MP1st Staff

Alex Co : Editor-in-Chief

Alex Co


Alex Co wanted to write about games for a living ever since he picked up his first gaming magazine way back then. The stars aligned or just by dumb luck, that became reality. Now, Alex is the owner of MP1st and living the dream with his  two daughters while swearing loudly in every multiplayer match.

Danny Robijn : Author

Danny Robijn


Hi, my name is Danny, please to meet you! A little about myself, I love gaming, what more is there to say? I spend most of time playing competitive shooters, such as Apex Legends, Call of Duty, and Battlefield, but does love playing single-player experiences. Hope you enjoy my content on the site, and I look forward to sharing it all with you.

Jack B : News Writer

Jack B

News Writer

Jack has been gaming since before he had conscious memories. He started with games like Super Smash Bros. and Ocarina of Time on the N64 and he's played at least a game or two on nearly every console released since then.  These days he mostly plays whatever he can get his friends to join him in on the PC. He also loves zombie movies and anything that deals with time loops.

James Lara : Senior Editor/Media Producer

James Lara

Senior Editor/Media Producer

A gamer at heart, James has been working for MP1st for the last decade to do exactly what he loves, writing about video games and having fun doing it. Growing up in the 90's gaming has been in his DNA since the classic NES and still strives to this day. One day he hopes to develop his own game that everyone will love to play.
AJ Okami : Reviewer

AJ Okami


A gamer since the 90s, AJ has been covering the video game industry for two years. While he is now primarily a PC gamer, he is a fan of all major platforms and has owned one of them at one point or another. Currently a full time CS student, AJ loves the tech side of things and handles reviews and news articles for MP1st
Sean Messler : Reviewer

Sean Messler


Sean's love of video games began before home consoles were a thing. Arcades drew his attention and quarters for hours  - much to the chagrin of his parents (who supplied the quarters). From the Atari 2600 - his first console - to the PS5 - his newest console. Sean has been in games media since 2012 and his passion is for reviews and op-eds and commenting on both the creative and business sides of video games. Also loves dogs, hardcore music, movies (watching and making).

Ibrahim Kabir : News Writer

Ibrahim Kabir

News Writer

A half-sane sleep-deprived college student who likes to write about video games. Primarily an Xbox gamer, I still own and respect all platforms. I handle the news side of things and occasionally publish opinion pieces. Also, DC is better than Marvel
Damian Seeto : News Writer

Damian Seeto

News Writer

Damian Seeto is a huge video game fan and has been writing as a freelancer since 2009. The first game he ever played was Street Fighter II and the first game review he wrote was Street Fighter IV. He lives in New Zealand with 8 stray cats!
Salman HZ : News Writer

Salman HZ

News Writer

Salman's gaming journey began between eras with Flash player adventures and legendary PS1 titles, and his heart is still in the single-player experiences of... not-so-old. When not tracking resets or thinking of the perfect headline, he can usually be found headbanging to prog riffs or making deliveries in Death Stranding. His one true dream is a Hideo Kojima game starring the entire human race.
Vítor Braz : News Writer

Vítor Braz

News Writer

Born and raised with the ZX Spectrum and Commodore Amiga, Vítor spent years of his life playing Speedball 2 and Sensible Soccer. Writing about games for over three decades, he loves story-driven games the most, has a knack for horror adventure, but plays pretty much anything.