Black Ops 6 Gameplay Reveal Trailer Skyrockets to Become Most Watched Call of Duty Trailer of All-Time

Black Ops 6 most watched

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has already made history and it’s not even out yet. The gameplay reveal trailer, which was released just three days ago, is now the most watched Call of Duty video/trailer of all-time!

To date, the video has now amassed over 50 million views and has beaten Infinite Warfare’s reveal trailer released eight years ago that managed to snag an impressive 46 million views. Is it because people are excited to see the Black Ops franchise once again? Perhaps it’s due to the Omnimovement mechanic shown off in the trailer that lets gamers play out their best Max Payne impersonation? I honestly have no clue but this is an impressive stat — especially since it’s been just a few days.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, go watch it now:

For those that don’t remember or just want to relive the magic, I’ve also included the Infinite Warfare reveal trailer below.

Mind, that’s just the single-player reveal! The actual multiplayer reveal isn’t happening until August at Call of Duty Next.

Even if the multplayer reveal isn’t here yet, that doesn’t mean we don’t know anything about it. Check out our blowout on classic Prestige’s return, an explanation of Omnimovement and more here.

Black Ops 6 launches this October 25 on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

More Black Ops 6 Reading:

Alex Co

Father, gamer, games media vet, writer of words, killer of noobs.

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