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The Orochi Saga (オロチへん) is the first story arc in The King of Fighters series. It covers the events found in The King of Fighters '94 (prologue), The King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters '96 and The King of Fighters '97.

Past Events[]

Ancient Times[]

During the ancient times, a being was born from the Earth itself, named Orochi. A divine being who calls itself "Gaia's Will", manifested through floating emotions and substances of nature, and became the equalizing force between humans and nature. Orochi was nature's guardian and was granted with many of its powers. It gained followers to its cause and eventually formed a clan. The eight strongest warriors of that clan would go on to be known as the Hakkesshu. As the mankind began to grow in numbers, however, the natural balance began to crumble.

1800 Years Ago[]


The leaders of the Kusanagi, Yasakani and Yata clans fighting Orochi 1800 years ago.

Orochi could no longer tolerate the destruction as a byproduct of human progression and wanted to completely wipe humanity from existence. Orochi decided to use the powers gained from nature to reign havoc on humanity. The Hakkeshu and the human race waged war until the Kusanagi, Yata, and the Yasakani defeated it with three mystical treasures; the Kusanagi Sword, the Yasakani Jewel and the Yata Mirror. The Hakkeshu and Orochi were defeated and sealed. Though kept in a suspended state, Orochi continues to feel that mankind pollutes the world.

660 Years Ago[]

The seal that was put on Orochi begins to weaken. The three clans decided to move its vessel into another location. Wanting to disrupt their unity, one of the Hakkesshu killed the leader of the Yasakani's wife. Under a disguise, the murderer then approached the Yasakani head and reported that the Kusanagi clan was responsible, saying that it was "atonement" for letting the seal weaken. To add more fuel to the fire, the corpse of his wife was found in the Kusanagis' homeland. Angered by the revelation, the Yasakani made a blood pact with Orochi to gain the necessary means for revenge. Gaining a forbidden technique called "Kin Sen Hyaku Juuichi Shiki: Ya Otome" (Forbidden Method 1211: Eight Maidens), the Yasakani would renamed themselves as the Yagami Clan. As a side-effect of the Orochi's curse, the once crimson flames of the Yagami changed to a violet/bluish tint from Orochi's taint. The curse also causes each heir to die young and each mother to die in childbirth. Since then, the clans have waged a generation long grudge with casualties made from both sides, which continues on to this day in the present.

Early 1960's[]

A child named Goenitz learns about his duty as a Heavenly King and made haste to revive his lord Orochi. In an attempt to reach this means, he became a religious missionary who would travel to those in need.


A man named Rugal Bernstein and his brother began making themselves known throughout the political and fighting world. He became an influential arms dealer who operated aboard his aircraft carrier Black Noah. At some point, the two went their seperate ways.


Goenitz, now 18 years old, meets and challenges a now 25-year-old Rugal Bernstein and easily defeated the older man by taking out one of his eyes. Impressed with his fighting power, he granted his opponent some of Orochi's power to see if he could become a valid host for the entity as an experiment. Since then, Rugal has a bionic eye to replace the one he lost.

Later that year, he paid a visit to a remote village where a Hakesshu member, Gaidel, was staying. To his surprise, Gaidel was living a peaceful life and had no interest in their lord's mission. In response, Goenitz activated the Riot of the Blood in his daughter, Leona, which lead to the death of her parents and everyone else in the village. Pleased with the results, he sealed away her memories and continued to look for ways of speeding up his lord's revival.

1980s-Late 90s[]

Goenitz notices that the seal containing Orochi is too strong for his lord, and in order to awaken, the seal must be broken. He heads to the Yata household in order to break the seal, but is confronted by the Yata Clan's heiress, Maki Kagura. Unfortunately, she was not powerful enough to beat Goenitz, and she was fatally injured during the fight. Goenitz destroys the seal and leaves. Before her death, Maki passes on the responsibilities of maintaining and guarding the seal to her sister, Chizuru Kagura, and begs her to find the Kusanagi and Yagami clan leaders, and reunite them together once again to defeat Orochi.


A 34-year old operative man named Heidern was just promoted to his current rank for his exceptional proficiency in martial arts and strategy. The event took place at a top-secret base in Brazil and his wife and daughter were present for the ceremony. Rugal Bernstein, who caught wind of Heidern's high marks, stormed the base when he was away and killed fifty secret service officers on his arrival.

