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Samurai Shodown (2019)[]

Win Quotes[]

Generic Win Quotes[]

  • "Am I a demon? Perhaps..."
  • "I think it is high time you reevalutaed your abilities in combat."
  • "I believe we may have some common ground here. You can lower your weapon now."
  • "You started this fight, not me. You can lament your decision in the afterlife."
  • "I was expecting you to put up a little of a fight than that."
  • "I refuse to die until I find That Man."

Specific Win Quotes[]

  • "I can't understand a single word you're saying. Get lost." (vs. Amakusa)
  • "I'm sending you straight back to Hell." (vs. Basara)
  • "Some lines just aren't meant to be crossed. Once you do, not even the fact that you're a child will save you." (vs. Cham Cham)
  • "You find me crude, hm? I agree wholeheartedly. Concepts such as etiquette have no place in battle." (vs. Charlotte)
  • "That weapon is actually nice... Although, it's a bit too big to be sneaking around with." (vs. Darli)
  • "You're trying to tell me you're a ninja? Is anybody stupid enough to believe that?" (vs. Earthquake)
  • "Why are you holding back? I don't have time to waste fighting with half-hearted opponents such as yourself." (vs. Galford)
  • "I can understand your motivations — we are similar in many ways." (vs. Genjuro)
  • "Rabbits and umbrellas, flying through the air... Tch. I sound crazy just saying it." (vs. Gongsun Li)
  • "It's been a while since I've seen a proper ninja such as yourself." (vs. Hanzo)
  • "Opponents like you are difficult to face. Despite your lust for battle, you don't rush in foolishly." (vs. Haohmaru)
  • "Fine. The victor goes on to Hades... I take it you've got no problem with that?" (vs. Herself)
  • "Those who kill others with a sword can never go to Heaven. Hell is their only destination." (vs. Hibiki)
  • "I find that you and I are quite different in many ways." (vs. Iroha)
  • "Knowing that you were a dual sword user from the beginning made this battle too easy. You've got to keep your trump card hidden or there's no point to it, right?" (vs. Jubei)
  • "It takes more than just simply charging into the fray to beat me." (vs. Kazuki)
  • "You derive pleasure to cutting people down while you dance... I admire your taste in hobbies, as well as that of your fans." (vs. Kyoshiro)
  • "You managed to survive despite being beaten so badly... I am genuinely impressed." (vs. Mina)
  • "There is a sound that rings constantly in my ears... I'm sorry, but I can't hear a single word you're saying." (vs. Nakoruru)
  • "Forgive me... I'm not ready to die just yet." (vs. Rimururu)
  • "I think you'd fit in quite well in my world." (vs. Ruixiang)
  • "You may look human, but in reality, you are a total monster... You don't seem to feel anything, no matter how much I punch or slice you." (vs. Shiki)
  • "That's just the way it goes sometimes. Once you decided to stand and fight, you can't afford to hesitate." (vs. Shizumaru)
  • "Did you think battles could be won through foresight alone? Unfortunately, combat is not a such a forgiving endeavor." (vs. Sogetsu)
  • "Your size just makes you an even bigger target." (vs. Tam Tam)
  • "When two people are equal in strength, the battle comes down to their moves and internal fortitude. Forgive me, but fighting with a single blade isn't really my style." (vs. Ukyo)
  • "With a strength like yours, who needs friends?" (vs. Wan-Fu)
  • "You fought well. I actually enjoyed watching your swordsmanship." (vs. Warden)
  • "Your quest for revenge means little if you're dead... That is why you must live to see it through, even if it means you lose a battle or two." (vs. Yashamaru)
  • "I am surprised at just how much trouble you caused me, but you still have a number of flaws to overcome." (vs. Yoshitora)

Draw Quote[]

  • "Enough... It's pointless for this battle to continue any longer."

Story Quotes[]

Story Prologue[]

On a journey of vengeance that never ends, a lone figure is washed ashore in a strange land. It is a land where people find themselves perplexed by the clouded state of the world. If there is an evil that disturbs all things, then where is the blade that shall slay it? Listemn to the sounds when afar. View the sights once you draw near. The figure is a crude samurai of the lowest rank. One with no intent of dying the honorable death of a warrior.

Intro Quote (Story Mode)[]

  • "I've been waiting for you... Now, draw your weapon. The tale of your fleeting life is about to reach its conclusion."

Fateful Battle Dialogue[]


Baiken: "I don't have any particular reason to fight with you. I simply can't refuse a challenge when I hear a sword escape its sheath. I don't want to hear any complaints when you die, samurai."
Haohmaru: "It's not often I get to face a worthy opponent like you. Come! I don't want to you to hold anything back!"

Win Quote (Story Mode)[]

  • "This is just the way I do things. Am I everything you expected, Haohmaru?" (vs. Haohmaru)

Quote vs. Shizuka[]

  • "I shall send you back to Nirvana personally. You're not fit to breath the air of this world."

Story Epilogue[]

See off the maiden on the way to Heaven, as a storm of cherry blossoms erupts into view. The devil's presence disappears with the morning dew, while a carpet of flowers spreads out over the fields. The aftermath of the battle lingers within the bosom, while the fragrance of a spring breeze waits by. Tilt a cup toward the tree's root; raise up a cup in hand. Look up at the bright, clear sky at the journey's end. It is the magnificent scene of a glorious spring, a peaceful flower that blooms in the hearts of the people. Stopping by the teahouse in search of news, she listens in on the liven banter. The vicissitudes of life are the way of the world, it is too much to hope for peace. Hearing the footsteps of her foe amongst the rumours of the masses, flames of vengeance rage in her heart. Bid farewell to the wandering samurai, departing a foreign land. A winding path to Hell is reflected in her left eye, while her right arm yearns to claim her target's head. She is willing to climb moutains of bodies and wade through rivers of blood. As the end of her journey approaches... The swordswoman Baiken wonders, where will the journey ultimately take her? Inquistion, judgement, the Law of the Emperor... Vengeance will be unleashed in the lowest levels of Hell. Pay respects to Yama, king of Hell. Pay respects to Yama, king of Hell.

End Quotes (Story Mode)[]

  • "It is time for me to go. There is nothing left to accomplish here."
  • "I lost many things that are dear to me a long time ago. All that remains is a small flicker of vengeance that burns within this swordswoman's heart."
  • "This is Japan, albeit many years ago. Strangely, I feel nothing, even if it might be my homeland."
  • "Wait for me in Nirvana. I'll end up there individually; we can fight again after my arrival."