Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sales Swings to 10 Million Units Sold

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Sales 2024

Insomniac Games’ Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 continues to impressive, as the studio has announced that the sequel has crossed over 10 million in sales.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sales at 10 Million Units Sold and Counting…

While most of the sales did occur during the launch, based on the total sales figures, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has averaged about 2.5 million copies since its release four months ago. Not bad, and given the roaring reviews (including ours), we’re glad to see that success is also reflected in the sales numbers.

Huge congrats to Insomniac Games on the success of the title!

As for what we can expect next out of the franchise, while a third game will likely happen, fans can look forward to some new content for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 next month. Insomniac plans to release a New Game Plus update on March 7, 2024, which includes the new mode, some new Spider-Man suits for Peter and Miles, and much more! We’ll have the full details on that update once we get closer to release, so stay tuned!

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James Lara

A gamer at heart, James has been working for MP1st for the last decade to do exactly what he loves, writing about video games and having fun doing it. Growing up in the 90's gaming has been in his DNA since the days of NES. One day he hopes to develop his own game.

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4 months ago

Looking forward to returning to Spider-Man 2 and checking out the new suits, it’ll be interesting seeing what NG+ has to offer. If everything carries over including perks or if the enemy mobs are any more difficult.

Last edited 4 months ago by Nikki_boagreis

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