When Heidern hurried back from his duties, Rugal deprived him of his right eye and deemed him unfit to be a part of his "collection". Instead, he murdered Heidern's wife and child. Disgraced and alone, he developed his own fighting style and mercenary unit called the Ikari Warriors. Heidern would spend nearly a decade filled with hatred and rage against Rugal.

The King of Fighters '94[]


Goenitz assigns the task of observing Rugal to two other Hakkeshus, Mature and Vice, believing that he could be a suitable host for Orochi.

Rugal, wanting to expand his "collection", decides to host The King of Fighters in 1994, with an additional twist; fighters must form a team of 3 to compete and represent a country. Now he awaits on his battleship, the Black Noah, waiting to see the teams that will participate.

Invitations Sent[]

News spread quickly around the world that a global King of Fighters tournament is happening once again. The biggest discussion was the host of the tournament who was a compete mystery to the public, other than his name, R.

Terry Bogard, the winner of the last two recent KOF tournaments, learn about the tournament along with his younger brother Andy Bogard and the close friend of the siblings Joe Higashi during their vacations. Thinking that either Geese Howard (the siblings' mortal enemy and killer of their father Jeff Bogard), Wolfgang Krauser (FF 2 tournament host) and humorously Ryuhaku Todoh (the missing Kyokugenryu rival) are behind this, they decide to enter KOF as the Fatal Fury Team, representing Italy.
Ryo Sakazaki, the winner of the very first KOF tournament, learns that his little sister Yuri Sakazaki entered KOF on her own accord and without his permission, despite being told it was too dangerous. Takuma Sakazaki, Ryo and Yuri's father, tells to him and his friend Robert Garcia that they should enter KOF to put their training to the test as the Art of Fighting Team, representing Mexico and the Kyokugenryu Karate.
In a jungle, the Commander Heidern receives a letter inviting for the KOF tournament. He wants to enter the tournament to get his chance at revenge against his enemy Rugal Bernstein (the responsible for the death of his wife and daughter, and for making him blind in his right eye), and entrusts entering with his two top operatives: the Colonel Ralf Jones and the Lieutenant Clark Still. They decide to enter KOF as the Ikari Warriors Team, representing Brazil.
A Chinese legendary master named Chin Gentsai received a letter inviting him to the tournament. He decides to enter to test his two pupils; a young man named Sie Kensou and a Japanese pop star named Athena Asamiya. They decide to enter KOF as the Psycho Soldier Team, representing China.
After meeting up with a kunoichi (female ninja) named Mai Shiranui (heiress of her clan), Yuri and her are frustrated that they couldn't enter KOF with who they wanted to (Ryo and Andy respectively). Mai, then, remembers her "soul sister" she met in England named King, the owner of a bar. Rushing over to England, King agrees to enter KOF with them as the Women Fighters Team, representing England.
In South Korea, the Taekwondo master Kim Kaphwan is watching the TV with his two sons when a news alert pops up about a break out caused by the famous criminal Chang Koehan, along with his partner Choi Bounge. Frustrated at these events, Kim goes out to beat some sense into him. He fights with Chang and Choi, and they both lose with little success. Realizing the potential of rehabilitating criminals into people of justice, they (unwillingly on the part of the two criminals) decide to enter KOF as the Korea Justice Team, representing South Korea.
In America, a man named Lucky Glauber (a basketball player) informs his friend Heavy-D! (a boxer) about the tournament. Although happy that he'll get a good fight in after a long time, both are stumped about who could be the last member on their team. That's when they noticed the TV showcasing an American football player named Brian Battler. They decide to enter KOF as the American Sports Team, representing USA.
But perhaps the biggest team surprise was from Japan. In this country, a small tournament is happening to determine the 3 strongest fighters to represent their country. A 19-year-old boy named Kyo Kusanagi (the main heir of his clan) enters the tournament to participate in KOF. He easily beats all of his opponents and wins the tournament, making him the team leader. His teammates would be the 2nd and 3rd place winners of that tournament, who would be Benimaru Nikaido, a model fashionista and martial artist genius, and Goro Daimon, a former Olympic Judo champion and master of the style. Both form the Hero Team, representing Japan.

