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Igniz (イグニス) is a character from The King of Fighters series. He debut in The King of Fighters 2001 as the main antagonist and final boss. He becomes the new leader of the NESTS cartel after he kills his own father and former leader Nests.


His handsome and youthful appearance was specifically created at the sponsors' request.[1]


Igniz is very serious and was for years very faithful to NESTS. When he started gaining more and more power, he started to think himself as a god and found NESTS was too small for him. He becomes a megalomaniac with hopes to rule the entire planet. In keeping with his belief that he is a god, his manner of speech is very preachy. His intro speech, and many of the things he says at the end of the match are brief (but lengthy compared to everyone else's quotes) speeches. In keeping with this, when assaulting opponents with his devastating Brutal God Project attack, he declares that he is casting them down from heaven. And when defeated, he deems himself to have fallen to the level of a demon.


Igniz is one of the most empowered human bosses in the KOF series. Half of his powers is due to his special suit, while the other half comes from his psychic and heavily-implied mystical abilities, of unexplained origin. With these powers working in unison, Igniz proves that he can be indeed, the strongest of all.

  • Superhuman Strength and Resistance - Igniz is shown being very strong and sturdy this skill is supposed to come from his special suit. The strength of his special suit is proven to be stronger than a full-powered Daimon and Maxima combined, its tentacles able to knockdown huge and strong fighters like Daimon and Maxima in a single "tap". The robe is also strong enough to send those fighters flying several meters away in a single sweep, strong enough to ignore strong attacks and protect Igniz.
  • Superhuman Speed - Igniz can punch, kick and use his tendrils with high inhuman speed
  • Psychokinesis - Igniz has a vast array of psychic abilities.
    • Telepathy - Igniz is telepathically linked to his special suit.
      • Tentacle Attacks - Igniz can use the tentacles of his suit to attack the opponent by commanding them telepathically to do so.
      • Sentience Inducement - Igniz can grant his special suit with sentience of their own.
    • Reflect Projectiles - His suit can reflect projectiles or physical attacks.
    • Force Fields - Igniz can create force fields, which act as shields or projectiles reflector.
    • Flight - Igniz is capable of flight.
  • Ergokinesis - Igniz can channel energy, either naturally (his own) or artificially (through his armor). His energy appears to be whitish in colour but sometime it can change to purple or orange colour.
    • Energy Projectile - Igniz can fire a projectile of white energy.
    • Energy Pillar - Igniz can create several pillars of white energy.
    • Energy Ball - Igniz can create a powerful ball of white energy.
    • Energy Blast - Through his suit, he can fire a blast of white energy from each of its tentacles.
    • Cosmokinesis - Igniz has some control over cosmic energy, he can gather energy from the universe as a source of his power. Igniz's all abilities are mostly powered by cosmic energy. Such as his strength, speed, stamina and energy projection.
      • Energy Absorption - Igniz especial suit can absorb the energy of the universe, it is seen many times throughout games but his most notable is when he draws energy from the Milky Way and creates a massive ball of energy or a crystal ball which can destroy his opponent.
    • Divine Power - Igniz's powers could also be taken as divine, heavenly-like.
      • Divine Empowerment - Igniz can use his divine powers to empower himself or his special suit.
      • Divine Energy Manipulation - Igniz manipulates holy energy, using it either through himself or his special suit. It takes the form of white energy.
  • Magic - Igniz can use mystical abilities seen in a few games. But there are theories that he uses this ability in their particular universe invoking the crystal ball that holds the opponent, a mystical symbol can be seen on the ground when Igniz uses this ability.

Fighting style[]

Like many SNK bosses, Igniz is extremely powerful and difficult to defeat. Igniz relies on his powers and on his special suit. His suit is linked mentally to his mind and it contains two tentacles hidden in his wrists and four tentacles that end in pointed edges.


