first casual wear. Worn in KOF '99 to KOF 2002.

Throughout the main KOF series, Kyo is known to change his outfits, depending on each story arc or on occasional new installments. Starting in KOF '99, Kyo discarded his iconic uniform for a more casual look that some fans refer this outfit as "Shin Kyo." His KOF '99 attire consists of a white jacket with black trimmings, a black shirt with a white hollowed cross, a pair of jeans with the rim of the sleeves slightly torn, a pair of black fingerless biker gloves, a small chain that hangs from the back pocket to the belt area, and black shoes. He also discarded the headband, as his Round 1 intro animation in KOF '99 presents him taking it off of his forehead and burn it from his hands. He prominently worn this outfit throughout the entire NESTS Chronicles, from KOF '99 to KOF 2002. This outfit also appears in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, KOF Sky Stage, Neo Geo Heroes Ultimate Shooting, KOF XI, and KOF XIII, with two of the latter games as his EX form.


Kyo in KOF 2003 and KOF XI. Illustration by Hiroaki


Kyo in KOF XII and KOF XIII, by Eisuke Ogura

In KOF 2003, Kyo has worn a black racer jacket with the Kusanagi crest marked on the back, white shirt, a pair of dark green jeans, brown shoes, and a long brown belt that hangs out from the side of his hip like a tail. He also worn his classic gloves, though only the single stripe at his hand area are visible, while the Kusanagi crests are hidden in his sleeves. Kyo would wear this outfit again in KOF XI. In KOF XII & KOF XIII, Kyo worn a variation of his 2003 attire, as he replaced the racer jacket into an unzipped black motorcycle jacket with silver metal studs, the dark green jeans into blue jeans, brown shoes into black shoes, and the long belt into a regular sized belt with a large silver buckle. He also had the pocket chain hanging at the side of his hip like his NESTS attire had. The Kusanagi crest on the back of his jacket and his gloves remains on this slight change.


Kyo in KOF XIV, by Eisuke Ogura

In KOF XIV, Kyo sported a half-zipped white leather jacket with four zipper pouches on the front and one on each sleeves, a black v-neck shirt underneath. blue jeans, a pocket chain, brown buckled shoes, a large C-buckled brown belt, and a pair of black fingerless padded gloves. His jacket also has a pinstripe variation of the Kusanagi crest marked on his back, and a on each of his sleeves. The most drastic change on this appearance is Kyo's haircut, which it is known as a commonly popular haircut for the teenage boys in Japan, as most refer to this style as "the J-Pop haircut." This unusual look on Kyo left longtime fans rather divisive, as the staff aimed to appeal to the new fans while making him look less aggressive than his previous appearances. It is noted that in the earlier trailers of KOF XIV and promotional images, Kyo's hair was miscolored in shiny black, which it added more bizarre reactions from fans to even go as far saying he was "nearly unrecognizable."

Kyō Kusanagi (The King of Fighters (KOF) XV)

Concept art of Kyo's recent design in KOF XV, by Tomohiro Nakata

In KOF XV, Kyo returns to his proper parted haircut. Along with that, his most recent attire is very similar to his appearance in KOF XII & KOF XIII, with the unzipped black motorcycle jacket with the Kusanagi crest marked on his back, white shirt, blue jeans, brown belt, and black shoes. However, this attire has some modifications, as according to the main illustrator of KOFXV, Tomohiro Nakata, he aimed to make Kyo's appearance as an amalgamation of some of his previous outfits. Most notably, he wears the white headband again since his classic school uniform attire, having the Kusanagi crest marked on each of the unzipped part of his jacket sleeves and a gold stripe each on a pair of fingerless biker gloves. This latest appearance of Kyo left many fans with a very positive reaction since in his reveal of the trailers for the franchise's most recent installment. This appearance also closely resembles his Extra Striker form in KOF '99, as he also worn the jacket, jeans and the headband altogether.


Kyo in KOF Maximum Impact 2.

