Report: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Possible DLC Detailing Enemies, Missions and More Surfaces

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Update 1.002.001

Could Insomniac Games be working on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC? While nothing has been announced, a bunch of data alluding to it has recently surfaced, which lists not only a new costume, but a new enemy and missions as well.

(Spoiler Warning: If you don’t want anything for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 spoiled, which includes possible future announcements, don’t read further).

This was spotted by Twitter user Visceral, with lines of code from the game seemingly confirming that a “Beetle” section of the game is in the data, and this points to Tombstone’s daughter Janice Lincoln or also known as Lady Beetle. There are even missions listed alongside XP for complete missions, and even new enemy types!

Spider-Man 2 BEETLE DLC – Reveal, possible Missions and new Enemys

Of course, same as with any unconfirmed info, this could be leftover code from a previous build that didn’t make the cut or something else entirely. That said, most of the leftover stuff from most games do come to fruition, and given the game’s amazing sales, I wouldn’t be shocked to see a DLC be released. I mean, based on the recent Insomniac Games hack, Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is set to be released in 2028, which is quite far off.

While no DLC has been confirmed just yet, Insomniac Games does have the New Game+ and mission replay features slated to swing out in “early 2024.”

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Alex Co

Father, gamer, games media vet, writer of words, killer of noobs.

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6 months ago

As a big fan of Spider-Man 2018, this game (2023) being so well received disgusts me. The DLC’s should be free, taking into account the side quests that are just “teasers” and how short the game is in general. Alan Wake 2 and TLOU2 take longer to get to 100% than this OPEN WORLD game whose map is “twice” as big as the previous games. I’m not even going to talk about the third act of the story being rushed and the lack of features that the other games had……

6 months ago

Spiderman 2 was extremely short in terms of content, beating the game and doing everything including getting the platinum trophy took me just under 30 hours. Nothing was even remotely challenging, the only thing that took awhile was getting all the Spider bots. If they do release dlc i hope it’s packed full of new content.

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