The Truth Behind "R"[]

KOF94 Rebout Opening33

Kyo and Rugal about to face off.

Throughout the tournament, all of the teams fought will all their strength, culminating with the Hero Team winning The King of Fighters '94. After the tournament, Mature, the secretary of "R", invited the winners on a battleship called "Black Noah" to meet the host of the tournament. Before reaching him, Kyo ran into Saisyu Kusanagi; Kyo's father and the former leader of the Kusanagi Clan, bloodied and bruised. He tells the Hero Team before Kyo left to enter the tournament, he disappeared order to fight the host of KOF, which nearly killed him. Angered by this, the Hero Team decided to meet the host.

Inside the main room was Rugal Bernstein, the true host of KOF '94. Rugal is happy that the Hero Team won, as they can be added to his "collection", which are former fighters turned into living trophies, with Rugal pointing out that he did not turn Saisyu into a trophy because he felt that he was unfitting. Kyo and his teammates fight against Rugal, who would end up being one of the hardest fight of their lives. Unwilling to accept defeat, Rugal attempted to blow up his ship along with the Hero Team. With Rugal's death, the Hero Team decides to part ways, with Kyo deciding to travel abroad in order to train, while also wondering where his father is.


Geese Howard & Wolfgang Krauser, two of Terry Bogard's old enemies, watched the events of KOF '94. Although the Fatal Fury Team did not win KOF '94, they were both impressed with their results in the tournament, and begin plotting their downfall.

The King of Fighters '95[]


Rugal is revealed to survived his suicide attack against the fighters, but not without losing his right hand. Believing that his loss against the Hero Team was a fluke, he decides to host the 1995 edition of King of Fighters tournament. He also promotes Vice as his new secretary, and replaces his missing hand with a cybernetic one.

Break A Spine[]

The KOF invitations were sent to all of the teams who participated in KOF '94. This time, teams were no longer represented by a country.

Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon, the champions of the previous year and the Hero Team, were given a surprised meeting by Mature, one of Rugal Bernstein's secretaries (and, as discovered later, a Orochi servant), who gives them the invite letters to the tournament. They enter to discover the intentions of this meeting.
The Fatal Fury Team, formed by the siblings Terry and Andy Bogard and their close friend Joe Higashi, gets a surprise letter from his biggest enemy, Geese Howard, stating that he "prepared something fun for the tournament". Believing that Wolfgang Krauser, the Strohiem Castle's owner, may have a hand in this, they enters in the tournament.
The master Takuma Sakazaki forces his dispicles, his elder son Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia, to participate in the tournament, wheater they like it or not, forming the Kyokugenryu Team (Art of Fighting Team) again. The three enters to prove the force of its martial style.
The Commander Heidern, after several months of nightmares, is unconvinced that his biggest rival, Rugal Bernstein, is truly dead. When his trusty soldiers Ralf Jones and Clark Still show him the invitation, they immediately went to enroll, forming again the Ikari Warriors Team.
The master Chin Gentsai, after teaching his disciples Athena Asamiya and Sie Kensou to sense negative energy, enlists them into KOF to put their new powers and abilities to the test, and enters in the tournament as the Psycho Soldier Team once more.
The bartender King runs into her friends Mai Shiranui and Yuri Sakazaki (with Mai passed over by Andy to form a team with her, and Yuri wanting to prove her skills to her family), asking they to join her in the tournament as the Women Fighters Team once again.
The criminals Chang Koehan and Choi Bounge recieves the KOF invitation and discover that Rugal Bernstein is alive. The two devises a plan to switch sides when they meet the drug dealer. Unfortunately for them, their master and head of the Rehabilitation Project, Kim Kaphwan, sees the invite and forces them to train twice as hard to prepare for the KOF tournament, as the Korea Justice Team for the second time.

New Challengers[]


The Rivals Team.

The South Town's evil emperor Geese Howard learns about the Orochi power, and becomes intrigued with it. He sends his right-hand man, Billy Kane, to form a team and enter KOF '95 to investigate. Billy seeks out the help of the ninja Eiji Kisaragi to join its team, but not without retaliation. Their fight comes to a draw when a mysterious man appears dragging one of Geese's assassins. His name was Iori Yagami.