In KOF Maximum Impact 2, Kyo sported a very unique look designed by Falcoon as it consists of a black-and-white leather jacket with red trimmings and a curved pinstripe marked at the back, a black shirt with a white racing stripe, a pair of two-toned leather gloves (fully-covering his fingers) with a white side on the front of his hand and a black side on the back, black jeans, white belt, white shoes, and a chained small tasseled flag hanging behind with a white Kusanagi crest marked on it.

KOFDestiny Kyo Portrait

Kyo in KOF: Destiny

In the Chinese CG animated web series, The King of Fighters: Destiny, and the mobile game based on the same name, Kyo's attire is very similar to his classic school uniform, but with some significant changes; his coat has silver buttons, quilted padding with brown straps on the shoulders, latch-on straps for the sleeves, and zipper pockets. He also added a pointed circular belt buckle, a pocket chain hanging on the side of his hip. and wears white sneakers instead of the buckled shoes. His iconic gloves were also redesign with the Kusanagi crest now on the area of the back of his hands, and two gold stripes are at the end.

Kyo kofgirls

Kyo in KOF for Girls

In the mobile dating simulator game, The King of Fighters for Girls, amongst various outfits depending on events, Kyo's main attire seems to taken inspiration of his NESTS saga attire, as of having the white jacket, black shirt, jeans, pocket chain, and black shoes altogether. His jacket includes black wing-like decals on the front, half of the Kusanagi crest marked on each of the sleeves, black straps near the open slits of the sleeves, and two white belts on the collar. He also wears his iconic gloves, but as of only the gold stripes on his hands are visible. It is currently unknown this attire contains the Kusanagi crest marked on the back as no existing artwork of his back turned confirming it.


Kyo is the over-confident but well-meaning protagonist of the series, more interested in enjoying life than having to partake in any particular responsibilities. He is quick to dismiss subjects that don't interest him and will often carry out his actions with a devil-may-care attitude. Despite his seemingly arrogant and rude demeanor, he treasures his friends and family, enjoying their presence and particularly doting on his girlfriend, Yuki, who is a descendant of the Kushinada clan. Because of this, he can be quite protective of her, especially against the Hakkesshus.

His extreme disinterest in studies has led to his chronic inability to graduate from high school (which has become subject to in-jokes). Although he is confident in his poetic talent, most of his poems aren't considered to be good by his listeners.

Kyo takes his clan's responsibilities on a more personal level, disregarding ancient legends and predestined events as any reason for his actions. His strong sense of justice and his zeal to fight stronger opponents are what he believes to drive him to carry out his destiny. His rivalry with Iori Yagami is one of mutual hatred and was hardly spurred by their clans' history, and partly due to Iori's prior aggression. While he will fight Iori, he won't go as far as to kill him, being aware of his role as a part of the Three Sacred Treasures. When Kyo and Iori join forces, it is often begrudgingly and as a last resort solution to the conflict at hand, with seemingly no desire to seek lasting and mutual peace, particularly on Kyo's part. However, he will leave Yagami alone as long as Iori doesn't seek to antagonize him as usual, and will respect his actions, especially if it involves their clan responsibilities. It is for this reason Chizuru watches over both men, to keep both their rivalries in check.


  • Pyrokinesis - Due to his Kusanagi heritage, Kyo can control fire. He can create fire from thin air, create fire balls, deliver punches of fire, create pillars of fire and put his own body on fire. However, he is neither immune to other types of fire nor able to control other fires that he didn't create. Also, the flames he wields are nothing more than just ordinary fire: it does not have the mystical 'trapping' ability of Iori's purple holy flames.


  • Motorcycle Driving - Kyo likes to ride his motorcycle around the streets of Japan. Some official pictures depict Kyo driving a scooter.
  • Poetry - Kyo likes to write poetry as a hobby, though his poetry is generally not much liked by his listeners.
  • Ice Hockey - Although representing the element of fire, Kyo likes ice hockey.
  • Musical Instrument - Kyo is also an accomplished guitarist, as seen in The Band of Fighters.