  • Ware koso Saikyo (I Am the Mightiest) - The King of Fighters 2001, All Star
  • Save the Universe - The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
  • Igniz/Zero after Versus Regular Bonus - The King of Fighters 2
  • Igniz Clear Bonus - The King of Fighters 2

Voice actors[]






  • In KOF 2001, Igniz has no crouching attack animations, yet has standing attacks that must be guarded low; additionally, he cannot crouch, like typical SNK bosses. His basic attacks have far and quick reach, and could poke enemies from a safe distance. Crouching animations and crouching attacks were added to him in KOF 2002UM, featuring characteristics reminiscent of Zero and his clone
  • In his Disintegrational Universe attack, he draws power from the Milky Way and uses it against his opponent when he captures them in a crystal ball, which will display the overview of the Milky Way as well.
  • Igniz is a clear allusion of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, for some reasons:
    • Where he wanted to dethrone his father Nests to literally become "god", killing him to become the leader of the organization and a god as well (Lucifer also wanted to be god).
    • However, he ended up failing in his mission, after losing to K' (in Lucifer's case, after the battle with the Archangel Michael and his troop) and becoming a demon self-proclaimed (Lucifer was expelled from Paradise after colluding with the other angels to take the place of God, and also building his throne above Him.)
    • After this events, Igniz tries to crash his space station down to Earth (Lucifer was released down to the Hell, and turned to Satan).



The King of Fighters characters
KOF '94 Logo Sprite Kyo KusanagiBenimaru NikaidoGoro DaimonTerry BogardAndy BogardJoe HigashiRyo SakazakiRobert GarciaTakuma SakazakiRalf JonesClark StillHeidernAthena AsamiyaSie KensouChin GentsaiKingMai ShiranuiYuri SakazakiKim KaphwanChang KoehanChoi BoungeHeavy-D!Lucky GlauberBrian BattlerRugal Bernstein
KOF '95 Logo Sprite Iori YagamiBilly KaneEiji KisaragiSaisyu KusanagiOmega Rugal
KOF '96 Logo Sprite Leona HeidernMatureViceKasumi TodohGeese HowardWolfgang KrauserMr. BigChizuru KaguraGoenitz
KOF '97 Logo Sprite Shingo YabukiYashiro NanakaseShermieChrisBlue MaryRyuji YamazakiOrochi IoriOrochi LeonaOrochi YashiroOrochi ShermieOrochi ChrisOrochi
KOF '99 Logo Sprite K'MaximaWhipBaoLi XiangfeiJhun HoonKyo-1Kyo-2Krizalid
KOF '99 Evolution Logo VanessaSethSyo KirishimaAlfredFiolina GermiGai Tendo
KOF 2000 Logo Sprite RamónLinHinako ShijoKula DiamondClone ZeroFoxyCandy DiamondAnother K'Another IoriAnother BenimaruAnother RobertCosplayer KyokoKang Bae DalSmart ChangCool ChoiKaoru WatabeBaitangDuck KingLilly KaneKim Jae HoonKim Dong HwanUnknownKing LionKim Sue-ilKaedeDuke EdwardsRockyAthenaNeo & GeoG-Mantle
KOF 2001 Logo Sprite May Lee JinjuK9999ÁngelZeroRonGluganIgnizMistyNests
KOF EX Logo Moe Habana
KOF 2002 Logo Sprite Kusanagi
KOF EX2 Logo Reiji OogamiJun KagamiMiu KurosakiSinobu Amou
KOF 2003 Logo Sprite Ash CrimsonDuo LonShen WooTizocGatoMalinMaki KaguraAdelheid BernsteinMukai
KOF MI Logo Alba MeiraSoiree MeiraLien NevilleMignon BeartChae LimDukeRock Howard
KOF XI Logo Sprite OswaldElisabeth BlanctorcheMomokoB. JenetShionMagakiSilberSho HayateJyazuHotaru FutabaItokatsuTung Fu Rue
KOF MI2 Logo Luise MeyrinkNagaseJivatmaNinon BeartHyenaHanzo HattoriKyo Kusanagi ClassicWild WolfMr. Karate IIArmor RalfRichard Meyer
KOF MIRA Logo Xiao LonMakoto Mizoguchi
KOF '98UM Logo Nightmare Geese
KOF 2002UM Logo Nameless
KOF XII Logo Raiden
KOF XIII Logo Hwa JaiSaikiEvil AshMr. Karate
KOF XIV Logo Shun'eiMeitenkunGang-ilLuongXanaduSylvie Paula PaulaKukriMianNelsonZarinaBandeiras HattoriKing of DinosaursHeinNakoruruMamahahaMui MuiLove HeartAlice Garnet NakataAntonovVerseNajd (Aila)
The King of Fighters XV Logo Isla (Amanda) • DoloresKrohnen McDougallRe VerseOtoma RagaHaohmaruDarli DaggerUnnamed "Special" DLC Character