Billy tries to convince him to join to the KOF with him, although his behavior. Each of these men had something to do with one of the participants of the tournament. Billy wanted revenge against Terry Bogard for defeating Geese in the past, Eiji wanted to continue his agenda against all Kyokugenryu practitioners (precisely Ryo Sakazaki), and Iori wanted his chance to kill his clan enemy, Kyo Kusanagi, in a fight.

The 3 enter to the KOF as the Rivals Team, with Iori being the leader. They were able to enter KOF by stealing the American Sports Team's Invitation (formed by Heavy-D!, Lucky Glauber and Brian Battler). This would end up becoming a reoccurring theme for the USA Team.

From "R" to "Ω"[]

Once again, all of the teams fought will all their strength, culminating with the Hero Team winning The King of Fighters '95 after beating the Rival Team. On their way to reach Rugal, Kyo runs into his father, Saisyu, who was brainwashed by Vice. After beating him and snapping him out of Vice's control, Rugal appears to challenge the heroes. Learning from his previous mistake, Rugal taps in the Orochi power and transforms into Omega Rugal, starting all out during the fight.

Foreboding Coming[]


Rugal being consumed by the Orochi power.

Frustrated by his 2nd defeat, Rugal tries to tap in more of the Orochi power, but just as he does, Rugal's body explodes into microscopic pieces, instantly killing him. At the same time, Iori suddenly snaps and brutally attacks Billy and Eiji, nearly killing them. Iori swears that he will kill Kyo and all of the Kusanagi's in the near future.

The King of Fighters '96[]

Darkest Sky[]

A few months before the KOF '96 tournament, Goenitz runs into Kyo and challenges him to a fight. Goenitz toyed with Kyo throught the entire fight before ending it with a single fatal blow that nearly killed him. Kyo was rushed to the hospital, where Benimaru and Daimon was waiting for him. Feeling bitter about his embarrassing defeat, Kyo swallows his pride and becomes determined to defeat Goenitz the next time they meet.

Violent Fighting to Come Again[]

As time passes, The King of Fighters tournament was about to begin. However, things would be different this year, as KOF would unexpectedly explode in popularity, to the point where this iteration of KOF would be hosted on an international level.

After a nightmare with Goenitz, a Heavenly King of Orochi, Kyo Kusanagi convinces his friends Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon to defeat him, and forms, once again, the Hero Team.
The Fatal Fury Team (the Bogard brothers, along with Joe Higashi) once again formed a team together after his habitual enemies Billy Kane and Geese Howard appeared before them with the common threats. Geese reveals to the team that he'll be entering in the KOF as an invited guest.
The Kyokugen master Takuma Sakazaki talks to his main disciples Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia and Yuri Sakazaki about this upcoming KOF tournament. He announces that he'll be retiring starting this year, and requests that Yuri should team up with Ryo and Robert, much to the former's disdain, forcing the young girl to leave the Female Team. The three team up as the new Kyokugenryu Team (Art of Fighting Team).
Heidern informs his trusty soldier Ralf Jones and Clark Still that he will not be joining KOF anymore, as his long life goal of killing his biggest enemy Rugal Bernstein has been achieved, and he must oversee their mission to watch out for any suspicious activity for the tournament. To fill in the missing team member, the e enlists a new operative named Leona, who after a not-so-friendly introduction, forms the new Ikari Warriors Team.
The Psycho Soldier Team once again enters KOF. Athena Asamiya and Sie Kensou sees this as their chance to boost their popularity, while their master Chin Gentsai wonders who could be behind the strings this time acting in the tournament.
The kunoichi Mai Shiranui tells to her bartender King that their habitual teammate Yuri won't be joining them for KOF, as she is already on the Kyokugenryu Team. King initially decides not to join KOF, as she wanted to spend time with her younger brother Jan, but he convinces her that she should join this year. As for their final member, they meet a Japanese girl named Kasumi Todoh (an Aikidoka), who wanted to join KOF' to possibly find clues about her missing father. The three come together as the new Women Fighters Team.
The bandits Chang Koehan and Choi Bounge are once again tagged along with their master Kim Kaphwan to form the Korea Justice Team. This time, if they win, Kim will see them as rehabilitated, and will let them go free.
Iori Yagami is approached by the misterious ladies Mature and Vice, Rugal's old secretaries. The two women askes Iori to join KOF in the hopes of finally killing his biggest enemy, Kyo Kusanagi. Iori agrees, but blatantly mentions that they're both up to something. Together they form the Yagami Team.
After overhearing an argument between the criminals Wolfgang Krauser and Mr. Big, the crimelord and evil emperor Geese Howard decides to for a team with the two. The three, while not trusting each other, see this as the perfect chance to crush all their enemies in one place. The three together form the Bosses Team.