Fighting Style

Kyo fights using the Kusanagi style of ancient martial arts, a Japanese style of empty-handed combat taught only to the Kusanagi clan members. Like most of the clan members in modern times, these are labeled as Method/Style with numbers; numbers that actually use alternate kanji different from their originals. These examples are 108 Shiki: Yami Barai (Method 108: Darkness Sweeper), etc. with "Reverse Methods" being stronger versions of other attacks such as Kyo's signature DM, Ura 108 Shiki: Orochinagi (Reverse Method 108: Great Serpent Mower) being an example. In some sources, this even applies to his "unnamed" normal attacks.

Kyo also knows Kenpo, and uses it in most of his normal attacks. Kyo's moveset emphasizes Kenpo from KOF '96 onwards, discarding two of his attacks and instead focusing on two of the clan's other techniques, burning hook-punch techniques that can be followed-up into his own additions to the list of Kusanagi arts, ranging from kicks-to-elbow dropping attacks which are also types of notable moves in Kenpo. The names of these new moves are anything but vague and simple names, possibly due to Kyo's taste for poetry. Story-wise, this was possibly due to his initial defeat by Goenitz, Kyo reformed his style into a more-offensive focus via his original followups from the Aragami and Dokugami.

In KOF 99 onwards, Kyo even applies more personal touches derived from his father's techniques of the Kusanagi style, via his Hikigane mimicking Saisyu's Kamukakari and even adapting his father's Nata Guruma attack in KOF: Maximum Impact 2. However, in the 12 and 13th installments, Kyo briefly returns to his classic fighting style for a bit with a few new additions.


Song Title Game Appearances Track
The King of Fighters series
  • The King of Fighters '94
  • The King of Fighters '98 (KOF '98 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (Both Original & KOF '98 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition (Both Original & KOF '98 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF '94 ver. in DJ Station)
  • The King of Fighters '95
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
  • The King of Fighters '96
  • The King of Fighters '98 (KOF '98 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (Both Original & KOF '98 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition (Both Original & KOF '98 ver.)
  • King of Fighters R-2
  • The King of Fighters XIV (as Classic Kyo, as Classic Iori's opponent)
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF '96 ver. in DJ Station)
  • The King of Fighters '97
  • The King of Fighters '98 (vs. Iori)
  • King of Fighters R-1
  • SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition (vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Cool JAM ~Arashi no Saxophone 3~
  • The King of Fighters '98 (vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition (vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
  • The King of Fighters '99
  • The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle (KOF 2002 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters All Star (KOF All Star ver.)
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF '99 & 2002 ver. in DJ Station)
File:Tears.ogg (KOF 2002 ver.)
Good Bye ESAKA
  • The King of Fighters 2000
  • The King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood (GBA Remix)
  • The King of Fighters XIII (KOF XIII ver. when the music is set to "Type A", KOF 2000 ver. when the music is set to "Type B")
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF XV ver. if Kyo is Player 2 vs. Iori; KOF 2000 ver. in DJ Station)
Inner Shade
  • The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood (GBA Remix)
Flame of Invincibility
  • The King of Fighters 2001
  • KOF Maximum Impact 2 (vs. Seth in the Neo Geo Land stage)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
  • The King of Fighters 2003
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
New Order
  • The King of Fighters XI
  • The King of Fighters XIV (KOF XIV ver.; vs. Iori)
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF XI & XIV ver. in DJ Station)
ESAKA ~Acid Remix~
  • The King of Fighters XI (as EX Kyo in the PlayStation 2 ver.)
  • The King of Fighters XIII (when the music is set to "Type B", console version only, shared with Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
ESAKA? '08
  • The King of Fighters XII
  • The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Esaka Continues...
  • The King of Fighters XIII
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Yappari ESAKA
  • The King of Fighters XIV
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Yappari ESAKA?
  • The King of Fighters XIV (vs. Iori, when Kyo is the Player 2, and only in DLC Classic Costumes)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Stormy Saxophone
  • The King of Fighters XIV (KOF XIV ver.; vs. Iori when Kyo is Player 1, and only in DLC Classic Costumes)
  • The King of Fighters XV (DJ Station)
Fictitious or Real
  • The King of Fighters XV
Sadistic Eyes
  • The King of Fighters XV (KOF XV ver. if Kyo is Player 1 vs. Iori)
E-Groove (DJ Turbo's Paradise Mix)
  • K.O.F. Dance Trax
Days of Memories series
R.E.D. Run
  • Days of Memories
Image Songs
Burning Devotion!
  • 1997 image song
The Sun & The Moon
  • Duet image song with Iori
  • 1998 image song
The Song of Fighters II
  • 1998 image song

