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Samurai Shodown series[]

Command Input
Command Normals
Tokoshugi 1 (特殊技とくしゅぎ1; Special Skill 1)
Forward Input + Neo Geo A Button
Baiken uppercuts her opponent.
All appearances
Tokoshugi 2 (特殊技とくしゅぎ1; Special Skill 2)
Air Neo Geo C ButtonNeo Geo D Button
Baiken fires a cannon from her right arm.
All appearances
Gatling Combination 1 (ガトリングコンビネーション 1)
Neo Geo D Button (after Neo Geo D Button or advancing Neo Geo D Button)
Baiken slashes her opponent a second time.
All appearances
Gatling Combination 2 (ガトリングコンビネーション 2)
Neo Geo C ButtonNeo Geo D Button (after air Neo Geo D Button)
Baiken fires a cannon from her right arm.
All appearances
Special Moves
Tatami Gaeshi
QCF Input + Neo Geo B Button (air OK)
Baiken slams her heel on the floor, summoning a tatami mat that falls onto her opponent.
All appearances
Youzansen (妖斬扇ようざんせん; Calamity-Slashing Fan)
Air Z Input + Neo Geo A Button or Neo Geo C Button or Neo Geo D Button
Baiken does a circular slice with her sword.
All appearances
Kabari (蚊鉤かばり; Fishing Fly)
HCF Input + Neo Geo C Button or Neo Geo D Button
Baiken grabs her opponent with her clawed arm. Can be followed up by Himawari, Tetsuzan Sen or Rokkon Sogi.
All appearances
Himawari (閑割ひまわり; Silence)
Neo Geo A Button (during Kabari)
Baiken grabs her opponent by their face, then slams them to the floor.
All appearances
Tetsuzan Sen (鉄斬扇てつざんせん; Iron-Slashing Fan)
Neo Geo C Button (during Kabari)
Baiken creates a shockwave at her opponent's feet.
All appearances
Rokkon Sogi (六根削そっこんろ; Sharpening the Six Senses)
Neo Geo D Button (during Kabari, Azami or Suzuran)
Baiken slashes her opponent while hopping forwards.
All appearances
Azami (亞坐身あざみ; Seated Body)
Neo Geo A ButtonNeo Geo B Button (crouch OK)
Baiken assumes a defensive stance with her sword. Can be followed up by Kuchinashi, Sakura, Rokkon Sogi or Mawari-komi.
All appearances
Kuchinashi (口無あざみ; Unspoken)
Neo Geo A Button (during Azami or Suzuran)
Baiken jumps and slashes her opponent upwards.
All appearances
Sakura (裂羅さくら; Rending)
Neo Geo C Button (during Azami or Suzuran)
Baiken stabs her opponent while facing away from them.
All appearances
Mawari-komi (まわ; Wraparound)
Neo Geo B Button (during Azami or Suzuran)
Baiken hops behind her opponent.
All appearances
Suzuran (爵走あざみ; Running Baron)
HCB Input + Neo Geo B Button
Baiken rushes at her opponent. Can be followed up by Kuchinashi, Sakura, Rokkon Sogi or Mawari-komi.
All appearances
Weapon-Flipping Technique
Tsurane Sanzu-watashi (つら三途渡さんずわた; Three-Way Delivery)
QCF Input + Neo Geo C ButtonNeo Geo D Button
Baiken slashes her opponent twice, then swings her sword in a circle before doing the third and final slash.
All appearances
Super Special Move
Koubouissen (光芒一閃えんじゃかくせい; Beam of Light Brandish)
Forward InputHCF Input + Neo Geo B ButtonNeo Geo D Button
Baiken jabs the hilt of her sword into her opponent. If she connects, she runs at her target, slashes them, and makes them drop to the floor once her sword is sheathed.
All appearances