Trash Head[]

Once again, all of the teams fought will all their strength, culminating with the Hero Team winning The King of Fighters '96. Chizuru appeared before Kyo and Iori, revealing that she was the one hosting this year's tournament, in an attempt to lure out the two men to fight the real threat; the coming return of Orochi. Before she could explain any further, Goenitz appears and destroys the stadium where the finals were being hosted. He reveals himself as the leader of the Hakkeshu, and that Mature and Vice were keeping an eye on Iori Yagami, since he is a descendent of Orochi. Seeing an opportunity to finally end all three heirs at once, Goenitz attacks the trio, but is ultimately defeated. In the final events of the tournament, he is defeated by Kyo with the help of Iori and Chizuru. Humiliated, Goenitz saves face and apparently took his own life in the aftermath of the tournament by cutting his body on his own wind.

Chizuru explains that since Orochi is on the verge of resurrecting, the three should form up together like their ancestors did nearly 1800 years ago. However, Kyo and Iori despised the idea of working together, and rejected her request.


Iori slaughtering Mature and Vice.

Not soon after that, Iori entered the Riot of the Blood state and killed Vice and Mature.

The King of Fighters '97[]

Bloody Coincidence[]

The incident itself and the subsequent accident of Goenitz's attack was officially reported as the result of terrorist activity by an unknown group, but the details concerning the identity, motives, and subsequent whereabouts of the terrorists remained a mystery. Despite this, the KOF '96 tournament was an overwhelming commercial success. A few months after, the event triggered a fighting craze and various large corporations, expressing interest in the fad, offered to sponsor subsequent tournaments, leading to a demand for an eagerly awaited KOF '97. The fad reached all over the globe and in no time KOF '97 came into being. As expected many teams would be formed for this iteration.