Voice Actors



Masahiro Nonaka Tomoaki Maeno Ryōtarō Okiayu Tomokazu Sugita
List of Roles:


Andrew Roth Peter von Gomm
List of Roles:

Live-Action Actors

Sean Faris



The King of Fighters series




Similar Characters


  • The name Kyo means "capital city" (京).
  • Kyo's surname Kusanagi means "grass, herb, weed" (草) (kusa) and "mow" (薙) (nagi).


  1. 1.0 1.1 Official character profile from The King of Fighters XII
  2. 2.0 2.1 Official character profile from KOF Maximum Impact Regulation "A"
  3. Official site for The King of Fighters XIII
  4. 4.0 4.1 - "The King of Fighters ’94 – Developer Interview" Archived from The original'
  5. From Air Duel and Last Resort to The King of Fighters ‘94 and Daraku Tenshi: the early years of Mitsuo Kodama from VGDensetsu
  6. Akihiko Ureshino, ed. (2005). The King of Fighters Perfect Reader (in Japanese). Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. pp. 136~139.
  7. 7.0 7.1 - ROUND 3: Yuichiro Hiraki Part 2 Archived from The original
  8. Official character profile from KOF anniversary website.
  9. Gamescom exclusive KOF XIV QA wih SNK Interview published on 23/8/2016
  10. THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV Premium Art Book, p.021
  12. THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV - Producer Yasuyuki Oda interview from Game Watch.
  13. KOF 10th anniversary website Tonko's interview.
  14. KOF 10th anniversary website Hiroaki's interview.
  15. Video Game Magazine GAMEST MOOK Vol.197, p.010
The King of Fighters characters
KOF '94 Logo Sprite Kyo KusanagiBenimaru NikaidoGoro DaimonTerry BogardAndy BogardJoe HigashiRyo SakazakiRobert GarciaTakuma SakazakiRalf JonesClark StillHeidernAthena AsamiyaSie KensouChin GentsaiKingMai ShiranuiYuri SakazakiKim KaphwanChang KoehanChoi BoungeHeavy-D!Lucky GlauberBrian BattlerRugal Bernstein
KOF '95 Logo Sprite Iori YagamiBilly KaneEiji KisaragiSaisyu KusanagiOmega Rugal
KOF '96 Logo Sprite Leona HeidernMatureViceKasumi TodohGeese HowardWolfgang KrauserMr. BigChizuru KaguraGoenitz
KOF '97 Logo Sprite Shingo YabukiYashiro NanakaseShermieChrisBlue MaryRyuji YamazakiOrochi IoriOrochi LeonaOrochi YashiroOrochi ShermieOrochi ChrisOrochi
KOF '99 Logo Sprite K'MaximaWhipBaoLi XiangfeiJhun HoonKyo-1Kyo-2Krizalid
KOF '99 Evolution Logo VanessaSethSyo KirishimaAlfredFiolina GermiGai Tendo
