Alan Wake 2 Update 1.000.011 Drops for Small Fixes

Alan Wake 2 Update 1.000.011

Remedy Entertainment has released Alan Wake 2 update 1.000.011 (PC version 1.0.11, Xbox version, which sadly, doesn’t come with any tangible fixes. This is a small download on all platforms, with the patch notes available below.

Alan Wake 2 Update 1.000.011 Patch Notes | Alan Wake 2 Update 1.0.11 Patch Notes | Alan Wake 2 Update patch Notes:

Size: 504MB (PS5)


  • Small localization fixes.

Yep, that’s about it. Of course, this doesn’t mean the devs are done fixing and optimizing the game just yet, as there are still a number of game-affecting bugs. However, even with those, it’s still a topnotch experience, as we’ve included it in our The Game Awards potential list of nominees and winners.

Speaking of bugs, patch version 1.00.10 included over 100 gameplay fixes, which include fixing critical blocking progress for Scratch (A New Plan) mission and more. You can read up about it here.

Source: Alan Wake

More Alan Wake 2 Reading:

Alex Co

Father, gamer, games media vet, writer of words, killer of noobs.

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