With the imminent return of Orochi and his clan, the main Sacred Treasures guardian Kyo Kusanagi, the model Benimaru Nikaido and former Judo gold medalist Goro Daimon once again team up to form the Hero Team.
The young man Terry Bogard, his brother and ninja Andy Bogard and Muay Thai champion and friend of the siblings Joe Higashi once again team up to form the Fatal Fury Team, after receiving an invitation from the freelance agent Blue Mary, and the involvement of their big enemy Geese Howard in the backstages of the tournament.
The karateka Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia and Yuri Sakazaki once again team up to form the Art of Fighting Team, to discover who injured the grandmaster of Kyokugenryu Karate and father/master of the team, Takuma Sakazaki, prior to the tournament.
The frontline soldier Leona Heidern, for the past year, has been suffering from mysterious headaches and hallucinations. During a failed mission, the Colonel Ralf Jones asks to his Commander Heidern to suspend them from active duty. In actuality, this was done for the three to form the Ikari Warriors Team to investigate what's happening with Leona, believing this to be related to the priest Goenitz, a Heavenly King of Orochi.
The idol Athena Asamiya, overwhelmed with her current popularity, initially decides not to join KOF this year. However, after reading a heartwarming letter from a fan named Kaoru Watabe, she noticed that what they're doing is inspiring other to do the good. As a result of this, Athena, her partner Sie Kensou and her master Chin Gentsai once again form the Psycho Soldier Team.
The businesswoman and one of the Sacred Treasures guardian Chizuru Kagura, publicly, announces that she will be participating in KOF '97 to see how she stacks up with other fighters. In reality, she is coming in order to convince the other Sacred Treasures guardians, Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami to work together again, this time to defeat and seal Orochi and his clan. She decides to team up with the bartender King and the kunoichi Mai Shiranui to make a new formation of the Women Fighters Team, after the disbanding of Kasumi Todoh (to continue searching for her missing father) and due to one of team's founders, Yuri Sakazaki, joining with his brother again.
Kim Kaphwan's "Rehabilitation Project" has become well-known within the general public, and many news publications have been relentlessly interviewing them. To take a break from this, Kim, along with his disciples of the project, the outlaws Chang Koehan and Choi Bounge, form the Korea Justice Team once more.
A popular music band called "C.Y.S.", featured the mysterious Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie and Chris as the lead band members, appears for the first time in the tournament. They were preparing to perform when the club they were scheduled at canceled them in favor of a jazz band featuring Iori Yagami. Upset at their loss and angered by "the man with red hair", Yashiro and his band steal the invitations from the American Sports Team (Heavy-D!, Lucky Glauber, and Brian Battler) and enter the KOF '97 tournament as the New Faces Team in order to get their revenge against Iori.
The businessman and South Town's evil emperor Geese Howard, interested with Iori's Riot of the Blood state, sends his right-hand man Billy Kane to investigate it, with Billy agreeing as a form of revenge against the musician for what he has done in the past. Geese also informs him he will be teaming up with the freelance agent Blue Mary and the criminal Ryuji Yamazaki, both of which are unaware that they're working for him. Together, the form the Outlaw Team (which is known as the Special Team in this game).
Like Leona, Iori Yagami, for the past year, has been suffering from mysterious headaches and hallucinations. While he had no intention of joining this year's KOF, he is suddenly approached by his victims and former teammates Mature and Vice. Although dead, both women continue to haunt Iori as shadows to entertain themselves, with the two mocking Iori's inability to kill Kyo Kusanagi. Iori decides to join KOF, albeit as a solo contestant, to kill his biggest enemy for good.
Shingo 97
After watching the televised KOF '96 tournament, a young man and high school student named Shingo Yabuki became a huge fan of Kyo Kusanagi. When he realized that they studied at the same school, Shingo began to pester Kyo to teach him his techniques, as he was fascinated with Kyo's flames. Shingo saw each of Kyo's moves once, wrote down every move, and practiced them everyday. He would eventually enter KOF '97 and made it to the finals as a solo contestant.

Fourth and Final Phase[]


The other Heavenly Kings awaken.

Once again, all of the teams fought will all their strength, up until the the finals of the tournament. Yashiro, Shermie and Chris, suddenly remembers their duties as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi. They begin to use the tournament in order to gather enough power from the fighters so that the trio themselves can help awaken Orochi from its long dormant sleep.


Orochi Iori & Orochi Leona awakens.

During the finals of the '97 tournament, Kyo confronts Iori. However, Iori suddenly enters the Riot of Blood state. At the same time, Leona falls to the Riot of Blood state, revealing that she is also a descendent of Orochi. Kyo, Ralf and Clark fight to snaps them out of the state. Realizing the situation, Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru come together and form the Three Sacred Treasures Team to stop the Heavenly Kings from reviving Orochi.

Fateful Conclusion[]

Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru confronts the remaining Heavenly Kings of Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, and Chris. The Hakkesshu also mention the plan to sacrifice Kyo's girlfriend Yuki in order to revive Orochi. Fueled by these turn of events, Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru fights an emotional and heroic battle against the remaining Heavenly Kings. Their battle ends up reviving Orochi, but not at full power. In order to him to reach full power, both Yashiro and Shermie commit suicide in order to transfer their remaining energy into Chris and because of this, Orochi is able to return to the world while using Chris' body as the host, and attempts to destroy the three clans at once. As was done in the legends of their clans, the trio successfully defeat him.


Kyo delivering the finishing blow.

In a last-ditch effort, Orochi causes Iori to enter the Riot of the Blood state, expecting him to turn on Kyo and Chizuru. Instead, Iori snaps out of his control and snares Orochi by the neck. Kyo suddenly gets a vision by various members of the Yasakani clan, explaining the circumstances behind Iori's past and his connection to Orochi. Kyo obliged his rival by crippling the great serpentine deity with one last deathblow, allowing Chizuru to reseal Orochi. Exhausted, Kyo passes out. The last thing he sees is Yuki, saying that she will wait for him.


Unbeknownst to even Chizuru and Iori, the final battle with Orochi was being observed by another set of eyes. Kyo disappears after the battle and would not be seen for at least a year.