KOF 2000 Logo Sprite RamónLinHinako ShijoKula DiamondClone ZeroFoxyCandy DiamondAnother K'Another IoriAnother BenimaruAnother RobertCosplayer KyokoKang Bae DalSmart ChangCool ChoiKaoru WatabeBaitangDuck KingLilly KaneKim Jae HoonKim Dong HwanUnknownKing LionKim Sue-ilKaedeDuke EdwardsRockyAthenaNeo & GeoG-Mantle
KOF 2001 Logo Sprite May Lee JinjuK9999ÁngelZeroRonGluganIgnizMistyNests
KOF EX Logo Moe Habana
KOF 2002 Logo Sprite Kusanagi
KOF EX2 Logo Reiji OogamiJun KagamiMiu KurosakiSinobu Amou
KOF 2003 Logo Sprite Ash CrimsonDuo LonShen WooTizocGatoMalinMaki KaguraAdelheid BernsteinMukai
KOF MI Logo Alba MeiraSoiree MeiraLien NevilleMignon BeartChae LimDukeRock Howard
KOF XI Logo Sprite OswaldElisabeth BlanctorcheMomokoB. JenetShionMagakiSilberSho HayateJyazuHotaru FutabaItokatsuTung Fu Rue
KOF MI2 Logo Luise MeyrinkNagaseJivatmaNinon BeartHyenaHanzo HattoriKyo Kusanagi ClassicWild WolfMr. Karate IIArmor RalfRichard Meyer
KOF MIRA Logo Xiao LonMakoto Mizoguchi
KOF '98UM Logo Nightmare Geese
KOF 2002UM Logo Nameless
KOF XII Logo Raiden
KOF XIII Logo Hwa JaiSaikiEvil AshMr. Karate
KOF XIV Logo Shun'eiMeitenkunGang-ilLuongXanaduSylvie Paula PaulaKukriMianNelsonZarinaBandeiras HattoriKing of DinosaursHeinNakoruruMamahahaMui MuiLove HeartAlice Garnet NakataAntonovVerseNajd (Aila)
The King of Fighters XV Logo Isla (Amanda) • DoloresKrohnen McDougallRe VerseOtoma RagaHaohmaruDarli DaggerUnnamed "Special" DLC Character
SNK vs. Capcom characters
SNK current logo Kyo KusanagiIori YagamiLeona HeidernOrochi IoriTerry BogardMai ShiranuiGeese HowardRyo SakazakiYuri SakazakiAthena AsamiyaHaohmaruNakoruruMamahahaJubei YagyuRimururuAkari IchijouMarco RossiFiolina GermiMars PeopleGenjuro KibagamiKim KaphwanMr. KarateKasumi TodohChoi BoungeEarthquakeShikiGoenitzHonki ni Natta Mr. KaratePrincess AthenaKingViceBenimaru NikaidoRaidenRyuji YamazakiRugal BernsteinChang KoehanRyuhaku TodohHibiki TakaneGod Rugal
Capcom Logo RyuKen MastersChun-LiGuileDan HibikiSakura KasuganoMorrigan AenslandFeliciaAkumaBaby Bonnie HoodM. BisonEvil RyuKarin KanzukiArthurRed ArremerDhalsimVegaSagatBalrogHugo AndoreTessaDemitri MaximoffZeroViolent KenShin AkumaRed ArremerBlankaCammy WhiteEdmond HondaEagleRolento SchugergMaki GenryusaiYun LeeKyosuke Kagami
CardFightersClash1 ShinKeiCapCometThe KidFoKanaHarumiZombieYoshikiNishiTakaNoriSakiYukiAkiTakeMikaNonakaKeikoYuriMikamiThe MaskRikuto ArataHaruna HatenaLip AyahaSasuke FuwaKido YoshijiRyugai TorawoAsō ShūkoDogou SōkenShin DaichiKei KikkaForu GottonYashichi FuwaCap ComComet ComNanako NijiiroZet Charles DetroitSys TemNeomantleRobomantleG-Lady