The entire Hakkesshu brotherhood, except for Ryuji Yamazaki and Leona, were killed and would stay so for quite some time.

The KOF scene would then fall into silence for one year.

Characters Introduced[]

Characters who made their canonical debut in The King of Fighters series, whether they original or from other series, ordered by their first appearance in the series.

KOF '94[]

Original Characters[]

Kyo Kusanagi (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Benimaru Nikaido (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Goro Daimon (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Heidern (Playable in '94, '95, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Chin Gentsai (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Chang Koehan (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Choi Bounge (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Heavy-D! (Playable in '94, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Lucky Glauber (Playable in '94, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Brian Battler (Playable in '94, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Rugal Bernstein (Playable in '94, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout; mid-boss in '98/UM and final boss in '94/Re-Bout)

Fatal Fury series[]

Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Joe Higashi (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury 2) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Kim Kaphwan (Fatal Fury 2) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)

Art of Fighting series[]

Ryo Sakazaki (Art of Fighting 1) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Robert 97 animation 3
Robert Garcia (Art of Fighting 1) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Takuma Sakazaki (Art of Fighting 1) (Playable in '94, '95, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Yuri Sakazaki (Art of Fighting 2) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
King (Art of Fighting 1) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)

Ikari Warriors series[]

Ralf Jones (Ikari Warriors) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Clark Still (Ikari Warriors) (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)

Psycho Soldier[]

Athena Asamiya (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)
Sie Kensou (Playable in '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout)

KOF '95[]

Original Characters[]

Iori Yagami (Playable in '95, '96, '97, '98 and '98 UM; single entry in '97)
Saisyu Kusanagi (Playable in '95, '98, '98 UM and '94 Re-Bout; NPC in '94 and sub-boss in '95)
Omega Rugal (Playable in '95, '98 and '98 UM, as final boss)

Fatal Fury series[]

Billy Kane (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) (Playable in '95, '97, '98 and '98 UM)

Art of Fighting series[]

Eiji Kisaragi (Art of Fighting 2) (Playable in '95 and '98 UM)

KOF '96[]

Original Characters[]

Leona Heidern (Playable in '96, '97, '98 and '98 UM)
Mature (Playable in '96, '98 and '98 UM; NPC in '94)
Vice (Playable in '96, '98 and '98 UM; NPC in '94)
Chizuru Kagura (Playable in '96, '97, '98 and '98 UM; only sub-boss in '96)
Goenitz (Playable in '96 and '98 UM, as final boss)

Fatal Fury series[]

Geese Howard (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters) (Playable in '96 and '98 UM; his Nightmare version appear in '98 UM)
Wolfgang Krauser (Fatal Fury 2) (Playable in '96 and '98 UM)

Art of Fighting series[]

Kasumi Todoh (Art of Fighting 3) (Playable in '96 and '98 UM)
Mr. Big (Art of Fighting 1) (Playable in '96 and '98 UM)

KOF '97[]

Original Characters[]

Yashiro Nanakase (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM)
Shermie (Playable in '97, '98, and '98 UM)
Chris (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM)
Orochi Yashiro (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM, as sub-boss)
Orochi Shermie (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM, as sub-boss)
Orochi Chris (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM, as sub-boss)
Shingo Yabuki (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM; single entry in '97 and mid-boss in '98/UM)
Orochi Iori (Playable in '97 and '98 UM, as mid-boss)
Orochi Leona (Playable in '97 and '98 UM, as mid-boss)
Orochi (Final Boss; Playable in '97 and '98 UM)

Fatal Fury series[]

Ryuji Yamazaki (Fatal Fury 3) (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM)
Blue Mary (Fatal Fury 3) (Playable in '97, '98 and '98 UM)

NPC Characters[]

Non-playable characters who appear during the saga's lore.

Rodemcvsgrowl Rodemcvswalk
Rodem (Rugal's black pet panther) (Appears in '94, '95, '98 and '98 UM)
Yuki (Kyo's girlfriend and Four Heavenly Kings' target) (Appears in '94, '95, '97, '98, '98 UM, Novels and Mangas)
Gaidel (Leona's biological father and a Hakkesshu) (Appears in KOF '97)
KOF98 Novel 10
Aya and Hermione (Rugal's secretaries) (Appears in KOF '98 and '98 UM)

Characters & Teams' Participations[]

Teams and/or participations in which the characters who participated in the saga were inserted.
Note 1: The order of the tables are based on the appearances on the first mainline game of the saga.
Note 2: About the colors in the table, they follow the logic below:
  • Yellow: for table titles.
  • Law Green & Red: for the characters' participation in the saga.
  • Forest Green & Fire Brick: the first color indicates the characters who participated in all games of the saga, and the second indicates the characters who were absent from, at least, one game in the saga.
KOF '94
KOF '94 Re-Bout
KOF '95
KOF '96
KOF '97
KOF '98
KOF '98 UM
Kyo Kusanagi
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team) (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team) (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Benimaru Nikaido
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Goro Daimon
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Hero Team, Protagonist Team or Kyo Team (Japan Team)
Terry Bogard
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Andy Bogard
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Joe Higashi
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team or Garou Desentsu Team (Italy)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Fatal Fury Team (Garou Densetsu Team)
Ryo Sakazaki
Art of Fighting Team or Kyokugenryu Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team or Kyokugenryu Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Robert Garcia
Art of Fighting Team or Kyokugenryu Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team or Kyokugenryu Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Takuma Sakazaki
Art of Fighting Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team (Mexico)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Ralf Jones
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Clark Still
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team or Ikari Team (Brazil)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Athena Asamiya
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Sie Kensou
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Chin Gentsai
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (China) (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Psycho Soldier Team (Athena Team)
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Mai Shiranui
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Yuri Sakazaki
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team (England)
Women Fighters Team
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Art of Fighting Team (Kyokugenryu Team)
Kim Kaphwan
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Chang Koehan
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Choi Bounge
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team) (South Korea)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
Korea Justice Team (Kim Team)
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Lucky Glauber
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Brian Battler
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (USA)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
American Sports Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Iori Yagami
Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Yagami Team)
Yagami Team (Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team) (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Solo Participation (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Eiji Kisaragi
Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Yagami Team)
Edit Team (Mid-Boss Team)
Billy Kane
Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Yagami Team)
Outlaw Team (Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Leona Heidern
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Ikari Warriors Team (Ikari Team)
Kasumi Todoh
Women Fighters Team
Edit Team (Mid-Boss Team)
Yagami Team (Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Yagami Team (Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Yagami Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Yashiro Nanakase
New Faces/Orochi Team (Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
New Faces/Orochi Team
New Faces/Orochi Team
New Faces/Orochi Team (Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
New Faces/Orochi Team
New Faces/Orochi Team
New Faces/Orochi Team (Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
New Faces/Orochi Team
New Faces/Orochi Team
Ryuji Yamazaki
Outlaw Team (Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Blue Mary
Outlaw Team (Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Outlaw Team (KOF '97 Special Team)
Shingo Yabuki
Solo Participation
Edit Team (Mid-Boss Team)
Saisyu Kusanagi
Solo Participation
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Masters Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Geese Howard
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Wolfgang Krauser
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Mr. Big
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Bosses Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Chizuru Kagura
Sub-Boss (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Women Fighters Team (Canonical Entry)/Sacred Treasures Team (Alternative Entry)
Women Fighters Team
Women Fighters Team
Orochi Yashiro
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team & Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
Awakened Orochi Team (Alternative Team)
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Orochi Shermie
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team & Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
Awakened Orochi Team (Alternative Team)
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Orochi Chris
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team & Canonical Entry)/Rivals Team or Deuteragonist Team (Alternative Entry)
Awakened Orochi Team (Alternative Team)
Awakened Orochi Team (Sub-Boss Team)
Orochi Iori
Orochi Leona
Rugal Bernstein
Final Boss
Final Boss
Omega Rugal
Final Boss
Final Boss
Final Boss
Final Boss
Final Boss
Final Boss
Final Boss

Characters' Number Participations in the Mainline Series[]

Number of participations in each game of the saga. The participations can be by source game of the series, source series or source saga/story arc. This list considers only the characters inserted in the mainline series.

By Source Game of the Series[]

KOF '94
KOF '95
KOF '96
KOF '97

By Source Series[]

Original Characters
Fatal Fury/MOTW series
Art of Fighting series
Ikari Warriors series
Psycho Soldier

By Source Saga/Story Arc[]

Orochi Saga